Need help with my 20+ years Phillips brickwall.

+4 votes

For over 20 years my 3rd great grandfather has been a massive brick wall, Aaron Phillips 1801-1889, Phillips-19955. I have twice hired professionals from NEHGS with not much luck on anything concrete. (See Research Notes on his profileI

I see soooooo many Phillips on my Wiki feed and yet none seem to connect to my line. My dad had his DNA tested through Family Tree in 2007 and he was placed in Family Group 19 which showed a common ancestor named William Phillips back in the 1700's I think. I can't even find that info anymore, Family Tree has changed since dad took the test. I am updating his tree info on FT in the meantime.

NEHGS found one "probable" father for Aaron, but I don't like "probable"...I much prefer positive. I checked the probable father's history and can't seem to find any Aaron in it that matches mine.

Aaron married Tryphena Chapin Chapin-522, daughter of Gordon Chapin Chapin-513. (See the Research Notes on her profile). No primary marriage record has ever been located. Nor has a primary birth record been found for Aaron. Nothing that gives his parents names. His birth place varies between New Hampshire and Vermont.

One interesting note: Lewis Latham 1584-1655, my 12th great grandfather looks eerily just like Aaron and my dad. Google him.

So if NEGHS couldn't find any solid info, what should I do now?

WikiTree profile: Aaron Phillips
in Genealogy Help by Julee Limbach G2G2 (2.7k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Just a small thing. On Alex's wedding registration in 1899 he names his mother as "Tryphena BATES", not Chapin. Was she a widower when she married Aaron or did she remarry after Aaron's death?

Hi Lorraine, no, Tryphena never remarried. I have found nothing over the years that would indicate she was married before Aaron. Both of them are enigma's. There are census records of them but definitive vital records like birth and marriage are missing. She was born in Ontario, Canada. Aaron went to Canada I don't know exactly when. I have the copies of the results from NEHGS and they couldn't find any either. And they have better access to records to records than I do. I really have nothing concrete to go on re: Aaron's parentage..he or someone didn't..didn't leave any paper trail. I need someone from Wiki who knows how and where to search Ontario records.

I'm going to go look at that link you posted, see if I can make heads or tails of it cool

Ive been researching Canadian records for many years. Other than some early census, land petitions, grants and sundry's there is not a lot prior to about 1864 for birth, marriage and deaths. Library and Archives Canada is a great online source for all of those types of records. They even hold the Burleigh Fonds which includes other families as well as the Burley/Burleighs.  Local churches if the records survived are worth doing an inquiry with. Local area genealogical societies as well. They may have access to the Church Records. Internet Archive has many books on Ontario - I did a search on one called Early Records of Ontario but came up empty.

They didn't stay long in Canada. The one question in my mind is "what drew Aaron to Canada?" He was born about 1800 so can't imagine he left New Hampshire before 1821 when he came of age. Was he in the military? I did a search on the UEL website but found nothing to connect him there. There were a lot of Phillips that made Land Grant petitions but no way of knowing if he was connected to any of them. He was farming in the 1851 Census, wonder if he owned the land? Tryphena's family must be around there somewhere. Can't imagine they went too far from them. Search for Chapin on that Census? And the 1841 could be searched.

I spent over a decade searching for one of my Canadian relatives, it was a release of a death registration some 10 years after we started looking that solved her parentage. Early records are the hardest.

Ok Lorraine. this is what I found. The Alex in the link you posted is a different Alexander Phillips, not the son of my Aaron. The Alex in this record was 46 years old when he married in 1899 placing his birth in 1853-54 and it says in Indiana. My Alex, son of Aaron, Phillips-19955, was born in 1840 in Canada. He was 20 years old on the 1860 census showing him with his parents and correct siblings.

The Wiki profile for Alex in the link is wrong in terms of parents. I am not the manager and don't know if I can change it but will try. Thank you for bringing that link to my attention!

Oh, I didn't know your experience with Canadian records, sorry! If you haven't already, go to Tryphena's profile Chapin-522 to the research notes. I have outlined what information NEHGS came up with concerning Tryphena and Aaron. I don't know what led Aaron to Canada. I think he went with his brother Elam...I remember reading that somewhere.

Maybe someday we'll get this straightened out!

You know Im pretty sure I found that on FSearch, not on the wikitree profile. Sorry, Ive been recovering from pneumonia and I think the meds are really messing with me. Just disregard. Sorry I couldnt be much help. Good luck in your search!

Nope, it's me who needs to apologize. I was looking at records for 2 Aarons and an Alexander and got my A's mixed up...The dates I mentioned above were for Aaron Sr.'s son Aaron, NOT Alex. He was 6 on the 1860 census so 1854 would have been his birth year. I think it was the name of his wife, Hattie Howard that threw me. Have never come across that name in relation to my line of Phillips. And Bates...that has to be a typo. I have never seen that name either in any records or trees regarding my Phillips. Which means I am going to have to dig deeper and see where these names come from.

Sure hope you are feeling better! Take it easy smiley

Ok, no worries lol. Its not likely a transcription error, as the image looks like its the original record? But could just be a clerk error. It is strange. Tryphena died not long after Aaron, doesnt leave a lot of room to well as being too old really. 

I found what looks like Gordon Chapin's Land Grant, so he was U.E. Citation for Gordons entry below. Gives his land location in the documents.

*"Ontario Land Petitions(1763-1865)", Library and Archives Canada,<br>LAC [ Record], accessed 2024-04-30,<br>Chapin, Gordon, Place: Talbot Road, Year: 1827, Vol: 108, Bundle: C-15, Petition: 10, Ref: RG 1 L3, Microfilm: C-1725 Image: 93-95/1330

I also see Isaac Whitings application in there. Doesn't say much. What I was looking for was an application by Tryphena as the daughter of a U.E. Loyalist. It doesn't appear that she applied after she married Aaron. No Tryphena Chapin/Phillips name comes up. (to apply sons had to be 21, daughters had to be married or have a male guardian to apply)

I also looked to see if Elizabeth Whiting applied as daughter of a U.E. Loyalist but didn't spot anything. Not under Elizabeth Chapin/Whiting. 


NEHGS states "this information matches with the Isaac Whiting who was an early settler in Brantford, Ontario, and father-in-law of Gordon Chapin. Having served for the Massachusetts military, however, it is unlikely that he was a Loyalist in Canada. Brantford, Ontario was known to have Loyalist settlers, which may be where the confusion arose regarding Isaac Whiting." Isaac Whiting was not listed in Ontario Loyalist Ancestors or Loyalist Families of the Grand River Branch.

This is part of what I have on Tryphena's profile. I'm not real familiar with the U.E Loyalist stuff, just what NEHGS found regarding Gordon Chapin and Isaac Whiting. I'm going to check out your links, thanks!

Doing a bit more reading as I was wondering why the mention of Col. Talbot in George Chapins Land documents. Its seems Col. Talbot was cherry picking settlers to establish homesteads and clear land for which the government awarded him land of his own. So perhaps Whiting and Chapin were not U.E. as I first thought but actually they were part of the Talbot Settlement pioneers.

Here is Isaac Whitings paperwork on LAC Land Petitions. No mention of Col Talbot in there. And not a U.E. application. Image 426-431

This is interesting. George Chapin's Find A Grave entry shows a daughter by the name of Sarah (Chapin) BATES

Bates eh? Gordon Chapin had a sister named Tryphena. It was not an uncommon name back then. Who is George Chapin and where does he fit in? (or do you mean Gordon?) So many names floating in my overworked brain I can't keep track!laugh

Whoops, yes Gordon. Just updated Tryphena's sister's profile. Now shows her married name and info. So Bates was Alexanders Aunt, mixup of name solved I think
Ok, it's Gordon. I followed the Bates line from his FAG and it was pretty much a dead end. I will have to search Tryphena Bates...I have a small hunch she was another of many in the time period to be given that name. And Aaron Phillips was another fairly common name. Thank for all these links too, quite helpful!
Gordon Chapin in the FAG is Tryphena's dad. Sarah Chapin Bates is Tryphena Chapin Phillips sister.

Sorry, didn't mean to overwhelm! Your welcome on the links!!

There is a hint on the FAG entry for Charles W. Chapin (Tryphena's brother). He was born in London District, Ontario in 1821 and baptized in the Freewill Baptist Church. To find a record for Tryphena and Aaron I would start with the London District area and you could ask the Church to do a lookup for the record. 

Ran a google search - found this

AHA! Good work Lorraine and TYVM for solving that problem! Now it makes more sense.

I have been updating Alex's Wiki profile and came across something odd. His 2nd wife, Hattie (Wright) Howard. Her FAG page shows a newspaper clipping of an obit for Hattie Jewel Howard. The obit doesn't mention any husbands but her profile lists her first husband, Ara Chester Howard, and her second husband as Alexander Phillips. Her first husband died in 1895, she married Alex in 1899. Wouldn't/shouldn't her last name at death have been Phillips? Now I'm all confused again.....more research on the way.frown

A quick glance says that the ducks are not lining up. But newspapers and Find A Grave are very suspect sources. Hattie had kids with Asa Howard, don't believe she had any with Alexander. Family submit Obits (and Death registrations) so assuming that the kids did it they likely used the Howard name for her.  Its not wrong just missing the details of her second marriage. It did say she had 4 step children which of course must be Alexanders kids with Eve. The middle name of Jewel is most likely a newspaper mistake.
I see the middle name of "Jewel" is on her death registration. It was her daughter who submitted the info for the death, she prolly did the Obit as well. Have to put this one as odd, right up there with Tryphena "Bates". Sometimes family give incorrect info.

Hi Lorraine, I have finished updating Alexander's profile, Phillips-41044. That was a chore! At least now there is a start for his wives and children. Thank you so much for all your help!!

Yes, I don't often trust FAG unless I personally knew the person and I have found many errors on This one was a toughie but I think, with a lot of your help, we have it pretty well straightened out. winkThanks again!

Your Welcome! I don't feel like I did much, rattled a few boxes maybe lol! Aaron remains a bit of a mystery, hope you break that wall some day!

2 Answers

+6 votes

Here is something to go through. This genealogical study on the Phillips familes in Ontario was done by H.C. Burleigh. The Accrual (first and second) are held at Queens University and the images are hosted by Internet Archive ( )

 H.C. Burleigh Fonds -First Accrual-Phillips

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (215k points)

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