Do you have an interest in the Indian sub continent? Then join us in the India Project.

+18 votes

The India Project co-ordinates contributions from WikiTreers who have an interest in the history, culture and peoples of the Dominions of India and Pakistan.

If you would like to join the project we would love to have you.  Please post an answer below and follow the instructions on the project page.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Maria Maxwell G2G6 Pilot (192k points)
Yes , thousands of Indians settled in the Caribbean and Guyana South America.  I have done a lot of research on the Indian families in st Lucia.  I was raised in a community named Forestiere ( In st Lucia). Many of the Indians settled in that community and were assigned land after their contract was up.  My grand ma knew many of the Indian settlers and often told me stories about them.  I didn’t know the original settlers but I do know some of their kids and grandkids.  Most of the East Indians settled in Trinidad and South America.  Up to this day they still practice the Indian culture.  In the southern part of St Lucia , Vieux Fort,  people still have Indian weddings, play the music,  etc. I would really love to trace my ancestors back to India. Some of the names associated with this migration are, khan, Adjodha, Loobacktarry (I believe the name might  have been Lou  Bakthairi and it was joined), Jawahir, Khodra, Goolaman, Ghirawoo, Tampasaud, Goolab, Rampasaud, Saurdising, Bhouli, Naitram, Gajadhar, Biroo, Ragunanan, Sighn, Jagrup, Dariah, Rambally and Ramjatan.
Hi Maria,

I'd like to join the India project. Many of my ancestors were involved in the British East India Company and the Indian Civil Service, and my gg grandfather [[Stevens-17279|Charles Cecil Stevens]] was for a short time Lt. Governor of Bengal. I'm also interested in the sub-project about the Honourable British East India Company. Thank you!

Hi Sally and welcome to the India Project.    Would you like to be added to the trusted list for the Honourable East India Company.   It's pretty dormant at the moment so your involvement would be great.
Hi Maria, Yes please I'd love to be added to the trusted list for the Honourable East India Company.

Sorry about the delay in replying - for some reason the notification for this message went into my email junk!

That's you added Sally.   I've popped you on as one of the managers.

Thank you Maria.smiley

My name is John Brown I live in India and I am Anglo Indian Heritage . My Ancestry is British married Indian and settled in India.
I'd love to join this project and contribute as much as I can. Please feel free to reach out to me if you need any India genealogy related assistance & I'd be happy to help you!
I'm not asking to join the Project, but would like to know how to categorise pre-independence (actually, pre 1945 up to 1953) Bombay.  And also post 1953 Bombay.  Bombay Presidency would seem to fit, then it was a "province of British India".  Would I need to know where in Bombay my people lived?  (I have a family of at least 10, so far - but only one profile - and one that is semi-private.)
I do not want to join the project, but, as Team Leader of the Unknowns, I have found four groups of previously lost profiles which have India connections, and with which I need assistance. Can someone contact me for details? Thank you.

17 Answers

+8 votes
My father-in-law was born in Burma to 4 generations born in India/Burma. His 4x grandfather Richard Talbot was born in London but married Ann Kelly in Hyderabad on 24 Feb 1807.

I'm interested in finding records relating to all those related Talbots and spouses families from Burma/India so I can link back to their English families.
by Deborah Talbot G2G6 Mach 7 (71.9k points)
Hi welcome to WikiTree and to the India Project.   You might also be interested in joining our [[:Project:United Kingdom| United Kingdom Project]]
my family are from Burma and I'm a descendant of Richard Talbot via my mother Hyacinth Lavinia Mary Davis (Talbot)
+7 votes

My great great grandfather William Thomas Turner was born around 1867 in Secunderabad, India. Time and the generations passing have lost the information on why his family was in India. 

by Jennifer Turner G2G6 Mach 2 (24.9k points)
Hi Jennifer,  sorry for the delay in welcoming you to the India Project.
Hi Jennifer, I know this is a bit late replying to a post from over a year ago(!), but do you have access to Find My Past? They've just brought a load of India Office records from the British Library online, and there are quite a few records for a William Thomas Turner of about the right age. I've had a look at your gg grandfather's profile though, and he seems to have been born in Scotland... perhaps you've had new info since posting here?

If you're still looking for India roots though, and you don't have access to Find My Past, I'd be happy to have a little poke around for you!

+7 votes
Hi, I am interested in joining this project. My family went out to India in the late 1700s and were there until the late 1940s. I am experienced in British India research and trustee, website and social media for the Families in British India Society. Would love to help out where I can.
by Valmay Young G2G6 Mach 1 (10.8k points)
Hi Valmay,  delighted to welcome you to the India Project.   I look forward to working with you.   All ideas for developing the project are most welcome.
+8 votes
I'd like to join this project please.
My mothers family lived in India up until the partition of India in 1947.
by Elizabeth W G2G6 Mach 2 (28.6k points)
Hi Elizabeth and welcome to the India Project.
Thank you Maria
+6 votes
Hi, I am researching my Portuguese India family connection in Goa (Estado da India). Would love to join in with others researching family in India.. Thanks.
by Fleur Butler G2G1 (1.3k points)
Hi Fleur and welcome to the India Project.
i can help you
Hi. Could you please elaborate?
Thanks very much.
how can I help you what resources have you tried for your Goa Ancestors and what information you need
I have added information using myHeritage,, FamilySearch etc. however, these will not add information unless you pay for a subscription, Goa Archives Dept, Goa Registrar's Office of Births and Deaths, however they have not digitised all records. I'm looking to connect with other family members who might have more information than I already do.
+7 votes
Hi, My father in law is from india. he was born in Pondichery and had the french nationality. can you help me to find hjs parents.who were indians
by Gilles Roszak G2G1 (1.1k points)
Hi Gilles and welcome to the India Project.   I had to google Pondichery as being Scottish I'm on a learning curve re India.   I googled Pondichery genealogy and one of the sites which came up has a contact address which may help you

Good luck with your research.

Hi, you might find this website useful. It has a search for births, marriages etc for British people in pre-partition India
I've never had any luck using that site.  My children's grandmother was Indian, her husband English, her forebears Indian and Portuguese.  Cannot get any info for them at all, so gave up and decided to leave it for some actual relative to do ('cause I ain't related to them at all). :)
I have no information about Pondicherry specifically unfortunately. You mention Portuguese. If there is any connection to Goa then you might have more luck there as the Goa Government has started to digitize certificates so that people can search online and make a request for a certified copy. However you would need to have approximate year and name of the village to find something. I was successful to some extent.. finding some family but not others whose precise information I did not have.
+7 votes

I would be especially interested in the Hon East India project. Many of my family ( Mercer) went out in different roles. It is part of my family and british history which I would like to understand and also to find out what happened to the (many) natural children fathered out there. One birth certificate somewaht poignantly gives the mother as just 'a native woman' so whilst some doors will always remain closed there may well be descendents waiting to be found.
by Ann Claire Mercer G2G Crew (410 points)
Hi Ann Claire and welcome to WikiTree and to the India Project.    I've also added you to the  Hon East India Co project.

Good luck with your research.
Hi Ann Claire. A lot of my family were involved in the HEIC too (one of my ancestors was even an opium agent) - it's a fascinating if rather uncomfortable heritage, isn't it? According to my Ancestry DNA results I have some Indian DNA so I'd love to find out where that came in. No luck so far, though!

Good luck with your research.
+6 votes
I'm interested in joining the India Project. I have Anglo-Indian family stretching back more than two centuries (that I know of) in what was then the Bengal Presidency. Many served in the Honourable East India Company armies. Others worked as carvers and gilders or ropemakers.
by Julia Whitty G2G1 (1.9k points)
+5 votes
Good Day

I have interest in joining this project as many of my forefathers and their families were born or lived on the Indian sub continent mostly involved with ICS the Indian Civil Service or with 'John Company' as the East India  Company was known.

Please include Burma as it was a Province under  British rule which lasted from 1824 to 1948 is good source for records  and sometimes
by Adam Tarleton G2G4 (4.9k points)
+5 votes
My Mother was born in India. We have multiple Surnames in our family that were in India. Most left in the 1947 independence.
by Loreen Coleman G2G Crew (560 points)
+5 votes
My father was born in India and have several generations of ancestors who lived in India.   I have been actively researching my Indian heritage for several years.
by Brenda Carter G2G Crew (350 points)
+6 votes
Hi yes, I'm interested. I've spent years researching my father's family who lived in India between 1840-ish and 1950.

by Rob Wilson G2G6 Mach 2 (23.6k points)
+6 votes
I would love to join my father was from Punjab India and I have a interest in researching ancestry in India
by Raj Sidhu G2G6 (9.5k points)
+6 votes

Hi Maria,

Could I please join the India project? My hubby's side of the family were born in and lived here. smiley

by Pam Cormac Smith G2G6 Mach 7 (70.6k points)
+5 votes
I would like to join.  My husband's family are Havyaka Brahmins from Karnataka and I have about 200 individuals in his family tree, which I have collected via oral history.  He has also tested with mtDNA and yDNA.  I would like to collaborate with others doing research in this area with Hindu ancestry.
by Linda Chickering G2G6 Mach 1 (10.7k points)
+4 votes
I am interested in this India group as I am following my ancestry to India and am not able to find resources in India. My grand parents and great grand parents are from India and were taken on indentured labor to the Fiji Islands. Now I would like to trace my ancestry to India but have a roadblock.
by Manoj Prasad G2G Crew (600 points)
+3 votes
Hi, I am mixed race, born in Bangladesh to a Bengali father and an American mother.  My father's family has lived in Kafurpura, Khulna for generations.  He made us a family tree when we were little, but it only goes back three or four generations.  What he told my mother is that his paternal family came from Iraq (either Baghdad or Basra, I believe, though that's not a sure thing).  This side of the family is called Naqeeb (spelled variously as Nakib, Naqib, Naqeeb).  The story goes that there were three brothers who came from Iraq and settled in different parts of the subcontinent (possibly some in Hooghly?).  My brothers and sister and I have the name, but my father didn't have it on any official reports; but my grandfather did, and every generation before my father's did.  My grandfather didn't give his children the name because he said it would make them proud.  I would be interested in finding out more about this side of the family, and about the families of the women these Naqeebs married into.  And more generally, I'm interested in knowing more about the peoples and cultures of the subcontinent, seeing what kind of records might be accessible.
by Living Naqeeb G2G Rookie (290 points)

Unfortunately, our India Project is currently inactive. However, we to plan on introducing a revamped India Project at the beginning of the New Year. We will also have projects for Bangladesh and Iraq. So please stay tuned. India has descent records, so there is a good chance you will find what you are looking for.   

In the meantime, earlier this year the 15 Nations Global Tour visited India. Our free space page is here: India. Perhaps you can find some leads to get you started. 

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