Is there any interest in a Mennonite project?

+26 votes
I have many Mennonite ancestors from most of the major branches (Swiss, Palatinate, Russian, etc).  I have not seen a Mennonite/Amish project and was wondering if there is any interest in one.


in Requests for Project Volunteers by Walt Eis G2G4 (4.9k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Hi, Walt!

I just wanted to make sure you knew about the Starting a Project help page if you decide to move forward with this. :-)

Thanks!  I will go ahead and create one.  Just need to find a little time to get it started.
Walt, as you may know, leading genetic genealogist Tim Janzen specializes in Mennonite genealogy. He's not a particularly active WikiTreer but he's very familiar with our project and inspired by the global family tree concept.

I think he's told me he has 1,000,000 Mennonites in an offline database.
My maternal ancestors were some of the leaders of the Pennsylvania Mennonites, later into northern Illinois. I’d be most interested, and glad to help.

I've started a project page as a free-space project.  Not sure if that was the best, but that's what I chose.  I called it the Mennonites in North America project. I welcome any and all who wish to participate.

fascinated by this subject. I have around a large portion of my tree in the cemetery but I can't find any information on the past this point in Franklin, Iowa. The information I have is they are from German Mennonites. will gladly participate in this project to get further along in my research.
What do you need me to do? Mennonite heritage on both my mom and dad's side, Kliewer and Engel. Prussia, South Russia, Obergruppe, Zerneberge, Waldheim, Molotschna, Marion County , Kansas, Corn, Oklahoma, Bakersfield, CA, Wasco, CA, Shafter, CA, Reedley, CA

You need request access to the project profile's trusted list.  I'll add you as soon as I get the request.


What's the name of the project I need to request?

Hi Walt,

I've just requested to be on the Trusted List of the project.


17 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
I'm in!!!! Mine moved from Prussia to South Russia then to Manitoba, Saskatchewan, British Colombia and Washington State.
by T Counce G2G6 Mach 7 (74.9k points)
selected by Living Toews
+8 votes

This seems like it could be a worthwhile project. I am aware of category Swiss-German and Mennonite Immigrants to Pennsylvania. That category claims to be a subcategory or subproject of the William Penn project, but it doesn't fit that project's scope. We had some inconclusive discussion of it on the Palatine Migration Project Bulletin Board. There are now some additional related categories for Pennsylvania Mennonites.

by Ellen Smith G2G Astronaut (1.6m points)
Thanks. The PA Mennonites are not the only group, for instance the Russian churches mostly settled in the great plains (including up into Canada).

I think that a Mennonite project could focus on all the groups instead of just the early movement to Pennsylvania. At least that's my crazy idea.
That definitely makes sense. I am aware of the Pennsylvania Swiss German and Mennonite category because of having tried to figure out what the intended scope for the category was and how it should relate to the Palatine Migration categories. The existence of the category does indicate that other members have been interested in a Mennonite project.

A quick search in WikiTree leads me to think there would be a lot of interest in such a project. A couple indications of other members who likely would be interested in such a project (the links lead to more information):

New member who tagged his introduction to G2G post with mennonite

Member with long involvement with Mennonite genealogy, including Mennonite DNA genealogy

Category: Mennonites (!)

My family are part of that Kansas and Nebraska group
+12 votes
I think it's a good idea. There are many Amish and/or Mennonite Anabaptists congregations. My own Striker ancestors were probably Swiss-German Old Mennonites.
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+5 votes
You may me interested in the "Grandma Online" Project.  See;
by Hal Buller G2G Crew (350 points)
There is also this project:
+5 votes
I'm just discovering mine - if I can help - Ill likely connect my mothers side of the family. I do have a subscription to GRANDMA which is Tim's online directory.
+6 votes
Hi Walt,
I know I would be interested in joining a Mennonite project.  My mom's family are German/Prussian Mennonites who migrated in the 1800s.  A bunch came from the the Molotschna Colony in South Russia, Prussia, and Germany. When I expressed an interest, my mom handed me all the family books, including an album my Grandmother's sister made.  I have a couple hundred ancestors and their family members that I just haven't had the time to load.
by Dave Patrick G2G3 (3.7k points)
+5 votes
I'm very interested in researching the Mennonite history. My father was born in Russia, the Crimea area, and moved with his family to Steinbach Manitoba in the early 1900's, perhaps 1924. The family members then dispersed to Abbotsford BC, and parts of Ontario including St. Catharines and Leamington.
by Living Toews G2G Crew (510 points)
Ruth Anne,
We are probably related.   I have some Toews in my tree on my Grandmother's side. Actually, most of us Prussian Mennonites here are probably related.
You are probably right!
The name game usually shows that. LOL.
+6 votes
I’m interested. My Bader ancestors were Minenites. They started a church here in Boulder County. —Donlyn
by Donlyn Whissen G2G Crew (600 points)
+6 votes
I am a swiss mennonite. May be are we connected? Will be very glad to collaborate.
by Roger Zürcher G2G Crew (910 points)
+3 votes
Hi Walt

I live in Australia.  My Mennonite relatives were punished and often executed in Kortrijk, Belgium during the Spanish Inquisition when Spanish Netherlands was ruled by the King Of Spain.  One of these relatives is mentioned in "Martyr's Mirror".  If you require more details I can give you my email as some details are very personal.  Good Luck with your quest.

Carolyn Dominish
+5 votes
Over the last few months I had thought seriously about starting a Mennonite free space project, but didn't feel that I was familiar with or qualified to head any project  at this point. I am pleased that someone took the initiative. Count me in !
by Eileen Bradley G2G6 Mach 3 (33.4k points)
+4 votes
I would like to join the Mennonite project. I have Mennonite ancestry on my mother's side, mostly Swiss Anabaptist that fled to Germany, merging with Mennonites, and then eventually came to PA.
by Alison Gardner G2G6 Mach 8 (86.3k points)
+4 votes
Walt:  I just found your comment about a Mennonite-site. I would join.  Like many who have remarked my Mennonites began in Danzig, then the Neumark, then to Kiev District, then to Molotschna Settlement, finally USA. However one branch went to Canada.  It is challenging to keep everything straight. To those who commented we are likely all related, likely mostly yes but it is complicated by common surnames amongst the Friesian Mennonites and the Flemish Mennonites so untangling DNA matches can be difficult. Successful DNA matching to specific folks is also complicated by how many of your specified surname have submitted samples.  It is my understanding that I am one of only a few, and I do not match with them.  :(
by W. M. Harms G2G3 (3.7k points)
+3 votes
Yes, I have Stauffer/Stover ancestry.
by Kimberly Cooper G2G1 (1.9k points)
+3 votes
Waiting for my husband's DNA results to come back. But he's descended (8th generation) from the 3 Landis brothers who immigrated in 1717 to the Lancaster area, so I am working on the profiles....I'm sort of a newbie, but I'll be doing the research anyhow, so glad to help!
by Pam Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)
+2 votes
What is the current status of this project cause I am in!  Categorization is at a standstill  And someone  put a template under Mennonites saying not to sub categorize. Why is that? I believe it is necessary to create immigrating categories under such as they are their own tribe which moved around the world. Yes, some originated in Friesland (Netherlands) but some also did from Switzerland. It is impossible to add them to categories 'Dutch Immigrants to ' or Russian Immigrants to' or 'Mexican Immigrants to since they are all and at the same time neither.
by Rae Santema G2G6 Mach 1 (11.8k points)
Kathryn Penner and I are wondering what the follow-up is? Will there be one like the Canada Project. The Volga Germans have one with the same status/badge. Then other sub projects could be:

Mennonites in South and Latin America
South Russian (Ukraine) Mennonites

Mennonite beginnings (Friesland/Swiss etc.)

Along with the already created North America they could be linked up under the greater project  with the same badge.

I would totally do this myself if I had the time for technical setup but I am more than happy to help anyone who does. Please let us know if anyone else is interested or able to help create the parent project and sub projects!
+2 votes

I have two Mennoinite ancestors.  One from 16th Century Kortrijk, West Flanders and one from 16th Century  Amsterdam.   I am almost sure they are related but not being able to understand Duct has been a problem for me. I have asked others for help with this endeavour.  I am not a Mennonite but through the family connection I am most interested in your Project.

Best regards

Carolyn Dominish...
by Living Giles G2G5 (5.8k points)

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