What does the tag "sysops" mean?

+1 vote
I tried to find my question asked yesterday (about my missing badges) and eventually found that it had been retagged from 'badges' to 'sysops'. Just curious, a) what does this word mean? b) what is the purpose of the retagging? c) How am I supposed to find my questions when they are retagged without me being notified?. Philip van der Walt-440
in WikiTree Tech by Philip van der Walt G2G6 Pilot (174k points)

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Hi Philip

"Sysops" are WikiTree system administrators.

There are only a few sysops and they are all WikiTree team members.

Sysops have the power to see and do just about anything on WikiTree,the reason the tag would of been change with your Question is because Chris adds the badges  and is one of the WikiTree Sysops Terry.

by Terry Wright G2G6 Pilot (192k points)
selected by Living Hammond
"Would have" rather than "would of"

Hi Sir William my grammar might be a little different to yours  because i am Australian,  being from a different country  we do not  always pronounce words the same way it could have something to do with living down under  cheeky but thank you for letting me know Terry

Australians are smashing people who pronounce some words very differently. But the grammar remains the same.  :)
Thank you Sir William
I'm going to be as gentle as I can be here.  Correcting others grammar or spelling unless it leaves the meaning of what was written in doubt is just not nice.  Even then it should be written as a question to clarify rather than to correct. We should always strive to interact here the way we would if we were actually in person in a social setting.  

Correcting grammer or spelling can cause readers not to post for fear of being pubicly corrected.  I know because, that is the way *I* would feel.  We don't want to discourage anyone from participating.

I think Terry acted with an awful lot of class here.  Thank you Terry.

Thank you Gail for your kind comments
I think Terry is a great chap and i would very much regret it if he took my gentle correction as nasty.  I don't see him doing so but if he were to have then I sincerely apologise.
I don't think your intention was to be "nasty".  You are much too nice a fellow for that kind of behavior.

However, on a public bulletin board it is generally bad form to correct another poster's grammar or spelling.  It can inhibit the conversation and the exchange of information and I know you wouldn't want that.   No one likes to be corrected in public and while Terry took it with remarkable good grace another reader might be afraid to post for fear of not using the absolute correct language.  So, it is best just not to do it.

I appreciate your understanding.


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