How To Join The England Project [closed]

+22 votes

Hello Wikitreers,

The England Project is looking for people who are interested in England, have English Ancestors, or who would just like to come and help in the project.
Our project members are dedicated, friendly people, whose main goal is to improve, source and generally make sure that England profiles are accurate and
presented to a high standard, which honours the person.

It doesn't matter if you are an experienced Wikitreer or have just joined and are still finding your way around, you will be given as much support as you need
whilst you get used to the intricacies of English records and the nuances of the towns and cities.

Your first stop would be our newly formed Orphans Team, where you would work on England orphaned profiles that are in need of some TLC. Hone your skills and maybe
learn new ones, as you settle in and meet our members. From there the sky is the limit. We have a number of sub projects which you could join, from
helping with a county or working on profile improvement by sourcing, connecting and biography writing to develop profiles of a high standard.
Remember, every snippet of sourced information added to a profile brings it to life.

Check out our [ England Project] page to learn more.

You will be awarded the United Kingdom badge when you join and also be invited to join our google group.
Follow Tags for United_Kingdom and England so you can keep up to date.

If you are new to Wikitree and have not become a full member, you will need to volunteer and sign our honor code to receive your wiki genealogist badge, which is a necessity for editing profiles.

Remember, you can still use the England Sticker for people born in England and England Ancestor Sticker on your own profile.

If this opportunity interests you, then please click the ANSWER button and include your Wiki ID in your answer.

closed with the note: Replaced by New Question
in The Tree House by Living Wood G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)
closed by Living Wood
Thank you for the invitation to join the England team. I will join, but not just at the moment. I still have a backlog of profiles to enhance and extend. When I have completed those I will build into the 1600s in the England team

See you soon

Warm regards, Josephine
Hello Josephine,

I will look forward to seeing you when you have cleared your backlog. You are very wise choosing to do that before you join the England Project.  It is all too easy to overload oneself with tasks.

I will not join.But i will help with research,if give me names dates and where.

I am Wayne R. Morgan 5487 Wiki Tree
Thank you Wayne for your generous offer. I see that you are a Member of the US History Project and that your kind generosity has been noticed previously.

I would be most appreciative to be included in this group. Only during the past two years have I discovered my deep English ancestry and I find it most satisfying.
I have loads of ancestors from all over England. So I would like to join please. Haese-11
Hello Kylie,

We would love to have you involved in the Project. I will PM you with the Details.

Hello Jerry,

We would love to have you involved with the Project. I will PM you with the details.


i would like to join this project

my wiki ID is little-14357
Hi Missy!

This is a very old thread, the current thread to join the England Project is Hope to see you there! :)

Add your request as an answer, not a comment and then it won't get missed.

118 Answers

+3 votes
I have several family lines in England and would like to join the project.  Cook-24972.
by Cindy Shores G2G1 (1.5k points)
+4 votes
I would love to join the England project.  Places my ancesters come from are: Cornwall,  Malden, Essex, Shore, and Walthamstow. Thanks. Cook-24972
by Cindy Shores G2G1 (1.5k points)
Hello Cindy,

We would love to have you involved in the project. I will pm you with the details.

+4 votes
Wiki ID Broek-27

I am an American, with roots English roots to the surname Tirrell or Tyrrell. or Terrell

I am looking to learn how to do genealogy research.  Several sources link me to Tirrell-52 in 1650 Boston.  Hence my interest in the Tirrell surnames.

But just looking to learn.



p.s., College prof, off work for the summer
by Daniel Broek G2G Crew (610 points)
Hello Dan we would love to have you involved in the project. I will pm you with the details.

+4 votes
Hello! My mother's paternal ancestors are from the British Isles, Scotland, Ireland, England. I would like to join the group and my wiki ID is Rubio-88



by Andrew Rubio G2G Crew (340 points)
Hello Andrew,

We would love to have you involved in the Project.  I will PM you with the details.

+4 votes
I am interested in joining this group.I have all my family history around

sussex and going back to early 1300 on my mother side.On my father

side back to 1800.I have been involved in family research 30 yrs


by Bob Maynard G2G2 (2.1k points)
Hello Bob,

I will send you a message explaining how to sign our Honor Code so that you can join the England Project.

thank you for your help.i enjoy doing family research and hope i can help


bob maynard
Looking forward to seeing you in the England Project Bob. I have Posted to your Profile Page instructions on how to volunteer to become a full Member of WikiTree

+4 votes
I am interested in joining crane-1069
by Richard Crane G2G Crew (470 points)
Hello Richard,

 We would love to have you involved in the project. I will pm you with the details.

+4 votes
I have lots of English ancestors and would like to take part in the England project particularly the areas Lancashire, Cheshire and Yorkshire.

by Eileen James G2G1 (1.9k points)
Hello Eileen,

We would love to have you involved in the project. I will pm you with the details.

+4 votes
I would be interested in serving on this project. I have documented minor nobility in England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. I have a copy of Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland on my desk I need to finish reading. Have yet to pick up a copy of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Would appreciate reccomendations of Scottish histories primarily 14th - 15th centuries where I am attempting to close a gap in the paternal surname branch of our family. More specifically if available those pertaining to Motherwell near Glasgow.
by Robert Modrall G2G Crew (410 points)

Hello Dr. Modrall,

I will send you a message explaining how to sign our Honor Code so that you can join the England Project.


My joining the honor code came first thing on my entering Tree, and I'll find the project and contents soon. Many of my mother's family widespread  English lines,  but I haven't been looking for them. Earlier today, I wrote I'd turn that around, but just thumbing thru the notes like this, absorbing another sphere that I'd be actively working in is, honestly, not a good idea. I'm stretched as far as the skin will go, and rightly.

In fact I'd prefer to meet and know those of us who hail from there, than some of the Germans (my father's heritage, and probably his father's) I've encountered. The Gems of Researchers seem to be Germans, however, and I'm owing them far and wide. I sound awful in stating anything negative, but it's been a matter of my defending my thin skin, not a feeling of animosity towards anyone. I'm also a friend of a man from down under here who has been a gentleman and a great researcher. I've been trying to learn what you all seem to know, so little by little I'm picking up ways to do that. Have patience, please.
Hello Roberta,

Nice to meet you in the G2G.  I was so interested to see all the many Projects you belong to and I see that you are extremely busy and indeed a Member of the UK Project too. I think perhaps you may have inadvertently seen my message here in the G2G that was actually addressed to another Member - Dr. Robert Modrall. If you look just above yours you will probably understand how the confusion occurred.  An easy mistake to make! You will be pleased therefore to know there is nothing extra you are being asked to do.

Regards and good wishes.


(England Project Coordinator for welcome and Integration).
+4 votes

Hi, I would very much like to join the England project. I am from Staffordshire but most of my tree of over 3000 members originate from Leicestershire and Warwickshire with a small branch from Somerset.



Larry Bown  ( Bown - 209 )

by Larry Bown G2G Crew (980 points)
Hello Larry,

 We would love to have you involved in the project. I will pm you with the details.

+4 votes

I would like to join the England Project. For many generations my ancestors   lived in East London. I believe my fathers came from Suffolk and Norfolk and my mothers from Wales. I am working on my sources and honing the  genealogical skills needed to learn more.


by Phil Dalling G2G1 (1.4k points)
Hello Phil,

We would love to have you involved with  the Project.  I will PM you with the details.

+3 votes
I would like to join the England project

Thank you

Deborah Simpson

by Deborah Simpson G2G Rookie (290 points)
Hello Deborah,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project. I will PM you with the details.

+3 votes
Please add me to the England project. I am mainly working on Sussex (Lucy family) and Yorkshire (Sewell family). My wiki ID is Vize-4.


by Sue Vize G2G1 (1.6k points)
Hello Sue,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project. I will PM you with the details.

What does PM mean?
Private Message.  You'll get it via your email.
Thank you Ros.

+4 votes
Hello, I have many ancestors from England and am interested in contributing to this project in whatever ways are helpful. Teresa (AKA downey-1809)
by Teresa Downey G2G4 (4.1k points)
Hello Teresa,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project.  I will send you a message shortly with the details.

+3 votes
Hi. EYES-22.  I'd be interested in the England project.  I'm just trying to find out how I'm connected to Sir Charles Eyes of Liverpool 1800s.  There's a few missing links in my file tree knowledge beyond my grandparents.

by Dave Eyes G2G Crew (840 points)
Hello Dave,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project. I will send you a message shortly with the details.

+3 votes

I have multiple records for ancestors from 1515 to 1700 for which I don't have the 'authority'? to post. Please include me in the 'England Project' I am researching Norris, Hibell and Allchurch, all family members. I was born in UK and lived there until almost 13 years old.
by Chris Norris G2G1 (1.6k points)
Hello Chris,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project. I will send you a message shortly with the details.

+3 votes
I've mostly run out of American ancestors to chase, having traced many of them back to England centuries ago, so I would like to join this project.   Sparkman -319
by Dan Sparkman G2G6 Mach 2 (26.1k points)
Hello Dan,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project. I will send you a message shortly with the details.

+3 votes
Searching for Kinsman in Cornwall

Burnett 1848
by Jim Burnett G2G1 (1.4k points)
Hello Jim

We would love to have you involved in the England Project.

I will senf you a message shortly with the details.

+3 votes
My ancestors were Quakers in Cumberland, in the Lake District, and immigrated to Bucks County, PA, in 1705. I have a lot of information re them that I would like to provide. My wiki ID is Fell-984.
by David Fell G2G Rookie (290 points)
Hello Dr. Fell,

Thank you for your interest in the England Project. I will send you a message shortly with the details.

+3 votes

My partner and my grandmother's maternal lines are littered with English ancestry. I love how English records are much easier to trace and read, at least up until about 1550 or so, beyond that, I might need the help of this Project, and would be happy to help this Project where I can smiley

by Tim Mackey G2G1 (1.8k points)
Hello Tim,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project.I will  send you a message shortly with the details.

Thanks, Gilly!

Honoured to be a member of the project and this whole community. Received your PM and joined the Google group. I'm not surprised out of the Irish, Scottish, Australian and English Projects, that yours was the first to respond ;)

Thanks again and can't wait to fill in the Pommy blanks!
+3 votes
My dad's paternal grandfather was born in England and I want to find out more about his side of the family. I never new my dad's father so I don't have a lot to go on besides what I already have.
by Nicki Grant G2G1 (1.9k points)
Hello Nicki,

We would love to have you involved in the England Project. I will send you a message shortly with the details.


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