What category to use if a line of your tree has been proven by a professional genealogist?

+9 votes
What category to use if a line of your tree has been proven by a professional genealogist? Thanks in advance for your help!
in Policy and Style by Louann Halpin G2G6 Mach 7 (74.2k points)
I would never in a million years use someones email on a Wikitree profile.

I appreciate all the comments to my question and feel I have received the correct way to handle acknowledging someone else's work on any of my profiles.

I am going to close this question and again thank everyone who responded!

2 Answers

+21 votes
Best answer
On Wikitree, we don't make any distinctions over the level of qualifications of person who does research.  Everyone from complete beginners to advanced users (including professional genealogists) are expected to cite sources.  

Beyond this, people who do research professionally are typically held to even higher standards of providing detailed citations for their work by the governing or accrediting bodies that certify their qualifications.  So - the research report from the professional genealogist you worked with should contain detailed citations that the person provided with their research report.

I know that when I use another genealogist's work, I always add a line in the sources section explaining the work that they did, so that others can access this larger body of work.

For example, I relied heavily on the work of another researcher in the two source citations I included in this profile:

by Ray Jones G2G6 Pilot (165k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Thank you! It's kind of what I thought but I do not like to assume anything!
The use of another person's email address in the source line may be in breach of the privacy laws. Would advise a review and see if there is another way to cite source. As in find what she found. Oh and remove the email address until you have permission to place it on open public display. Personally I doubt you would get permission.

In answer to Louise question and Ray answer ask your researcher how they would like their work cited.

In general a thank you to the Researcher in the acknowledgement section is nice to see.
Well, considering that I found the woman through numerous Rootsweb posts in which she listed her email address, she had already consented to sharing this particular email address publicly.  I do the same with my genealogy email address (in fact, this is likely where I got the idea to have a separate email account for genealogy).   Also - I did share with her that I was including her name and genealogy email in my source citations, as she is the expert who was sharing her transcriptions of the Langenau church records on Rootsweb.  She also has continued to list this email address in posts since the GDPR went into effect, so she is continuing to use this address as her genealogy email
+5 votes

Louise and Ray

I would still not recommend ever putting an email address in a such a public position. Why would you is it really necessary as a link. Unless you have a asked her ( not tell her) if it is okay to 'publish' the email address and received an official reply from her that you may publish her email. You could leave your self wide open to fines, legal action and all sorts - worst case scenario.

 If they found the records and publishing them, they are there for you to find also and add to your profiles as a primary source

In terms of genealogical value this type of source would I believe be considered secondary and not primary.

Primary is the actual link to the individual record, secondary is someone else research. I would suggest you review the https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Sources_Style_Guide


The Acknowledgement heading is were the thank you to the research is listed and given without an email


by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (350k points)
Comment moved.

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