How to add hereditary noble titles and noble nickname ?

+3 votes

How to add hereditary noble titles and noble nickname ?

How to  to add and track the occurrence of noble title data in the profile. Perhaps no one thought of such a need .. Many of my ancestors had the nobility Sas coat of arms, I have not come so far with the genealogy, but it is likely that somewhere in the thirteenth and eleventh centuries there are all related! 

I would like the option to similar to box-tag of surname with options tracks all instances. 

This is the specificity of the gentry/nobility from my part of Europe [of the area from Latvia to Lusatia (now Germany), through Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, and Yugoslavia] - this is an area with a strongly extended/complex heraldic system, different families of different names are united in nobility clans/families. Many of these clans in the distant past, regardless of the fact that their members bear different surnames. Have of a common ancestor, There are now several genetic projects in Poland that show in older time  supposed / now scientifically verifiable dependence in heraldic clans of one nobility/coat of arms.

It would be very convenient if a window could appear that clicking on the coat of arms would display everyone wearing it, regardless of the his/her surname.

 Or how else to enter / include in the current structure of your website?

Sincerely Johny Cisowski :)  

WikiTree profile: Jan Roman Cisowski
in WikiTree Help by Jan Roman Cisowski G2G Rookie (260 points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
Best answer

Hello, Jan. Try this link out and see if it helps!

by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
selected by Susan Laursen
+2 votes
While your country requirements may benefit from this function, I think it might cause significant problems for other countries. There is often a misunderstanding about the rights to a coat of arms arms and we regularly see proliferation of English and Scottish coats of arms to family members who are not entitled to them. Having an automated function would just encourage this erroneous proliferation.
by Lynda Crackett G2G6 Pilot (680k points)
in fact, it is also a problem in Poland. People sometimes think that their name appeared in the Heraldic Book (I do not know how it was in English: "Herbarz") from the 16th century or early. that's proof. But nothing more wrong! However, the problem of vraku possibilities is also quite problematic. I have situations that are repeated every now and again in my genealogy. the seal is the crest, and the surnames have sufixes or just an alias, tied to the estate, and the coat of arms. ..

but I understand. this position.

I have a few ideas on how to adapt these structure to my needs, but I must do everything. For now I have set up an account here in 2011, I have only been for a few days, beginners ... learn about the structure of the site ...

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