"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 12th-14th, 2019 [closed]

+21 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another great Chat! See y’all next weekend!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
@Nicole: surprisingly, the phlox was under water for about an hour. I took the pic a day later.
Thank you for hosting Pip, my friend. Take care of that shoulder and do not overdo it with the cleanup. Always look forward to reading your post.
Wow, that's scary.
{{Worldwide Disasters Sticker

|text=The Great Brevard Flood of 2019



Now that is classic! Thanks, SJ. I put it on my profile. Looks great!
LOL - too funny
Carol, I completed the longer BU Genealogical Studies Certificate a year ago.  It was fantastic and a time commitment.  I am so glad I did.
Hi Michael, thank you so much for your helpful response. Now I am wondering if I should take the 7 or 15 week course. I started doing genealogy in 1977 with pen, paper, stamps, libraries and trips. At what level of skill would you describe your skills when you took the extended course? Again, appreciate your feedback. Carol (Baldwin -3428).
Hello Pip and all experiencing bad weather. My family lives in Wisconsin and got 1/2 foot of snow following a week of balmy springtime weather. I'm enjoying Tucson AZ temperatures, but sending positive intentions for braving the aftermath and better weather for all in the Midwest. Sincerely, Carol (Baldwin -3428)
Hi Carol! Great to see you.

We got the Texas storm here today in North Carolina. Heavy rain at periods, very high winds (for us) and even a tornado watch which is very unusual here. Fortunately, the rain was so sporadic we didn’t get the flooding we did earlier in the week. I think we’d like some of that Tucson warmth about now!

40 Answers

+17 votes

Well good mornin Pip! You're here early smiley Thank you for hosting!

I'm so glad that you and your home are okay! I guess I can't feel bad about our downpour today as we live on a hill and can't really flood. As it is a good day to stay inside I'm trying to find or make the missing months for my Portugal banner page.

Yesterday I decided to organize some folders and resources I had, and in doing so found a treasure of a marriage record for a WT member. It had parents, grandparents, birth parishes, occupations - I did my happy dance.

In other news the grandbaby due in August is going to be a boy. He'll be the sixth boy out of eight granchildren. Those little girls will be well watched over!! 

Have a wonderful weekend! Stay dry (wink)

by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)

I almost forgot! I was going to share my tip of the month (I try and update it on my profile every month. Notice I said 'try')

Congrats on the new grandchild! Woot! You know the tables might turn and the girls may be the boss of the guys. You never know! Portuguese attitude is a lot like Italian. Once a girl gets angry, you better run!

Thanks for sharing your tips Mindy!! Love the photo toosmiley. They say April showers bring May flowers but could do without the floods, I think Pip would agree!! Our trees are blooming though, but the pollen, our cars have a light green dusting every morning lol. 

Another boy?! Sounds like me and my cousins. Five siblings had 16 grandchildren. Four had one girl each, and one had two. 11 male cousins, five female.

Paternally, every line including second cousins ends in girls.
Great tips, Mindy. I learn something new all the time here. Thanks!

Thanks Chris! I'm excited. Yeah, they just may rule the kingdom laugh

Your very welcome Dorothy. Me too. We don't flood but I always feel guilty about the neighbors down the hill. Sometimes the culvert doesn't help. Oh! oops, we do sometimes. The water ran different earlier in the year and the back bathroom flooded. 

Pip - there were five of us (four girls and one boy) and my five children are all girls - so it is ironic that the next generation (my grandchildren) is mostly boys. If you count my nieces and nephews with my girls it is nine girls, two boys. I guess we were saving all the boys for the grandchildren's generation (wink)

Wouldnt be surprised! =D
Congratulations on the new grandbaby
Congratulations to you and the parents of that new Grandbaby boy. If I send you all my email will you organize them for me? :-) It is going to rain here tonight and Saturday.

Oh my you are just so FUNNY David..... laugh

In reality you would probably really appreciate my file structure within my email. Since we're both so ... detail oriented *wink

+17 votes

Oh, my, Pip, I'm so sorry about the flooding and the clean-up and repair which followed. Y'all had been working so hard with your landscaping and now this. The phlox  and cherry are gorgeous! Our cherry didn't bloom as profusely as usual this year, but the apple trees are full of blooms, so maybe we'll have a better apple harvest than we've had the last couple of years. Thanks for hosting our weekend chat!

We've been a bit housebound this week because the lane we live on and share with two other neighbors had a section at the beginning repaved. We parked one car at the far end. Not too bad walking down to it, but the walk back up is little tough. Oh, well, more staying home meant more time working on genealogy.

I'm still working on adding my Gilchrist cousins. I'd dreaded working on this one family because it was so large, but it's been a great week. I found that this uncle did not have 18 biological children--he only had 11 biological children and 3 step-children. The other four were duplications from bad enumerations/transcriptions of census records. I feel good about untangling which children went with which father and which mother and finding sources for just about everything. Yesterday I got caught up in the 3 step-children and their children. I found that one of them had been aboard the USS Pueblo when it was captured by the North Koreans. He's still alive, so I won't be creating a profile for him, but his story is online at Newspapers.com:


Rodney Duke's story

Story continued

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (569k points)
edited by Nelda Spires
Neighbor Nelda, I look forward to days I can’t go outside for whatever reason (rain, usually). More WikiTreeing. Kudos to you for your work in the Gilchrist family. That was a chore but you’ve gotta feel a sense of accomplishment. Well done!

Congrats on getting that family sorted out Nelda! At least you could subtract a few children, instead of having to look for missing names. smiley

+17 votes
How's the weather you ask?  Years ago someone from Chicago said that the weather in northeastern Ohio is insane! More recently a local meteorologist said that the weather is consistently inconsistent. I like the latter description better than the first.
by Frank Gill G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Frank, If you don't like the weather in Northeast Ohio just wait 20 minutes, it will change.
Wondering if you’re gone to get some of that blast that South Dakota and Wisconsin are suppose to get. Maybe it’ll spend itself before getting to you. Haven’t checked the Weather Channel today so I don’t know where that storm is now.
I like that Frank.... consistently inconsistent
+16 votes

First off: Dude, stay dry. Wow..... 

I'm glad you're okay, man. Just stay dry and hope the flood waters recede. Wow.

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps! How is everyone? On the genealogy front, I started a genealogy blog: https://arlhaverhill.blogspot.com/ I mentioned it here last Sunday as we were signing off.

I got some big names retweeting it. Which is awesome! One annoying thing is that when I posted it onto Facebook, it was deleted for spam as it went against Facebook's terms and services. It's weird because I have a sister blog on blogspot where I post my comics and it's fine. Needless to say I contested it and had people look at it. Dunno if they will. It's fine as I have a Twitter. I still would like to link people in Italy to it and I can only talk to them on Facebook. Then again they may have seen it before it was taken down. Whatever. I have the Twitter. I can use that as a platform.

Dunno if Zuckerberg will LOOK at the blog and see that it isn't spam. That's what it was marked as. 

ANYWAY! Check it out and you'll see how I got started with genealogy and some anecdotes here and there. I'll probably spotlight a few sites. Should be fun!

I've also been adding siblings and half siblings for the following 3x great-grandparents:

Jeremiah Felker

Elizabeth Fellows

Evaline Augusta Fisher

Austin Webster Stevens

I'll move onto other 3x great-grandparents soon enough. That is kind of fun. And...well it's cousin bait. =)

On the non genealogy front, it's weird here weather-wise. Pretty cold for mid-April. It's okay. We New Englanders are a hardy bunch. We'll complain but still walk out in 30 degree (F) weather in sandals and shorts.

Hope everyone's doing well! Pip, stay dry!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
Congrats on the new blog! I enjoyed reading how you started your genealogical journey and how you're connecting with your relatives and ancestors since your DNA test. I hope the powers-that-be at Facebook will back off and let your post it there. Don't see how in the world it could be classified as spam. It's a WHOLE lot better than some of the other stuff I see linked on Facebook.
A friend of mine put it best. "They'll ignore the Russian bots. But, when someone posts a blog **** hits the fan."

I think what happened was I posted it on my page and in Amy Johnson Crow's group. But, that doesn't make sense as I post my comic (also on a blogspot) on my page and in a comic group.

Thanks for your compliments, Nelda! =D I actually just connected a relative with an ancestor last night. Was pretty cool.

Chris did do a great job, didn’t he, Nelda​​​​​?!

Thanks, buddy. I didn’t get that book off this week as other things (!) took precedent. Just remember, the Zuchmeister is always watching!

Congrats on the blog! Maybe Fb will recant and let you have your page. If not, form a group and add your Italian cousins to it. There are a lot of genealogy groups there. Lotsa good sources on those profiles - keep up the good work!
Yeah, and I badmouthed him here. Probably not the best look. But, I don't care. =) Thanks for the compliment. Get the book out when you can. It's okay. Take care of the house and the flood.

Thanks, Mindy! I might do just that. Or I could just c/p the tweet to them. =)

There are some good genealogy groups out there. I was part of Blaine's. But, people really got in my face about my own genealogy. Nothing against him of course. I left because it was honestly uncomfortable and I got tired of having to explain my genealogy to people who didn't get what I knew. People were jerks. Whatever.

I hope FB recants. We shall see!
Chris, did you see the Ep IX trailer?  Eep!
Yes! Very cool! Excited for the movie!
+20 votes

Today is....



National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day is observed annually on April 12th.  Listed in a reader’s opinion poll, Grilled Cheese Sandwiches are among one of the top comfort foods in the United States.

According to food historians, cooked bread and cheese is an ancient food, enjoyed across the world in many cultures.  The United States modern version of the grilled cheese sandwich originated in the 1920s when inexpensive sliced bread and American cheese became easily available. Originally it was made as an open-faced sandwich.

United States government cookbooks describe Navy cooks broiling “American cheese filling sandwiches” during World War II.

Grilled cheese sandwiches are versatile thanks to the ability to mix and match cheeses, bread, and seasonings.  Adding sauteed vegetables or herb-infused oils can elevate this simple comfort food to a whole other level. 

 Enjoy the following tried and true recipe:

Baby Swiss And Tomato Grilled Cheese Sandwich

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
reshown by Pip Sheppard
The kid in me, that grew up in the island of Maui, loves a  grilled cheese and spam sandwich
Paul, are you familiar with guitarist Keola Beamer and his spam haiku?
As a Hawaiian in Nebraska. I unfortunately missed out on this spam haiku. I need to check it out. Thank you for pointing me in the direction of the spam haiku.I hope it's funny

Bah!  I missed Grilled Cheese Day??crying

That's OK, Amy. Grilled Cheese ANY day!

With tomato soup! smiley

Agreed! One of the few things tomato that I like.
I just had another GCS.  Sourdough, extra sharp cheddar, butter.  I put a glob of my favorite (favourite) salsa inside, so tomatoes were present.  Lawdy mama, that was good.  Eyes-rolling-back-in-yer-head good.
My wife would have loved that! Salsa with everything. A Mexico City raising did that to her.

Maybe you can surprise Mrs Pip with a salsa-stuffed grilled cheese someday for lunch or a light dinner.  wink  You're welcome!

+16 votes
Pip, It is raining here in my neck of the woods but not near as bad as your videos show. We have been house hunting most of the last couple of weeks and got some good news this morning. We were given a very good price on the home we are in and we do not have to come up with a down payment. We just finished applying for a loan and should hear back by Tuesday. This would be great because we would not have to move anything and we already have the utilities in our name and there would not be any address change either. Our dog Oscar has mastered getting up on peoples lap, he has startled me several times, but he will not get on furniture when no human is on it. I really have not done much on WikiTree and don't expect to until after May 1st due to other obligations but I still manage to do something every day, the last weekend of April may be the exception because I will be at the Maple Festival all day both Saturday and Sunday, the 27th and 28th. Now to eat lunch and then back to pecking away at the tree.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Congrats on the home Dale!
That’s great news, Dale. I know you’ve been hunting for a while and I’m glad you've got that settled. Hope the weather holds for the festival.
Congratulations on the house.
+19 votes
Good Friday Morning Pip and All,

Many thanks once again for hosting, Pip. So glad the flood waters did not enter your home; destroying the drive and yard are certainly bad enough!! Here in Texas we are having the usual pre-Easter cool snap. Cold rain will be added all day Saturday so there goes the grandson's soccer game once again! Hopefully, the make-up game from a prior rain-out will go forward on Sunday afternoon!

On the Genealogy front I have continued working on my list of unsourced profiles plus adding to biographies. Have made a little progress on both.

I was contacted by two Henderson DNA matches this past week. One is a second cousin who I have collaborated with before. The second one was a surprise. I then used them to work on the DNA and was able to isolate three matches to the same area of Chromosome 14. Now I have something to work with in tracking down other DNA matches and checking their Henderson lines. There are soooooo many Hendersons so I am happy to have accomplished this much.

Have a happy, wonderful weekend and hope everyone has a new brickwall break-through!!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Awww, I thought you were going to say it was warm there Ginny. I was going to say 'ROAD TRIP.' Ida brought snacks and everything.

Wow - congrats on finding a new cousin.

I used to think Texas was all dry, but have been disabused of the notion! surprise

Yes, those Henderson’s are EVERYWHERE! I’ve had to deal with some here in North Carolina. 

Well Pip, we could be related. Not quite sure yet, but some of my Henderson clan were probably passing through North Carolina at some point!!
+17 votes
Hey Pip and all,

Where is my "I Survived The Great Category At The Bottom Disaster of 2019" t-shirt?

Thanks for hosting, Pip! And stay dry!
by Natalie Trott G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
Awww - you are so awesome with those categories!! We appreciate all that you do [hugs]
I gotta tell you it takes someone with a sharp mind to work on Categorisation. If I can see a chart, I get it (visual learner). But to just discuss it? I’m lost. Y’all have your own language, to boot! You deserve more than a t-shirt!!

LOL, thanks Mindy and Pip. It's been a week, you know? wink

#Bottomgate ? :p

Hah! That's a good name, Susie.heart

It seems Bottomgate is far from over, so it might be too soon to claim survival.  wink  I was going to stay out of it from apathy, but I do love me a good 'gate, so I added my $.02 in support.  devil

oh my, that's a doozie of a thread to read...

There you go Nat.

bwa ha ha - politically incorrect as all go but pretty funny...
Lol. I need this. .
The best yet!!!
+17 votes
Hard to believe its Friday already. The week went too fast and didn't get everything done. Of course, the second "bomb cyclone" didn't help with that. This one wasn't as bad as the first one and mostly missed us. We did get a couple inches of snow from it and where Tuesday was nearly 80F/25C, the high on Wednesday was during the night and was half the temps of the previous day. Still hasn't warmed back up (still below freezing at 9:30AM). All of this is slowing down the garden prep. I did get an irrigation leak fixed. I hope there isn't another. Today is potting up the non-vegetable plants and running errands before the next Spring storm arrives.

Genealogically, a slow week working on my own family but have added some info for a couple of Canadian notables. That and worked on some of the never ending Category errors.

Hope everyone has a great weekend.
by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (538k points)
I thought Colorado got bombed with snow! From what I saw in the WC, the snow was a late surprise with some depth to it.
Parts of the state were definitely bombed. The airport was one but we missed the high winds and got less snow than expected. Weather here is "interesting". More snow tonight. It is trying to start now.  Hope it holds off some since my wife is in Colorado Springs for the day (about 80 miles from here).
Yeah, the last snow storm wasn't that bad overall. Just had to chisel out the cars in the morning. Chance of snow in the middle of the night. By Monday they expect us to be up to 72 F. Rain in the middle of next week.

Spring in the Rockies. Temperature whiplash.
It sounds like it was quite a storm. My cousin and her husband took off in their RV without first checking the weather, and ended up spending a night in a shopping center outside Denver. They have lived near Syracuse, NY all their lives -- should know about snow.
“Temperature whiplash.” That’s now an official Weather Channel term. I love it!
Right up there with Trump being elected being called a "whitelash"? They are making some strange terms. It's time for a BRRRRRRexit.
+15 votes
Wow, sorry about the flooding, Pip.  So glad it stopped before it got to your house!

Still one-handed WikiTreeing here... surgery to fix my wrist went fine on Tuesday and now I'm just recovering.  I get stitches out in a week and a half and then I can start PT.  Really the most annoying thing right now is the big clunky bandage.

The big genealogy news is that last Sunday we heard back from my mom's mystery match.  She's about my mom's age, and recently learned she was adopted.  All the evidence so far suggests she's a first cousin on mom's paternal side (and Mom's dad had 10 siblings...), though I'm not completely ruling out half sib yet.  More sleuthing to be done!

Meanwhile, I'm chasing a set of my paternal matches who all match on one ~20-25 cM segment of chromosome 3... they're the only tentative DNA link I have so far to my great great grandfather Hazard's ancestors.  I've got three subgroups with common ancestors so far but haven't been able to connect them all to each other yet.
by Lisa Hazard G2G6 Pilot (264k points)

I just gotta admire members who can talk the DNA talk. Still new for me, but I’m getting there! So sorry the recovery seems to be taking so long. That wasn’t your “grading hand,” was it? laugh

Unfortunately!  Hoping to start getting caught up on that grading this weekend, and I'm thinking about ways to minimize writing for the rest of the semester.

I love the DNA stuff... it's a great big logic puzzle.  And as a biologist the learning curve wasn't too bad, though I'm still learning new things!
Like Pip, I envy your understanding of using DNA to make genealogical connections. (And I'm a trained biologist, so I should do better, but I've been out of the field for twenty years and so much has happened.in the meantime.)

~~~Healing Vibes~~~~ sent your way!
Glad the surgery went well. =D Healing vibes sent. I admire people who can talk the DNA talk. You've been helpful to me and everyone else around here. Take care of your hand!!!

Oh, I'm recovering nicely... my brother-in-law brought me a box of orange buttercreams from Holsten's.  For Sopranos fans, that's the restaurant where the famous (infamous?) final scene was filmed... they also have a homemade candy counter.  I should probably be boosting my calcium intake to help my wrist heal.  This is milk chocolate, so that counts, right?  wink

I can't imagine how you are adding to the chat, or grading papers, with your wrist. Hope you heal okay.
Chat is easy... I can type one handed just fine.  Grading, on the other hand (so to speak)... not so much.  So I've been procrastinating.  Again.
Super news Lisa!  I've had a similar DNA week myself.
So our new cousin is willing to give me some level of access to her matches, but has to wait a week or so until a tech-savvy friend can help her.  I'll just have to be patient.  Meanwhile, I'm back to using Ancestry Thrulines to help assign common ancestors to clusters of matches in the massive Collins-Leed cluster analysis (2400 matches!) I did for my mom.  The goal is to find clusters that don't have ancestors assigned, then see if any of them relate to my brick walls.  It's a slog, though.  But my daughter had a friend over to watch Infinity War today, and I wasn't going to get any real work done during that!
No WikiTreeing during the Avengers!

I hate slogging. Gimme straight up from the get-go.
The only thing saving me is using two laptops... one with Thrulines open for reference, and one with my massive cluster Excel file open to add the data.  I managed to push thru to a decent stopping point (all the 3Gs done) and then checked to see whether that was sufficient.  It's not... looks like I have to go back at least another generation to get more clusters ID'd.  Sigh.  Worth it when it's all done, though.  I hope.
+17 votes

Afternoon everyone! Blueberry Pie all around!heart


by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (646k points)
Woop, woop! :-)
I promised, so when you get here in rural Cathey's Creek, I have some ready for you. What kind of ice cream to go with?
I am waiting patiently for that Blueberry Pie with a big scoop of ice cream!
Everyone’s invited, so come on over, David.
+15 votes
Gosh, Pip, you didn't mention that in our meeting! Glad you're ok!

Spring has definitely sprung here in Hertfordshire, England. The bulbs are coming out under the oak tree outside my window, the birds are gathering twigs to build their nests, there are duckings on the village pond and lambs in the fields. Ah, *happy sigh* I love this time of year, and am so grateful to live in such beautiful surroundings.

As well as my usual weekend activities, I've got my graveyard group this Sunday afternoon. I'm working with them to document the graves so they can have an updated and accurate report. I'm also uploading all of this one to WikiTree so am killing two birds with one stone which is great.

On WikItree, it's been a busy week. Project-coaching-wise we are working with a number of leaders on a number of projects which is exciting. Global Cemeteries has just taken on a new Co-Leader (hello Pip lol), which I'll formally announce elsewhere. We're working on the videos for the Cemeteries Trail, and looking at different areas of work that need to be done with the teams which are growing fast.

In England, we've just taken on two new Project Coordinators, one for Topical Teams and one to open the brand new England "Help Desk" which will answer England-related inquiries on G2G and elsewhere. It's all very exciting!

Personally, I'm working on my "George" profile for St George's Day on April 23rd, a suffragette managed profile, unsourced Hertfordshire, and adding Category Info Boxes to Bedfordshire place name categories, among other things. Oh, and am about to go and eat leftover Chinese for dinner. Yum yum. Has anyone got any cheesecake?

Susie :-)
by Susie MacLeod G2G6 Pilot (303k points)

Cheesecake just for you! (And Mags, if she shows up! laugh)

Really cool idea about the help desk. I mean REALLY COOL!!! Kudos to whoever thought that one up.

For me, you describe the quintessential English countryside. Oh, to be in England!

Now that Spring is here! :-)

I'll bring cheesecake if you bring Chinese food smiley

Ahhh, that’s just toooooo beautiful! That one piece is more than half my Weight Watchers point for a day! Twin Dragons here makes good Chinese.
I ate it all but that cheesecake looks yummy! :-)

How about some photos of the flowers. ducklings in Hertfordshire, England?

Cheesecake is a yes, and no to Chinese food! I am not on any type of diet so bring it on!!

You have a good one in Pip being Co-Leader of the Global Cemeteries Project.

* passing a slice of cheesecake to David
+16 votes

Hello Pip and WikiKin (as we're all related),

On the homefront: Here in southeast Michigan, we've had variable temperatures, no surprise. Today it is in the low sixties (about 17C) and a few days ago it was in the low seventies (22C). Between those, yesterday we woke up to enough snow to cover the grass. Sunday is supposed to be 40 (4C) and rainy, so I don't think we will be processing into church with our palms.

Wednesday evening my wife, the twins, and I all went to kindergarten round-up. That's a large group meeting for all the parents with children starting kindergarten the following fall. The kids mostly had directed play, and the adults mostly has a dull, but informative meeting. I'm still nervous about school in the fall though.

Next week is Holy Week, so I'm not sure if I'll be checking in as much towards the end of the week as we enter into the Triduum, hard to say.

On WikiTree I have mostly focus on Unsourced Michigan profiles. I have sourced a good number of them. I haven't accomplished much today though. I pulled someone up this morning and went to FamilySearch to find records, and discovered that the family was an incredibly tangled mess. I cannot tell you how many FS profiles I merged, divided, reassigned to different families, and shuffled sources around for. It was a lot. I figured it was better to straighten everyone out FamilySearch and then I can more easily work on them at WikiTree.

That took most of my available time, and now I'm tired of it all. It's okay though, I'm fostering* the profiles until they're ready to go out on their own.

*Have adopted and am temporarily managing them until I get them straighten out.

by Thomas Fuller G2G6 Mach 9 (94.1k points)
Oh, yes, this will be a busy week! I’ll be tied to church from Wednesday to Sunday.

I did kindergarten thing with our youngest. I hated it, mainly because I didn’t like the idea of not being with her 24/7 like the summer before the start of school, but it was a great kinder-experience for her. She loved it. You’ll be fine, Thomas, and so will the kids.
You'll be fine, man. No fear. =)
WikiKin...I love it!   :)
+16 votes
Well I had a pretty big week all round. Added the tree for my friend Sean Du Pré Moore, which was quite a job. Then today I discovered that Living DNA were doing a special on a 3-in-1 test for AU$133.95 inc. shipping, and now that it has become plain that Dante Labs results will be slow to arrive I ordered this package as a backup plan.

Living DNA is based in the UK and have a close relationship with FindMyPast, and since all my ancestors before 1850 or so came from that area it seemed like a good idea.

Oh and it's Lowell George's birthday today, so I'll be tuning in to the Little Feat Special with Earl Guthrie and Forrest George on DeepJams.net from Noon to 4pm US East Coast time (9am to 1pm Pacific).
by Robert Judd G2G6 Pilot (135k points)
Hi Rob! Up late again I see. Let’s us know how the tests turn out. That’s always an interesting subject when the results come in, especially on G2G.
Hi Robb,

You have good music taste!

I was lucky enough to see Lowell George in concert just before he died.  I have the ticket stub somewhere.  The concert was at the Coliseum in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and he died within weeks as I remember.
Vincent, I've been a fan since the seventies, when I used to play The Last Record Album full blast through 15" Altecs, to the dismay of my neighbo(u)rs. If I were American I'm sure I would have been a southerner ...
Yes, that was the result of a nine hour video binge session before I got online for the night. And as you can see, I'll be up late again tonight ... 12 noon Saturday East Coast time translates to 2am Sunday here.

Toodle Pip!
Your sleep/work habits sound like mine. My best work is (usually) very late.
+14 votes
Pip!  Thanks for hosting!  Glad you are safe and semi-dry.

Hello, Everyone!

I have completed all assigned tasks, and finished everything I promised to finish.  One last delivery scheduled for Monday, and a couple of e-files to do when the signed forms come back.  I will probably work a little this weekend just because, but I really don't have to.  Yay!

The bomb cyclone missed me again, but I had crazy weather anyway.  It was sunny and mid-70s (mid-20s) on Tuesday, then the temperature crashed and I had a bit of snow on the ground Thursday morning.  Which I suppose was just yesterday.  I'm losing track.  It's supposed to continue crummy and possibly snowy through tomorrow, then return to beautiful on Sunday.

I am going to close up shop a little early, take a big sack o' money to the bank, and stop off for weekly groceries en route home.  On the list:  grilled cheese fixin's!


by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (768k points)
I was wondering if you’d get some of that, but figured it was just a little too far to the north. Enjoy your big sack o’ money!
The IRS left you some?  Don't tell them or they will be on your back next year.
+14 votes
Thanks for hosting Pip. Oh wow, that's some water! Glad that it didn't come into your house. Shame about the landscaping.

Yes, spring has sprung. It's really pretty, but our pollen count was 10.2 today (is 10 the top?), so I've felt really nasty today.

We are getting ready for a few days camping with the daughter, son-in-law, and grandson, their friends, and his parents. We made a huge pot of soup, so maybe it will not be cold. It sounds like I should take my rain boots.

On the genealogy front it has sort of been two steps forward and one step back. When we were in Florida the cemetery didn't have any record of my grandfather's grave. His death certificate arrived this week with a couple of surprises. Yes, he was buried at that cemetery. No, his aunt was not his mother. Um, I really doubt he was in the nursing home for 5 years since at age 87, a couple of years before his death, he just showed up at our door, having hitchhiked from Florida to Central NY. While there he and his friend (the same age) across the road would mow a 1 acre lawn with a push mower. After he spent some time with his other daughters in the area, Mom and I gave him a ride back to Florida, where he lived with his eldest daughter. Ah the (in)accuracy of vital records!

Other progress was learning that the old church records which I need are available on microfilm and can be obtained via interlibrary loan. I went to the library to request them. I guess the librarian forgot to mention microfilm, as it came back that they could not loan rare materials. With luck the librarians from the two libraries can work it out.

I also got the death certificate for a great grandfather. It did confirm his mother's last name. Unfortunately it said she was born in Connecticut -- but all her census show Rensselaer County, New York, and her brother's Vermont. Maybe this is a clue to this brick wall that the family came from Connecticut.

The Methodist Church is willing to work with you on finding records, but if the specific church still exists you need to contact them. Their records burned in a fire in 1875. Also, the church doesn't have records for the circuit riders around 1822.

Other than that, I'm slowing adding descendant for one set of great great grandparents.
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (604k points)

Kay, I’d be so confused looking at the same documents as you. But, I gotta give you kudos for your detective work and sticktoitiveness! Keep us posted on your progress. Enquiring minds want to know. laugh

+17 votes

OK, as you know "Today"  is NOT "SOS day" but I found this and could not resist sharing. What is SOS you may ask ??  (especially if you not a former service member (or related to a military member or ancestor)..... Well it stands for “Chipped Beef” on Toast  (…except the words used were actually "Sh..t on a Shingle") laugh


From the files of a former cook that worked at the Army's "Mess Hall" ,now known as "Dinning Facility"  here is the US Army's real SOS recipe: 

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Dorothy, would you believe this is one of my wife’s favorite meals?! (I recognized the “SOS” as soon as I saw it.’

I Like  “Chipped Beef” on Toast aka: "Sh..t on a Shingle"! :-)

Wow - I remember eating that. And we called it SOS not chipped beef - military family.
It has been along time since I have eaten SOS. The last time was when my mother fixed years ago.
I absolutely love SOS. I've enjoyed it my entire life. My kids won't let me call i by its common name. Because swearing is bad.
+12 votes
Happy Weekend all !  MyGoodness Friday already?  That was quite the deluge you had Pip, we still have snow.  It is slowly going away but still quite a lot under the trees.  Probably because the sun can't get at it.  We still have ice in the harbour but that is slowly being pushed out by high winds.  Where we are on Georgian Bay we don't (or haven't so far) get those huge ice crystal chunks and mountains of ice. It does happen on Georgian Bay, just not where we are which is Little Tub Harbour.

So, I am trying my hand at Origami.  MY HATS OFF TO MR. ORIGAMI MAN - HERBERT.  I have started a free space to track my Origami progress (which is still under lock and key).  My first creation I entitled "Spontaneous Stones"  enough said on that one.  But I did eventually do some pretty cool folding.  Tried to do a gift bag it ended up as an airplane and it flew too until I flew it too often and finally the nose collapsed.  My many thanks to Steven Tibbets who has helped me on my way with this new endeavour AND he has shown me how to post to here as well.  I just haven't tried it yet.  Maybe what I will do is unlock the free space and post the link... when it is ready to be shared.

On the genealogy front ... well I was busy with Origami so I probably didn't do as much as I should have or could have.  But I still have over 500 contributions this month so not to bad.  That is thanks to that Gail Morin Volume that I have.  Have done a lot of connecting with it as well.

That's it for me - take care all !
by Nicole Boorse G2G6 Pilot (892k points)
Is that how he did that !! I thought it was just a credit card.  I ruined a perfectly good piece of paper using that credit card. Used an exact-o knife instead.  I thought of using the butcher knife but that may have been a bit of overkill.

Save your butcher knife for slicing onions paper thin!

Sorry for the terrible shaky picture.  Note clever use of both halves of the blade, for double longevity.

Thank you for that tip !!  That is a cute puppy.

I had to look up Little Tub Harbour on Google Maps. That’s way up there! When is it supposed to get warm there?

Proud of your origami efforts, taking on something new. Bet Herbert is proud, too, to have a “follower,” haha! You keep at it, and keep showing us your new origamis. 

Wow, that is way up there!  45 north.  I think of Ontario as the north shore of Lake Erie.  How provincial of me!

Here is a geographical thing that blows my mind.  I'm at about 35 north, a little south of the latitude of Gibraltar. It's snowing here, three weeks after the vernal equinox.  OK, I'm 7500 ft (2300m) above sea level, but still.  Essentially all of Europe lies north of me.  Nicole is at 45 degrees in the frozen north, near sea level.  Paris is at almost 49 degrees.  London is 51.5!  Susan in Denmark must be at about 56 degrees north.  How is all of Europe not permanently frozen year 'round?
@Pip and Herbet: Little Tub Harbour is not that far North, it is still considered part of Southern Ontario.  We have late springs because of the ice on the waters but then we get later falls because the waters are considered warm,

Herbert interesting question.

Nicole, Southerners like me look at anything above the Mason-Dixon Line and the Ohio River as the frozen wasteland. surpriselaugh

You are toooo funny Pip; but we get snow- and a lot of it but not as much as some.  And you get water - by the looks of your video's lots of water.
I have many more ebooks when needed and as far as why is Europe so warm? The gulf stream. They are swiping all the heat from North America.

surprise How long has this been going on?!  #giveUSbackourheat angry

Thanks, Steven!

+10 votes
Calling all Cousins!

Can someone please help me explain cousinitude to anonymous?  I am not working at my highest level of clarity, and I am not getting through.

Many thanks!
by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (768k points)
Could you provide a link?

Thank you, Doug!  smiley

I suspect anonymous still won't get it. Practically willful insistence on using a different definition from the rest of the genealogy community.

Sadly, I suspect you are correct.  sad

Uh, Anon doesn’t get it. Give up. You have better things to do besides banging your head against a wall. But kudos for trying!

Pip, I have to bang my head against the wall, because it feels so good when I stop.  laugh

You made me laugh out loud. Glad I wasn’t drinking anything!
+13 votes
On the Move!  

Day one of our move to Portland, Oregon has offically begun.  We made it to Albany, NY.  Tomorrow we are looking to reach Sandusky, OH.  We are using BringFido.com to find places to stay.

OMG, a solid week of 8 hour days packing and purging and we still needed our realtor to pitch in so we could make the closing.

Ugh! Good night.
by Michael Stills G2G6 Pilot (529k points)
Been there, done that... to use the old cliche. When we bought this house we declared it to be our “toes up” home. Probably not, but we were speaking from just recently moving, a hideous experience for us! Hang in there, Michael!

Oh lawdy, 'toes up home!'  laugh  I used to think of this as my TUH, but lately I hear Texas calling.  It's about midway between my birthplace and my chosen home, and 1000% America.  Another possibility is the Redneck Riviera, where I can embrace my inner Florida Man.

You still need a mountain hideout: I can show you a few places.
Pip, we just moved from Evergreen, CO two years ago!  I am still recovering from that move.  We will be 2 hours from my daughter and when she settles down, we are likely going to move again when she settles down after college.  I am getting to old for this!
Oh, boy! We still have stuff in boxes 3 1/2 years later. Guess they are ready for the next move. We’re both getting too old for this.
Moving this often has got to be annoying! Good luck with the move!
Moving is not fun. We figure our next move is about 10 years out when the garden gets to be too much work for the two of us. I hope the storms didn't catch you.
Snowy mess driving through Chicago and all of Illinois.  Landed In Wisconsin Dells, the Water Park Capital of the world. Sunny and 43. Went for a nice hike and now sitting for a BBQ dinner.  Max was so happy to get out and walk.
Decision. So we drive through North Dakota or South Dakota and see Sturgis and the Badlands? Been to Mt. Rushmore.
Always go new. The old won’t have that first enchantment. And keep us posted!

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