52 Photos Week 23: Summer

+12 votes

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in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

Here's my mother, Jean Erdoes, and friend Ann Wolff, camping circa 1961.  


32 Answers

+25 votes

My mother enjoy summer in her summer chair with her dog

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
Great photo, Susan. It does look as if she's very comfortable and enjoying the day. Thanks for sharing this -- you always have such lovely photos.
Thank You Robin for your kindness
I agree with Robin. Lovely photo. I remember chairs like that. Very difficult to get in and out of!
You have the best photos, Susan! Who is that standing behind your mother?
Thank You Laurie for your kindness I remember the chair too not and easy chair
Thank You Pip how sweet of you the lady behind is my grandfathers brother sørens wife Christiane
Your mother is adorable, Susan. Funny, I didn't notice the chair, but how cute your mom was, her smile, hair, and her great legs.

Love her dress. Certainly looks like the dog was trying to get the attention of the photographer.

Thanks for sharing, my friend.
Thank You Cheryl for your kindness my friend you always are so sweet and adorable

My mother love animals very much
+19 votes

My great grandmother had 18 children. Half of them died on the birth or when they were just babies. But nine of them lived time enough to get married and some of them are still alive.

Because of the Spanish Civil War and of their parents early death, those siblings were grown up in different parts of the country. But they loved to meet, and summer was a good time to do it.

In this photo we can see my grandmother (the woman in the center, with white hair), some of her sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews, and my mother (the girl wit the short hair, third from the right).

by Margarita López Gila G2G6 Mach 1 (18.2k points)
What a special photo! They all look as though they're having a wonderful time at the beach. Thanks for the story behind the photo, too.
This really is a lovely and special photo. Thanks for sharing it, Margarita.
Great photo of your family on the beach, look like they had a wonderful time I just love there bathing outfit
What a special picture. I am sorry that your grandparents lost that many children so young.

I loved that they were able to get together and have such a great time on the beach.

I love all of he different outfits they have on. From Dress attire to bathing suits.
+20 votes

A Sutherland family picnic in the woods near Peterborough, Ontario, in the 1920s.

by Laurie Cruthers G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
What a fantastic photo Laurie, the look like they all have a wonderful picnic

Your photo are wonderful so much life on the photo
Thanks, Susan!
How much fun are they having on their family picnic?

It looks like a great time. You can tell they are deep in the woods. Look at all the trees around them.
+25 votes

My great aunt Jessie Burrow and her husband William Walker, dancing on the beach at Surat Bay, Pounawea, in South Otago, New Zealand, in the early 1920s. They were married in 1921.


by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Wow. I love this!
Wow what a wonderful photo with your aunt Jessie and husband dancing really wonderful photo Robynne

What a fun loving couple.

This is definitely what love is all about!

Is that a tango on the beach?
I have no idea what dance that is!! LOL

William died in 1987 and Jessie died in 1990 - so their marriage lasted for 66 years!!
+16 votes

Swedish summer in Minnesota, circa 1895.

by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Gorgeous photo SJ what a fantastic house, and the people are holding animals so sweet

Thank You SJ for sharing
I love this photo! The house, the flowers, the pets, and, of course, the people. Thank you for sharing this.
You came through again. What a great picture. Of course the house is beautiful and I love the people and clothes they are wearing. But the flowers . . . oh, how  l love the flowers. They are so tall and gorgeous. If only this was a colorized pictures with scent.

Thank you!
Thanks Cheryl, Robin, & Susan!
+20 votes

This is my fave pix of my cousin, Sally, who is a few years older than me.  I always remember Sally having those pigtails, when we were growing up.  This was taken at her family's farm outside Morgantown, WVa.   I was probably an infant at the time of this pix, or I would have been in that tub, too. 

by Lynn Bensy G2G6 Mach 2 (21.7k points)
Lynn what a sweet photo of your cousin she really are adorable
Lynn, in our pre air conditioning childhoods we could sure did like a tub of water or the garden hose. Love the photo of little Sally keeping cool.
This is simply adorable. The innocence of childhood. Oh that we could all go back.

Thank you for sharing.
+17 votes

My husband's paternal grandparents, William and Cora Beulah Shaules and their infant daughter, Beulah Marie are out for a summer drive in the country in this 1911 photo.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Robin what a magnificent photo of Your husbands grandparents driving in a wonderful car with there infant daughter

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photo
This is a wonderful picture, Robin. It certainly looks like a fun ride, and I am going to use my imagination and say that it is a Sunday afternoon drive.

I can picture them out with a slight breeze on a warm day having a great time.

Thank you for sharing.
Well, Cheryl, I sort of had the same picture. And since they are probably in a hilly area, not far from the ocean in San Diego. it's very likely that they had a slight breeze on a warm day.
Great minds, Robin!
+17 votes

This is my grandma's older sister, Dottie, looking summery in Florida.

by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (148k points)
Lovely lady with a lovely smile. Thanks for sharing the photo.
Very pretty background for a beautiful woman Love her dress and her pose.

Thanks for sharing.
Your grandmother look absolutely adorable what a great treasure
+23 votes

This is a photo taken the summer of 1923 of my husband's grandmother, Eunice Alexander Hennen, wearing her swimsuit. She was an extremely sweet and modest lady, and she could not say no to anyone. It was probably someone else's idea to take this photo, and she is just trying to get along. 

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (871k points)
If that was the style then, she probably felt very in vogue. Thanks for sharing this photo, I really like it.
Thank you Robin, I actually looked at 1920 swimsuits on the Internet, since I could not figure out the shoes and socks. I saw several that had them, and she would have been swimming in a creek in Eastern Oklahoma. She lived to be 100, so we knew her well—too bad we never discussed the swimsuit.
gorgeous photo Robin of your husbands grandmother in swimsuit she is adorable thank You for sharing another of your amazing photo
Eunice was very in style with her swimming suit in this picture, but can you imagine how embarassed a modest woman would feel out in public?

She is sharing her open arms and legs and not used to doing so.

Thank you for sharing.

She looks adorable.
Yes Cheryl, I was looking at the history of swimsuits, and just a few years before this they really covered much more. She always worried about other people’s feelings and not her own, and she could not say an unkind word about anyone. The expression on her face is telling that the photo is not her idea. We all loved her so much, thanks for your sweet comment.
You are so welcome. I bet she was a lovely woman.
My mother was born in 1930, in southern California, and they still wore woolen one-piece swimsuits when she was a girl. She was allergic to wool, but there was no other choice.
Alison, guess they did not like cotton since since it was thinner, but wool for a swimsuit would be terrible—especially since your mother was allergic to it. I wonder if my husband’s grandmother actually swam in that wool looking suit.
I'm sure she did. They may not have had cotton knits back then, and cotton tends to be revealing when wet.
+13 votes

The White family enjoying a picnic in Cottage Grove, Oregon about 1919.

by Caryl Ruckert G2G6 Pilot (209k points)
Caryl wonderful photo of the family on a picnic what a very special photo

Thank You for sharing
The White family was very formal on their picnic. Can you imagine a family of 2019 going on a picnic in suits?

Maybe it would be a good idea for our teens to show a little less skin?

Thank you for sharing.
+13 votes

This is a photo of my mother with her car. She is dressed in the summer farm clothing of Kansas

by Living Ford G2G6 Mach 3 (30.4k points)
edited by Living Ford
Very nice picture of your mom and car. I can understand why she would need farming clothes in Kansas.

What a woman. Bet she was a great catch. That is an awesome car too!

Love your picture.
Fantastic photo of your mother MaryAnn great photo thank you for sharing
Where in Kansas? My great-grandparents and grandparents left there around 1907. Cloud and Jewell counties, and Lincoln. One of my great-grandfathers served on the Kansas state legislature in the late 1800's, then moved to Lincoln, KS, where he bought and published the local newspaper.
My mom and grandparents lived in Jackson county , northeast KS. They eventually moved to NW, in Goodland, Sherman county.
They probably didn't know each other. Jackson is 3 counties over from Cloud.
+15 votes

This is my dad with my sister and me at the lake.  My dad loved the summertime, going to the lake and fishing/camping on the rivers of Missouri.  I really miss him this time of year.

by Randall Gardner G2G6 Mach 3 (37.5k points)
It looks like a great place to be in the summer. And you all look so happy. Thank you for sharing this photo.
Adorable sunny day smile.
Awe, this is a great picture of your family.

Your dad looks like he was a great father. I remember those flat floats. I bet you had a great time together.

Thanks for sharing this picture.
what a delightful photo of your sister and you, a dad you look like you are all enjoying yourself

Thank You for sharing Randall
+13 votes

My great-grandfather, Ben Mounts (on the right) played semi-professional baseball in the summer, probably around 1910.

My grandpa - his son - wrote about him:

He has modestly said (which was rare -- Daddy wasn’t the most modest of persons!) that he really wasn’t a very good baseball player (he could hit a fastball over the fence anytime, he told me once, but always had trouble with the curve!), but he did play semi-pro ball for a while. Somewhere we have a picture of him and a friend in their Wichita baseball uniforms.

Ben lived in Kansas City, which is about 200 miles from Wichita, so I've always wondered why my grandpa would have said his dad was in a Wichita baseball uniform. And I've wondered what the BD stood for, and exactly what team Ben played for. 

But the photo is one of my favorites, even with the mysteries. 

by Jessica Hammond G2G6 Mach 3 (34.8k points)
This photo really caught my eye as I just finished reading a Zane Grey novel about baseball that took place in Ohio around the same time as your photo. Nice to have a picture of the era. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Your great-grandfather was a handsome young man. I love those old baseball uniforms, but even more - the gloves they wore. It took tough guys to play ball back then. No padding at all in those gloves.

This really is a great picture - and what is more summer than baseball?
+16 votes

This photo of me with my mother was taken by my uncle, Colin Moore, at Cromer, Norfolk, England in the Summer of 1951.  - It is my 13 in 13 -

by Christine Frost G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
If you want to claim a 13 week badge, then you need to post on the below thread - just ask for the 13 week badge - but please be sure that you have uploaded 13 photos in 13 consecutive weeks.

What an awesome picture.  You were a brave little girl. No way would I have gotten on top of that animal.

I think your mother was having a great time also. Look at that big smile.

I have never been to England, but I am impressed with the buildings in the background. They are beautiful. I am not sure if they are homes or businesses, but I just love the look of them.

Thank you for sharing.
Hi Cheryl,
Those buildings were originally private houses, by the '50s they were mostly boarding houses for holiday makers as the Norfolk coast was a very popular place for summer holidays. Later most of them were converted into flats or bed-sits one on each floor.
I guess I was lifted up and put on the donkey, though I don't remember, but when I was a little older I would have loved going on donkey rides on the beach.
Thank you for the education. You are so much braver than I would have been. It was so nice of you to tell me so much about England.
Gorgeous photo Christine of your grandmother what a wonderful donkey too great treasure of a photo
+12 votes

Every 3 to 5 years we have a family picnic in the summer with my maternal family in Washington State.  This is a picture of my granddaughter who I ended up raising after her father died and my daughter was unable to care for her.  I love this picture of her at 3 years old.  She was always such a pistol!  Can you tell? She still is, even though she's a "mature" (ha!) 21 years old.

by Pamela Culy G2G6 Mach 3 (33.8k points)
Got to love the tie dye. She looks like a pistol.

She sure is a cutie.

Thanks for sharing. Does she "love" this picture now?
Thanks Cheryl!  She loathes tie dye, and still wonders why I think it is a great picture of her.  I tell her it depicts her personality at that age perfectly, and all I get is her frown. I keep it on one of my dressers and she'll probably burn it after I pass.  I have outfoxed her though since I have left a digital version in many places on the internet.  She'll forgive me one day ;-)

I love this picture. She is a cutie - and she looks like a red-head, just like me.

Keep those digital versions hidden.

You have a great personality.  I like that.
your granddaughter look adorable, I am so sad to hear that Her dad died, how wonderful you where able to care care of her she really are pretty Pamela
Thank you Susan! She has a good soul and is doing well standing on her own two feet. That's all anyone can ever ask.

Cheryl, do you have Scottish ancestors?  We do. I have 25% and my granddaughter has 20%.  She got red hair and I didn't.  Go figure!
She certainly has a fantastic red hair my great grandfather was Scottish he came from paisley

I am only 4% Scottish, but my grandmother was a redhead and so was my mother. My son and daughter were both redheads and so were their children. Not sure where it comes from - but it sure runs in the family.
+10 votes

In the 1920s my Grandfather, Harold "Hal" Knott Rammel (1892-1930) was the Editor of the Escanaba Daily Press in Escanaba, Delta, Michigan.

Hal enjoyed the outdoors.  So, he undertook a project to build a log cabin about 10 miles from Escanaba on the upper tip of Lake Michigan.  He, unfortunately, met an early death and didn't have lot of time to totally finish the project  or to enjoy what became to be called the "Family Cottage".

After Hal's death his wife, Oma M Allison-Rammel (1895-1995), returned to Illinois for family support.  She became the 1st grade school teacher that lasted thru several generations.

As a school teacher Oma had the summers free.  So, she and many friends and family made the journey to the cottage each summer over the many years.  Most visitors viewed the trip as a cheap vacation at a great place.  Oma kept a visitors sign-in book that has lots of names over several years.

I, William Dale Sims (1941-....), lived in New Mexico during my youthful years.  But, I had the opportunity to spend a few summers during my school years at the cottage.  

It was a great time,even tho there were some challenges?  no running water ... hauled drinking water from town ... bathed in the lake ... no TV ... very limited radio ... so lots of reading time ...

Below is a photo of the "Family Cottage":

Below is a photo of some of the family at the cottage during the summer of 1929.  The people are: 

(Back row) - my Grandfather Harold "Hal" Knott Rammel (1892-1930), my Great Uncle Dale Omelia Allison (1903-1978),  my Great-Grandmother Etta May Omelia-Allison (1872-1944), my grandmother, Oma M Allison Rammel (1895-1995) 

(Front row)- my Uncle John Allison Rammel (1922-1988), my Aunt Catherine Ann Rammel (1928-2017), my mother Ruth Ann Rammel-Sims (1918-2006)

by Bill Sims G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
I love log cabins, and your grandfather did a beautiful job on his family project.

You said that Hal didn't finish his project, but it does look complete. Did another family member finish it?

Your family picture is very cute. It looks like his project is exactly as he pictured it. Many family members enjoyed his family cottage.
+10 votes

My brother and his daughter at my house 4 July 1992. Robert and Vanessa Sutherland.

by Janice Sutherland G2G6 Mach 7 (74.4k points)
edited by Janice Sutherland
I bet you had a great time when your brother and niece visited with you in 1992.

Vanessa sure is a cutie.

Thank you for sharing.
gorgeous photo Janice of your brother and her daughter

She look adorable
+10 votes

These are three of my mother's cousins Eleanor (Eastman) now Oltman, Everett Eastman, and Harold Eastman, the children of my favorite great-uncle, Verne, who was featured in Occupation.  They are shown at Camp in 1944.


by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (223k points)
Very nice picture of your great-Uncle Verne's children. Eleanor looks very bashful, Everett looks like he was a lot of fun, and Harold looks like he was a bit bashful, but could get into trouble if egged on.

Thanks for sharing your family with us.
+10 votes

52 Photos Week 23 Summer

What could be more Summer than Baseball. So here it is.


This picture is from 1900, and is the Hess baseball team. The members of the team are: John Hess, Hilton Hess, Archie Hess, Charlie Hess (manager), Jesse Hess, Jim Ward, Clyde Hess, Everett Hess, Jim Ainsworth and G. Keller.

All the members of the team are brothers or cousins, except for Charlie Hess, who is the father of a couple of the players of the team.

This team was formed in Momence, Illinois and they played local ball for a couple of year, just for fun. A very laid back bunch of guys.

by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
What a handsome group of young men, and the dad is a hoot with his pipe. That is wonderful that the photo is that old, and you know who everyone is. Thanks for sharing this great photo.
Thank you Alexis. Isn't Charlie something? I would have loved to have met this group. I know that Clyde was a bigamist. I bet it wasn't boring in the dug out (if they had one back them).
Is Clyde front left? He is the one that caught my eye. Guess I tend to like the bad boys.

Alexis, and you can pick out the bad boys. I love looking at the old pictures of these guys when they were young, and if I am lucky enough to have a picture of them when they are older, compare them and see how they ages. Especially the very handsome young men. laugh

What a delightful photo Cheryl, of the baseball team, bet they all had a wonderful time together

Thank You for sharing this treasure
Thank you Susan. I think they had a great time together also.
+13 votes

This is my dad, Ralph Stewart Shane, Jr. and his cousin Douglas Burgdorff at the beach on a summer day around 1927.  These two were great friends and had many adventures together.

by Susan Yarbrough G2G6 Mach 3 (30.3k points)
Two darling and happy boys! And I love their truck. Thanks for sharing this great photo.
two gorgeous boy susan wonderful to have a photo of your dad as a boy playing with the car

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