How can I dis-able the pushed questions on the G2G-forum so that I get the stuff I need to see?

+9 votes

Every day my G2G Discussion Feed looks something like this: Puritan Great Migration Project (PGM). Want to Join? projects Do you want to become an England Project Member in 2019? [etc] I see that these feeds all have the tag projects  in common. I do not want endless information about projects I do not want to join but neither do I want to miss out 'need to know' projects-info. Is there a way to filter it in a boolean fashion.? Say behind a certain recurring topic or subject tick a box that says "Do not show again".

WikiTree profile: Philip van der Walt
in WikiTree Tech by Philip van der Walt G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
Can you remove the tag projects and instead have a tag for each project you do want to follow?
That would exclude information of general interest about projects should they be tagged that way.
Philip, I've removed the projects tag from the *current* join PGM thread. So you should stop getting those.  I'm not comfortable removing that tag from other project-join threads where I'm not Co leader. Perhaps you could ask the England project to remove that tag from its join thread.

Wonderful Jillaine. But then would the PGM-project itself not lose out on information regarding general project information? Also - there then should be another more specific tag such as project management to keep track of issues within the general G2G-bin as a data base of questions, or not?

Jillaine, I removed 'projects' as a followed tag and replaced it with 'improvements' and 'policy'. I think it is more meaningful in the long run.
That's what I was going to suggest. :)

Yay on the same page … happy wink

After I first joined I used to read the weekly emails, but soon I realized that there was virtually nothing relevant to my interests, so I stopped reading them.

3 Answers

+8 votes
Every time you answer a question, you need to UNCHECK the box at the bottom that says - email me (your email address) if my answer is selected or commented on.

You dont get the questions you never responded to. You only get those you actually respond to. So you have to "opt out" and UNCHECK that box. EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Actually, Robynne, you do get the questions you never responded to.  I get those 'join the PGM Project' questions, too.  The reason I get them is because I follow the tag 'Projects'.  It's unfortunate, but there it is.

I gave up following the tag 'England', because it is both a surname and a project.
Ros is correct. Answering / responding to questions is not the cause of the "push"-principle behind this G2G Discussion Feed display. The tags being followed are.

I gave up following the tag 'England', because it is both a surname and a project.

Like "Norway" which is both a surname and a project. Luckily, there aren't that many Norways around. The most notable of them is apparently Nevil Shute Norway.

The Tags. Gotcha. Thanks.
+7 votes
You need to get people to ask some questions, like

- who am I trying to reach with this thread, and what tags are they likely to be following?

- who should be following the "projects" tag and why?
by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (635k points)
edited by Living Horace
Yes, one would assume this. But tagging is also like giving a library certain means of either re-locating information (in the case of a library for example books) or in the case of WikiTree, allowing the contributor to choose to stay informed on certain subjects. This means - instrument of tagging - if not managed in a boolean fashion, merely leads to a lot of "noise" instead of pertinent & useful data, being pushed where it is not welcomed or even useful.
+7 votes

But I'd give up on following "projects", because it's obvious from this

that the indiscriminate use of it has made it totally useless for anything.

176 people have given a huge variety of reasons for following "projects", but I can only assume that's 176 people who don't actually follow their Feed.

by Living Horace G2G6 Pilot (635k points)

Make that 175.  I follow my Feed.

I follow my feed. I might however miss out on other important developments or issues because of this tag. I think I will remove it myself as well.

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