removing contributions

+11 votes
I'm a Newt. It seems a bit embarassing that I have 88 contributions already but most of them are very minor editing corrections as I learn about the unfamiliar wikitree formatting rules used in profiles. Is there a way I can remove inconsequential contributions from my list to make it more meaningful? I can't find a record of any similar questions, and an answer to my question was not under "contributions" on the help pages, so I hope I'm not duplicating an earlier question. Thanks for any assistance anyone can provide.
WikiTree profile: David Snyder
in WikiTree Help by David Snyder G2G1 (1.3k points)

laugh ALL contributions are important. A Contribution is made by the individual to a common "fund" or "collection" and it is made to bring about a result or and/or to advance the communal goal  -- so whatever you have contributed as value for the WT global family collection 

Welcome to G2G forum, David.

Every "very minor editing correction" helps to have a more accurate information. Hence, each one of them, counts as contributions.  yes

Thanks very much.

4 Answers

+12 votes
Best answer
I agree with the other answers, i.e., that it's not really anything to worry about.  Take the number with a grain of salt -- yours isn't any more padded than anyone else's.  It's my understanding that the software racks up another contribution every time you 'save' your editing work, whether that work is adding a whole eloquent biography or just adding a comma.  So if you don't want a big count, just don't save often!  But we've seen occasional problems of members somehow being logged out of the site while they're in the middle of something, and losing their work because of it.  That has gotten some of us into the habit of trying to save more frequently.  So, just play with it a while and adjust things to your liking.

I think the direct answer to the question is no, there isn't any way for you to remove contributions already counted.
by Dennis Barton G2G6 Pilot (572k points)
selected by David Snyder
thanks very much
+16 votes
Hi David! Welcome to WikiTree! Relax. We all make mistakes which have to be edited. Yes, they up our "contribution total" some, but in the overall scheme of things, it doesn't matter. You're learning, so whatever you're doing, even correcting your own mistakes is not at all "inconsequential." I've been here for a few months now. I still make mistakes which I have to correct. Everyone does.

Speaking of errors, be sure to monitor your suggestion list every week. I was here for a while before I even realized the suggestion list existed. When you hover on the "My WikiTree" tab. you will find suggestions in the drop-down list. If you're not sure what to do to clear those, come back here and ask or check out the help pages.

Hope you have much success with your research and profile-building here on WikiTree!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (582k points)
thanks very much
+13 votes
Don't worry about it.  Contributions are counted the same for everyone.  There have been previous discussions about whether minor corrections such as to typos should count, but in addition to the issue of how WikiTree could even make a counting distinction, some people including me believe that every edit is helpful and improves the profiles you've contributed to.
by Living Kelts G2G6 Pilot (557k points)
Because my internet connection is so unreliable, often I compose my posts off-line and then paste them into profiles.  That helps reduce the number of times I update for fear of losing my work.
thanks very much
+7 votes
As others have said, all contributions count.

There is no way to remove contributions.

What you can do is use the "edit reason" box so that when someone does review your contributions, the list includes things like "minor cleanup" or "fixed typo" or "added source for marriage".
by Jillaine Smith G2G6 Pilot (928k points)
thanks very much

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