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Sandemanian Church London membership list 1865 - 1936

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, England, United Kingdommap
Surnames/tags: Sandemanian nonconformist Sources
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Membership of the Sandemanian Church, 1865 - 1936

This is a transcription of the London Sandemanian Church membership records, held by Dundee University Archives. The document is called MS 9/1/3, Membership lists of the churches in the UK and America and this transcription covers pages 116 to 117, with the other pages being records of other towns and cities and lists of Elders and Deacons. [1]

Other Sandemanian pages

This page is one of a series of pages about the Sandemanian Church in London. See My research into the London Sandemanian Church for the links to the other pages, including other membership lists.

An introduction to the Sandemanian Church includes an overview but also details of the categories used for the various families.
The arrival of Sandemanianism in London with details of the people involved and the impact on the nonconformist community

The Membership List

First nameSurnameWikitree IDDate AdmittedComments in original (Ex = Excluded from fellowship, Rest = Restored, Dec'd = Deceased) Page Research Notes
Hannah BaxterHannah Baxter (1850-1875)16 Nov 1865Daughter of Mr Theodore Baxter116Added to WT
Lois FisherLois Fisher (abt.1837-abt.1915)20 Dec 1865Daughter of Mr W Fisher Old Buckenham116Added to WT
Jane BlaikleyJane Blaikley (1848-abt.1941)31 Jan 1869Daughter of Mr Alex Blaikley116Added to WT
Alison BruceSandemanAlison Bruce (Reid) Sandeman (abt.1829-)7 Mar 1869Daughter of Edward Reid of Newcastle and married to Mr Sandeman Jun116Added to WT
Sarah JaneVincentSarah Jane (Hobbs) Vincent (1845-1931)21 Mar 1869Wife of Alfred Vincent116Added to WT
Sarah JaneWhitelawSarah Caroline (Maton) Whitelaw (1837-1929)21 Nov 1869Step Daughter of Mrs Maton, Mrs Maton died May 1896116 Christened as Sarah Caroline. Added to WT
ElizBaxterElizabeth (Boyd) Baxter (abt.1824-)26 Feb 1871daughter of Mr and Mrs (unclear) Boyd 116Added to WT
Catherine BaxterCatherine Baxter (abt.1810-1883)5 Mar 1871Aunt of the above and sister of Mrs Boyd 116Added to WT
Rachael Barnard Rachel (Barnard) Blaikley (1845-1929)7 July 1872Daughter of Margaret Barnard married D J Blaikley116Added to WT
Anna LeightonEdwardanna (Thurlow) Leighton (abt.1828-)18 August 1872116In original, she was listed as Thurlow which was deleted and replaced with Leighton. Added to WT
UnclearHuddlestonThomas Huddleston (1824-)7 feb 1875Died Sept 8th 1881116 Added to WT
Frank Barnard Frank Barnard (1828-1895)Sept 1877died 116 Added to WT
Thomas Young June 1878Deacon 18 Feb 1889 Elder July 1891 died 1939116first name not very clear
A Fred BlaikleyAlexander Frederick Blaikley (1853-1921)14 May 1882Deacon, Elder July 1891 died 25 May 1931116He died in 1921 not 1931. Added to WT
William MercerWilliam David Mercer (abt.1861-1941)Jan 1882116Added to WT
Ellen LorimoreEllen Lorimer (1838-)6 July 1873116Added to WT
Abigail Peat Abigail (Leighton) Peat (abt.1799-1879)14 June 1874Died 1874116Added to WT
Eliza BlaikleyEliza (Barnard) Blaikley (abt.1856-1890)1875116In original, she was listed as Barnard which was deleted and replaced with Blaikley. Added to WT
Elizabeth PhilipElizabeth Boyd (Baxter) Philip (1859-1930)1876116died 1929. Added to WT
Rhoda GilesEllen Rhoda Giles (abt.1859-1921)1876117Added to WT
Edith BlaikleyEdith Shaw (Blaikley) Barnard (1860-1946)Jan 1877married Bryan Barnard117Added to WT
Marion LeightonMarion Elizabeth (Macomie) Leighton (1851-1891)1877married Archibald Leighton117 Added to WT
Martha WestDied July 1877117
CharlotteBaxterCharlotte Jessie Baxter (1858-1928)Sept 1878died 1928117Added to WT
Jessie VincentJessie Nicoll (Vincent) Williams (1863-1944)Oct 1878117Added to WT
CatherineCloudsleyCatharina Georgina Cloudsley (1808-1892)From Glasgow died 26 Jan 1892117Christened as Catharina Georgina Cloudsley at St James with Pockthorpe, Norwich, Norfolk. Added to WT
Jane BurneyYoungJane Burney Young (1812-1888) Gone to Glasgow,Died 31 Jan 1888117Added to WT
MaryEvans Mary Ann Elizabeth Evans (1860-1955)1884Died 30 Nov 1955117Added to WT
MaryBaxterMary (Baxter) Young (abt.1862-1955)28 Feb 1886married Edward Young died 5 Sept 1955117Added to WT
Eliz Mary SandemanElizabeth May Sandeman (1867-1951)21 Feb 1886died July 1951 117Added to WT
Edith MayBaxterMary (Baxter) Young (abt.1862-1955)27 Oct 1888married Edward Young died 8 feb 1896117Known as Mary. Added to WT
Jessie CraigJessie (Low) Craig (abt.1828-abt.1915)1 Jan 1893117Added to WT
Catherine JemimaSandemanJemima Catherine Sandeman (1872-1944)13 Aug 1893died 1944?117Added to WT
Mary CraigMary Justice Craig (1849-)Sept 1904117Added to WT
Eliz Ross BaxterEliza Ross Baxter (1855-1941)Mar 1900died 1 July 1941117Added to WT
Edith Ross Young Edith Ross Young (1890-1971)4 Feb 1917died 17th Feb 1971117Added to WT
Caroline BaxterCaroline Baxter (1862-1946)11 Feb 1917died 13 Sept 1946117Added to WT
EmilySandemanEmily Sandeman (1879-1970)Aug 1936died Jan 27th 1970117Added to WT

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