Profile Improvement Project (PIP) : Help YOUR managed profiles shine [closed]

+21 votes

See new join thread:

Want to create attractive, interesting, and accurate profiles? Love to help track down those mysterious unknowns? Then you need to join the Profile Improvement Project (PIP)! 

PIP is dedicated to helping you make YOUR managed profiles some of the best on WikiTree. As you embark on our Voyage, you will be assisted by one of our friendly and knowledgeable Guides. You will learn how to create fun, interesting, informative, well-sourced profiles that adhere to WikiTree standards, styles, and guidelines. 

Read the Project Page and follow the steps in the "How to Join" section. Add an answer below to get started on the Voyage.

Once you've completed the Voyage, the Unknowns Team would love your help solving mysteries like who was Lydia (Unknown) Jones. You can read more about what they do on the Unknowns Team page.

Thank you.

closed with the note: See New Join post:
in The Tree House by Debi Hoag G2G6 Pilot (409k points)
closed by Debi Hoag

32 Answers

+17 votes

I recommend the Profile Improvement Project (PIP) HIGHLY. I learned so much during my "voyage". While I continue to learn more and more, this was an excellent starting point. If you have not taken advantage of this project, please consider. Your managed profiles (or other edited profiles) will benefit tremendously.

by Carolyn Napoli G2G6 Mach 1 (11.4k points)
+12 votes
I would like to join this project.
by Jan Hellier G2G2 (2.9k points)
I have sent you a private message, Jan.
+12 votes
I would like to begin the profile improvement project voyage
by Lori Stackow G2G6 (7.7k points)
I have sent you a private message, Lori
+11 votes
I'd like to take the voyage and join the team. This will help me set up goals, etc. as coordinator of the USBH project profile improvement coordinator.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (851k points)
I have sent you a private message, Lucy
+10 votes
Though I've been helping the Wales Project to improve profiles I think I'd learn a lot by doing this voyage. So could you add me please?
by K Heenan-Davies G2G6 (8.2k points)
I have sent you a private message, K
+9 votes
I am ready to set sail on the PIP Voyage. Looking forward to hearing more!
by Nikki Orvis G2G6 Mach 2 (25.5k points)
Just realized I never posted here. Good thing we connected via email LOL
+9 votes
Please sign me up to join this project when a guide is available.  Thank you!
by Susie Officer G2G6 Mach 3 (39.8k points)
I have sent you a private message, Susan.
+9 votes
I am very interested in making interesting, well research and sourced documents.  I have been looking for videos how to do just that.  I would like to make outstanding sources and I would like to learn how to incorporate a picture in the Biography.
by Saskia Wijngaard G2G6 (6.8k points)
I have sent you a private message, Saskia
+9 votes
I’d like to join, and complete the Voyage. Thanks!
by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (180k points)
I have sent you a private message, Elaine.
+9 votes
Having just graduated from England Orphan Trail 1, the Project Improvement Voyage seems like a logical next step.  I've learnt how to find reliable sources and so would now like to learn how to write a good biography, and so ensure that my profiles are the best they can be.
by Ruth Jowett G2G6 Mach 4 (43.9k points)
I have sent you a private message, Ruth.
+8 votes
Would love to be part of the Profile Improvement Project, ready to start the journey.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (164k points)
I have sent you a private message, Erin.
+8 votes

I’m interested in taking the PIP Voyage. Please add me to the listsmiley

by Sara Palmeter G2G6 Mach 2 (21.9k points)
I have sent you a private message, Sara
+8 votes
I think it's time to take the voyage. Sign me up please. I really need to learn how to improve my profiles.

Edit: I already have the PIP badge.
by Dallace Moore G2G6 Pilot (158k points)
I have sent you a private message, Dallace
+8 votes

I would love to join the voyage! Knowing how to create beautiful and interesting profiles would be wonderful. There is so much to learn.smiley

by Jenny Johnston G2G1 (1.1k points)
I have sent you a private message, Jenny
+8 votes
I'd love to join please! I love tidying things up and having uniformity - this project with its guidance sounds ideal!
by Jasmine Holmes G2G6 (6.2k points)
I have sent you a private message, Jasmien
+8 votes
Hi, I would like to join the profile improvement project please. I am new to WikiTree but have years of research I'd like to transfer onto here - preferably in the best shape I can.  All tips welcome!

by Annemarie Hanlon-Bruinsma G2G3 (3.9k points)
I have sent you a private message, Annemarie.
+9 votes
Yes! I would love to join.
by Anonymous Biggs G2G3 (3.3k points)
I have sent you a private message, Robert.
+9 votes
I would like to participate!
by Elizabeth Coltrane G2G6 Mach 2 (25.2k points)
I have sent you a profile, Elizabeth.
+8 votes
I think it's time I take the P.I.P. Voyage.  I've been back @ WikiTree for several months now and I've learned a lot but I think I need to get some guided assistance with dotting my i's and crossing my t's.
by Lorraine O'Dell G2G6 Mach 4 (45.1k points)
I've received your message, Lorraine. I'm in the middle of the Source-a-Thon, so will send you a message on Monday.
I have sent you a private message, Lorraine.
+8 votes
I'd like to join please.
by Elle Joackim G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)
I have sent you a private message, Elle

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