Flying Dutchmen Source-A-Thon 2021 chat

+15 votes

Welcome to the Flying Dutchmen team Source-A-Thon 2021 (October 1 - 4, 2021) chat!

You can find your participants number here.

Check this page for team info, links to unsourced profiles, suggestions for sources and much more.

Want to see how the team is doing this year? Go to the tracker here.

Questions, remarks, suggestions, tips or just general progress talk? Answer this question or visit us on Discord, at Team #flying-dutchmen.

And remember: have fun and check the prize winners page regularly.

PS: vragen stellen in het Nederlands mag natuurlijk ook :)

(edited typo) Eef

in The Tree House by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (317k points)
edited by Michel Vorenhout

We hebben gemerkt dat een citaat vanuit niet altijd een correcte link naar de Openarch bron bevat.

Daarom willen we jullie vragen om de verwijzing naar Openarch te verwijderen als er al een verwijzing naar staat óf te controleren of de Openarch link wel naar een bestaande pagina verwijst.

Dit voorkomt dat er links op profielen staan die 'dood' lopen en waar achteraf correctiewerk op verricht moet worden.



We have noticed that a citation by does not always contain a correct link to the Openarch source.

Therefore we kindly ask you to remove the link to Openarch if there's already a link to the Wiewaswie website. Or check the link to Openarch.

Otherwise we need to correct all the incorrect url's afterwards.

We ended up at 7th place with a total of 3.098 Profiles.yes

Number 1 Monique Duffhauss with 478 profiles
Number 2 Ludwig Kraayenbrink with 332 profiles
Number 3 Jayme. C. Arrington (Mullins) with 261 profiles.

Thank you all for participating. It was a great Thon and in the end our joint, world wide familytree is the big winner.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to our team effort. Every  you made, every source you added will make WikiTree a bit better.

The last half hour was very exciting. We were aiming to overtake the team just in front of us on the ranglist and with a joint effort we managed it. Go Flying Dutchmen!!!

The Source-a Thon  has been a good exercise in sourcing. The project team of the Netherlands project is going to organize a Dutch Source-a-Thon to source  the project profiles. As soon as we have a date pinpointed we will let you know. Hopefully you will all help to make the tree, and in our case the dutch branches of it,  a bit more accurate.
Look forward to it.  Meanwhile I've tagged a few more profiles with the {{unsourced|Netherlands}} template, just to make sure we don't run out ;-)

14 Answers

+14 votes
I'm looking forward to this Sourceathon. It's going to be great.
by Colleen Jousma G2G6 Mach 1 (13.0k points)
I am looking forward to it too! It will be nice to get back to sourcing after my current big push at unsourcing (that is, adding the template to old profiles)
I should ask you over on discord what that template is. I need to clean up my profiles.
I meant I was add {{ unsourced|Netherlands }} to a lot of profiles. I am hoping we can get all the profiles created in 2012 or earlier checked with biocheck app for likely unsourced and labelled unsourced if they really are not sourced.
+13 votes

Hi, Michel,

Thank you for creating the Thon Chat. I can't wait for the Thon to start and I hope you are all preparing. wink

I just wanted to let you know that I'm helping out Astrid with messaging back on your answers on the S-a-Thon sign-up G2G so I'll be adding to the Flying Dutchmen participants list on the S-a-Thon page.

Go Flying Dutchmen,


by Nova Susanna Lehman G2G6 Mach 7 (78.1k points)

Thanks for your help, Francis. I'm looking forward to helping this time around. Beyond adding sources I mean. smiley

I've heard so, did you clean up the Thon page? Tell me what you're to do and how you want to help so we don't step on each other toes. smiley

Michel cleaned it up. I just checked for any English issues. I was just going to thank people for joining. That will be separate from what you are doing (adding them to the list). 2 thanks is fine. laugh You're doing the extra step. 

Actually, I'm dually doing both as Astrid has been teaching me how to answer, giving them appropriate links etc. Maybe, you just mean a quick thank you for joining or maybe, we can work together to cover "more ground" faster.
yes, I meant a quick thank you. I want to build a sense of team, especially before the weekend happens. That way we get more excitement and participation.
I'm definitely related to you through more than just genealogy.
I just looked at how we are related. Looks like it is a connection through my New Netherland ancestors. Fun.
Checked our relationship, I've never seen that side of the family before, we are quite closely related, everywhere else I'm connected through an incorrect line.
Hey Francis! Yes, it is great to start again. It has been shortened a bit and I've cleaned up the info on previous years.

Any help is welcome. We really want to make this a team effort.

Hello, Michel,

Is this format fine for the participant's list:

Francis LehmanNo. 111

Please tell me anyway that I can help, I'll be going around now-now to sort out some things.

That sure looks good. The number is the participant's number, which we see on the sticker?
Yes, of course.

We need that number for the prize drawings. laugh

+10 votes

Bedankt Michel dat je bij deze Challenge het voortouw neemt. Betekend dat ook dat je Teamcaptain wordt en ons door de woeste wateren van deze Thon leidt? Je hebt in ieder geval een prima hulpje. Bedankt Francis, goed bezig en hou ons roer recht. wink

Thank you Michel for taking the lead on this Challenge.  Does that also mean you will become Team Captain and lead us through the raging waters of this Thon?  In any case, you have a great helper.  Thanks Francis, well done and keep our helm straight. yes

by Joop van Belzen G2G6 Pilot (148k points)

Als ik de kennis uit mijn management cursusses toepas op deze mooie en korte kapitein's baan, dan houd ik het adagium "Slimme mensen moet je geen leiding geven" graag aan. Colleen, Francis en Astrid zijn capabel genoeg laugh

My pleasure, Joop,

I'll do my best. I'm really happy to help Astrid and the rest of our teammates and I'm grateful to see Colleen and Michel doing their part. I talk to Astrid and she guides me, so she's really the one running the show.

@Michel, je staat als Team Captain vermeld op de Pagina van Team_Flying_Dutchmen-Vliegende_Hollanders#Source-A-Thon_2021. Foutje?

Daarnaast valt het mij op dat het grootste gedeelte van de uitleg in het Nederlands is verwijderd wat deze Challenge minder toegankelijk maakt voor leden die het Engels niet goed beheersen. De meeste deelnemers bij Vliegende Hollanders zijn Nederlandstalig dus waarom geen uitleg in het Nederlands?  

De gedachte is om eerst de tekst kort en overzichtelijk te hebben en vanuit daar te bekijken wat er eventueel vertaalt moet worden. Verdieping (bijv formele uitleg) zit 1 klik dieper gestopt. En vragen zijn hier in deze chat natuurlijk op hun plaats.

De tekst nu is al best al lang, het blijft lastig om het aantrekkelijk en bondig te houden.

En nee, het is geen foutje (die badge schijn ik nodig te hebben).

Tja, en die pagina is ook wel erg groot. Bijvoorbeeld de deelnemerslijsten van voorgaande jaren staan er nog. Heeft mijn inziens geen nut meer. Erfenisje....

Het gaat niet om de badge maar omdat je, in de deelnemerslijst, genoemd wordt als Team captain. Dat is een functie die je uitvoert tijdens de Challenge, ons deelnemers prijzen en aanmoedigen.... yes awesome... Joop.... enz. wink Misschien dat er verwarring is met Team coördinator, de organisator van het team en Challenge? 

@Joop, I saw that Michel is stated as Team Captain on the Source-a-Thon page, maybe it just needs a little time to add the badge, we all know how busy Thons are. I can only imagine the nightmare of organizing it.

@Michel, I salute you, Captain. I'm sure you and Astrid steers through storms to the ultimate treasure. Don't ask me what the treasure is, I'm just the person who welcomes everyone aboard.

Hahaha, this reminds of the Term work for Drama: Learning how to make a character. The "American Flying Dutchmen", very contradicting of course, but it added text for my practical today. "Hello, hello, hello, I'm Francis and this is Francis's Weirdest People.His name is contradicting, but he won't change it. Welcome the American Flying Dutchmen!"

As I was searching for the painter of our logo, I actually started reading up on the story of the Flying Dutchmen. We were scary in those days wink

I believe that, have you seen Davy Jones and his octopus face, I feel so inclined that that is Astrid. What scares me more is how many of you are illiterate, it really troubles me when I record your names on our crew list. cheeky 

illiterate ? what do you mean that Francis?, I find that a bit insulting, do you know what the meaning of this word in dutch, it means someone who cannot read or write.
Sorry, Enoch,

I didn't mean it like that. I should have stated it was meant as a joke as many sailors could not read or write and were therefore illiterate.
Ok Francis I now understand what you meant, I misunderstood you, apologies accepted.
+10 votes
Ik heb mij vandaag aangemeld, dus ik doe ook weer mee en ik heb zin aan, I signed up today, I'm in again I'm looking forward to it again
by Enoch Stuivenberg G2G6 Mach 6 (69.1k points)
Hartstikke fijn! We gaan er weer wat moois van maken.
+10 votes
I signed up today and would love to join the Flying Dutchmen team. I've never done a source-a-thon before, but I'm sure I'll figure it out.
by J. Mulder G2G6 Mach 2 (25.8k points)
Thanks for joining us, J,

I'm sure everyone will be happy to have you in our team.
Hey J, great to see you aboard. Hopefully the help pages explaining the way to claim points are clear enough, otherwise: just ask.

There are loads of documents about finding good Dutch sources and tools to generate easy references. The trick in the Thon is to add a bit of speed to it ;).
Thank you. I think I understand how to claim points, but I did have a question. Is there a way to prevent multiple people from working on the same profile at the same time that the team uses?
Hi, J,

I don't believe so, but possibly due to the addition of drafts I think there is a 30 minute time before people can edit if you haven't saved the draft yet. You may want to double-check just to make sure, though.
Yes indeed, the draft saving is intended to prevent other edits from clashing with your edits.
+11 votes
I'd like to join the Flying Dutchmen for the Source-A-Thon 2021 to add sources on profiles from Friesland.
by Tineke Slof G2G6 Mach 3 (31.3k points)
Hey Tineke, great! Please do not forget to register at the registration post elsewhere on G2G, for details: see above. Here we do help eachother, exchange thoughts and tips and have fun :)

A tip for all of us is to read up on the help pages how to create good citations, so to include all the information about the document source, not just the URL. URLs tend to change a lot over time unfortunately :(.
+10 votes
Hallo allemaal,

Ik heb me gisteren aangemeld voor de Source-a-Thon. Zal waarschijnlijk zelf vooral naar Friese, Drentse en Groningse profielen kijken. Hopelijk kan ik mijn steentje bijdragen.
by Sieger Witvoet G2G6 (7.2k points)
Hoi Sieger,

Leuk dat je ook mee gaat doen. En ik weet zeker dat jij een welkome aanvulling bent
Leuk dat je mee doet Sieger, dan krijg ik dus concurrentie ik werk ook altijd aan de Friese, Drentse en Groninger profielen.
Dankjewel Margreet. Ik ga mijn best doen :-)
Hoi Enoch, veel handen maken licht werk. Hopelijk kunnen wij (en andere deelnemers natuurlijk) flink wat Friese, Drentse en Groningse profielen van bronnen voorzien.
Hoe meer zielen hoe meer vreugd, en is genoeg werk te doen, komt vast goed.
+8 votes

Heb me gisteren ook aangemeld maar nog verder niets gehoord. Het komt vast wel goed daar ben ik niet bang voor.

Groeten van Gesinus Knegt.
by Gesinus Knegt G2G6 (6.7k points)
Sorry, Gesinus,

I wasn't on WikiTree yesterday, I'm going around right now.
I got an email, and you are listed as a team member in that, you are No 526
Gesinus, je gaat als een speer!
+8 votes

I signed up for the Source-a-Thon yesterday and I was wondering if I should do anything else to join this team, as I'm mainly going to work on Dutch profiles. The number I was assigned is 565.
by Monique Duffhauss G2G6 Mach 2 (26.8k points)

Review things on this page, if you have Discord, there are channels there for the Thon, both a general channel and a team one.

P.S. One of the profiles you manage, Van_Beveren-48 is one that I've got in my personal research database, as my sister and I have been researching the Smouter surname.

Thanks for answering Coen.

Monique, did the page answer your questions?
+8 votes
Een nieuwe dag begint in Nederland en we gaan er weer tegenaan.

A brand new day in the Netherlands and we're ready to go.
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
You're doing great Monique, Jayme and Tineke. Nice scores already.
And my day is just ending in New Zealand, goodnight all, happy sourcing.
Sleep well and don't dream about sourcing
+8 votes
Unbelieveble, already 3 prices are won by the Flying Dutchmen team. I can't remember a Thon where we had so many pricewinners in our team. Congratulations to all!
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
+6 votes
A new day in the Netherlands and I left off yesterday (23:30 CET) evening with 1.540 sourced profiles and now 10:15 CET we have 1.927 profiles sourced. I think we're going to break our record this year.
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (153k points)
At 11:35 CET we've reached 2.000 records. That's a great score already and there's still a whole day left to source. Come on team, last year we did 3.317 profiles. Maybe we can reach the 3.500 this year
+7 votes

Sorry, I've been quite inactive, my grandparents are here for a week and we're away for the weekend. I'm trying my best to find some time. Just wanted to leave a note.

Go Flying Dutchmen! heart

by Nova Susanna Lehman G2G6 Mach 7 (78.1k points)
Any help, even one source, helps :)
Enjoy your time with family. That is far more important
+7 votes

What a wonderful score up to now: 2450 profiles sourced. And well sourced as well. So many of you are helping to improve the Dutch part of WikiTree, what a great gathering.

It's getting evening now in our small country, so for some this might be the last few hours before they have to work again. For others, who are just getting started: keep up the good work!

Please do not forget to check if you have won a prize, we have winners in our team laugh

by Michel Vorenhout G2G6 Pilot (317k points)
Where do you check the prizes?  The broadcasts tickers?  Or is it posted elsewhere as well?
And we also try to inform people if we find out who has won a price Coen.
Over 2,634 now

No winners in our team for the Sunday 4pm nor 8pm prizes.

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