any way to have children show up on creation in parental pages?

+2 votes
Currently, when you create children for a parent, you have to save or close the parent's profile and then return to it to click the little box on ''no more children'', ie an additional edit.

Is there any way that when you add children they show up right away without having to open and close the parent's profile?  I just added the 3 children of one man in series, had to close and reopen his profile to be able to click the ''no more children'' box, which before I put them there was only showing as ''no children'' box?  Would save on multiple saving for minor adjustments like that.

Same would apply when adding parents, one has to go back to click the certainty buttons.
in WikiTree Tech by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (690k points)
I usually just refresh the parent's window after adding each child, and there they are.  It works on the parent's main profile page, or Edit tab.
that works if you are PM and can add them from the link provided, I'm talking about profiles I don't manage.
It also works when adding children from either parent's Edit tab on profiles you don't manage.

1 Answer

+6 votes
Danielle, the way the World Wide Web works isn't going to allow that to happen.  When you download a page from a web server, you get whatever is there at the moment you downloaded it. After that, although the page may have provision for YOU to edit it, all the editing you are doing is only in your own computer until you click a button to send the page back to the server with your changes.  If you don't click that button, the server does not know anything about whatever you may have done to the copy of the page that is in your computer.

For that reason, no changes you make to a page you have open in another tab will automatically make any changes to another page you previously had open.  When you click the refresh button on that page, it will download a fresh copy from the server, which will include the effect of any changes made to the database since the last time you downloaded the page.
by Gaile Connolly G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
thanks Gaile, the new save draft doesn't affect this I guess.  Was a thought, will just have to keep doing as I've been doing then.

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