Do you have an interest in ANY of the Nordic countries? Come join us in the Nordic Project!

+43 votes

The Nordic Project is hard at work building teams that are improving profiles for the Nordic countries, and we would love for you to join us!  The Project covers all things Nordic, so no matter where your research interests lay, there is a team for you!

To join, we ask that you:

  1. Read the Project Page
  2. Check out the teams we have to join: Nordic Project - Country Sub-Projects
  3. Add Nordic to your followed tags along with the individual countries you are interested in helping.
  4. Answer below introducing yourself and stating your research interests. NOTE: Comments left on this thread will be read, responded to and hidden from view.
  5. Read and respond to the introductory email that will be sent upon receiving the Nordic badge.

Thank you!

Missy Berryann
Leader, Nordic Project

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Missy Berryann G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
edited by Missy Berryann

129 Answers

+9 votes
Interested in joining the Norway project. Most of my ancestors are Scandinavian and some lines go pretty far back. Currently working on getting all lines found in the 1801 census.
by R Hagen G2G2 (2.9k points)

Hello R Hagen,

Thank you for your interest in the Nordic Project! The Nordic Project badge has been added to your profile and a private message will be sent to you. I will add you to join the Norwegian subproject.


Missy smiley

+11 votes
Hello - I have great grandparents on both my maternal and paternal lines from Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Many emigrated to the United States, and I have inherited several photos and documents, looking forward to updating our one tree! Kelly
by Kelly Fann G2G1 (1.3k points)


Thank you for your post! I want to make sure you would like to join the Nordic Project. Please let me know. Thank you!

Missy smiley

Hello, Yes, I would like to join. I have a lot of sources to add, and in the past, I have only been updating my private Ancestry page. However, I want to expand my knowledge of the region and provide info for others to connect their families as well.

Dear Kelly,

Wonderful. I look forward to working with you!  Which country are you most familiar with? I work with Swedish records, because my maternal great grandfather was 100% Swedish. I have some Norwegian cousins too, because my 2nd great Swedish uncle moved to Norway and had all his children there. I am not familiar with Norwegian records as much though, because I work mostly with Swedish records.

I look forward to having you join the Project. If you need help with your research, we have some great Nordic researchers. Please be sure to read the email I send you.


Missy smiley

+8 votes
Hi again, since there were issues with my previous post I thought I'd try again!

I'd like to join, specifically the Sweden sub-project. I am American but my LNAB (Moberger) goes back to Sweden. My great-great-grandparents and many of their siblings came to the US from Sweden in the 1890s and settled in Massachusetts, where most of my paternal family still lives today.

I came into possession of an extensively cited genealogical study of the Moberger families compiled by a distant Swedish cousin in the 1980s, which I'm using as a starting point to build out the skeleton of the Moberger tree in WikiTree before going out digging for my own sources. So far I've mostly focused my source research on the immigrants and American descendants, since I speak no Swedish at all... but I'd like to learn how to read records so I can get better information for the earlier family in Sweden as well. I also know that I will need to locate reliable primary sources to add the pre-1700s roots of the Moberger tree and keep going back as far as possible.

Eventually I would like to do a one-name study of Mobergers, since it seems to be a relatively uncommon surname, as compared to the more common "Moberg". Thank you!!
by Allison Waltberg G2G1 (1.6k points)

Hello Allison,

Your name sounds familiar, but I am unable to find your other post. Thank you for your interest in the Nordic Project! The Nordic Project badge has been added to your profile and a private message will be sent to you. I will add you to join the Sweden subproject.


Missy smiley

+8 votes

Can I join the Nordic (Swedish) Project even though I will not be able to communicate via any other channels than the site itself, G2G and occasional e-mails? 

I am logged in to Wikitree almost every day, but because of reasons I do not use Discord, Google Groups etc.

For the moment I work mainly on my "own" tree (Västerbottens and Kalmar län. It now spans almost 7 generations. I did not upload it as a gedcom, I wrote it manually and WikiTree is my only genealogical workspace. But I also do a bit of organizing and cleaning up other Swedish profiles that I stumble upon, mainly in Västerbottens and Kalmar län. Fixing incomplete locations, spelling mistakes and other minor errors.

I want to be honest with me in the long run aiming for a pre-1500 cerification. Partly because I recently found an ancestor connection that linked me directly to a part of the Tree (The Blix family) that is not very well sourced and as the remains of an early import in need of a critical review; and some of the lines of this family stretches before 1500. But also because there are many more Swedish pre-1500 profiles that would benefit from more active checking ups.

I am born in and still live in Sweden. I have an academic background (mainly archaeology and ethnology), I can navigate Riksarkivet with ease and can also read the oldest church records relatively easily. Additionally I have been working a bit with Lantmäteriet's historical maps and historical estate data. Some years ago I was very active on Swedish Wikipedia and am quite familiar with common Wiki routines. My main motivation is that I love to be able to make things better.

If you could accept me as a member I'll be happy to contribute. smiley

by Helena Dalroth G2G2 (2.2k points)

Dear Helena,

I am not sure how it will work, but I will give you the Nordic Badge. Please email me about how we can communicate. I will email you with my email address at the bottom. Please respond to the email.

Thank you!

Missy smiley


I will add you to the Sweden subproject.

Thank you!

Missy smiley

+8 votes

Should I and need I join the nordic.  I am Icelandic and most of the people I am working at are (were) born in Iceland, lived in Iceland and died in Iceland.  Same with the children they had (if any)

There is at least 2 person who were born in Danmark 

1) a direct ancessor of my father(grandmother also we siblings) Hans Klingenberg.  He moved to Iceland in 1729 (from islendingabok - in icelandic:

Hans Jörgensson Klingenberg

Fæddur 1707

Látinn 27. okt. 1785

Kom frá Danmörku og hafa verið uppi ýmsar getgátur um uppruna hans. Hann kom til Íslands árið 1729, 1724 skv. Borgf., hóf búskap í Bygggarði á Seltjarnarnesi. Bóndi í Elínarhöfða í Innri-Akraneshreppi. Bjó einnig á Krossi á Akranesi. Hann varð efnaður, stundaði verslun, eignaðist margar jarðir í Borgarfirði og átti lengi í málaferlum. Fyrri kona hans í Danmörku var Ellisif, af norrænum ættum.)

The later was named Hilda (or Hilde) Madsen Eyjólfsson. Madsen-3375 

She married a man named Ármann Kristinn Eyjólfsson and they had 2 children.  The younger was a son who died when I was a teenager and the other is my "not-mother" the woman who´s got my name... i.e. I am baptism for... I was given her name and also named for her husband Þórir.  My son I gave the name of her father Ármann Kristinn the last "name" is as always the name of the childs father ending with son for boys and dóttir for girls.

by Guðbjörg Gísladóttir G2G2 (2.9k points)

Hello Guðbjörg,

I am not sure what you are asking or are you not asking? Do you want to join the Nordic Project? If so, please post below with what country(ies) you are interested in joining.

Thank you!

Missy smiley

+7 votes
Hi, I would like to join the Denmark subproject.
I am born (and still live) in Denmark, and most of my ancesters were Danish - (though one of my great-grand mothers was Swedish)
by Søren Jensen G2G Crew (680 points)

Dear Søren,

Thank you for your interest in the Nordic Project! The Nordic Project badge has been added to your profile and a private message will be sent to you. I will add you to join the Denmark subproject.


Missy smiley

+7 votes
I’d love to join the project please. I have a particular interest in Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
by Finnias Helstrom G2G6 Mach 2 (20.4k points)

Dear Finnias,

Thank you for your interest in the Nordic Project! The Nordic Project badge has been added to your profile and a private message will be sent to you. I will add you to join the Norway subproject.


Missy smiley

Hi Finnias,

Nice to make your acquaintance. Several of my Raae (Roe) ancestors were from Lærdal, Sogn og Fjordane.
+6 votes
My name is listed as Petra Koops, my maternal DNA ancestry is 34.7% Nordic, but apart from my 1.7% Finnish great-grandfather Jakob Ulrik Pekula 1870-1939, I have not been able to verify a connection to my primarily Swedish, some Danish, Faroe Island, Icelandic origins, from North-West Coastal German base. I am interested in joining your Nordic Project.
by Petra Koops G2G Crew (380 points)

Hello Petra,

Thank you for your interest in the Nordic Project! The Nordic Project badge has been added to your profile and a private message will be sent to you. I will add you to join the Finnish subproject.

Missy smiley

+7 votes

All my known ancestry is in the Nordic countries. Mostly in the Swedish county of Värmland, but also in neighboring counties as well as Härjedalen and Røros across the border in Norway. I also have an interest in some Forest Finnish lines and I enjoy tracking down emigrants to the US (lots of emigrants from Värmland).

Currently I'm looking at fleshing out some of the profiles of my Røros ancestry, but I'm also just building up my recent tree.

I'm a native Swede, committed to research quality through accurate and exhaustive research. I'm a board member of the Genealogical Society of Sweden (Genealogiska föreningen).

ago by Daniel Eriksson G2G Crew (420 points)

Hello Daniel,

Thank you for your interest in the Nordic Project! 

About half of my Swedish family is from Värmland, mostly in Ölme and Varnum, but also Gilberga and Lungsund. I look forward to working with you. Where were you born in Sweden?

The Nordic Project badge has been added to your profile and a private message will be sent to you. I will add you to join the Swedish subproject.

Missy smiley

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