Would you like to join the Jewish Roots Project?

+18 votes

The Jewish Roots Project is seeking new members wanting to help us with our goals!

Some of our goals are to add, connect, and honor members of the Jewish community as well as welcoming new WikiTree members and helping them to connect to their ancestors.

If you are a WikiTree member, have signed the Honor Code, and would like to join us, please:

Click "Answer" below and let us know what regions and topics you are most interested in (i.e., Poland, or cemeteries, etc) And do let us know if you read or speak languages other than English.

Do you want to help, but you can't commit to regular activity? Instead of joining, you can follow the jewish_roots tag and watch for posts from us asking for help on specific tasks and projects.

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Elaine Martzen G2G6 Pilot (183k points)
edited by Elaine Martzen

37 Answers

+15 votes
I don’t know how much time I can commit or what it entails. My grandfather, Nissim Catan was one of the first Iraqi Jews to come to the US. I have his Ellis Island info. I also have letters from family left behind and imprisoned. Through my maternal grandmother I have Ashkenazi Jewish heritage. I have DNA results from 23 and me and Family DNA.
by Lynne Campo G2G Crew (650 points)
Ok, sending you a message!
+15 votes
I'm not an expert in Jewish genealogy by any means, but I do have a copy of Salonika's Lost Children by Stella Salem and would be more than happy to do lookups for anyone. The book contains a list of child Holocaust victims born in Thessaloniki from 1937-43 along with their parents' names. There is also a much smaller list of survivors.
by Anon. Nishimoto G2G6 Mach 1 (11.6k points)
What a great resource! Sending you a message.
+14 votes

Hi! I just created this notable profile: Gaby Brimmer.

by Melissa Arjona G2G6 Mach 6 (60.1k points)
Thank you, Melissa!

Also, I didn't create this one, but Renia Spiegel is a Jewish Notable whom I just realized doesn't have any of the categories or stickers attached.

+12 votes

One of my DNA tests has this in my DNA ethnicity  Ashkenazi Jewish 2.2%   I believe this must come from my mother's German origins.  I would like to research this more.  

by Don Daniels G2G6 (8.9k points)

Hi Don, we are pleased to have you. I'm getting you a badge and will send you a PM. Be sure to check out our Project Page and the Resources tab near the top.

+13 votes
Interested in Friedereich in Darmstadt, pre-unification Germany.
by David Gardner G2G Crew (930 points)
Hi David, great to have you. I'm getting you a badge and will send you a PM. Be sure to check out our
Project Page and the Resources tab near the top.

+13 votes
Hi. I have Ashkenazi DNA from my paternal Grandmother's line with the surnames: Rusin, Szady and others. I have done extensive research to find these people. Would be interested in learning more about them, and would like to join the project.

Joan Szymczak
by Joan Szymczak G2G6 Mach 1 (11.8k points)
Hello Joan, we are pleased to have you. I'm getting you a badge and will send you a PM. Be sure to check out our
Project Page and the Resources tab near the top.

+13 votes
My grandparents were immigrants from Europe (Romania, Austria-Hungary, Russia). Thanks to a 3rd cousin who found me via familytreedna.com, I have the Y line of my paternal great-grandfather going back to my 5x great grandfather. I have yet to break through the brick walls on the other sides of my family. I'm pleased to help with your project in any way that would best serve. Unfortunately I do not speak or read any languages other than English.
by Nina Tobias G2G Crew (590 points)
Hi Nina, great to have you. I'm getting you a badge and will send you a PM. Be sure to check out our
Project Page and the Resources tab near the top.

+13 votes
Yes I would like to help on this project.
by Susan Bondurant G2G4 (4.0k points)
Great, any particular area of interest? It's ok if you don't have one right now.... if you do have one, I'll write it on the badge that I will give you.
+13 votes
Two areas:  First: descent from Charlemagne back to Abraham and King David.  Mother and father both trace to Charlemagne as far as I know.

Second: Sephardic man living in Spain named Harry Gold, who with two daughters, Isobel and Elizabeth, all had to leave for religion c.1492.  Gold sisters found worse discrimination in England with the Anglican Catholic Church, and after studying in Geneva one sister was imprisoned for starting a  Congregational Church in England.  Her sister got her released by intersession of the wife of the Duke of Huntington.  Family may have been in Spain for generations; Harry emigrated to Ipswich, Suffolk, I believe.  Rob Palmer, Bangor Maine USA.
by Rob Palmer G2G Crew (680 points)
Great, getting you a badge and will send a PM. Just wondering so I can have a quick look - do you have a profile for that Harry Gold here on WT, or on any other site? Thanks!
No profile for Harry Gold Family, it is deep in my notes taken years ago, and with no data base, hard to find.  However I will search, with time.  Rob P.
Oh, by the way, I have always used my mother's surname after their divorce when I was a baby:  Palmer.  My full name is Robert Buel Palmer, which I have always used.
+13 votes
I am of Ashkenazi descent and I know my Great Great Grandfather (I believe) founded the first synagogue in the Bay Area, and there is a plaque dedicated to him that’s still there, from what my mom told me. I would love to dive deeper into my Jewish heritage. I know a lot of relatives in my mom’s side came from Poland and Hungary.
by Rebecca Monges G2G Crew (590 points)
Great, getting you a badge and sending you a message!
+13 votes
Hi  I have Jewish Roots on my father's side though I only learnt about it after my parents had both died.  My Great grandfather Ludwig Bing (Bing-208) came to London England from Hungary and married Catherine Kate Cantor (Cantor-117).  I should love to know more about their parents.  I should be grateful for any help.
by John Byng G2G1 (1.5k points)
Great to have you, getting you a badge and sending you a message!
+13 votes
According to MyHeritage I have 4% Ashkenazi Jewish DNA, while 23andMe shows nothing. My paternal side always assumed there was Jewish blood in the family, but no one knew where it happened.

I'd like to try and figure this out.
by Jack Rumpel G2G1 (1.4k points)
Ok, I added a badge for you and will send a PM. Thank you!
+13 votes
I do not have any Jewish roots, we found out from Ancestry DNA testing that my husband has Jewish roots. I have done some research and my husband's ancestor was originally from Latvia. He travelled to New Zealand where he married a Jewish woman, who has a previous husband that she married in the Great Temple in London. Their son (who is my husband's great grandfather) came to Australia and married. It was here that the Jewish roots were lost as she was not Jewish and at the time there was a lot of bigotry. Any help tracing the Latvian line would be greatly appreciated.
by E.m Ryan G2G1 (2.0k points)
You have the badge & I'll send you a PM. Thanks!
+14 votes
Yes, I would like to help with this project.  My father was Jewish, born in Cairo, and slightly curiously had a Sephardi mother and Ashkenazi father.  At the moment I have identified only one of his great-grandparents.  Although I don't know Yiddish, Ladino, Hebrew, Aramaic, or Ukranian I know a few cousins who do :)
by Harvey Stotland G2G Crew (990 points)
Wonderful! You have the badge & I'm sending you a PM.
+13 votes
I'm interested in Jewish ancestry from Belarussian sources 19, 18, 17 centuries. Languages: Russian,  Hebrew,  English
by Stanislav Ginzburg G2G1 (1.5k points)
Great! You have the badge now, and I'll send you a PM.
+13 votes
Hello! I would love to help with Jewish research and find out more about my own family in the process. My entire maternal side is Ashkenazi, primarily from Kutno, Poland and Boguslaw, then Russia, now Ukraine. I have family names and records for the generation that first immigrated to the US from 1890-1910 but don't know how to go any further back. I can read Spanish pretty well, and am rusty with German but could decipher with a dictionary at my side. I have 23andme DNA results for myself, and an extensive Ancestry.com tree.
by K Dickinson G2G Crew (590 points)
Great! I added your badge and will send you a PM.
+13 votes
I would like to help.  I have researched my own Jewish family in Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine and my husbands from Germany.  I can read French.  I have researched a number of Jewish friends of mine families fro Iowa, St Louis and Canada.  I am very interested in DNA research and have been actively involved in testing my family.  Have been doing genealogy for over 30 years.
by Ravelle Scherer G2G4 (4.6k points)
Glad to have you! I gave you a badge and will send you a PM.
The cousin I mentioned earlier, has a wonderful website www.edgoldberg.com

Family names Jewish and Gentiles and some info. Whatever it is, it is more than some of us started with.

I would love any help available - thank you in advance
Oh, this comment goes on another answer, I’ll copy it to there. Thanks Sharon!
+14 votes
Hi Elaine!

I would be interested in joining the project.  I have roots in Krakow, Warsaw, and eastern Belarus--primarily Brest-Litovsk area, so I am most interested in those areas.  

Unfortunately, I only speak English, but have struggled through some Polish documents with the help of google translate.  Please let me know how I can help.

by Eric Wolfgang G2G2 (2.8k points)
+13 votes
would love to join, I have discovered I have Ashkenazi jewish and deep slavic/Rusyn connections
by Tiffy Funtos G2G1 (1.7k points)
Great, sending you a message!
Thank you I will keep my eyes open for it!
+12 votes
Im related to the surname, Hartog or Hartochs, from the netherlands.
by Anonymous Harms G2G6 Mach 3 (37.6k points)
Thanks, sending you a message!

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