"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 5th - 7th, 2024, 2024 [closed]

+23 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Closed
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
closed by David Selman

Welcome to a blustery (here) Weekend Chat, my fellow WikiChatterboxes! And greetings from Cathey’s Creek, where high winds the past couple of days have cracked limbs in the forest surrounding us. Fortunately, none fell on our home. It’s supposed to be warming up in the next few days. I saw that New England got socked in with snow. (Chris, are you snowed in?)

On the Home Front: After today, I will have only three weeks of physical therapy left, so 12 more visits there. Once that is over with, I am going to join a gym and get a personal trainer. I’ve let myself slide since last September because of the shoulders thingy.

At our local bookstore, I picked up a new Wiley Cash book, a land more kind than home. It takes place in Madison County, North Carolina. An interior blurb says, “… comparisons to Harper Lee, perhaps even to Faulkner or Flannery O’Connor, but Wiley Cash is Wiley Cash.” I agree.

This is my second Cash book, the first of which inspired me to create a profile for one of his characters, an historical person, Ella May Wiggins. That was a very sad tale. This new one is, too. Lots of pathos, like good Southern fiction always seems to be.

I also bought Wayfaring Strangers: The Musical Voyage from Scotland and Ulster to Appalachia, by Fiona Ritchie and Doug Orr (with a Foreword by Dolly Parton). I haven’t started it yet but am looking forward to it. Anything to celebrate Scotland and the unique culture of Appalachia, right?

The rose of all the world is not for me.
I want for my part
Only the little white rose of Scotland
That smells sharp and sweet – and breaks the heart.

Hugh MacDiarmid, “The Little White Rose”

On the Genealogy Front: Nothing much to speak of except lots of folks joining WikiTree lately. Keeps my Greeter shifts hopping!

Anniversaries this week:

1) My gg-grandfather, Eli Galloway, was born on the 7th in 1820.
2) My g-grandmother, Hettie Lawing Underwood, was born on the 8th in 1849.
3) My elder daughter turns 43. How time flies!

I hope all of you are doing well, or as well as you can with whatever you are facing. Just remember that your Chat Community cares about you! (I was out of the loop last weekend with our younger one visiting with us.)

Enjoy the Chat!

Good morning Pip, no idea why I was awake early, I'm so glad your physical therapy is having the desired results. I keep promising myself that as soon as the weather improves, I will ride my new bike down to the pond and back twice a week, it's about 6km round trip.
Mornin' Cousin! Your weather is worse than ours, apparently - sunny and 40s here. Glad the shoulder issues have significantly improved. I need to get out and walk today myself, though it's not the same without my little fuzzball.

The books sound lovely, especially the music one. Fiction-wise, my tastes run to Southern Gothic (among other things)...I need to check out Wiley.

In need of a nap now...didn't sleep well due to a gallbladder flare-up...but will check in later. Best to you and the Mrs.!

Hi Pip! I missed you and the Chatterers last week. Very down with pain, another imaging study on Saturday, pain, more difficulty with both TVs...and did I mention pain? 

I had to drive to Tempe for some work that I have put off for months. I managed to drive despite the pain and the goddesses were with me as there were no highway incidents and no tickets. It was a great 'mental health' break despite the pain. I also spent a lovely couple of hours at the 'independent' book store in Tempe. 

PIP! I did the the Declaration of Arbroath relationship this week and I am the numerous times great granddaughter of 10 of the 12 participants, including Robert the Bruce and Edward Plantagenet! I am not related to two...the Fraser and the Leslie. How do you like them 'Scottish' apples?

Slàinte dha na h-uile!

See below for my adventure. That was fun. Crazy week for everyone. Glad your therapy is helping, man. Keep up the good work!
Today is eclipse day, we are currently in St Catharines, Ontario, we stayed overnight here with a family member, and will be driving to Welland in a while to Robbie's neice's house which is in the path of totality.

30 Answers

+18 votes


Enjoy this parody to get you in the mood!devil

  • Sung to the tune of The Gambler
  • Written by Don Schlitz in August of 1976
  • After two years of searching, the song was picked up, several artists covered it, but flopped.
  • When Kenny Rogers covered it, it went to Number 1
    • Parody by Dave Draper
  • Here's the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hx4gdlfamo
    • Click on the link and the the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
      • or open the link in a new window
  • The Thonler
  • On a warm Friday morning, on a search getting nowhere
  • I met up with a Wikipeep, we were both to tired to sleep
  • So we took turns a searching for records in the “darkness”
  • ‘Til boredom overtook us and we got on Weekend Chat
  • He chats: “Son, I’ve spent a lifetime, reading obituaries
  • And knowin’ where their homes were, and where they’re laid to rest!
  • So, if you don’t mind my saying, I can see you’re out of sources
  • I’m gonna drink some coffee, then I’ll give you some advice
  • So we both went for a hot drink, we drank down our last swallow
  • Then he looked at my sources, and said, Well this ain’t right”!
  • Then he got deathly quiet, and later made this confession:
  • Said, “if you’re gonna join Connect-A-Thon
  • You gotta play 'till the morning light”
  • You got to know how to source ‘em, and add templates to ‘em
  • Know how to merge someone when there’s duplications
  • You never count your points when you’re sitting at your table
  • There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the "Thon" is done!
  • Every “Thonler” knows that the secret to survivin’
  • Is knowin’ when to play hard and knowing when to sleep!
  • ‘Cause everyone’s a winner and everyone‘s a loser
  • And the best you can hope for, when it’s over, get some sleep
  • And when he finished chatin’
  • I just stared out my window
  • My eyes got heavy and I faded off to sleep
  • And sometime in my dreaming, I finally got the meaning!
  • But in his final words, I found advice that I could keep
  • You got to know how to source ‘em, and add templates to ‘em
  • Know how to merge someone when there’s duplications
  • You never count your points when you’re sitting at your table
  • There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the "Thon" is done!

More Weekend Chat Parodies devil

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
edited by David Draper

David, if ever a truth was spoken:

  • He chats: “Son, I’ve spent a lifetime, reading obituaries
  • And knowin’ where their homes were, and where they’re laid to rest!
Sounds like my life since I was eleven years old. Another good one. Keep 'em coming!

Thanks Pip! Remind everybody there won't be a Weekend Chat next week!surprise  

I have two more "Thon" song parodies, and I will post one Saturday morning and one Sunday morning!.

I never get tired of saying this: "Great one, David!" I 'sang' it all the way through.

I wonder if Wikitree hosts an award show for music?


It's a pity there are no "likes" or "love" buttons on G2G.  It requires at least 5 characters to comment. So everything after the emoji above was to assure I met the G2G criteria.


You are clever, entertaining, and witty! Keep them coming!!!


Hey Dave that was a good one. I just love listening to Kenny Rogers.
+18 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening? We had Easter tacos for dinner last Sunday. Forecast on Wednesday was ‘early spring storm expected to bring strong winds, rain and the potential for significant snow Wednesday through Thursday’. 

The snow came and the snow melted, and last night it started again. This morning we have about 1cm. We are driving down to the Niagara area on Sunday afternoon, staying at my sister-in-law’s house overnight so we don’t have to fight the eclipse traffic on Monday, and then will only have to drive for about 20 minutes on Monday to Robbie’s niece’s house for the ‘eclipse viewing party’. We will come home via backroads to escape all the people leaving the area. 

And some not good news, my oldest daughter has a confirmed lupus diagnosis. There must be some genetic links to auto-immune diseases, my younger daughter has 4 confirmed auto-immune diseases. I have none, as far as I know my ex, who was exed in 1982, their father has none, though he does have Type 2 diabetes. 

WikiTree and family history: most of my WT time this week was spent updating watch list profiles that were last updated in early 2021. 

And some interesting news, today I got a WT private email message from a Heritage Planner with the Town of Caledon. I had previously been in touch with them when I started my Alton Cemetery project, they provided all the Alton house pictures. This message was specifically about Dodswood, the house on the land that Robbie’s 3 x great grandfather bought in 1832. And that then became the family farm and is still run as a dairy farm today. 

Heritage Caledon is working on a project about the house and want my input! This could be very interesting. 

What else: I’m rereading the 8th book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon and just realised I have only read it once before. Because of when it is set, I’m learning a lot of non fictionalized details about the Revolutionary War. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (772k points)

Good morning M! I am not quite back in action, but have posted a Chat. First, I am very sorry to hear of your daughter's lupus diagnosis. Back in the late 1990's, the docs thought I had lupus based on ANA results. It turned out to be a different autoimmune disorder. Nevertheless, MS and lupus are cousins. I don't know if this would be relevant, but my neurologists (the one I saw in Tempe and the other here in Tucson) have me take Vitamin D3 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5990512/)

Your Easter dinner sounds very a la Tucson. Nothing like tacos for dinner. And what an honor to receive such a request from the Heritage Planners from the Town of Caledon! I have no doubt that your input will be the highlight to their project. Congratulations!

For whatever reason, as great as she may write, I cannot get into Gabaldon's books. I know she is a huge hit when she attends the Tucson Book Festival  in spring. Women in particular flock to her presentations. Some of it is likely from the television show. Like you, my daughter really enjoys her books. My bag during the weeks of pain has been re-reading several of Georgette Heyer's novels (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Heyer-168). Ros Haywood even compiled a book list from Wikipedia and posted it on WikiTree: (https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Bibliography_of_Georgette_Heyer). Right off the top, I am re-reading The Black Moth. Her WikiTree bio indicates that she owned over 1k historical reference books to ensure accuracy when she was writing her books! I think Gabaldon took a page from Heyer relevant to references in her work.

Please say hello to Robb for me. I think of our activities when you were here whenever I pass your hotel, Tohono Chul, Gourmet Girls, the Botanical Gardens and the Chinese restaurant near my home. Hugs to you both!

Bonjour, M! Exciting news about the Caledon project. All your hard work seems to be paying off, and it's nice to connect with like-minded folks.

We were fellow travelers (though fortunately not traveling) in your storm system - snowed all day Wednesday and now it's gone.

Sorry to hear about your daughter's health issues. I seem to have dodged that genetic  bullet, unless you count the medieval concept of melancholia, which I seem to have inherited from my father...grandfather...great-grandfather. But I think I have better coping strategies.

Enjoy the eclipse party! A friend and I saw the 2017 one while traveling home from Irish Fest. Staying put this year.

HI Carol,  I just Love the TV Series "Outlanders" I just don't know about the author, I mean she is good but every book she has at one "questionable" scene in it and I just shake my head and wonder "What does this have to do with the show" Like you, I just can't get into the books to well, I think my biggest problem is the small. 

Have you seen "A Long Way Home" I blieve it is on the Hallmark Channel. Same thing just no sex. It is where the daughter/mother go back in time. Firth the daughter goes back in time to the 1980, 2000(?) and then the mother goes back to pre-Revolution Times then 1812.  It is history base too. The year 1980, 2000. I could be getting the years wrong because it is 2 seasons longs. It is fun to watch because it brings back memories. 

Enjoy the Eclipse I will be seeing further south you. I can see from my house, but I will probably travel 15 minutes north to get a longer view of it. It will be my second time. It is well worth the traffic. I went in 2017. We stopped on our way home in Lexington KY to see my uncle. A normal 5 hour drive took us 10 hours to get to Massillon OH. I would do it again. It was well worth it.

An interesting side is that you are suppose to wear red and green on eclipse when it goes totally dark. Apparently red goes darker and green grows lighter.  Apparently, colors will change during the eclipse. 

Here's Why You Should Wear Red And Green Clothes During The Solar Eclipse (msn.com)

Hmm, Chris

There are many events and happenings in the Outlander TV show that do not happen in the books. And there are many events in the books that were left out of the TV show.

Example: in the book Murtagh dies at Culloden, in the TV show he is still living when Jamie and Claire are living at Fraser's Ridge.

Plus, if you've seen the TV season where Malva Christie is murdered and Claire gets accused of murder. Theoretically no one knows who was the father of her child, in the book her brother confesses to being the father.

Many of the events in the books were probably left out because they were peripheral to the main story and would have been very difficult/too complicated to include in the TV series.
+18 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 59F (15C) with an expected high of 70F (21.1C) and rainy skies.

I was not able to participate in last week’s Chat. I did check out some of the posts and made comments here and there; however, I was just not up to writing a Chat, or doing much of anything else other than adding profiles to WikiTree.

Before I go into my own measly, mewling poor me stories, I want to mention two events that are much more important than my whining. Please hold intention for the World Central Kitchen volunteers who died in the Israel/Hamas conflict this week, their families, all the innocents who will now have even less to eat and for peaceful and feasible resolution to this conflict. Second, please hold intention for all the people of Taiwan during and in the aftermath of the unimaginable earthquake. Our own Betsy Ko has 
Taiwanese ancestry, and I am sending intention for her and any family there caught in the tragedy. I spent time in Taiwan when I taught for the military in Asia. The people and the country are beautiful.

And now for my puny life events. Last Saturday, I underwent an MRI of the head to determine if there is further advancement of MS. As a cost-savings to insurers, Medicare, and myself, the neurologist alternates imaging. Last year, I had a CTA of the head and neck. This year, the MRI. Next year, the CTA (if I live that long). I also had imaging done of the full spine about two months ago, which had shown further severe deterioration. The last time the full spine was done was in 2018.

I also saw the pain specialist last week thinking I would be getting a steroid injection. Much to my chagrin, no injection…just a chat to determine what to do next (with nothing in the interim). It seems these steroid shots are not lasting long, perhaps a month. We had hoped for at least two months given that I am only allowed 5 of these injections per year. By last weekend, I could barely walk as the pain was excruciating. Some days I use a cane and sometimes one of those four-wheeled chair walkers. Most embarrassing is yelling out loud as I turn to get something while I am out in public. I mentioned in past Chats that I cannot use aspirin or non-steroidal analgesics because of anti-stroke medication. I do not do well with narcotics…they just make me more stupid, and I still do not get pain relief. I am using all the creams, lotions, gummies, unguents, gummies to no avail. I walk when and as much as I can (motion is lotion), meditate, homeopathy, chair yoga, nap, sit with my back toward the sun, and use a heating pad at night. I wish one of these physicians would suggest something, a muscle relaxant, something that might ease this pain. As to my primary care provider (PCP), after telling her my pain was at 11 when she asked me to rate it on a 0 to 10 scale with 10 being worst, she said she wanted to put me on an anti-cholesterol drug! What? Huh? Twilight Zone? Outer Limits? The Prisoner? Dr. Who?

And…my new TVs are not working! I went to practice using the Xfinity NOW cable remote with the small telly in the guest room. I turned it on and…no channels. I received an email from Xfinity a few days prior and thankfully saved it! She had a tech call me (can you believe this service? Their NASDAQ stock must be down). He walked me through clicking on the HDMI 1 through 3. Nothing. I manage to use the remote with the Samsung TV in my office. I settled back to watch a movie that would take my mind from the pain. As I reported in my Chat two weeks ago, the lips are not in sync with the words! Watching movies out of sync is like nails running along a blackboard, an off-key singer…as psychologically painful as severe, unrelenting back pain! I drove to Best Buy and had another hissy fit. So, Taylor the Geek (we are on a first name basis now) will be arriving sometime today to ‘assess’ the TVs. He will return if I need to exchange either or both TVs. If the lips are out of sync ONLY on the office telly, then it will need to be exchanged. I just know that one or both will need to be exchanged. Just put me up against a wall and shoot me! Giving birth was easier than this!

On the upside, despite the pain, I drove to Tempe on Monday for a bit of collaborative work. I had the opportunity to see some friends and go to a great ‘indie’ bookstore. Plus, Macy’s and Dillard’s’ at Chandler Mall have better selections than Tucson. This past Wednesday, we had our usual American Academy of Nursing nurse sleep researcher zoom meeting. We had a new member join us. She is research director at Michigan State University. Plus, surprise, her dean was a colleague of mine at ASU several years ago. We will select our next sleep topic in May.

 WikiTree has been a great friend in providing me with biography and sourcing challenges that keep my mind off the pain. I still move between the Buckinghamshire Baldwins and whichever profiles in Massachusetts or Maine need a bit (or more) of TLC. These profiles usually end up becoming families. Why should it not surprise me that one profile with only a name, birth/death date (hopefully), location (hopefully) and nothing else? Seeking this information, or any relevant information keeps my mind off my body. Our Buckinghamshire Team got a compliment in the form of an email to me from one of our England Team members mentioning how reductions in the number of errors speak to the fine work the Bucks team is doing. That was a mood lifter.

Pip, as always, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I will be celebrating my 79th birthday on April 10th and only wish you could be here in Tucson so you, Mike and I could go to that Mexican restaurant after the de Grazia tour (when I got lost). Do you recall the name of that restaurant? I also want to wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great FIRST weekend of April 2024!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Top of the morning Chatman! Had my MRI before breakfast. Tomorrow is National Park Clean-up Day so fun day at the museum. I'm thinking it's time to reaquaint myself to the late, great Harold Ensely, "gone fishin' instead of just a wishin'!"

Did anyone see the 90% eclipse of the moon about 6:15 this morning? Can't wait another 28 days for it to hppen again.
Hi K, enjoy clean-up day and I think it is wonderful that you provide this help and support. I make contributions to our National Parks. If Teddy Roosevelt could work that hard to set up our National Park system for all to enjoy, the least I can do is contribute to their work. My sister and I toured Teddy's childhood home in New York last year and there was NO charge because it falls under the National Park System. We made donations. And the National Park workers are wonderful!
Our museum and cemetery is not covered by the National Park System and is basically ignored by the county. I guess Harry didn't think that one through. He probably had the clout to git r done. I guess I'll fish some ponds afterwards.

I thought I was answering Pip's post. I guess that shot in my eye yesterday may help me see better tomorrow but, it doesn't make me any smarter today!
K, whether Pip's or mine, I am so sorry to hear of your eye problem and will hold you in my healing intention meditations. It is too back that your museum and cemetery are not covered. You take care!
The Feds have approved some monies but the bureau of idiocracy between the county, state and fed's we will probably never see the money.
Hi Carol, Before I forget Happy Birthday!

Sorry to hear you are going through so much. It is no fun getting older is it. I was suppose to go to church this morning but decided against it because. I am in pain and having problems walking.

That sleep study sounds so interesting I wonder if they have any ideas on how to keep me awake during church. That machine is just scary if you know what I mean.
Carol, I'll be celebrating my 20 years of being a Catholic on your birthday!

You were in pain and you were offered a lipid lowering medication? Oy vey. If you continue to have issues, I suggest that you go to Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale.
+15 votes
Hello all from New Hampshire where we are digging out from the latest spring Nor'easter. Most of the state lost power and so much damage was caused by downed trees and power lines. Tragically, a grandmother was killed when a tree landed on the propane tank, rupturing the tank and causing the house to explode. Her grandchild was taken to the hospital in Boston. Hopefully, he/she will be OK.

Most of my community made it through unscathed and never lost power.

On the genealogy front, I was doing some cleanup on some of my profiles when I noticed that Find A Grave's memorials now offer a link back to Wikitree. Boy, I need to make my profiles more reader-friendly.

Just as I was typing, we experienced an earthquake here! No damage reported yet.
by Candyce Fulford G2G6 Pilot (125k points)

Talk about a double whammy!  Seeing you here is encouraging!wink

Thanks, David.
Hi Candyce! I am so glad to know that you escaped that propane tragedy. Wow! And then an earthquake? Double Wow.

Now to FindAGrave...here is what I have been doing. As I add biography and inline sources to profiles and find that they have a FindAGrave site, I update the FindAGrave info, usually birth and death locations, then copy and paste my biography to FindAGrave because there is generally no information. At the bottom of the Grave profile, I write:

NOTE: Sources [ ] available, if needed, or see: [and then I post the URL to the WikiTree profile].

I have heard back from a few of the Managers for the Graves and some of them have said they they are now just posting my URL link to WikiTree rather than having the full profile on the Grave site. Others leave the full profile ESPECIALLY if they served in the U.S. Civil War, or the American Revolution.

I am so glad to know that others are adding the WikiTree links and you are absolutely correct...it behooves all of us to do full biographies with sources so that our WikiWork shines on other sites!
Cousin Carol:

The linkbacks on Find A Grave are a recent phenomenon there. Even memorials that I do not manage have the link. As for my managed memorials, it's only on those memorials where I have Find A Grave listed as a Source that shows the linkback. I had nothing to do with creating or authorizing a linkback. So yeah. That certainly encourages me to spruce up my profiles.
Hi Cousin Candyce, thanks for this FindAGrave feedback. I have also been seeing 'WikiTree' on some of the FamilySearch profiles! I had to check our relationship, which I think you did a long while back. We are 10th cousins through MRCA John Stone! Have a great weekend.
Hi cousin Candyce, I am so glad to hear you are safe. There sure has been a lot of earthquakes lately. I may have to look at getting earthquake insurance.
I know, Chris. Right? And who would have thought that New England would feel an earthquake centered in New Jersey?
+14 votes

yesChecking in from a cold 40F and overcast day in Bloomington, Illinois USAsurprise

Home Front: I have two part time jobs, and this is the fifth week I'm sitting home! I'm getting stir crazy!

Genealogy Front: 211 Contributions....hmmm, I down about 600 so far this month.

Book Writing Front: Stalled....I got to get fired up and get this book finished!

Connect-A-Thon Front: We have 33 on the Newt Team at this time. I signed up as a coach!  18 members of the team joined in on a ZOOM meeting yesterday! Great new members wanting to learn what the fun is all about, but really ecstatic to learn about WikiTree and how to make quality profiles about their ancestors!

The Future: I will be turning 72 in June. My wife was getting a little disturbed with me not working and spending 12 hours every day on WikiTree. "Really? You know more about the dead in OTHER families than you do about your own grandkids! There are other things in your "bucket list" you won't get done unless you control your addiction!"  She's right!  After the Connect-A-Thon I am going to cut down to 10 hours a day!laugh

Solar Eclipse Front:  MONDAY! about 2pm!  We live 3 to 4 hours away from the path of totality!  We can head for Missouri, Southern Illinois or Indiana to view it. Driving time will be about the same, but the traffic may be problematic if we head for Indianapolis.  Monday morning, we will check the weather.  Wherever the least number of clouds are, that is the direction we will head.  This weekend, we are stocking up on drinks and snacks and plotting where to get gas, BEFORE the eclipse, so we can make a mad dash home to get in front of the traffic! I have made a map of all the little towns we could possibly visit to avoid the masses!

Have a Great Weekend!  Posting two more Thon Songs Parodies, one on Saturday and another on Sunday! See you back here in 2 weeks!heart 

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
Hey Davd.  Have fu seeing the Solar Eclipse. It is well it. I lucked out this year and I am not far from it.  I just have a short drive and I will be in it.  Just praying for sunny weather. The main thing is just practice safe driving. Let the idiot drivers be idiots.
Hoi David. Im late for the weekend chat. 10 hours wikitree is much better. Yesterday my girlfriend motivated me to do more wikitree. Some ladies came to talk with her about some kind of dog event. I was a little annoying. So she said: "You go wikitreering"?

I hope you made some pictures of the solar eclipse.

See you around

Greetings Richard
+17 votes

Spring has arrived......busy, busy, busy.  Sunday, March 17th, Kathy getting to the bottom of the firewood pile, helping our son-in-law cut blocks with the powersaw and on Wednesday, April 3rd, seeing a window of opportunity open, helping me set the burning pile afire.



by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (371k points)
3 point hydraulic log splitter on the other tractor?
John, chat with Pip, find out when he is coming to Tucson and you can join us here! We could start an 'in person' Wikitree-Tucson Chapter! You, Pip, Cindy Cooper, M Ross and hubby Robb! Wow! Genealogy and guacamole! What a combo!
So far, a rental log splitter planned, with a paid crew of adult grandchildren to assist in stacking.

Carol, it just remembered that the last time I set off to join Pip at his local soda shop, I got detained at the border, as I have never applied for a passport. crying

I hear passports are not a problem these days, just brush up on a foreign language.
Is Canadian a foreign language?
drop the ay, you'll be ok.

Ay, I could slip in a little Chinook Jargon.

Hi John, You must have on big garden, I just have four small ones which are mostly raised beds now. We still have about 5 weeks till we can plant  but I am starting to week out the beds.
Hi Chris, we have three raised beds and are considering moving the garden, which is not very big, to slightly higher ground, nearer to the burning pile, as the lowest corner is too wet in the spring during the nearby river runoff.
+18 votes
What a difference Easter makes. Today I am working on the Super Bowl Challenge profiles. I got two connected yesterday.

Flannery O'Connor, one of my favorites, suffered with lupus that she inherited from her father. Read "A Temple of the Holy Ghost" for a commentary on a controversy of our own time.

Husband has still not heard whether we can take off starting April 21 for a vacation in Oregon. The company is now scheduling for all vacation requests. We are still planning to bring the dog with us. Husband says he can sleep in the van if necessary. He found his CPAP machine irritating last night and so got almost no sleep.

I found out where my watchmaker went. He retired and his son is now doing the watch repair out of a teriyaki stand in Lynnwood. He waited on a teriyaki customer as he was replacing the batteries in my two watches. I will have to go back, as the minute hand in one of the watches is still not moving. It's an old one, so I'm not that motivated to have it working. The new one that my genealogy brick wall student gave me is now the preferred one.

Today it is rainy and drizzly here in Everett. Tomorrow, I believe, my daughter goes to the Mukilteo Lighthouse to work the gift shop. I am writing an article about a ceremony in the Pioneer Cemetery in 1937 in which a birch tree and a rhododendron were planted. The birch is gone, but the rhododendron is still blooming strong. The ceremony was a joint effort by the DAR and the local garden club. There was talk about turning the cemetery into a state park. For about 50 years thereafter, however, the cemetery was still neglected. In the meantime the Historical Society got started and is now carrying on the preservation with the help of our much-valued volunteers. I will stress this in my talk to the Society next Thursday.

I didn't quilt at all yesterday, except to partially complete one block. I am letting my fingers rest before I make the final push to finish the yellow applique Dresden Plate 1930s retro.

Today I will also supervise yard work to be done by the two offspring. Daughter got a pair of leather gloves for this purpose.

You all have a safe and "normal" week. I will be connecting some more next weekend before we take off for Oregon.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (333k points)
Hey Margaret

Souds like you are going to be busy over he next few weeks with the next weeks with the upcoming vacation.  Best of luck with the cemetery project it sounds like a worth while adventure.
+18 votes

Hello from sunny Medford. It is so nice to see sunshine after almost a week of blustery winds, cold, wet days. We are suppose to get to about 79 this coming week Pip, how about you? My adopted brother is from Boston and they predicted 2-4 inches of snow for them this week but I think for them it is like here we received it around us in the mountains but nothing here on the ground floor this week.


Saw my neurosurgeon group this week. Scheduled for more x-rays. I do a return visit with them on 24 May. I will find out then if we do a one tier, two tier or three tier (fusion) of my back. No projected date for the actual surgery.


Friends will be joining us this weekend on various days. We are dining, doing karaoke, listening to music.

I am surprising Tom with an early 20th Wedding Anniversary dinner to include Jazz on this Sunday.

I received from the VA (Veteran’s Administration } Womens’ BookClub a book by James Patterson called The Black Book. I also picked up a book The Oregon Trail, by Rinker Buck. I am finding both enjoyable. Of course the Oregon Trail is truly the fascinating of the two. LOL The Oregon Trail is based with history of the actual reenactment of the Trail trip several years back. We will see if it does any inspiring.

Your  Wayfaring Strangers: The Musical Voyage from Scotland and Ulster to Appalachia, by Fiona Ritchie and Doug Orr (with a Foreword by Dolly Parton) sound very exciting. Keep us updated on your findings.

I have been jumping all over the place: Anniversaries, Rawking, Meli, Data clean-up, cemeteries,

I made another 100 club in March for sourcing. I see years back I actually did a 1000 a couple times, and I have no idea how I did it. Lol

Anniversaries this week:

For me:

My gg-grandfather, [[West-20741|Joseph McCoy West]] died 1 April 1943.

My husbands gr-grandfather, [[Finley-3423|Harry Lewis Finley]] died on 3 Apr 1966

My grandmother, [[Neal-1888|Viaretta May Neal]] married her second husband on 6 Apr 1914

Happy chatting and seeing you next week. 

PS I am baking two custard pies this week based on my mother’s recipe!

by Alice Thomsen G2G6 Pilot (272k points)
Hello Alice, TY for the reminder I too have to schedule an appointment with my Neurologist. Along with my Bi-Yearly MRI's.  Ugg.  I also got to schedule my yearly Mamo. fun fun. Sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery. I just had a spinal fusion. It was not fun; especially the part about being in bed jail for a week. I like to be on the go, being stuck in bed really stunk.  I really didn't like the part about not being about to use my right hand cause I was not about to use my cell phone to play Candy Crush and to do Wiki Tree stuff. :(

Congrats making the 100 Club!
Thank you Chris. Yes I am not looking forward to the surgery but I don't like the pain I have been for the last year, so hopefully it goes away with this surgery. Yes I like to be on the go too, especially dancing.
+18 votes

Hello again everybody, doesn't it fly by!

Not much to add this week, a few prominent football managers that everyone in Britain will probably know, still plugging away adding This Is Your Life season by season, and still dipping into the Television Shows categories filling out the numbers.

Today I've been looking at a few sitcom scriptwriters. I know in the US your TV shows have a roomful of scriptwriters and 26-episode seasons, while in the UK we usually have one or two guys writing whole seasons of shows (maybe that's why our seasons are sometimes just 6 episodes long).  Wikitree still doesn't have some of the greats, like Galton & Simpson, Esmonde & Larbey, Croft & Perry (or Croft & Lloyd) and the still-living Clement & La Frenais.  (edit: ok, fair play, they've got Croft) (further edit: ooh Jeremy Lloyd was briefly Mr Joanna Lumley!).

Drama scriptwriters deserve recognition too, I recognise the name '''Troy Kennedy Martin''' who wrote many of the early episodes of ''Z-Cars'' (he also did a great political conspiracy serial called ''Edge of Darkness''), I discovered this week he is the brother of '''Ian Kennedy Martin''' who wrote ''The Sweeney'' (which is almost the opposite of ''Z-Cars'', fast, modern and gritty!).  They come from the Isle of Bute in Scotland but tracing back beyond their parents is beyond my capabilities.  Another worth mentioning that I did recently (it may have been last week) is Nigel Kneale (from the Isle of Man - there must be something about islands that makes good drama!), he wrote the ''Quatermass'' serials.

Anyway, happy hunting with your own pet projects!

by Stephen Corkey G2G6 Mach 3 (35.7k points)
edited by Stephen Corkey
The original The Edge of Darkness series was brilliant, you never new where it was going, and brilliant soundtrack music, which I never found a copy of.
 The remake never seemed as good.
Eric Clapton did the music so of course it was brilliant!  I'm not sure I ever watched the US remake, it might be worth hunting it down just for comparison.  We Brits always think our originals are better...

I've created a new freespace page that people in the UK might find interesting, for BBC radio services.

Now if you are interested in actors from The Archers, radio sports commentators, or the original line up of DJs from BBC Radio 1, there's a space on Wikitree.  And of course ''The Goons'', '''Ted Ray''', ''Round the Horne'' and if you're old enough, ''ITMA''.

I'll talk more about it next week.

It is amazing the different shows we have. I have been watching traitors what is really cool about is that I can watch it in several different counties which I really like. As for 26 episodes it depends on what channel I know on the Hallmark you only get about 10 episodes a season. Maybe 11 or 12 , Things got all messed up with Covid.

Stephen, my mum listened to the Archers from as early as I can remember, after we moved to Canada in 1966, it was on a Toronto area radio station, at some time in the program there was a commotion about an I assume male person and a traction engine.

We also listened to the Clithero kid, plus there was a radio program about children in Australia who 'did' school over the radio.
Chris, I worked for Hallmark cards for 19 years, as a regional supervisor at retail level in Canada. I remember when they started the Hallmark Channel, the information we were given said they had so much left over money at the end of a year, that they bought a TV network.

It has been family owned business since 1910.
My mum used to listen to it religiously, while I would scarper out of the room at the first few chords of "Barchester Green".

But it is undoubtedly a British institution (even if not all the actors in it have their own Wikipedia pages!).
+17 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from sunny central Oklahoma! The weather is warm, but windy. I've been busy with the mowing and all the fun that that entails. I did get the garden and a chunk of the flowerbed, that Brook has something in mind for, tilled. I planted three new asparagus crowns, and got the Herb Corner seeded. We're just waiting for the plant sales to fire off so we can get everything else. We did already have our first round of severe weather. Springtime in Oklahoma.....

The grandbaby and the others came over for Easter last weekend, and we had a blast! We hid a few eggs for her, but she could care less about them. We got her a whiffle ball and bat (Vaskies start them young when it comes to baseball/softball) and she loved playing with that. Then we ate supper and played dominoes to round out the day. A good time was had by all!

I'm a week away from race #1, the 5K, up in Stillwater, OK, that benefits families of police officers killed in the line of duty. I'm using it as a tune up for the half marathon that's two weeks later, but it's for a great cause as well. One of the motorcycle officers in the town Brook works for was run over by a drunk driver while he was waiting at a stop light a couple of years ago, so it sort of hits close to home.

Genealogy wise I'm still plodding along with the Bowlin/Bollings and the Viszokai/Vaskie lines. Since I figured out Viszokai, not Viszokay, was the spelling of our name, the records are plentiful. Hopefully they bear fruit! Other than that, it's been Ranger and Greeter duty.

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time......

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
+15 votes

On this day:

1648: The Neapolitan Republic ceases to exist

1908: The American actress Bette Midler is born

1994: The American musician Kurt Cobain dies

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Bette Davis or Midler. I wouldn't call Midler overly attractive but, she's looking pretty good for 116.
RIP Neopolitan Republic, but at least you left us the ice cream!
Yeah. It's Bette Davis. Hmmm ... I wonder if she fits in the Davis line I'm researching?
The Divine Miss M all day, every day for me!
+16 votes

Good evening from Germany where we gonna have a summer weekend at the start of April. Yeah you read correctly, tomorrow there's in most parts of Germany more than 25C (that's 77F, one of the few Fahrenheit temperatures I remember from my visit on Bermudas decades ago).

Personally, we started planning our trip to Serbia in summer. The wife of one of my cousins called this week and mum and she agreed that we will stay with her this time. Usually she doesn't have internet, but there is the possibility down there to get an internet contract only for a couple of months. I think we will organize that somehow.

Genealogically I am still in 16th and 17th century East Germany, but with the occasional "What???" connection. I built profiles and profiles and then there was a profile already existing. I connected it and looked on the wife. LNAB "Merian". Husband died in Frankfurt am Main. My face turned into question marks. Then I looked on the name of the wife's father. It was Matthäus Merian, who is known for his pictures of cities in the HRE.

Have a great weekend ahead, stay safe and enjoy the Thon next weekend. I'm as usual during Connectathons in there for the German Genies.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+17 votes

Virtual Vacation!

I think we all know what happened in spring 2020, the Covid epidemic! 

By mid-summer the Ontario government had relaxed some rules and we were able to plan a 2 week vacation being very careful to pick accommodation that was not in a hotel with shared hallways or elevators. Masks were mandatory in all buildings and the 2 metre standing distance rule was in effect outside. We went about 250k north to the Parry Sound area for a week, visited Killbear Provincial Park, drove through Algonquin Provincial Park, then stayed at a friend’s cottage for 4 days, visited my daughter in Stittsville, Ontario for a day while wearing masks, and drove home via Kingston, Ontario which gave us the chance to visit my brother, sitting on their deck about 8 feet apart. It was all very odd, but getting away from suburbia was wonderful.


Killbear Provincial Park is a peninsula on Georgian Bay about 7 square miles, about 18 square kilometres not a big place in comparison to Algonquin which is 2,946 square miles.  Killbear is stunningly beautiful with 12 km of really jagged, rocky shoreline and a number of sandy beaches.

Deer and many other animals live in the park.


Plants of many types grow between the rocks.


Tree roots force their way between the cracks in the rock.


 If you’re familiar with the Canadian Group of seven painters, they painted numerous pictures in the park especially of the windswept conifers along the shore in the park. If you Google search the most photographed tree in Ontario, it’s a tree at Killbear, though it is quite old and not likely to live for long. 


A lighthouse at the end of the peninsula makes sure that the many boaters and sailors in Georgian Bay know that the underwater rocks are very dangerous.


Sunsets over the bay are wonderful, though we couldn’t stay late enough to see the sunset. 

Throughout the park there are signs that say ‘Brake for Snakes’. Why, because Killbear is home to Ontario’s only venomous snake, the Massasauga Rattlesnake, a small-bodied pit viper. It’s only about 3 feet in length. 



There are lots of theories about why the peninsula is called Killbear Point, including that a logger killed a bear, or a bear killed a logger, but logging didn’t start until about 1860 and the local indigenous people had called the area Mukwa Nayoshing (Bear Point) long before there were any loggers or Europeans in the area.

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
edited by M Ross

M, your pics remind me of our short holiday last September, in Ontario.

Hubby and I went to Kingston for a wedding, then took 4 days for ourselves, renting a cabin in Algonquin Park.  It was beautiful, but as with all my holidays, it seems, there was a heat wave!  Nobody can do miserable holidays like me!  laugh  

I don't know about you what I would if I came across that snake I know I would not be stopping for that snake.
Hi M! You nailed it when you wrote 'stunningly beautiful.' These surroundings are gorgeous! And your photos are perfection as ever.

Is the snake in the photo a Massasauga Rattlesnake? Is it a cousin to our ubiquitous diamondbacks in Arizona?

I have to tell you a story: One of my classmates at the U of Arizona was a herpetologist. He had a number of snakes at his home (I prefer dogs). We went out into the desert on a sunny day so that he could point out rattlers. I saw several sunning themselves on the pavement in the middle of the road (Anything to drink Sir Hiss? Daquiri? Modelo perhaps?). Not long after these photo ops, we came across a couple standing on the side of the road with a flash camera poised to take a photo of a 'coiled' rattler! I could actually hear that rattle from the car! John yelled to the couple to step back and NOT take a flash photo or one of them will end up with a snake bite on their face! They listened and got into their car. John later told me that the principle of the 'heat seeking missile' was actually based on the way a rattlesnake will charge at the heat from a flashbulb!

Thank you for the very pleasant vacay. I am still in a great deal of pain. I get an injection on Tuesday (if I live that long). Have a great week two weeks! I will be doing the Thon this weekend.
Yes the snake is a Massasauga Rattlesnake, they really aren't very big, and spend most of their time lying on rocks in the sun. They mostly eat small rodents, they are endangered, many years ago the Provincial park ecologists created a program to protect them which includes the Brake for Snakes signs.

Drivers paying attention to what is crawling/slithering across the road rather than just squishing the creatures!

We have them quite close to home, one spring we found a baby on a trail, it was only about 8 inches long, somewhere I have a photo of it.
+21 votes
Greetings from a Relatively newbie.

I will add a little to the weekend chat. I am relatively new around here been registered with Wikitree for a little while and been taking part in a few connectathons but still consider myself a beginner.

I am planning on joining in again with the next connectathon but wanted to spend some time this weekend getting my head around more of the functions of wikitree and getting through some of the fabulous online learning modules and find myself a Mentor so I can really get the most out of this experience.

Have just had some surgery so have some downtime away from my work so have more time to play with the family tree while resting :)

Weather here is Warm and raining in Queensland Australia but the sun is out this morning which is lovely.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and learning more about wiki

by Mel Hayward G2G3 (3.5k points)
Hi Mel and welcome to the weekend chat. I'm an Aussie too. Have you thought about joining any of the projects yet? There's all sorts of different groups and we tend to learn a lot from each other.
Just joined the Australia team and said I would be keen to become involved. Possibly with the cemeteries project but happy to be involved with others
Welcome Mel!  Ask questions here.  Many of the chat regulars are long time WikiTree members and have lots of answers.  Where do you do most researching?  I jave all my lines back to the 600s so going faether back gets more and more difficult.  I spend most of my time rsearching French, German and Scottish old records.
Hi Mel! Welcome to the Chat.
Welcome to the group Mel,  I am from the States.
That's great Mel we can always do with new members in the AP
+16 votes
Hello WikiTree Cousins!!!

It's been a pretty good week here for us personally. The pollen from all the pine trees and flowering trees like dogwoods and cherries is drifting around in the spring breezes coating everything and prompting sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes along with frequent car washes.

My scalp is healing well. I'm looking forward to having the stitches removed this coming week.

In March my top 3 Surnames were Hildreth, Davis, Cotter and I garnered #1s in surnames Hildreth, Cotter, Mixson. April has started out pretty well. One thing I did was run the Bio Check App on my Watchlist and found that I had the same error on a large number of my profiles which had not shown up in my regular weekly suggestions list. I got those and some other corrections done quickly. As usual, I signed up for the monthly Bio Builders Challenge. I have so many profiles which need improvement, so this is a good challenge for me. As I improve profiles I always find extended family members who have not yet been added to WikiTree. It's easy to stay busy on WikiTree.

Take care and have a lovely weekend!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (582k points)
+17 votes

Greetings from warm (mid-80's) south Texas!  Where the highway department feels they have to put up signs saying "No Stopping on Highways to View Eclipse."  cheeky

On the WikiTree front, I'm spending most of my time right now prepping for the Connect-a-Thon, and working on the monthly Civil War Challenge. We're creating profiles for Union soldiers buried in Vicksburg National Cemetery.

On the personal front, after almost 2 years without a dog (longest stretch of my life), a stray showed up 2 weeks ago.  Actually, I think she was dumped.  All attempts to find her family failed, and she wasn't micro-chipped, so I am now the proud mama of 61 pounds of 3-year-old Great Pyrenees (with probably a little something else mixed in).  Underweight, but otherwise healthy, and the sweetest disposition ever.

Fun times!

by Nan Starjak G2G6 Pilot (390k points)
When stray animals show up at someone they usually chose them. You can be proud that she thinks she will have a good life with you. Enjoy it.
She's a sweetie!
Hi Nan what are you going to call her? She sounds lovely. I've never had a dog at my current place as I have no side gates to keep a dog safe but I have had a cat or two. The last one was a stray but she disappeared after the greyhound next door got out and into my yard, just prior to all the covid lockdowns.
lol They did that in Ohio too. "No stopping to view the Eclipse" I don't remember them being like this back in 2017. "Close your curtain the eclipse may harm your pets "It is getting quite entertaining.
That's a wonderful breed of dog! Please give her a few pats from me.
Amanda, I named her Gracie.  Don't ask why, it just came to me.
Candyce, will do!  She's an attention hog, so she'll love that.
Nan that's the best way to name a pet. I remember years ago my brother was intent that his new dog was going to be something like Bella until he actually got her and he suddenly decided she was to be "Lady" the beagle. She was beautiful too
Apparently there is a state of emergency in some Texas counties all because of the solar eclipse.

Head scratcher.
Eileen, there are a lot of small towns, in less-populated rural counties, along the path of totality.  If the projections are correct, some of them could have visitors totaling more than their normal total populations, so they're concerned about being overwhelmed.  Living in a very rural area myself (we're supposed to have 99.7% totality!), I can understand their caution.  Just hoping everything goes smoothly!
+14 votes

Hello one and all. One week to go before my Watchlist expands once more for Connectathon. This time I am in a new team (for me) in the Globetrotters. 

In other news I won the first Notables Bingo a couple of hours ago. 

by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (470k points)
Well done Darren
Congrats on the win!
+17 votes
Hey Pip,

Glad things are going good with you. Like you they are going to continue therapy with me. So that means I get to continue playing wit the playdough, cloth pins, pegs, and card deck. You of all people know how that goes.

Sounds like you had a busy week. Thanks for doing all you do,

by Chris Wine G2G6 Mach 5 (57.9k points)
+18 votes
Hello from a cool and rainy Kentucky! Isn't it suppose to be spring?

Good weekend to stay in and do genealogy!!  Actually, I use any excuse to do genealogy. Since my dad passed away in January, it has been the one thing that has kept me going. I love finding seeing how I'm related to people. You can never have enough family.  So glad I was able to find my dad's birth family and that he got to meet so many of them.  I will continue to try to find everything I can about all sides of his family. Every new connection heals my heart just a little bit.
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 9 (91.1k points)
Hey Judith One step at a time. I got into genealogy after my maternal grandmother died and then realised just how little I knew about my dad's family (he died when I was 4)
Thanks, Amanda.  That's what I'm trying to do. It's good to know there are others out there like me.
+16 votes

Hello all from Interlaken, Switzerland.

The weather of today will be warm, too warm for the time of the year. 27° C is expected.

We made our trip to my home-country and came back again. Our programm was intensive. At my sisters 80th birthday we met quite a lot family. My sisters, their 3 + 3 children, cousins and a quite a few old friends of her I didn't see for decades.

With my 2 sisters and 4 cousins (fathers side). I am not sure what my sister is looking for, maybe she found some more hair, I didn't check. Anyway it was her birthday!

Next day we visited the Kröller-Müller Museum in the National Park 'De Hoge Veluwe' with one of the largest collection of van Gogh paintings.

Vincent van Gogh, Le pont de Langlois

Pont de Langlois by Vincent van Gogh

I do like this picture also because my bookshop in Burgdorf was called Buchhandlung Langlois. Although there is no connection between the bookshop and the bridge.

Also met in the sculpture park the torso of James Ensor

James Ensor. Torso by Rik Wouters (1913)

Finally we went to Maastricht in Limburg, one of the most beloved cities in the Netherlands.

The most wonderful Vrijthof, the main square in the City

Boekhandel Dominicanen, in the old church of the Dominican Cloisters.

We enjoyed our stay in the Netherlands and are happy to be back home again.

by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 5 (55.0k points)
edited by Klaas Jansen
So Maastricht is worth a visit? What a great location for a bookshop... I would LOVE to go there.
Maastricht is one of my favorites. But don't go in July when André Rieu is entertaining thousends at the Vrijthof square.
Hi Klaas, thank you for these very lovely photos!
Thank you Carol. I visited also Delft and the Windmills of Kinderdijk so more fotos will follow.

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