Women of Poetry Connection Combat: Anne Bradstreet vs Ruth Park

+22 votes

Anne BradstreetThis week's Connection Combat game features two women of poetry: Anne Bradstreet (England/United States) and Ruth Park (New Zealand/Australia).

Here's how the game is played:

  1. Check your connection to Anne Bradstreet and Ruth Park (click "Connection to Me" in each profile pull-down menu).
  2. Click "Answer this post" below. Choose Team Bradstreet  or Team Park and say how many degrees are in your chosen connection path.
  3. See if you can verify each relationship along your connection path with a reliable source [more explanation].
  4. Post comments below your answer as you progress and when you run into trouble. Someone else might be able to help.

The player with the closest verified connection wins! For overachievers, there are also seven additional ways to win and enter the Connection Combat Hall of Fame.

Will you join us? Answer below.

This game runs from April 30-May 7.

You can also chat live on Discord.

What if you get stuck?

If you have a hard time finding a source to confirm a connection ... or just don't know where to begin ... post a new question here in G2G asking for help. Include the tag "medic" in your post so one of our helpful medics can come to your aid.

What if you want to help others?

Watch for G2G questions with the tag "medic" and offer aid when you are able. The questions will also appear in our Discord channel so you can keep an eye out for them there as well.

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)

P.S. Share the spread the word!

48 Answers

+13 votes
At 16 degrees, it's team Bradstreet for me!
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
+14 votes
Wow, only 14 degrees to Anne Bradstreet!
by Jeffrey Wall G2G6 Mach 7 (70.4k points)
How cool!
+17 votes

Team Anne Bradstreet all the way!!  She 13 degrees and my direct ancestor.  smiley heart

by Kevin Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (14.4k points)
Kevin, We are DNA related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
+13 votes
17 degrees Anne Bradstreet.
by J Head G2G6 Mach 2 (26.9k points)
Anne, we are related by au and mtdna. Jerry
I'm not sure how we are related. Can you please elaborate on that?
+13 votes
Team Bradstreet for me, too.  She is my 11th great grandmother and 13 degrees away
by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (128k points)
We are au and mtdna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
+13 votes

13 degrees to Anne Dudley Bradstreet for me. And the intriguing thing is, it's through another Puritan Dudley, my 3rd ggm, who doesn't seem to be closely related to her family. And a point of pride, I think I have done some of my personal best work already on #5, Mary Eliot, granddaughter of another famous Puritan writer.

1: ↔ Mercy Dudley (her sister)
2: ↓ John Woodbridge (her son)
3: ↓ John Woodbridge (his son)
4: = Jemima Eliot (his wife)
5: ↔ Mary Eliot (her sister)
6: ↓ Samuel Hart (her son)
7: ↓ Ruth Hart (his daughter)
8: ↓ Ruth Dudley (her daughter)
9: ↓ Julia Landon (her daughter)
10: ↓ Elmer Maffett (her son)
11: ↓ Templyn Maffett (his son)
12: ↓ Rosalie Maffett (his daughter)
13: ↓ Katherine Bogue (her daughter)
by Katherine Chapman G2G6 Mach 7 (75.2k points)
Katherine. We are au and mtdna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
Jerry, I have done my mtdna, but haven't figured out how to see if I am mtdna connected to someone on wikitree. Any pointers?
I’m also curious, my earliest known mtdna ancestor is a brick wall at this point.
+11 votes
Team Bradstreet for me, at 17 degrees. (I'm 23 from Ruth Park.)
by Erin Breen G2G6 Pilot (352k points)

And that was almost too easy, because I already verified most of these profiles for an earlier Connection Combat!

  1. Anne Dudley →
  2. Mercy Dudley (her sister)→
  3. John Woodbridge (her son)→
  4. Mercy Woodbridge (his daughter)→
  5. Benjamin Ruggles (her husband)→
  6. Rebecca Ruggles (his sister)→
  7. Joseph Read (her son)→
  8. Eliphalet Read (his son)→
  9. Eliphalet Read (his son)→
  10. George Read (his son)→
  11. James Read (his son)→
  12. Sarah Bowser (his wife)→
  13. Johnson Bowser (her brother)→
  14. Lloyd Bowser(his son)→
  15. Private→
  16. Private→
  17. Private →
  18. Erin Breen
+12 votes
Team Anne Bradstreet, 13 degrees, Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet (1612-1672), Dudley-318, 7c, 9r, mrca Bonville-3, Grey-370, England/United States/Canada vs 23 degrees Ruth Park, New Zealand/England/United States/Canada

0. Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

1. her sister, Dudley-283

2. her daughter, Woodbridge-25

3. her daughter, Ruggles-182

4. her son, Lane-3329

5. his wife, Abbott-6771

6. her husband, Hildreth-378

7. his sister, Hildreth-382

8. her daughter, Coburn-624

9. her son, Wheeler-18871

10. his son, Wheeler-18812

11. his son, Wheeler-18807

12. his son Wheeler-18911

13. his daughter, Wheeler-18799

Fourteen degrees Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

0. Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

1. her daughter, Bradstreet-22

2. her son, Cotton-361

3. his daughter, Cotton-367

4. her son, Whiting-2360

5. his wife, Parker-23840

6. her mother, Richardson-19837

7. her sister, Richardson-6924

8. her son, Coburn-618

9. her daughter, Coburn-624

10. her son, Wheeler-18871

11. his son, Wheeler-18812

12. his son, Wheeler-18807

13. his son, Wheeler-18911

14, his daughter, Wheeler-18799
Fifteen degrees Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

0. Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

1. her father, Bradstreet-129

2. his wife, Deighton-7

3. her sister, Deighton-6

4. her daughter, Lugg-12

5. her daughter, Bell-3215

6. her daughter, Hall-17170

7. her daughter, Wellman-56

8. her daughter, Grover-1057

9. her husband, Wheeler-5196

10. his brother, Wheeler-5195

11. his son, Wheeler-18871

12. his son, Wheeler-18812

13. his son, Wheeler-18807

14. his son, Wheeler-18911

15. his daughter, Wheeler-18799

Sixteen degrees Anne ((Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

0. Anne (Dudley) Bradstreet, Dudley-318

1. her sister, Dudley-484

2. her husband, Wade-1214

3. his sister, Wade-1016

4. her daughter, Rogers-10381

5. her husband, Dudley-1873

6. his mother, Wheeler-224

7. her brother, Wheeler-223

8. his son, Wheeler-232

9. his son, Wheeler-4022

10. his son, Wheeler-5189

11. his son, Wheeler-5195

12. his son, Wheeler-18871

13. his son, Wheeler-18812

14. his son, Wheeler-18807

15. his son, Wheeler-18911

16. his daughter, Wheeler-18799

Twenty-Three degrees Ruth (Park) Niland, Park-504

0. Ruth (Park) Niland, Park-504

1. her father, Park-2477

2. his brother, Park-1779

3. his daughter, Park-1375

4. her husband, Hooker-700

5. his father, Hooker-1692

6. his father, Hooker-1074

7. his brother, Hooker-1498

8. his wife, Newton-7479

9. her father, Newton-7278

10. his father, Newton-1646

11. his father, Newton-1597

12. his brother, Newton-1598

13. his daughter, Newton-1654

14. her daughter, Morse-2120

15. her son, Allen-1840

16. his daughter, Allen-51383

17. her husband, Cobb-9995

18. his mother, Wheeler-20339

19. her brother, Wheeler-18871

20. his son, Wheeler-18812

21. his son, Wheeler-18807

22. his son, Wheeler-18911

23. his daughter, Wheeler-18799
by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Mach 9 (93.3k points)
edited by Mildred Wheeler
Mildred. We are au and mtdna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
Hello cousin Jerry, thank you for the message.
+12 votes

I am related to five of the Women of Poetry! And I am on Team Anne Bradstreet:

1) 14º Anne Bradstreet: 11th cousins/10xr MRCA Robert (Holand) de Holland

2) 17º Emily Dickinson: 7th cousins/3xr MRCCA Edith (Squire) Adams

3) 17º Elizabeth MacDonald: 7th cousins/4xr MRCA Margaret (Hulings) Bliss

4) 19º Anne Barnard: 14th cousins/7xr MRCA Elizabeth (Salmlesbury) de Holland

5) 37º Lola Rodriguez de Tio: 14th cousins/7xr MRCA Adelaide (Roucy) Montdidier

Other non-related Women of Poetry:

21º  Ruth Niland Park; 22º Isabella Crawford; 23º Mary Gilmore; 25º  照 松平 ; 28º Karin Boye and Christina Rossetti; 32º Nikki Giovanni

"Hope is the thing with feathers..."

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Carol. We are au and mtdna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
+11 votes
19 marriages degrees Anne Bradstreet
by Anne Fiordalisi G2G6 Mach 8 (80.8k points)
+9 votes
Team Bradstreet here, 12 degrees, my 10th great grandmother!
by Jean Paradis G2G6 Mach 2 (26.3k points)
Me/mine, too!

Here is my verified, weevil-free line:

0: Anne Dudley

1: ↓ Dorothy Bradstreet (her daughter)
2: ↓ John Cotton (her son)
3: ↓ Mary Cotton (his daughter)
4: ↓ Stephen Whiting (her son)
5: ↓ Cotton Whiting (his son)
6: ↓ Elizabeth Whiting (his daughter)
7: ↓ Patience Gowing (her daughter)
8: ↓ Albert Garland (her son)
9: ↓ Grace Garland (his daughter)
10: ↓ Frances Burhart (her daughter)
11: ↓ My mother (her daughter)
12: ↓ Jean Hannaford (her daughter)
+12 votes
Team Bradstreet - 18 degrees!
by Melanie McComb G2G6 Mach 5 (58.8k points)
Melanie. We are au and mtdna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
+11 votes

I chose to work on Anne Dudley Bradstreet at 16 degrees. It was interesting to read about the Salem Witch Trials, what an awful time in history.

  1. Anne Dudley-318
  2. John Bradstreet-13
  3. Samuel Bradstreet-311
  4. Sarah Clark-27125
  5. Damaris Dorman-128
  6. Phebe Dorman-122
  7. Judith Porter-1684
  8. Enoch Hewins-133
  9. Susanna Hewins-192
  10. Erastus Richards-23278
  11. Corydon Richards-21920
  12. Irene Richards-17466
  13. Stephen Young-47189
  14. Ida May Young-47045
  15. Clarence Alvin Finch-7413
  16. My Dad
  17. Myself Finch-7411
by Carol-Lynn Harke G2G6 Mach 5 (51.4k points)
+12 votes
12 degrees to Anne Bradstreet.
by Eric Perkins G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)
Eric. We are Ydna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
+10 votes
16 degrees to Anne Bradstreet. Cleaned up and verified.

0. Anne Dudley →
1. Thomas Dudley (her father)
2. Katherine Deighton (his wife)
3. Frances Dighton (her sister)
4. Nathaniel Williams (her son)
5. Elizabeth Williams (his daughter)
6. Joseph Macomber (her son)
7. Judith Macomber (his daughter)
8. Isaac Thomas (her husband)
9. Lois Thomas (his sister)
10. Narcissa Pierce (her daughter)
11. Narcissa Hopson (her daughter)
12. Commodore Worthington (her son)
13. Philip Worthington (his son)
14. Arthur Worthington (his son)
15. Joan Worthington (his daughter)
16. Shonda Sayers-Howell (her daughter)
by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (442k points)
edited by Shonda Feather
Shonda. We are au dna related. Jerry (Spivey-1619)
Hello, cousin!
+11 votes

Team Bradstreet for me! I am a DNA relative of her granddaughter Maryah Cotton and Maryah's husband Samuel Partridge.

Female Poets:

by Jerry Medlock G2G6 Mach 1 (15.0k points)
+10 votes
Anne is a triple cousin through three of my GPs.
by George Kellogg G2G6 Mach 1 (12.1k points)
edited by George Kellogg
+9 votes

I'm 15 degrees from Ann Bradstreet.

She's also my 11th cousin 14 times removed.

by Judi Stutz G2G6 Pilot (353k points)
+9 votes
17 degrees to Anne - 4th cousin 13x removed. No connection to Ruth.
by Daniel Jackson G2G1 (1.4k points)
+9 votes
12 degrees to Anne Bradstreet, direct ancestor.
by Katharine Brainard G2G4 (4.3k points)

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