52 Photos Week 8: Favorite

+17 votes


Ready for week 8 of the 52 Photos challenge?

This week's theme:


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in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
I just wanted to make the general comment that this is a great thread.  The photos posted are so many varieties of awesome.  Here at Wikitree, sources and accuracy are king, but good data do not usually capture the complexities of the the human experience shown in the images.  Thanks.

35 Answers

+34 votes
Best answer

This is my favorite family photo of my Great Aunt Nora Long. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Long-12229# She was a chorus line dancer in the Orpheum Vaudeville Circuit, and this photo was considered scandalous by my family. Her younger sister kept it hidden. Nora never had children, but she had over thirty nieces and nephews, and as a child I hoped I was her favorite. She often talked about my cousin Larry so I suspicioned he was her favorite. Larry and I became dear friends as adults, and it was Larry that gave me this photo 20 years ago. Now as an adult I actually hope Larry was her favorite.

by Alexis Nelson G2G6 Pilot (856k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
What a beautiful photo of your great aunt Nora what a fantastic body she has

She must have had a fantastic job as line dancer

Thank you for sharing this great photo
Thank you Susan for your sweet comment. She was a wonderful person for a child to be with, as she had an amazing ablility to be a child with you.
If I had that body, I would pose like that to - well I really wouldn't, but I would be proud to have a body like that. She is a beautiful woman. She sounds like a fantastic aunt.

Thank you for sharing.
Cheryl, she was such a fun person. My daughter, age 8, stayed with her for a week in California, and they mainly picked lemons and made lemonade.
Well whoever's favorite she is she is my favorite too!
Lol Scott, my thoughts were Hubba Hubba! A beauty indeed! Also picturing the cartoon wolf that has his eyes bulge and tongue roll out when he sees a beauty.
Thank you Susan and WiKiTree G2G, Aunt Nora was such a fun and special person to be with that she would love that her secret photo was not a secret anymore.
Am incredibly brave woman challenging the day's culture. Her critic's long forgotten.
Thank you Geary for your comment. She was a person that always had a kind word for everyone and would have never criticized others.

Alexis, this is a fantastic photo!

Missy smiley

Missy, thank you for you comment. I left my grand aunt Phoebe’s funeral with this photo and an 18 year old cat, who lived another four years. My cousins asked why that was all I was taking, but they did not understand that to me—I was taking two priceless possessions.
+31 votes

My favorite photo is My dad with the bord itwas a vild bird everytime He went out the bird great him because He had a treat for the Bird he call claus

by Susan Laursen G2G Astronaut (3.1m points)
very cool!
Susan, I am glad I made you laugh. I would hate it if my comments made you cry. You are very kind with you comments. You have amazing photos, and I love looking at them.

Keep on smiling.
Thank you Scott
I love this picture too and just noticed the look of wonder on the little boy's face in the background!
He is great be he would love greet the bird
I love the look on the boy's face behind him! He looks amazed! Great picture!
Thank You Kathy I love the photo
I truly love this photo.

I LOVE this photo! And your dad is a handsome man!

Missy smiley

Thank You Missy how very kind of you, much appreciated
+24 votes

Well, I've already used my all-time favorite, of my mother pushing her big brother in a wagon. Here are some other favorites. I'm picking some photos of my great grandmother, Julia Ann (Read) Forrey. She was born in Ohio in 1846. She remembered crossing the plains as a child in a covered wagon, when her family moved to Iowa in the 1850's. She married Henry Forrey in 1865, after he returned from the civil war, and the young couple moved in with her parents. They bought a homestead in Kansas, and moved there around 1872, with their 2 oldest children. Her husband died, in 1908, and sometime after that, as she aged, she became senile, and her children took turns caring for her. She survived the bearing of 9 children, and lived to be 88 1/2 years old.


Above is my grandmother Edith (the young one) and her mother, Julia Forrey (my grandmother was the baby in the family) taken probably around 1910. I'm not sure if this was taken in Kansas, or in Idaho, after they'd moved there from Kansas. Edith's father died in 1908, and at some point after that, they moved in with her older brother in Idaho, but I don't know the date. Neither Edith nor Julia seem to show up on the 1910 census. It's just such a classic old mid-west rocking on the porch scene.


Here's another of my favorite photos of Julia Forrey, my great grandmother, holding a giant bunch of calla lilies. This photo was taken in 1916, in Pasadena, when she was living there with my grandparents.

by Alison Gardner G2G6 Mach 8 (84.2k points)
edited by Alison Gardner
I love calla lilies. They are one of my favorite flowers. I wish I could grow them like your great grandmother. I used to live in California and I can't imagine what it would be like wearing a dress like hers outside. I adore it.

Thank you for sharing both pictures.
Both of these photos are lovely. I too love the calla lilies. I live in California and they are one of our most prolific flowers. I have just moved and my old home had the lilies blooming when I left. I dug a couple up and hope they will thrive in my new home that is further north. Thank you for sharing these pictures of your great-grandmother.
Gorgeous photo Alison look like they have a wonderful time in there rocking chair, also amazing photo of your great grandmother with the big flowers

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photos
true keepsakes!
+15 votes
This is my favorite picture of my grandma's mother, Helen (Crossley) Wintermute.  For some reason, the post isn't letting me link directly to the image.  If I can figure out what's up I'll edit this post.

by K. Anonymous G2G6 Pilot (146k points)
Strange--it doesn't seem to be appearing in the free space gallery. Generally, you go there, copy it, and paste it in here. I see you linked the photo to it and it should be there--sometimes it takes a few minutes.
I thought the same thing-it's worked all the other times, and it appears to be there.  Technology doesn't like me right now.
Your great-grandmother is a lovely woman. She looks so serene. Thank you for sharing it.
I've always wished I could have met her-she was supposed to have been just like my grandmother-an uncommonly kind person.
+21 votes

My great-grandfather and his big brother.  This is a tin-type photo that is in my mother's possession.  I hope to inherit it one day.

by SJ Baty G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
I hope you inherit it also. Tin-types are rare to find these days, especially ones of your family.

I love your great-grandfather in this picture. His outfit is adorable. This picture should be around 1856-1867, if I am not mistaken. That is when tin-types were most popular.

I enjoyed looking at your picture.
Thank you for your photo. Brothers are special, and it generally seems the younger one looks up to the older.
Gorgeous photo of your great grandfather and his brother thank You SJ

For sharing
Hi Cheryl - he was born in 1876 and I guestimate that he's about 4 or 5 years old in this photo and his older brother born in 1871 would be about 9 or 10 years old.  Does that sound about right to everyone, 4 and 9 for their ages or 5 and 10?

That would make this photo taken around 1880.  In 1880, the family was in Rome, Adams County, Wisconsin.  I suppose that the latest camera technology from the east coast took some time to make it to the backwaters of Wisconsin...
Thank you for the age of the photo. They made Tin Types up to 1900, but they were most common around 1856-1867, so we were in the right time frame - off a little.

Whatever it may be, I still hope you end up with the picture.

Have a great evening.
+18 votes

52 Photos Week 8 - Favorite

I couldn't choose which one I liked best, so I am showing you three pictures this week. Who would be your favorite, more than your hero, your first love, and the person you most adored in your life - My Dad!

I just recently received these pictures of my dad, Harold Smith from my cousin. When his mother, my dad's sister died, these pictures were found, and he sent them to me. I had never seen any pictures of dad when he was a child. 

I couldn't imagine my dad as a child because he was forced to quit work when he was in 8th grade, as were all of his brothers, to support the family. My grandfather was lazy and cruel. He would beat my dad and his brothers with a leather razor strap for no reason what-so-ever. I learned this after dad died, from my Aunt Kat.

My dad would never have told us kids that. Dad was a very quiet, loving man. Guess that was why he never spanked us. He would put his hand on his belt, threatening to take it off, and that was all it took. We would straighten right up. The threat of our sweet dad spanking us, was a horrible thought and did the trick.

Anyway, this week, my favorite is my dad.




by Cheryl Hess G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)
Your dad was a very nice looking young man. Thank you for sharing these photos.
This is a fantastic photo of your dad he certainly was a good looking little boy thank You for sharing this wonderful photos Cheryl
+27 votes

Though this is a snapshot, it is one of my favorites. It shows my husband's paternal grandparents, William and Cora Shaules, with their three oldest children, Marie, Bill, and Pat.

There's so  much going on here -- love, curiosity, disgust, and disinterest.

by Robin Shaules G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Robin this is so cute a photo they certainly look very much in love

And how cute like the children are smiling thank You Robin for sharing this wonderful photos
The kids all think it is cute!
I am tearing up over how sweet this is! Many old family photos are posed and emotionless. This one makes me believe in true love
Thanks for your comment, Alicia. They were a happy family. There would be three more children in the coming years.
I just love the look of love in their eyes and two little ones watching and the smallest one with not a care in the world.
+17 votes

My then 3 year old nephew drinking from a public fountain in downtown Auckland, NZ in December 1989. I like this because it is funny!!


by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Great photo, Robynne. Maybe she's trying to keep him from going swimming.
+11 votes

I took this photo of the Parson Capen House last August.  It's special to me because I had no idea who he was or that he was my 9th great-grandfather until I did some digging around in Wikitree.

And I can't seem to resize it or delete it. :(

by Bret Cantwell G2G6 Mach 1 (12.0k points)
Go into edit mode for your answer, click the photo and then drag the corners inward towards the middle until the picture looks smaller

I had to the same thing with my photo, only its not as large as yours is.

Always resize your photos for Wikitree - especially those being copied to the G2G forum.
+22 votes

This is my favorite photograph of my Great Grandmother Josie Benham taken in Corvallis, Oregon when she was about twelve years old .

by Caryl Ruckert G2G6 Pilot (207k points)
Beautiful photo, the photographer did a great job capturing the moment and her eyes.  & I love the dress!
She's a beautiful child. Thank you for sharing this lovely photo.
What a beautiful photo of your great grandmother she really look adorable

Thank You Caryl for sharing this treasure
Thanks for the kind words. Wikitreers are the best.
+21 votes

This is my current favorite photo, and it's my favorite because it illustrates why I like Wikitree. The great grandson of this couple was looking for information about his family when he came across the Wikitree profile for them. He contacted me and we have been corresponding since.  As part of that conversation, he sent me this photo, and gave me permission to post it.

Wikitree has helped me connect with a 6th cousin I didn't know I had!


by Alex Stronach G2G6 Pilot (367k points)
edited by Alex Stronach
I agree -- great story and photo. Thanks for sharing it.
Gorgeous photo Alex, I like the way the both look so serious like they are waiting for they are finish taken the photo
+19 votes

This is one of my favourites I just love the dog Grandad (middle back row) in uniform he is with his parent either side. Two of his sister in front row with family dog (Spot) and a baby

by Janet Wild G2G6 Pilot (333k points)
Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo. I love the baby and the dog -- they always add something to the charm.
Gorgeous photo Janet what a wonderful treasure you share of your family I specially love the dog

Thank You for sharing this wonderful photo
+17 votes

This is one of my all time favorite photos. It is the church directory photo of my maternal Grandparents Nathan and Leola Cox taken in 1968. He had rheumatic fever when he was young which caused damage to his heart. He passed away in November of 1970 and this picture sat in a prominent place in my Grandmother's room until she died in 2005. My mother and her sister had a full size painting made from the photo which is now in their living room. I have to include - this was as clean shaven as I ever saw my Grandfather - he never grew a beard but he had a "five o'clock shadow" within a couple of hours after shaving. 

by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (157k points)
+17 votes

This is a favorite of mine because of the expressions on the kids' faces, especially the little one on the right, holding the hand of the crying child.  These are my grandfather's brother and sisters, I think, but there's some disagreement in my family as to which is which.


by Jaki Erdoes G2G6 Mach 6 (67.1k points)

Now she's smiling!

Image may contain: 3 people

Great photo! Quite an assortment of emotions here. Thanks for sharing it.
OMG! How adorable!
omgosh..I just wanna cuddle that lil one!  soooo cute! awwwwhhh
+17 votes

My Favorite is my Great Grandma Lelia Tabitha Eldridge [https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Eldredge-670] and her sister-in-law and next door neighbor Carrie Snow.  I am named after Lelia.

by L. Ray Sears G2G6 Mach 5 (51.2k points)
Two very lovely women. Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo.
Beautiful photo of your great grandmother and her sister
this is just beauuuuutiful!
+18 votes

I just love this photo of my great-grand-uncle, Alejandro "Alexander" Borquez. He and his wife Rosa (Moreno) Borquez opened a restaurant in Los Angeles in 1923 called the Sonora Cafe. A couple of years later the name was changed to El Cholo. That restaurant still exists today and now has an additional 5 locations in California and is owned and run by Alejandro and Rosa's descendants. The restaurant is famous for its green corn tamales.


by Deb Durham G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Wow Deb what a wonderful photo of your great grand uncle

Hereally look great sitting there

Must have been amazing starting a restaurant that has ad to other locations

Well done
What a guy! And what a great history..
I remember going to the restaurant as a child with my grandparents and having the green corn tomales. Great photo.
I get down to southern Calif. occasionally; I have family down there. Next time, I'll look up the restaurant, and try the green corn tamales!
Limit how many of them you have, or you'll have a stomach ache
+19 votes

This is my favorite photo of my dad, Ralph Stewart Shane, Jr.   It was his first time on a horse.

by Susan Yarbrough G2G6 Mach 3 (30.2k points)
Beautiful photo of your dad on a wonderful horse, your dad really look so sweet

Thank You Susan for sharing
This is a wonderful photo, and your dad looks so calm for his first time on a horse. Did he continue to ride? Thanks for sharing this.
He didn't ride regularly and we never owned a horse but I also have fond memories of the pack trips that we went on to go camping.  It was so much fun riding horses to a remote location to camp!  :)
Handsome little guy.
Thanks, Donna!  He was a cute little fella!  :)
+14 votes

This is my great-grandparents 50th anniversary. It's one of the few photos we have with all their children and them together at the same time. Yep. I come from a HUGE family!

by Alicia Taylor G2G6 Mach 8 (88.6k points)
How romantic! Not many 50 year anniversaries today. Thank you for sharing this wonderful photo.
No - there isn't. My husband's parents are coming up on their 50th. My aunt and uncle both just recently passed away (her a couple of weeks ago) but made 55 years.
wow 50 years! thats wonderful!
+14 votes

I think this is my favorite photo (I've posted before in just a general share) of my Grandfather Laurin-14|Sven Albert Laurin teaching at the Church of All Nations in Lowell, Massachusetts; it really shows the times

by Keith Cook G2G6 Mach 4 (49.0k points)
+13 votes


One of my favorite ancestral photos has my great grandfather, Milton Mills Brooks sitting with a guitar in front of him, his son, Judson Milton Brooks, standing to his left, and his daughter, Ethel May Brooks (my grandmother), standing to the left of Judson and holding a tambourine.  Grandma wrote in her journal that at one time the family associated with the Salvation Army, and this photo may depict that period, in the earliest years of the 20th century, possibly in Connecticut.

by Bill Hull G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)
edited by Bill Hull
What a great photo. The Salvation Army helped me to deal with a Christmas project at my church this past year, so in my time there I read “Salvation Army 101”. In December I gave a talk on Salvation Army history at a ladies group, as they needed a speaker. In all the materials that I went through, this is better than any of the old photos I saw. Thanks for scaring this.

Hi Alexis,

You're most welcome!  Glad you enjoyed the photo and that it connected with your project.  Please feel free to print or share the photo with others if you wish.

Best wishes,


Thank you Bill. We have a really nice young couple running our Salvation Army, and they are very interested in the history. I know they would enjoy seeing your photo. If I find myself speaking again your photo would be a special item to show. They are very actractive, and you can certainly be proud of your great grandfather, uncle and your grandmother, as they were working to help others in need.
another really greaaat photo. these photos of these time periods are awesome, finding any in the family is like find treasure!  very cool pic

Thanks - my brother plays guitar and ukulele, and I was thrilled to find this photo and send him a copy many years ago.  He really enjoyed seeing it.

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