Have you registered for the 2019 Source-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+87 votes

imageOctober 4 - October 7 — the start of Family History Month — is our fourth annual "Source-a-Thon"!

This three-day event is for a good cause (sourced genealogy!), there will be thousands of dollars worth of door prizes donated from around the genealogy community, and it will be lots of fun.

The marathon starts Friday, October 4 at 8 AM (ET) and ends Monday, October 7, 8 AM (ET) but you don't need to participate the whole time (!). If you can join for any of it, please post an ANSWER below saying either the team you'd like to be on (see the team list) or your genealogical interests or geographic location and we'll assign a team before the start of the event.

closed with the note: Registration is closed!
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)
closed by Eowyn Walker

There is still time to sign up - just click answer above in Eowyn's post

Hi I would love to joint the Wizards of Aus for the source-a-thon if it is not too late! Thanks
Hi anonymous Karen. Thanks for signing in and answering below.

Carrie, you need to ANSWER, not comment or reply.

And just what was so bad about my saying someone needed to answer, not reply or comment, that it needed to be hidden?

You would rather the person missed out?
Now, Melanie, you know no good deed goes unpunished! Shame about that, love your helpful attitude.
Melanie, I think something went wrong with the "show 30something previous responses".  I saw where the profiler involved has found her way into the answered list.   Later
as I was clearing my unwanted email list I came across the comment notice I had given her and your comment followed mine.
I couldn't remember what I had said so went back to see what was there and the "see"  line was so tiny I could hardly read it and all three of the comments were not there.
I couldn't find it and think they disappeared in the "see" contents.  Since she was registered I cleared my email and also the trash so I can't give you  anymore information.  I
remember being confused about why my comment was gone.  I don't feel your comment was singled out for being hidden although I can understand why you might think so.
If I hadn't been looking for my comment I wouldn't know all of this.  You and I have both given the same information about having to ANSWER and none of them were hidden
Just my guess as to what may have glitched if no one else
has a better explanation.
Edit: added before
No. I am newby, not sure what it is?
Hi, Donna!

The Source-a-Thon is one of our quarterly marathons. This post is for the one that took place last fall.

We have a number of challenges occurring throughout the year. You can read about them here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Challenges

I hope you'll join us! :-)
Thank you!


462 Answers

+27 votes
I will be captaining the Dusty Musty Team again. A shout out to all you pre-1500 badged WikiTreers we'd love to have you on the team.
by Marty Acks G2G6 Pilot (157k points)

Go, Marty! I always admire the dedication of the Musty Dusties! smiley

Thanks, Marty! You're #100.

+27 votes
Please sign me up with the Tree Nuts! :) My normal team isn't in this one it looks like.
by Jayme Arrington G2G6 Pilot (186k points)
edited by Jayme Arrington

So happy to have you join the rest of us Nuts, Jayme!!

Team Page

Chat Thread

Yay!! Thanks for being a Tree Nut! You're #101.

+27 votes
Sign me up for team Roses again!
Lisa, you weren't signed in. Wiki ID Dobihal-3

Yay Lisa!! Go Rosesheart

Thanks, Lisa! You're #102.

Go, Roses!

Rose Bloom GIF - Rose Bloom ForYou GIFs

+30 votes

Woohoo count us in, co-captain of our great team the Flying Dutchmen - Vliegende Hollanders laugh

by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (315k points)

Thanks, Bea! You're #103.

+28 votes
I want to join. Is Team Great Lakes going to participate? Or some sort of Midwestern U.S. team?
by Thomas Fuller G2G6 Mach 9 (95.0k points)

There is missouri which does every state that borders it. Great lakes may, but not looking good for team tornadoes.

Ok, He chose Tree Nuts HERE

+29 votes
I'm in for Flying Dutchmen.
by Joop van Belzen G2G6 Pilot (149k points)

Jiehaaa onze vliegende Zeeuw, blij je hier te zien Joop ! heart

Here's the team page: 

Jopie, jopie is gekomen............. Yes Joop!

Thanks, Joop! You're #104.

+28 votes
It's my favorite time of year already?  Sign me up for the Mid Atlantic Team, please!
by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (730k points)

Thanks, Star! You're #105.

+27 votes
Please put me down for the Nor' Easters. Thank you for the reminder.

by Sarah Saenz G2G6 Mach 1 (12.5k points)

Welcome Aboard Sarah. Feel free to go below deck and pick out your bunk. You are added to the ship roster.

Home Page

Chat post


Thanks, Sarah! You're #106.

+28 votes
Would like to be on Lisa Murphy's team/Legacy Heirs but do not see it yet. If not then Team Missouri!
by Ron Floyd G2G6 Mach 5 (52.9k points)
I am here Ron!! Glad to have you on the team, Hun. Setting up as I type this.

Thanks, Ron! You're #107.

+27 votes
Please sign me up! I would like to captain the Mid-Atlantic Team. Again.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (851k points)

Thanks, Lucy! You're #108.

+29 votes
I'll be able to participate Monday only. If they'll have me, Team Virginia please.

Cheers, Liz
by Liz Shifflett G2G6 Pilot (643k points)

We're happy to have you Liz!!

Thanks, Liz! You're #109.

+28 votes
I'm already on Team Virginia from the last Connect-A-Thon: do I need to register for the Source-A-Thon if I stay on the same team? I'd like to participate. Thanks! Michelle
by Michelle Rhodes G2G5 (5.6k points)
Yes you do and you just did. Now wait for team Virginia to find you, ok? :)

WooHoo Michelle - I'm glad you're joining us again.

Thanks, Michelle! You're #110.

+28 votes
Please add me to Southern Super Sweepers.  Thanks.
by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
Welcome Paula, Glad you joined us this fall.

Welcome Back Paula!

Go Southern Super Sweeper Go



go sweepers!

Thanks, Paula! You're #111.

+28 votes
I am in again! Team Tree Nuts please!
by Emily Holmberg G2G6 Pilot (159k points)

Yay, Emily!! Glad to have you back!

Team Page

Chat Thread

Yay! Thanks for being a Nut! You're #112.

+31 votes

I would like to join Team Flying Dutchmen - Vliegende Hollanders for the Source-a-thon.

by Melissa McKay G2G6 Mach 3 (38.8k points)

Woohoo our Flying Canadian girl, happy to see you Melissa and welcome to the team again ! heart

Here's the team page: 

So happy to have you again Melissa!!

Thanks, Melissa! You're #113.

+30 votes

Please Sign Me Up for Team Virginia. Thanks!

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (247k points)

Glad to see you Sandy! It's gonna be fun!

Thanks, Sandy! You're #114.

+29 votes

Count me in as part of the Southern Super Sweepers team!

by Valerie Downey G2G6 (8.1k points)
Welcome Valerie!! Glad to have you aboard!

Welcome Back Valerie!

Go Southern Super Sweeper Go



go sweepers!

Thanks, Valerie! You're #115.

+29 votes
I'll help with Virginia team.
by William Foster G2G6 Pilot (123k points)

Happy to see you again William! You gonna co-captain again? I'm looking forward to the fun!

Yes Mindy, happy to collaborate on this team again!

Thanks, William! You're #116.

+29 votes
I would like to participate and join Team Missouri
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (434k points)
Welcome aboard Michelle! Thought I was going to be a one man team. LOL

Thanks, Michelle! You're #117.

+31 votes
Team Flying Dutchmen
by Living Terink G2G6 Pilot (302k points)

Jan zo blij jou ook weer te zien, nog steeds mijn rots in de branding...heart

Here's the team page: 

Geweldig Jan. heart

Thanks, Jan! You're #118.

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