Glen Harold Jackson (1937-2014)'s FTDNA Y-Chromosome Test Details & Connections

FTDNA Y-Chromosome
FTDNA Y-Chromosome

Added by John Jackson on May 7, 2022.
Nathan Kenneth Jackson has taken a 37 marker test kit 154352 at FTDNA and is conjectured to be in the I-M253 haplogroup. His Relative Glen Harald Jackson has also taken a 37 marker test kit 168075 and is conjectured to be in the same I-M253 haplogroup. The significance of these tests are that their common distant ancestor John T Jackson (wife Catherine Lamar Dawalt Jackson) is not a son of Samuel and Vashti Grinnan Jackson because that linage is of a haplogroup of I-M223, with a terminal SNP of I=19809.

Also see Glen Harold Jackson (1937-2014)'s DNA test list and the list of FTDNA Y-Chromosome test-takers.

See Family Tree DNA for information on their tests.

Here are family members that have been connected for Glen Harold Jackson (1937-2014)'s Y-chromosome DNA test. We built this list by tracing Glen Harold Jackson (1937-2014)'s direct-line paternal ancestry, finding the earliest-known paternal grandfather, and then going down all of this ancestor's direct male lines. Help

Click ancestor DNA ancestors and descendant icons DNA descendants by individuals' names in the list below to see their Y-chromosome ancestors and descendants, if any. Click a Relationship Finder icon Find Relationship to see their relationship to Glen Harold Jackson (1937-2014).

To facilitate comparing DNA test results, people on this list who are living are marked.