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Hoover Name Study

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Surnames/tags: Hoover Huber Hueber
This page has been accessed 1,925 times.


How to Participate

Please contact the Study's coordinator Ron Raymer or post a comment at the foot of the page. If you have any questions, just ask. Thanks!


This is a One Name Study to collect together in one place everything about one surname and the variants of that name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join our study to help make it a valuable reference point for people studying lines that cross or intersect.

Task List

Add name study category above Biography to all Hoover surname profiles


Current Profiles List in Study


List of Hoover's in WikiTree


Orphaned Profiles


Unconnected Profiles


Unsourced Profiles





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  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: One Name Studies WikiTree and Ron Raymer. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
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Comments: 14

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I've got some Hoover cousins that I created profiles for and would like to participate.
posted by Jane (Tingley) Hunter
Hi Jane

Which profiles should be included in the Name Study? Please let me know.


posted by Ron Raymer
Oops. Just realized they are actually someone else's profiles (they are my cousins though). Not sure if it's okay to nominate someone else's profiles, but if so then: Howard Mahlon Hoover-7383 and his father, Raphael Hoover-7378
posted by Jane (Tingley) Hunter
I added them to the name study as well as connected profiles
posted by Ron Raymer
Amanda J. (Hoover) Kyler is my second great-grandmother: Hoover-1610 who was married to my second great-grandfather; Miles Bumbarger: Bumbarger-26. I would be interested in joining this study. Thank you.
I am the son of Burr Hoover Glenn a direct descendant according to Wiki Tree Profiles from Jakob Huber b. Switzerland 1535.

Robert Rundell Glenn Glenn 5330

Bob Glenn

posted by Robert Glenn
I don't see the variant "Hover" in your list. I have ancestors that went back and forth between "Hoover" and "Hover" their whole lives. Would your study included these families?
Hi Susan,

if you click on the Hoover, Huber, or Heuber Surname " Tags" you will find a list of related surnames of which the Name Study. Related surnames: HOOPER (11670) HUBER (5461) HOFER (1209) HOFFER (630) COVER (673) HUEBNER (641) HAFER (539) HOVER (543) HUFFER (521) HOWER (470) HUBNER (424) HAVER (305) HOEFER (240) HAWVER (211) HEFFER (222) HOPPER (6145) HUBER (5461) HUEBNER (641) HABER (471) HAUBER (241) HEBER (216) KUEBER (184) HIEBER (190) HUBERY (142) HUBERS (90) HUEBERT (77) HUBBER (58) HUVER (51) HEIBER (31)

There is a brief article regarding the roots of the name : Wenger, John C. "Hoover (Hover, Hoober, Huber, Huver, Hueber) family." Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online. 1956. Web. 25 Jun 2023. https://gameo.org/index.php?title=Hoover_(Hover,_Hoober,_Huber,_Huver,_Hueber)_family&oldid=119833.

Thanks Happy Wikitreeing!


posted by Ron Raymer
Here to inform you that I am focusing my research on the Huber families of one village in Rheinland-Pfalz, which could be beneficial to the project as a whole.
posted by Steven Greenwood
I was just made aware of this study while creating Hoover's in my family genealogy. I connected to an orphaned Hoover when I was making a child profile for one of my Hoover's. I'm happy to participate in this. I don't see where there is any instructions regarding the spouse of a Hoover. As I said, I adopted a Hoover with the Hoover Study Project tag and saw her husband was orphaned, so I adopted him too. He had the Hoover Study Project on his profile too. Is that what was envisioned? or just the folks born with that surname. Thanks in advance for help with this question.
posted by Patti (Stanton) Richey
Hi Patti,

A one-name study is “research into the genealogy and family history of all persons with the same surname and its variants.”

This question has been discussed in the past. https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/435999/should-one-name-studies-include-spouses

Some name studies on WikiTree have a "spouses" sub-category. Check out this discussion thread. https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/232962/category-structure-for-one-name-studies

I think spouses should not be included in the ONS. It is about the surname, not the pedigree or the descendancy.

posted by Ron Raymer
I run the semi-new Sollenberger one name study on WikiTree and also the surname project at FTDNA. Huber/Hoover is one of our strongly aligned families, with many known Sollenberger/Huber marriages. Both families are believed to have emigrated from Switzerland to SE Pennsylvania in the early 1700s - although there are likely unrelated Huber/Hoover families.

I'm still working to build WikiTree profiles on the connections, but hope to have more established in the coming months.

posted by Kevin Ireland
I am getting a data doctor suggestion (846 Died before template time frame) on the profile for Jonas Hoover. Can someone explain this to me and offer a suggestion on how to address this warning? I may not understand name studies correctly. It is my impression that any profile with a surname of Hoover would qualify for this name study template. Is this incorrect?
posted by Gary Kent
Hi Gary,

It was my mistake when I first started the Name Study Project.

The one that was there was for a person who is still alive. Member|ONS|name=Hoover

I have corrected this by replacing the template with the correct one for a member who is deceased. -One Name Study|name=Hoover

Sorry about the confusion

Thanks for letting me know Ron

posted by Ron Raymer
edited by Ron Raymer