- Profile
- Images
General Overview
The Military and War category tree
- Category: Military
- Category: <country> Armed Forces, for example: United States Armed Forces
- Category: <Specific force branch>, for example: United States Army
- Category: <country> Armed Forces, for example: United States Armed Forces
Alternate paths to get to same place
Category: Categories - root of tree
- Category: Regions
- Category: North America
- Category: United States of America
- Category: United States Armed Forces - match point shown above in the PRIMARY PATH starting from Category: Military, can get to peacetime or wartime categories
- Category: United States of America
- Category: North America
Category: Categories - root of tree
- Category: World History
- Category: Military History
- Category: United States Military History
- Category: United States of America, World War II - match point shown above in the PRIMARY PATH starting from Category: Military, can get to peacetime or wartime categories
- Category: United States Military History
- Category: Military History
Much of this example structure uses United States Forces for the examples, but the correct country/forces should be put in place for your specific needs.
Peacetime/not assigned to combat theater
- Category: United States Army Divisions - a sub category like this MAY be used if needed to separate makeup of the unit due to amount of type, or total number of units makes it easier to locate the correct next level
- Category: United States Army Infantry Divisions - a sub category like this MAY be used if needed to separate makeup of the unit due to amount of type, or total number of units makes it easier to locate the correct next level
- Category: 1st Infantry Division, United States Army
- Category: United States Army Infantry Regiments - sub category MAY used if needed to distinguish types of regiments
- Category: 1st Infantry Regiment, United States Army
- Category: 1st Infantry Division, United States Army
- Category: <country> Armed Forces - also seen as Category: <country> Defence Force>, with country as British, Italian, Japanese, Scottish, or the actual country/region name.
- Category: <branch of service> sub categories for each of the service branches, with single name uniquely identifying it, else it needs some type of <country qualifier>, for example:
- Category: British Army
- Category: British Army, Great Britain
- Category: British Army, United Kingdom
Wartime/assigned to combat theater
- Category: United States Army Infantry Divisions, <war> - a sub category like this MAY be used if needed to separate makeup of the unit due to amount of type, or total number of units makes it easier to locate the correct next level
- Category: 1st Infantry Division, United States Army, <war>
- Category: United States Army Infantry Regiments - a sub category like this MAY be used if needed to distinguish types of regiments
- Category: 1st Infantry Regiment, United States Army, <war>
- Category: United States Army Infantry Regiments - a sub category like this MAY be used if needed to distinguish types of regiments
- Category: 1st Infantry Division, United States Army, <war>
- Category: United States Army Infantry Divisions, <war> - a sub category like this MAY be used if needed to separate makeup of the unit due to amount of type, or total number of units makes it easier to locate the correct next level
Each <branch of service> will have sub categories for Category:<branch of service>, <war> that it was involved in.
For those that have a large number of units, other sub categories can be used to break them down, for instance Category: <branch of service> Divisions Category: <branch of service> Regiments Category: <branch of service> Air Wings
Category: <unit>, <branch of service> with <unit> being Army Group, Army, Corps, Division, Regiment, Fleet, Ship, Air Force, Wing, Group, etc, in most cases not going lower than a regimental (or equivalent) size unit. These names will change based on the country and the time frame involved
War Specific
Category: <war>
- Category: <country>, <war> which will also be a sub category of Category: <country> (usually a country, but historically various regions fought wars)
- Category: Generals, <war> - which will also be a sub category of Category: Generals. The military leaders of this war, Generals and Admirals, with sub categories by <country> and/or <service branch> as needed.
- Category: Conflicts, <war> as needed. If the conflict is short and only has a few battles, it will not clutter the base category much to skip this category. Sub categories for the major Battles, Campaigns, Defense of, Offensive, Siege of, etc. actions that occurred during the war.
- Category: Civilian Casualties, <war> - created as needed, primary usage will be for deaths from battles, bombings, retribution, genocide, etc. Could also have a sub category for wounded.
Ships are a little different, and usually considered as a basic element. They should start with USS, HMS, etc if used by that country, the name of the ship, then depending on the conventions of the country/time, (class-hull), (pennant number), (date of launch). Adding the country branch of service helps to place it properly, but some country leaders have decided that the prefix is enough to identify it correctly. They will also have generic peacetime and wartime specific categories
- Category: USS Missouri (BB-62), United States Navy
- Category: USS Missouri (BB-62), United States Navy, World War II
- Category: HMS Prince of Wales (1902)
- Category: HMS Prince of Wales (1902), British Royal Navy, World War I
High Level - Countries
Create New Country Military History
To create a new Country sub category for Military History, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <country of service> Military History]]
- For example: [[Category: British Military History]]
Cut and paste the following to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: Military History]]
- [[Category: <country>]]
- <country> Military History
- Timeline:<br/>
- <!-- enter in format of:
- *[[:Category:<war>|<war> (<date from>-<date to>)]]
- -->
- {{Military Help | Country Military History}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
For most of the <country> Military History it will be Spanish, Mexican, Russian, etc. Check for those already created in Category: Military History
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Country
To create a new Country sub category for Military, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <country of service> Armed Forces]]
- For example: [[Category: United States Armed Forces]]
Cut and paste the following to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: Military]]
- {{Top Level}}
- [[Category: <country of service>]]
- (enter country description here)
- {{Military Help |Country Armed Forces}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
For most of the <country of service> Armed Forces it will be Spanish, Mexican, Russian, etc. Check for those already created in Category: Military
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Country War
To create a new Country sub category for a War, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <country of service>, <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: United States of America, World War I]]
Cut and paste the following to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <country> Military History]]
- [[Category: <war>]]
- {{Mid Level}}
- enter country description here
- This is a roll up level category and should not have individual profiles. Profiles should be assigned to the branch of service when possible.
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
For most of the <country> Military Service it will be Spanish, Mexican, Russian, etc. Check for those already created in Category: Military History
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New War
Check to make sure that the war category does not already exist, perhaps with a slightly different name, look in the appropriate Wars location. If it does not exist, check with the project leaders/categorization liaison/categorization project to make sure that the name you want to add is approved.
To create a new War sub category for Wars, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: World War II]]
Cut and paste the following to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: Wars <date range>]]
- (enter description here)
- '''Main Category for the '''<war>'''<br/
- Profiles should be assigned to the country of service/sub category when possible.
- {{Military Help | War}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
For most of the <country> Military Service it will be Spanish, Mexican, Russian, etc. Check for those already created in Category: Military History
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Topic
Check for those already created in Category: Military
To create a new Topic sub category for the current category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <topic>]]
- For example: [[Category: World War II Spies]]
These items would be for generic application across all/multiple armed forces, for example we already have Generals, Admirals, Wars, Military Decorations.
Cut and paste the following to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: Military]]
- (enter description here)
- {{Military Help |Military Topic}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Second Level - Branches
Create New Service Branch
To create a new Service Branch category for a Country, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: Royal Navy]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <country> Armed Forces]]
- ({Mid Level})
- (enter service branch description here)
- For units and personnel who served during non-conflict periods.
- This is a roll up level category and should not have individual profiles. Profiles should be assigned to one of the sub-categories listed below when possible, or create a new unit category if appropriate .
- For more detailed service information about units and the personnel who served in the <service branch> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--
- (enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <service branch>, <war> | <war>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <service branch> See:
- <!--
- enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help |<Army|Navy|Marine|Air Force> Branch}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
if that country uses a specific name for its <country> Armed Forces, such as Defence Force, use that name instead of the generic Armed Forces.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Service Branch War
To create a new Service Branch category for a Country, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <country>, <war>]]
- For units and personnel who served during the <war> see the sub-categories listed below.
- Note: This is a roll up level category and should not have individual profiles. Profiles should be assigned to one of the sub-categories listed below when possible, or create a new unit category if appropriate .
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <service branch> | <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <service branch> in the <war> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
if that country uses a specific name for its <country> Armed Forces, such as Defence Force, use that name instead of the generic Armed Forces.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Army / Marine
Create New Army Group
To create a new Army Group sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <army group>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Army Group, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Army Groups]]
- ----
- (enter army group description here)
- For units and personnel who served during non-conflict periods see the sub-categories listed below.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <army group> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--
- (enter references to wartime categories here in format:</br/>
- * [[:Category: <army group>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>)
- -->
- For more information on the <army group> See:
- <!--
- enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help |Army Groups}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Army Group War
To create a new Army Group wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <army group>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:First United States Army Group, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Army Groups, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- ==NOTE==
This is a mid level rollup consisting of units that composed the <army group> during World War II.
While most profiles should be assigned to specific Army, Corps, Division or Regiment sub categories that make up the army group, a small number of people are assigned to the group itself. For example the Commanding General and his staff in some form of a HQ element, or some type of separate unit. Profiles for these people should be added to this category.
- (enter army group description here)
- The <army group> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <army group> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, add to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <army group>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <army group> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Army Groups War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Army
To create a new Army sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <army>, <service branch>]]
- For example, [[Category:First Army, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Armies]]
- ----
- (enter army description here)
- The <army> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <army> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, and served during non-conflict periods, add to this profile.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <army> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <army>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <army> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Armies}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Army War
To create a new Army wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <army>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:First Army, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Armies, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter army description here)
- The <army> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <army> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, add to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <army>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <army> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Armies War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Corps
To create a new Corps sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <corps>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: IV Corps, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Corps]]
- The <corps> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <corps> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, and served during non-conflict periods, add to this category.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <corps> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <corps>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <corps> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help |Corps}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Corps War
To create a new Corps wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <corps>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:I Corps, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Corps, <war>]]
- The <corps> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <corps> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, add to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <corps>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <corps> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Land Division
To create a new Division sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <division>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Infantry Division, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Divisions]]
- ----
- (enter division description here)
- The <division> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For now, we are not anticipating creating categories for units smaller than the regiment, i.e. battalions, companies, platoons, so while you should note that in the biography section of the profile, add the profile to the regiment, which should be listed below.
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- A division can also have separate battalions/companies that fall directly under the division and not under a regiment, for instance the HQ element for the general and his staff, a tank, artillery, engineer, etc unit. If the profile user's unit has not been created yet, or is unknown, add the profile to this division category and as we review/monitor, we will create the unit category if appropriate and reassign the profile to it.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <division> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <division>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <division> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help |Land Divisions}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Land Division War
To create a new Division sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <division>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Infantry Division, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Divisions, <war>]]
- :This category contains unit categories and may contain profiles.
- The <division> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For now, we are not anticipating creating categories for units smaller than the regiment, i.e. battalions, companies, platoons, so while you should note that in the biography section of the profile, add the profile to the regiment, which should be listed below.
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- A division can also have separate battalions/companies that fall directly under the division and not under a regiment, for instance the HQ element for the general and his staff, a tank, artillery, engineer, etc unit. If the profile user's unit has not been created yet, or is unknown, add the profile to this division category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <division>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <division> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Brigade
To create a new Brigade sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <brigade>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Infantry Brigade, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Brigades]]
- ----
- (enter brigade description here)
- The <brigade> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <brigade> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <brigade>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <brigade> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help |Brigades}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Brigade War
To create a new Brigade wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <brigade>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Infantry Brigade, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Brigades, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter brigade description here)
- The <brigade> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <brigade>, <service branch> | <regiment>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <brigade> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Brigades War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Regiment
To create a new Regiment sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <regiment>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Infantry Regiment, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Regiments]]
- :This category contains profiles of persons assigned to this regiment.
- The <regiment> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <regiment> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <regiment>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <regiment> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- See also:
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Regiment War
To create a new Regiment wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <regiment>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Infantry Regiment, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Regiments, <war>]]
- (enter regiment description here)
- The <regiment> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <regiment>, <service branch> | <regiment>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <regiment> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Independent Unit
To create a new separate / independent unit sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <independent unit>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Tank Battalion, United States Army]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Battalions]]
- ----
- (enter unit description here)
- The <independent unit> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <independent unit> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <independent unit>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <independent unit> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Independent Unit War
To create a new separate / independent unit wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <independent unit>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Tank Battalion, United States Army, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Battalions, <war>]]
- (enter unit description here)
- The <unit> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <unit>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <unit> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Independent Units War}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Fleet
To create a new Fleet sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <fleet>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: First Fleet, United States Navy]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Fleets]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <fleet> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <fleet> and served during non-conflict periods, add profile to this category.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <fleet> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <fleet>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <fleet> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help | Fleets}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Fleet War
To create a new Fleet sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <fleet>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: First Fleet, United States Navy, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Fleets, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <fleet> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <fleet> add profile to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <fleet>, <service branch> | <fleet>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <fleet> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Fleets War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Flotilla
To create a new Flotilla sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <flotilla>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: Caspian Flotilla, Red Fleet]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Flotillas]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <flotilla> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <flotilla> and served during non-conflict periods, add profile to this category.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <flotilla> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <flotilla>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <flotilla> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help | Flotillas}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Flotilla War
To create a new Flotilla wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <flotilla>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: Caspian Flotilla, Red Fleet, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Flotillas, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <flotilla> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <flotilla> add profile to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <flotilla>, <service branch> | <flotilla>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <flotilla> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Flotillas War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Naval Squadron
To create a new Squadron sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <squadron>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: Pacific Squadron, United States Navy]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Squadrons]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <squadron> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <squadron> and served during non-conflict periods, add profile to this category.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <squadron> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <squadron>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <squadron> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help | Naval Squadrons}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Naval Squadron War
To create a new Squadron wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <squadron>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: Pacific Squadron, United States Navy, Mexican-American War]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Squadrons, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <squadron> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <squadron> add profile to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <squadron>, <service branch> | <squadron>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <squadron> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Naval Squadrons War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Naval Division
To create a new Division sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <division>, <service branch>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Division, United States Navy]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Divisions]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <division> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <division> and served during non-conflict periods, add profile to this category.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <division> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <division>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <division> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help | Naval Divisions}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Naval Division War
To create a new Division wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <division>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example: [[Category: 1st Division, United States Navy, World War I]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Divisions, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <division> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <division> add profile to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <division>, <service branch> | <division>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <division> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Naval Divisions War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Ship
To create a new Ship sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <country prefix> <ship name> <(launch date or hull number)>, <service branch>]]
- For example:
- [[Category: HMS Prince of Wales (1902), Royal Navy]]
- [[Category: USS Missouri (BB-62), United States Navy]]
- For example:
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Ships]]
- ----
- (enter ship launch/commission/decommission/fate info here)
- (enter ship description here)
- The <ship> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the ship and served during non-conflict periods, add profile to this category.
- For more detailed service information about the ship and the personnel who served in the <ship> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <ship>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <ship> See:
- <!--
- * enter links to other sites for more information here
- -->
- {{Military Help | Ships}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Ship War
To create a new Ship wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <country prefix> <ship name> <(launch date or hull number)>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example:
- [[Category: HMS Prince of Wales (1902), Royal Navy, World War I]]
- [[Category: USS Missouri (BB-62), United States Navy, World War II]]
- For example:
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Ships, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter ship description here)
- The <ship> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the ship add profile to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <ship>, <service branch> | <ship>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <ship> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Ships War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Air Force
Create New Air Force
To create a new Air Force sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <air force>, <service branch>]]
- For example, [[Category:First Air Force, United States Air Force]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Air Forces]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <air force> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <air force> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, and served during non-conflict periods, add to this profile.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <air force> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <air force>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <air force> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help | Air Forces}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Force War
To create a new Air Force wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <air force>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:First Air Force, United States Army Air Forces, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Air Forces, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <air force> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <air force> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, add to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <air force>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <air force> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Air Forces War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Command
To create a new Air Force Command sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <command>, <service branch>]]
- For example, [[Category:I Bomber Command, United States Air Force]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Commands]]
- {{Mid Level}}
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <command> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, and served during non-conflict periods, add to this profile.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <command> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <command>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <air force> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help | Air Commands}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Command War
To create a new Air Force Command wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <command>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:I Bomber Command, United States Army Air Forces, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Commands, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <command> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <command> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, add to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <command>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <command> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Air Commands War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Division
To create a new Air Force Division sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <air division>, <service branch>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Air Division, United States Air Force]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Air Divisions]]
- (enter description here)
- The <air division> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <air division> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, and served during non-conflict periods, add to this profile.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <air division> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <air division>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <air force> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help | Air Divisions}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Division War
To create a new Air Force Division wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <air division>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Air Division, United States Army Air Forces, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Air Divisions, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <air division> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For personnel assigned to the <air division> headquarters unit, or to an unknown or subordinate unit that has no category, add to this category.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <air division>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <air division> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Air Divisions War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Wing
To create a new Wing sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <wing>, <service branch>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Bombardment Wing, United States Air Force]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Wings]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <wing> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For now, we are not anticipating creating categories for units smaller than the group, i.e. squadrons, so while you should note that in the biography section of the profile, add the profile to the group, which should be listed below.
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- A wing can also have separate units that fall directly under the wing and not under a group, for instance the HQ element for the general and his staff. If the profile user's unit has not been created yet, or is unknown, add the profile to this wing category and as we review/monitor, we will create the unit category if appropriate and reassign the profile to it.
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <wing> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <wing>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <wing> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help | Wings}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Wing War
To create a new Wing wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <wing>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:1st Combat Bombardment Wing, United States Army Air Forces, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Wings, <war>]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <wing> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- For now, we are not anticipating creating categories for units smaller than the group, i.e. squadrons, so while you should note that in the biography section of the profile, add the profile to the group, which should be listed below.
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- A wing can also have separate units that fall directly under the wing and not under a group, for instance the HQ element for the general and his staff. If the profile user's unit has not been created yet, or is unknown, add the profile to this wing category and as we review/monitor, we will create the unit category if appropriate and reassign the profile to it.
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <wing>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <wing> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Wings War}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Group
To create a new Group sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <group>, <service branch>]]
- For example, [[Category:5th Bombardment Group, United States Air Force]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
- [[Category: <service branch> Groups]]
- ----
- (enter description here)
- The <group> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- Current primary subordinate units are:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date>
- -->
- For more detailed service information about the unit and the personnel who served in the <group> in specific wars/conflicts, see:
- <!--enter references to wartime categories here in format:
- * [[:Category: <group>, <service branch>, <war> | <war>]] -->
- For more information on the <group> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help | Air Groups}}
- ==Sources==
- <references />
- ----
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
If either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries: the Copy the category name.
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New Air Group War
To create a new Group wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <group>, <service branch>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:5th Bombardment Group, United States Army Air Forces, World War II]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: <service branch> Groups, <war>]]
- (enter description here)
- The <group> was assigned to:
- <!--
- * <unit> on <date>
- -->
- Primary subordinate units were:
- <!--
- * <unit> from <date> to <date>
- -->
- For the primary, peacetime category, see:
- <!--
- enter using the format of:
- * [[:Category: <group>, <service branch>]]
- -->
- For more information on the <group> during the <war> See:
- <!--
- * (enter links to other sites for more information here)
- -->
- {{Military Help |Air Groups War}}
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
if covered by a specific project, on the ProjectCategory line use that project name and tag instead of the generic Military and War project and Military_and_War tag.
after saving, if any of the categories show up as RED, check the new category entry spelling, proper case and punctuation. If it looks good, check that categories next higher level to see if it was created with some variation. If it all looks good, cut the outline from the help section for that type of category and create it, or, ask for assistance in creating it.
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Create New State War
For earlier US conflicts the small Federal Forces would often be augmented by State and volunteer/militia units, many of them raised for specific actions.
All of the states and territories fighting for both the Union and the Confederacy have already been created.
If a new state needs to be added, be sure to add as the appropriate colony, territory or state for that period of conflict.
To create a new State wartime sub category, add the following line to the category you are working on, replacing <item> with actual value:
- [[Category: <state>, <war>]]
- For example, [[Category:Illinois, War of 1812]]
Cut and paste the following block to the text of the category (replacing <item> with actual value):
- [[Category: United States of America, <war>]]
- [[Category: <state>]]
- State and State Militia forces that were assigned to the Federal Government for action in the <war>.
- {{Military Help | US States War}}
- See also:
- ----
- {{ProjectCategory|Military and War|Military_and_War}}
Copy the category name and select the link to the peacetime category.
Edit the peacetime category and paste the <war> category into the section for that units For more detailed wartime entries in the format shown.
Return to the war category, if either the was assigned to: or subordinate units were: have entries:
- 1. Edit the assigned to: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units subordinate units were: section in the format shown.
- 2. Edit the subordinate units were: categories and paste the <war> category into the section for that units was assigned to: section in the format shown.
Go back to the initial category, edit, and remove the new category line and save.
Third Level - Primary Categories for Profiles
Basic Level
This category is a primary location for user profiles and should not have any further sub-categories identified at this time. It is either a regiment/equivalent that may be further broken down into battalions/equivalent at a later time, or separate/independent units that do not fall under a regiment and are assigned directly to the Division, Corps, etc.
To add a profile to this category, place above the ==Biography== tag using the format of (replacing <item> with actual value)::
- [[Category: <category name>]]
Basic Level War
This category is a primary location for user profiles and should not have any further sub-categories identified at this time. It is either a regiment/equivalent that may be further broken down into battalions/equivalent at a later time, or separate/independent units that do not fall under a regiment and are assigned directly to the Division, Corps, etc.
To add a profile to this category, place above the ==Biography== tag using the format of (replacing <item> with actual value)::
- [[Category: <category name>]]
Add to Profile to Roll Up Unit
This category has (should have) sub categories of smaller units that it is composed of. Profiles should be placed in the narrowest category possible. In descending order (i.e. most to least desirable), using generic terms, add to:
Regiment | Ship | Group |
Division | Division | Wing |
Corps | Squadron | Division |
Army | Flotilla | Air Force |
Army Group | Fleet |
Note: For UK and Canada, the Air Group and Wing are reversed in order
If nothing more specific is known, or the person was assigned to the unit headquarters, add the profile to the category by adding the following to the profile above the ==Biography== section (replacing <item> with actual value):
for main/peacetime unit
- [[Category: <unit or ship>, <service branch>]]
for wartime unit
- [[Category: <unit or ship>, <service branch>, <war>]]
Basic Level Ship
This category is a primary location for user profiles and should not have any further sub-categories identified at this time. While a ships complement is split up into deck, gun, engine, etc, assignment is to the ship itself
To add a profile to this category, place above the ==Biography== tag using the format of (replacing <item> with actual value)::
- [[Category: <category name>]]
Basic Level Ship War
This category is a primary location for user profiles and should not have any further sub-categories identified at this time. While a ships complement is split up into deck, gun, engine, etc, assignment is to the ship itself
To add a profile to this category, place above the ==Biography== tag using the format of (replacing <item> with actual value)::
- [[Category:< category name>]]
In cases where a person was on a ship for a short time before/after a war, there is no need to also add them to the peacetime category for the ship. If they were on board for an extended period of peacetime duty, or had multiple assignments to the ship during both peace and war, adding the profile to both categories can be done at the PM's discretion.
Add to Profile to Side
This is a roll up level category and should not have individual profiles. Profiles should be assigned to the country/state units when possible. If the state/unit is unknown, add the profile to this category.
- Is there interest in having a new category for Joint Task Force 8 - Atomic Tests in the Pacific 1962? Apr 17, 2022.
- Can we add a Category for HM Coastgueard? Feb 11, 2021.
- Why is Marine Corps grouped with Army? Mar 19, 2020.
- Category "RAF Coastal Command" Jan 4, 2020.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
Natalie, M&W
Ensign in the 2nd NC Regiment (NC Continental Line) - 1775-1776 Captain in the 5th NC Regiment (NC Continental Line) - 1776-1778 Colonel over the Dobbs County Regiment of Militia - 1779 Brigadier General over the New Bern District Brigade of Militia - 1779-1783
DAR records CASWELL, WILLIAM Ancestor #: A020339 Service: NORTH CAROLINA Rank(s): BRIGADIER GENERAL Birth: 9-24-1754 CRAVEN CO NORTH CAROLINA Death: 1786 DOBBS CO NORTH CAROLINA Service Description: 1) ALSO CAPT,COL,ADJ.GEN.
He was commissioned an ensign in the Second Regiment of the North Carolina Continental Line 1 Sept. 1775. With other Continentals from the New Bern District, he was dispatched to join General Washington's forces in the North, where important campaigns against powerful British forces were impending. He served with valor in campaigns there for more than three years and suffered wounds at the Battle of Brandywine. He was with General Washington's army during the miserable winter at Valley Forge. Afterward, he was transferred to the Fifth Regiment of the North Carolina Continental Line, in which he was captain of Caswell's Company.