Translation of "en qualité d'engagé"

+7 votes
The marriage record (link to the Family Search Image of the parish record is on the profile and here: indicates Augustin Martineau was residing in the parish "en qualité d'engagé". One translation given is that this refers to someone assigned to a military post. Engagé means hired so my interpretation was "hired hand" instead. Can someone help with the correct translation?

Thank you, Mama Kiki (Christine)
WikiTree profile: Augustin Martineau
in Genealogy Help by Mama Kiki Lajeunesse G2G6 Mach 2 (24.9k points)

4 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
''résident en cette paroisse en qualité d'engagé'' is the full text here, and translates as ''residing in this parish as a contracted worker''.  ie, he doesn't come from that parish, and it's unknown if he will remain there in a permanent establishment or not.  He's a temporary resident as far as the priest knows.
by Danielle Liard G2G6 Pilot (728k points)
selected by Mama Kiki Lajeunesse
+3 votes
( Opinion)

I think it also refers to and acknowledges his status to , "his commitment " to the marriage, in concert with the bans.
by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
not at all
I agree Danielle .. not in the literal sense but perhaps in the sociological perspective given any transitory concerns .. Is "Engage" maybe referring to a canoe man under contract to a voyageur ?
not in the least, any person hired on contract to work for a stated time period for someone qualifies as ''engagé''.  This applies to farm workers, house servants etc etc etc.  The statement is quite clear that he is considered as being resident for the purposes of bann publication, so they didn't need to be published elsewhere.
Ah yes .. well done .. thank you for sharing ! I probably had just finished reading a book about the frustrations that Catholic Priests, Church and Wives (!), were having with "Engages" of Voyageurs during that time who would marry quickly and then go west on 1-3 years fur trading routes.

Always appreciate your insights !
+5 votes
a worker, an employee,
he is hired and he works for someone
by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
+2 votes
Someone, immigrant to Nouvelle-France. His trip paid by a contributor throw a notary contract for a period of time in major time for 3 years (36 months). During that period, the engagé work for this contributor.
by Luc Lalonde G2G1 (1.5k points)
bonjour Luc, il y avait des engagés internes aussi, pas seulement les immigrants.

Are These Examples Danielle ? In Regard: Northern Department Servants’ Engagement Registers (1823-1895)

might be considered such, or might not, these are actually too late for our purposes.  It could  simply be a hiring roll for Hudson's Bay company.

In Regard: The numerous fur trading companies of Montreal, Quebec and Hudson Bay during the Nouvelle France time period often used the term "Engages" in their contracts for hiring voyageurs and canoe crews.


the voyageurs certainly were termed engagés, the list you had provided included servants etc and was quite late.  Not sure when the term lost its common use as a noun and just got used as adjective or verb.  Nowadays they use the term employé. (employee)

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