Is there a project that covers these pre-1700 people? 7 Alexander Brothers and 2 Sisters Cecil MD 1673

+4 votes

I want to contribute to the deep genealogy on our shared tree. Here are people I can add, along with dates and locations:

  • James ("the Carpenter") Alexander 1685-1717 b. Somerset, MD; d. Deleware, U.S.A.
  • Samuel Alexander 1657-1733 b. Raphoe, Donegal, Ireland; d. Cecil MD (father of James the Carpenter)
  • William Alexander b. Ireland d. Ireland (believed the father of Samuel but not proven to genealogical proof standards)

For the sources, I will be using, see

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Phillip Alexander
in Genealogy Help by Phillip Alexander G2G Crew (970 points)
edited by Phillip Alexander

4 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer

Hi, Phillip!

Unfortunately, there is no one coordinating the Alexander Name Study at this time:

The US Southern Colonies Project covers Maryland during the time period of your first profile and the death of the second:
The project page has tabs linking to Reliable Sources and other info.

The Ireland Project would cover the third profile and the birth of the second:
The project page has a Resources section

Hope this helps!

Azure Rae

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (573k points)
selected by Phillip Alexander
Many thanks. I will follow up as suggested.
+5 votes

I know that we are communicating on Joseph Alexander, and as you see there is a lot of information on many of the bios of the 7 brothers and 2 sisters and in attached sources. You may want to add "Alexander" as a tag to this question. You are more likely to attract people who are working on the specific project your are interested in.

Kind regards

by Mack Morrison G2G6 Mach 8 (81.8k points)
Thank you. I added Alexander as a tag as you suggested.
+3 votes
Family trees from Ancestry, Geni, My Heritage, etc... are not acceptable as sources for Pre-1700 profiles.
by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)

That's correct, John. But Philip seems to be proposing to use sources in the Ancestry profile mentioned, not the profile itself. There are 12 sources on that profile, many of them primary.

Thank you for the information, but Jim Richardson is correct.. I would use the primary sources in the Ancestry Profile of James ("the Carpenter") Alexander to construct one in WikiTree.

But none of this answers the question of whether there is already a pre-1700 project covering the 7 plus 2 Alexanders and their ancestors.

Hi Philip,

You may want to reach out to the One Name Studies Team ( There is an Alexander One Name Study, but currently it doesn't have a Coordinator. I think the project that you are interested in, would fall into a One Name Study. I'm sure they can provide you with more information, if you are interested.

Kind regards

Much appreciated. Thank you.
You are welcome. Best of luck.
+4 votes
There is a Cecil - Cissel DNA Project you may wish to consult.
by Timothy Sissel G2G Crew (790 points)

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