Is your family part of Virginia History? Please post here to join us in the Virginia Project.

+16 votes

The Virginia Project covers Virginia's people, places, and events from 4th July 1776 to today.  See Virginia Project page for information on our scope of activity and some related projects.

If you are a WikiTree member who would like to help improve profiles and other WikiTree content in Virginia, please:

  1. Log In and introduce yourself by answering this post. (Please post an answer, not a comment.) Tell us about your interests in Virginia — and how you intend to contribute — and we will get you a United States badge.
  2. Add virginia to your followed tags.

Please be sure to check out our project page for links to the various related-projects you might want to join.  Note that several other specialized US-related projects, such as US Southern ColoniesUS Presidents, and the 1776 Project, have their own badges separate from this one.  You don't also need to join the Virginia project to participate in one of those projects, but most of us work on multiple topics and may want to be in more than one project.

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WikiTree profile: Virginia Project WikiTree
in Requests for Project Volunteers by Sjana Lee Bauer G2G6 Mach 3 (34.1k points)
edited by Sjana Lee Bauer

31 Answers

+14 votes
I have a lot of relatives in Virginia.  Mostly Charles City related to Evelynton Plantation and the Ruffin family.  But I also attended Woodbury Forest High School in Orange and the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (484k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+14 votes

Yes, I would like to join this project. I would like to request to join because my family has deep roots in Virginia (Augusta, Rockbridge, Cabell, Powhatan to name a few). I can contribute when I can and I am certainly willing to share the information that I have collected about my own family as they may most certainly connect to many others. Our society was not as dense then and so I am finding many many connections. I have travelled to Virginia to see some of the places that my ancestors most likely lived. Thank you.

Gina Brown Carlson
by Gina Carlson G2G Crew (620 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

Hi Gina:  Your post sparked me to write about my Powhatan colonial ancestors.  I'm hoping you will read my post today and we can connect over our Powhatan ancestry.

Thank you,

Bev Parker

I would like to join this project. My people were in Virginia and NC from about mid 1600's.
+13 votes
I have colonial ancesters both near Henrico, Goochland, Powhatan, and Manakintown as well as first arrivals in the Eastern Shore in Accomack County.  Surnames Parker, Wise, West and Scarborough and by the James River Falls area, Worley, Pleasant, Maxey, Flournoy, Langsdon, Muse and Lankford.

I am asking today if anyone else in this group has ties to the John Worley Sr. Reading Room established on the same property as Flat Rock, Powhatan in abt. 1743.  John Worley b. 1703 d. 1757 and his wife Esther were both ministers and their home is now the Rocky Oak Chappel, which is still in existence with a beautifully preserved 18th century cemetery alongside.  Rev. John Worley Sr  is my 7th great grandfather.   I have recent photos of the area if you would like to see them.

       See this link for more information about the Worley family in this area:
by Bev Parker G2G Crew (990 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+12 votes
I have a lot of ancestors in Virginia on my mother’s side, dating back to the 16 & 1700s.  My Lindsay ancestors had land that was involved in the Fairfax v. Hite dispute. I came to Virginia at age 7 from Nebraska and felt very separated from family as a kid.  But I was pleased to learn as an adult that Virginia was actually a place I was very much connected to.
by Erin Schrad G2G Crew (560 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+12 votes
I would like to join this project. I have relatives decending from Capt. Gilbert Robert Christian (about 1677-1756) burried in Christian's Creek, Augusta, VA (British Colonial VA).

I relize that I am referring to Colonial VA but the line does continue past 1776.

Best regards,

by Jim Christian G2G2 (2.7k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+12 votes
Interested.  Lynskey's from Pittsylvania County, Danville.  Immigrated from Athenry, Galway, Ireland in 1850's.   Fought in Civil War, etc.  Have a ton of history...
by Charles Lynskey G2G1 (1.8k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
Good morning, I am Sam Ray. My paternal line arrived in Virginia in 1610 on the Seaventure and left Virginia in the years following the Revolution. My primary research interests the Ayletts in King William, Buckners, and Conner family from Orange County.
by Samuel Ray G2G Crew (590 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

What records are there for Orange county from 1700s?

Here is our Virginia Category Page.  You'll see Orange County, Virginia there which will take you to other pages you can search.  The best page to start on, tho, is the Virginia Project Page which has all kinds of links to Resources for you :)  Hope this helps!

+12 votes
Researching all lines of my family tree, virtually all of which appear to have immigrated into Virginia from England before 1750.

I focus on researching groups of associated families to deconflate persons with same name, and adding reliable, original sources to profiles.
by Ken Spratlin G2G6 Mach 2 (20.6k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
My bro and I have researched our VA-MO tree for over 40 years and have documented roots of 7 of our 8 GGparents to emigrate from VA from the 1600-1700s. Our genealogy is well-documented with 24,000 ancestors and would like to share while pursuing our search for some missing connections.
by Randy Smith G2G Crew (590 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+14 votes
I am interested in joining the Virginia Project, as my main ancestor, Obedience Robins, was an early settler in the Jamestown Colony.
by George Robbins G2G1 (1.1k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
I have many, many ancestors from Virginia.  Specifically from St. George's Parish, Spotsylvania County, King and Queen County, Fredrickson, Nottingham, Franklin, Powhatan and Old Rappahannock to name a few.  I am just beginning the research into my Virginia family and would love to contribute to the project. I will help with the goals of the project as needed. I love learning new things.
by Rachael Jones G2G2 (2.5k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
I would like to join
by Delayne Auerbach G2G2 (2.9k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+14 votes
My father’s family has been in Virginia for centuries.
by Delayne Auerbach G2G2 (2.9k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
Yes, I am interested in joining the Virginia Project.  My ancestors came to colonial Virginia on the Eastern Shore in the mid 1600's. They have lived in northern Accomack county and in the lower part of what became Worcester County, Maryland.  I am still living here on the Eastern Shore of Virginia not more than 5 miles from where my ancestors patented land.

My interests are in Accomack and Northhampton Counties history and neighboring Somerset and Worcester County, Maryland.  The surnames I am interested in are Richardson, Bonneville (and variants), Spencer, Smith, Bowen.
by George Richardson G2G Crew (590 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
So many of my relatives came over with the Virginia Project,  Many of the records in Virginia were destroyed so I probsbly have more questions than answers. Pendletons, Gilliams, Bradleys, Jarretts,  come to mind.  I have questions on these  and would share any on the Pendletons if needed.
by Janet Allison G2G Crew (590 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
I would like to join this project. My ancestors on both sides of my family settled in Virginia and stayed for generations. Augusta County and Shenandoah County were the counties where most lived and where they lived for the longest time. I was born and raised in Virginia.
by Suzanne Wagstaff G2G1 (2.0k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

Thank you. I have joined that project already.

+13 votes
Hi, I would like to join this project. I have deep roots in Virginia, mainly Staunton and Richmond areas but elsewhere also, from the 1700s. Have researched the Harman family (Augusta County area) and continue to seek out and explore branches of the family.
by Katharine Brainard G2G4 (4.3k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
ere. Is this what I need to do to join the virginia project?
by Marsha Mendenhall G2G1 (1.9k points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes
My wife's family moved across VA from MD in the 17th century to the 19th when they ended up in WV.  SANDY, TURNER, LAMB, SCOTT, HARRISON, BROWN, VERNOL.

It is still a work in progress, but I'm happy to work together on research- transcribe wills or whatever.
by James Elbrecht G2G Crew (990 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

+13 votes

Yes, I would be interested in joining this project.  I love Virginia history!  I was born, and have always lived, in Virginia.  Each member of my family tree for the past five generations were all born in Virginia, with a large majority of the previous 3 or 4 generations born in Virginia as well.  Therefore, I have very deep roots in Virginia throughout the state, and throughout the history of the state.  Almost all of my research has been done in Virginia, with quite a bit of it in the southwest counties that were formed just before, and shortly after, the Revolutionary War — namely Patrick, Henry, Pittsylvania, Franklin & Bedford.

I would be happy to work on projects when I can, and am always willing to share my research with others.  Thank you.

Larry Hopkins

by Larry Hopkins G2G Crew (710 points)

Hi & Thank You for your interest in the Virginia Project! I'll be in touch shortly.

Cheers, Sjana

P.S. You might also want to look at the US Southern Colonies Project, which covers colonial (pre-USA) Virginia.

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