Which astronomer are you most closely connected to?

+22 votes

Maria Mitchell and Carl SaganIn celebration of the solar eclipse on April 8, and the International Day of Human Flight in Space on April 12, we are featuring astronomers this week.

Are you closer to Maria Mitchell, the first acknowledged female astronomer and the discoverer of a comet, or Carl Sagan, pioneer in the field of exobiology (extraterrestrial life in space)?

Here are more astronomers to check your connection to:

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P.S. Play this week's Connection Combat game! Are you closer to Carl Sagan or Maria Mitchell? Can your connection be verified with reliable sources?

P.P.S. Help us find and improve the profiles for next week's feature: Foodies.

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten

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40 Answers

+15 votes

22 degrees to Maria Mitchell. My 22nd cousin 5x removed. We link up here Ferch_Ednywain-1

by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (215k points)
+14 votes

16th degrees to  Maria Mitchell, 8th cousin 3xrsurprise

by Gary Nevius G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+17 votes

Cousins (Other Connection)
Simon Newcomb - 7C5R - (16 degrees)
Isaac Newton - 9C12R - (23 degrees)
Edith Woodward - 14C3R - (20 degrees)
Tycho Brahe - 15C16R - (27 degrees)
Maria Mitchell - 22C7R - (17 degrees)

Carl Sagan - 25 degrees
Caroline Lucretia Herschel - 25 degrees
Eise Eisenga - 28 degrees
Beatrice Tinsley - 28 degrees
Thomas Maclear - 30 degrees
Pierre Henri Puiseux - 33 degrees
Nicholaus Copernicus - 35 degrees

by Eric Vavra G2G6 Mach 3 (38.6k points)
We are 15th cousins, twice remove. Edith (Jones) Woodward was my aunt.
+18 votes

I am most closely connected to Edith Woodward at 16 degrees of separation.


No Relationship Found

by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
edited by Tommy Buch
We are 16th cousins, 3 times removed.  Edith (Jones) Woodward was my aunt.
+14 votes

My closest is Simon Newcomb at 16 degrees.

Next is Edith Woodward at 17 degrees.

by Steve Hatchett G2G6 Mach 2 (26.3k points)
edited by Steve Hatchett
+17 votes

cousins -- connections 

Maria Mitchell  - 4th cousin 5x rem. -- 14 deg. (via Joanna (Folger) Coleman)

Tyge Ottesen Brahe - 16th cousin 13x rem. -- 23 deg.

Simon Newcomb -    5th cousin 6x rem. –16 deg.

Isaac Newton -    8th cousin 10x rem -- 20 deg.

Edith J (Jones) Woodward -   8th cousin 3x rem. --17 deg.

by Alie Ruff G2G6 Mach 1 (19.4k points)
edited by Alie Ruff
We are 9th cousins, twice removed. Edith (Jones) Woodward was my aunt.
+15 votes
I am 18 degrees from Tycho Brahe (Third cousins 11 times removed)

 21 degrees from Caroline Lucretia Herschel

23 degrees from Simon Newcomb (24th cousins twice removed)

23 degrees from Isaac Newton (20th cousins five times removed)

24 degrees from Maria Mitchell (very distant cousin)

26 degrees from Beatrice Tinsley

26 degrees from Edit Woodward (25th cousins twise removed)

29 degrees from Nicholaus Copernicus

30 degrees from Eise Eisenga

30 degrees from Thomas Maclear

30 degrees from Pierre Henri Puiseux

33 degrees from Carl Sagan
by Kari Undbekken G2G6 Mach 6 (69.7k points)
+16 votes
I am 29 steps from Carl Sagan, but we share a birthday.

I am 21 steps from Maria Mitchell - and am also a female astronomer! I started early yesterday with an interview about the solar eclipse on Irish radio, and ended the day trying to get a glimpse of the eclipse - but we were clouded out.

Roll on August 2026 and northern Spain.
by Frances McCarthy G2G6 Mach 2 (27.2k points)
+14 votes
22 degrees from Maria Mitchell,
29 degrees from Carl Sagan,
25 degrees from Tycho Brahe,
33 degrees from Nicholaus Copernicus,
22 degrees from Eise Eisenga,
21 degrees from Caroline Lucretia Herschel,
18 degrees from Thomas Maclear,
21 degrees from Simon Newcomb,
24 degrees from Isaac Newton,
32 degrees from Pierre Henri Puiseux,
18 degrees from Beatrice Tinsley
and 22 degrees from Edith Woodward
by JJ van Eck G2G6 (9.4k points)
+15 votes
I'm 14 degrees from Eise Eisinga. The planetarium he built in his house in Franeker, Friesland, Nederland, is the oldest working planetarium in the world. It became an Unesco World Heritage site in 2023.
by Tineke Slof G2G6 Mach 3 (34.0k points)
+15 votes
Edith Woodward is only 15 degrees away with one marriage on the path.  Close behind are Simon Newcomb at 16 degrees and Maria Mitchell at 17. All three are cousins, but none closer than 5th 6 times removed (Maria Mitchell).

Maria must have been something special.  I'm sure she faced discrimination, but to read the biography she simply learned what she needed to know and did the science and teaching that was in front of her.  Add the anti-slavery and suffrage work and it's quite a resume.  Of course it helps to have your father build an observatory you can use, but as the bio points out, she was the only sibling who really built on that start.
by Steve Ryan G2G6 Mach 8 (87.3k points)
+15 votes
Sir Isaac Newton 5c10r

Simon Newcomb 7c3r

Edith Woodward 17c

Maria Mitchell 20c3r
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (385k points)
+13 votes
18 degrees from Beatrice Tinsley, a surprising distance given that her grandfather and my great-grandfather lived just a half-dozen miles apart. But her family were weavers and mine were farmers, and the two rarely intermingled.
by Robert Struthers G2G4 (4.9k points)
+15 votes
14 degrees Simon Newcomb, 18c, 4r, mrca Clare-18, Bruce-517

16 degrees Edith (Jones) Woodward, 15c, 1r, mrca Mallory-9, Corbet-5

17 degrees Maria Mitchell, 22c, 4r, mrca Ferch_Ednywain-1, Ab_Edwin-3

20 degrees Isaac Newton, 6c, 7r, mrca Tailboys-2, Tyrwhit-4

20 degrees Tycho Brahe, 15c, 14r, mrca Piast-16, Kiev-19

22 degrees Beatrice Tinsley

22 degrees Carl Sagan

23 degrees Caroline Herschel

26 degrees Eise Eisenga

27 degrees Thomas Maclear

30 degrees Pierre Puiseux

31 degrees Nicholaus Copernicus
by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Mach 9 (93.2k points)
+15 votes
16 degrees from Edith Woodward (10th cousin, 4x removed)
16 degrees from Simon Newcomb (6th cousin, 5x removed)
17 degrees from Maria Mitchell (7th cousin, 4x removed)
19 degrees from Isaac Newton (8th cousin, 10x removed)
22 degrees from Carl Sagan
22 degrees from Tycho Brahe (14th cousin, 11x removed)
22 degrees from Caroline Lucretia Herschel
22 degrees from Beatrice Tinsley
26 degrees from Eise Eisenga
28 degrees from Thomas Maclear
29 degrees from Pierre Henri Puiseux
31 degrees from Nicholaus Copernicus
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (145k points)
+14 votes
16 degrees from Maria Mitchell. (If we throw out the Pitt/s line as disproven by DNA tests.) 19th cousin 4 times removed. MRCA Finudd ap Lywarch (b. abt 1145).

17 degrees from Edith Woodward. 16th cousin 1 time removed. MRCA Margery (Venables) Mainwaring (abt 1369 - 1459).

18 degrees from Simon Newcomb. 15th cousin 6 times removed. MRCA Mistress (Unknown) (b. abt 1340) (of William Douglas) .

18 degrees from Isaac Newton. 8th cousin 10 times removed. MRCA Elizabeth (Clarell) Gresley (abt 1395 - aft 1449).

20 degrees from Caroline Lucretia Herschel/

23 degrees from Tycho Brahe. 15th cousin 13 times removed. MRCA Boleslaw (Plast) Polski (abt 1086 - 1138).

24 degrees from Carl Sagan.

24 degrees from Beatrice Tinsley.

27 degrees from Eise Eisenga.

28 degrees from Thomas Maclear..

30 degrees from Pierre Henri Puiseux.

31 degrees from Ncholaus Copernicus.
by Frank Blankenship G2G6 Pilot (140k points)
If somebody is up for it, I think it would be interesting to see which eminent alchemist (magician even) folks are most closely connected to. Tycho, above, for instance, qualifies as both astronomer and alchemist.
+12 votes
I am most closely connected to Simon Newcomb and Isaac Newton at 20 degrees.
by Samantha Thomson G2G6 Pilot (272k points)
+14 votes
by Aaron Gullison G2G6 Pilot (195k points)
edited by Aaron Gullison
+15 votes

Ancestors and Cousins


by Jennifer Robins G2G6 Pilot (271k points)
+11 votes
My closest is Tycho Brahe at 15 degrees (12th great uncle).
by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)

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