"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 19th - 21st, 2024 [closed]

+25 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another wonderful Chat! See you sooner than you think!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Pip, I feel for you, form filling and finding all the required pieces of paper is a nightmare.

I just finished collecting and submitting all the medical information about my special needs granddaughter for programs she can attend after she finishes high school in 2 years time, yes it takes 2 years to process an application.
Kudos to you for mentoring, Pip!

If anyone can do it, you can do. I have great confidence in your ability. I remember that form. It was a pain in the butt to do especially since when I last did it I didn't qualify for anything since I had a BA. If you need scholarship money try some money with Daughters of the Confederacy or Son of the Confederacy or Northern Armies. It is only 500.00 but 500 is 500 it may allow you to but one or two books.

Talk soon

Pip, adding to Chris Wine's ideas, you might want to see if these groups/programs can help:

Habitat for Humanity; local food pantry/pantries; Goodwill; Big Brothers Big Sisters; United Way...that is all I can think of right now.

Another option is a Go Fund Me site.
Hey Pip What you're doing for you mentee means the world to him and his family and that is more important than a thon. You never know he may do the same for someone else in years to come and that will be a testiment to your caring and kindness.

Thank you for the weekend chat every week Pip.

I hope everything will be fine with you.

Someone should force you to take some rest untill you are oke. Perhaps your wife should bind you to the bed, turn on some calm music, and read out some bedtime stories smiley

Greetings Richard

April 20, weather today, bright sun and about 8 Celsius from 7.30am to 9am, then 6 C, clouds and wind, then at 10am, 4 C and very windy, then at 10.30 am rain, then freezing rain, then snow. I was at a litter pick up event at a local park when it started to snow, and we all went home! crying

WOW M! Four-ish seasons in one day!

Today is my brother's 76th birthday. Great guy! People would be thrilled to have as great a sibling relationship as we have. His granddaughter received official notice that she has been accepted to the U.S. Air Force Academy.

You and Robb take care and have a great week!
Oh Pip, I know that you and your wife are trying to help that family but try to remember to take care of yourselves too. (((Hugs)))

Great score for the Connect-A-Thon. I was so tired and not feeling great that I got an all-time low score for me.
Bless you, Cousin Pip, for your dedication in helping this young person out of an unfortunate situation. Not many are so lucky to have a caring mentor. Please take the time you need for rest and self-care...there's only so much of any of us to go around.

33 Answers

+17 votes
Hi from Melbourne Australia where the weather is getting much cooler at night. We've even had some rain but the sun is still popping out at times.

My niece's graduation was on Wednesday. Her partner and I were invited to share it with her. We were all up at 5am, they picked me up at 7 and we were still late for her sign in which was suppose to be at 8.30, traffic was shocking but we got there in the end and she wasn't the last to arrive. The trip would normally take about 30 minutes. We were lucky it rained a little on the way and cleared to quite a nice day. The graduation started at 11 which was wonderful to see. I was good until one of the graduates got up for her speech and she started to speak about families supporting them thru their studies. My sister didn't see her youngest thru her studies, she passed away only months after Libby started. All I could think was she should have been there instead of me.

WT: I didn't have a lot of time to prep for the thon  but I managed to get 70 profiles fully sourced with bios with only 1 I need to go back to - it needs some immigration info which often takes time, at least I got 10 more Montevideo Maru POWs connected before I transferred to "profiles needing profiles" for the 16 challenge. I won a prize on one of the livecasts, which reminds me, I must decide what I want as I have a choice this time. I won a mug quite a few years ago but I don't remember if it ever arrived, it's doesn't matter it was nice to know I had won something.

I'm laging behind in my sourcing, with the thon and some rabbit holes I'm not sure I'll make my 100 this month. Like many others I can't not just add a source, I have to add as much as I can when I work on a profile that is previously unsourced. I'm working on a Queensland family at the moment. The profiles were all uploaded in 2015 with a lot of guessed dates so it will be good to get them done. Unfortunately I usually have next months challenge set by now so I only need to do admin stuff the last 2 days of the month but I might be cutting it close this month. But sourcing first.

Thank you Pip for hosting another chat. It's great to see what everyone is up to.

Catch you all next week
by Amanda Myers G2G6 Mach 6 (63.1k points)

LOL It the thought that counts, right? surprise You said:  I won a prize on one of the livecasts, which reminds me, I must decide what I want as I have a choice this time. I won a mug quite a few years ago but I don't remember if it ever arrived, it's doesn't matter it was nice to know I had won something.

+15 votes
Good morning to all.  I'm surprised to be at Saturday already as it feels like I haven't done anything since Monday, note worthy, except cover the dining room table with paper piles that need filing.  On a genealogy note, this past weekend during the connect-a-thon, I was actually working (part of the time) on the Coles in Mississippi (my husband's relatives-side family) and made a bunch of Cole and Brent profiles.  One of which was noticed by someone searching for Jesse Manuel Brent's name yesterday because I got an email in the wee hours. I love when someone who's not on WikiTree notices someone because I made their profile.
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (483k points)

Hi cousin Kathy! heart That is a great feeling! I forgot to thank you for all the hard work you put into the Newt Team!  I sure learned a lot...and now I'm on Discord! Yoo Hooo! 

Thanks Dave and thanks for all your hard work!
Hi Kathy It is nice to hear from someone about a profile you've created, isn't it. My problem is it's usually about a profile I'm not related to.
Yes and that's the case here. The profile is in my cc7, but we're not related.
+16 votes

Hello from South Cheshire England where unusually it's sunny but chilly which makes a definite change from all the rain we have had of latelaugh

I managed to add a few to my C& total during the Thon and looking at a couple of the additions have added a few more . More research is needed before I can add any more with a good degree of certainty.

An Irish cousin I discovered through Wikitree was in touch and we have arranged to meet up when we go to Ireland in June - she lives in Greystones which I remember as being a very quiet seaside resort when I was a child - apparently it is vert popular now so I may or may not be disappointed in Greystones 2024.

4 of my grandchildren are here currently recovering from the Mumps as parents are tied up. It seems to have been a very tiring week  and it's been years since I've had to read so many Roald Dahl stories over and over. So haven't done much research but have made ginger beer and some ice cream using a gift was given a couple of years ago but hadn't taken out of the box. The youngest grandson enjoyed unwrapping it but none of them could understand how you could have a Christmas present in the cupboard which you had had for several years and not got round to opening.

The bathroom has progressed a little the wash basin is now installed but the tiling needs to be completed and sealant around the bath and basin needs doing. Tte outside calls to my husband who has been busying planting potatoes and  investigating our fruit trees so it may be a good while before we can tick the bathroom off as "finished"!!

For a little light reading I have been reading about Irish freedom fighters who participated in the Easter rising as I would like to visit some of the graves in Dublin whilst we are there ..

Anyway I can hear some squabbling going on so will sign out now

by Anon Sharkey G2G6 Pilot (132k points)

I love my grandkids, all 11 of them, but they wear me out. Still, my older ones are my IT geeks right now!  I couldn't have got on WikiTree Discord without their assistance!surprise

Oh Anon, my mum had 4 of us aged 5-12 with mumps at the same time about 1964 and then my dad as well, he was quite sure he had, had mumps as a child but apparently not!

I remember it quite vividly and I wasn't even very ill.
Our 4 children all had Mumps  followed by chicken pox and interspaced with asthma attacks in the winter of 1987. I had had neither Mumps nor chickenpox as a child so was worried I might succumb but didn't . Hubby did and was rather poorly  and admitted to hospital for a few days with the Mumps. He has been staying well clear from the 4 grandkids as he doesn't want a second bout. I've told him you can't catch it twice but...

I am more concerned as to why they caught it as they have all have the MMR vaccine though the youngest has only had one dose and I think he caught it at nursery. Anyway all are improving and so far I haven't got any symptoms so hopefully will escape.
+15 votes
As usual, I skipped the thon.  I only add sources any more.  But someone added a profile that should have been prevented by the comparing process Alva and Alvah.  I was contacted and we merged her new profile and I shucked an old one of mine from some thon 5 years ago.  Mine only had an estimated birth date from a marriage record.  She added several relatives, many sources, three censuses, etc.  and the profile is in much better condition.  kudos to my

I am working on the charity quilts this weekend.  The president of our guild will meander quilt for us but we have to finish with our own binding.  Last month I sent my first one, because my coordination is now so bad with the hip problems, and got back two quilts.  She had attached a back to my front and back and quilted them.  Then returned them at our last meeting.  I was so pleased to be relieved of the job of quilting that I will do it for as long as she will volunteer.  I am the most prolific volunteer in our group, about 10 a year, and this will allow me to furnish even more.  Hospice has asked for more donations, and since they only want lap sized robes, it is much quicker.  April 23 will be one year since I fell.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (578k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
+13 votes
Hello from Wichita, where is it partly sunny and a chilly 55 degrees F. The tulips are basically done blooming and the iris are now beginning to show their colors.

I just finished giving a presentation for our local genealogical society on the resources in our library. Had about 75 there so was a good crowd, and we had over 10 minutes of questions. I have to remember to slow down my speaking speed for I can get quite fast when I get going. I recognized many in the audience and was happy to see them. (I received three hugs!)

I have been very busy this week, so I need to take some time to catch up on my genealogy research and relax a bit.  I am trying to arrange for a new roof, so the relaxing may need to be put off for now.
by Michelle Enke G2G6 Pilot (440k points)
I forgot to mention that I went to Idabel, Oklahoma to view the eclipse last week. It was pretty cool to watch and the clouds left just in time to see it all.
+10 votes

On this day:

1657: The Battle of Santa Cruz de Tenerife is fought

1862: The French microbiologist Louis Pasteur tests for the first time the pasteurization

1918: The inventor and Nobel Laureate Karl Ferdinand Braun dies

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi Jelena, for me today it is a toss up between Pasteur and Braun. Thank you so much, by the way, for these learning 'nuggets' every week! I think they enhance our chats!
+12 votes
Good evenng from rather cold Germany,

the first three months of the year were the warmest months ever recorded in German weather records history, but April is so far colder than the average. On Friday it was so rainy that we decided to do our grocery shopping only today.

We booked our flight tickets to Serbia for the late summer. We don't want to go there anymore in July since it was terribly hot last summer (for weeks regularily over 35C). Late summer has the advantage that there are still some summer fruits, but it hopefully won't be that hot anymore.

In the Thon, I somehow lacked a bit of motivation this time so I made my worst result ever. At least I reached the three digits. That was on Monday (the Thon went until 2pm here) my ultimate goal.

Away from genealogy, today started the snooker World Championship. The German tv commentator announced before the tournament that he will retire after this WC. He commentated snooker on his channel for more than 30 years. Many of the snooker fans in Germany don't know snooker without him, and it will be strange, very strange when the new season starts and that commentator isn't commentating anymore. Oh well, the next two weeks I will still enjoy the comment...
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

Concerning the Connect-A-Thon, every little bit helps. And if you are like me, you probably "play" your own version of the "CAT" every week, anyway!wink

They say this picture was taken in Germany! Do you know the place? Looks peaceful and quiet.  Once it gets out on Facebook and Instagram, it will be a tourist trap!surprise

I didn't know it but with a bit of googling, I found it. It is the Rakotzbrücke in the Kromlau Azalea and Rhododendron Park in the really far east from Germany.

+12 votes
With a mild, sunny spring setting in, farm chores in order, no chatting last week and no other mischief available, Wednesday, Kathy and I set about spring cleaning our last RV, of 10 years, with the intention of finding a new family home for it.  Word got out last night and a friend of the family showed up, with cash, driving away at 11 AM this morning leaving Kathy and John standing at the end of the long driveway, looking down the highway as if a Greyhound bus had passed by without picking them up.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (371k points)
If it is like a boat, he two happiest days of ownership is the day you buy it, and the day you sell it. May the memories last forever!

Your words echo our feelings......it has now been 54 years of having various RV units for work and pleasure and the memories are numerous.smiley

+11 votes
This weeken temps ranged from low 40sF to 80s F  soi was either freezing or sweating.   Have no idea how to dress.  I finally decided to stay in my pjs under covers until it hit the 60sF  then i could figure out what to wear.  Some meds i take make me feel the cold more acutely.  Tomorrow my husband said he is making tacos    yippee!    i added a few people to his tree since I do the genealogy.  Been dealing with the aftermath of the att hack.  I changed over 100 passwords.  That is very time consuming......I curse all hackers to a life of pain and misery at minimum equal to what they have caused others to go through. Love and best wishes to all Wikireegood souls.   May you never get hacked!
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (848k points)
+9 votes

On this day:

1782: Bangkok is named as Thai capital

1849: Louise Otto-Peters founds the Frauen-Zeitung

1910: The American author Mark Twain dies

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi Jelena, I will definitely select Mark Twain. What a wonderful story teller. His works are a wonderful legacy.
+7 votes
Greetings, all, from the sunny UP of MI, where spring has finally decided to come crawling up. It tried to snow yesterday but was not terribly successful. Come Tuesday we're expecting a rain-snow mix; these yo-yo conditions will probably continue well into May.

Been a crazy couple of weeks, what with trying to work on inventory for the Bristol faire (Italian dresses this week) and finish my three class dances for the May concert. My students are older and very creative, but sometimes friendly banter about  the spate of good choreographic/dramatic ideas means that we don't make much progress. And I have to remember to order two rubber chickens this week. (Long story.)

Last Tuesday a deer picked a fight with my car as I was heading home. Both lost. I'm ok but must now share a car with T until I hear from the insurance folks. Luckily, we have opposing work schedules.

Sadly, I had to block messages from a cousin who became overly aggressive regarding an issue about which we both agree, but apparently I am not sufficiently passionate. I respected their position but was not accorded the same respect. It made me very sad. And an unfortunate incident in a group to which I belong spiraled downward into some very (to my mind) seventh-grade-level bullying, to the point that I'm seriously reconsidering my participation.

In light of all this and a very busy couple of work weeks, I only managed 22 profiles for the Thon. Better than nothing.

Be well, all!
by D Armistead G2G6 Mach 8 (83.8k points)
+8 votes
Hello everyone! I didn’t get much done during the Connect-A-Thon as I wasn’t feeling well last weekend. I had a headache most of the time.

This week I have been splitting my WT work in a few directions between RAWK, the weekly challenge for Lianne and a few other projects.

I continue to have a lot of trouble falling asleep at night because of my Restless Leg Syndrome then I get woken up every morning by 7 am by my two cats wanting to be fed. I’ve been so tired that I actually doze off for a minute or two several times a day if I try to read. Otherwise everything is just the same old stuff.

Take care and have a great week!
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (410k points)
Hi Liza! I too have restless leg syndrome. But I only have it when I am too low on iron. If I eat iron supplements I get better in a week or so. My normal iron levels are very high, so they don't go under "normal" levels when I get RLS symptoms. When I have RLS I from some strange reason wake up almost exactly at midnight each night and can't fall asleep in a couple of hours. Take care you too!
+8 votes
Happy Weekend, WikiTree Cousins!

Almost let the weekend get away from me before popping in to say hello and that I hope you are all doing well.

Friday was my birthday but I didn't want to make it a big deal and my friends complied with my wishes. I had lunch out with my husband and our usual "lunch bunch."

Today we attended the memorial service for a precious and extremely kind person who was taken from this earth too soon by cancer.

Most of my WikiTree work this week has been improving some profiles I created during Connect-a-Thons so they had meager bios based on only two or three sources.

Take care and have a great week!
by Nelda Spires G2G6 Pilot (582k points)

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