"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! April 19th - 21st, 2024 [closed]

+25 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Another wonderful Chat! See you sooner than you think!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)

My fellow WikiChatterboxes, are you ready for another Weekend Chat? Greetings from Cathey’s Creek, where the weather has been quite mild with a couple of days in the 80sF. I wish I could say that I’m enjoying it more, but my time has been sucked out of me this past week. Read on…

On the Home Front: The Connect-a-thon weekend was bracketed by a family in crisis (not mine). The family in question is living in extreme poverty with my 18-year-old mentee bearing the brunt of it as he is now the breadwinner. Four days a week he catches the bus for school and leaves there for work until 9 pm. He also works a half-day on Saturdays. There are a lot of things going on that I will not share here, but I have been constantly getting texts and calls from another member of the family for assistance, and mostly I have been in the car quite a bit and there we have provided some financial help, especially in the area of food and also rides to take care of other business.

This weekend my wife and I will be spending time on the computer helping my mentee get online forms for college completed, a North Carolina residency, the application, and a monster of a FAFSA form (government financial aid). I took him by a local college to get advice a few days ago. I think he’s excited about it. Education is his ticket out of the environment he is in. It is a particularly bad situation. Squalor and family mental health issues probably describe it best.

I am mentally and emotionally exhausted, and I have got to find a way to pace things better. I am a bit out of my league. Social services around here are slow to get things done. Right now, employment and an unregistered, uninsured car, and no one with a driver’s license are the things keeping them from moving forward. We’re working on it.

On a brighter note, my two daughters are on a “sister trip” to California, and it appears they are having a blast.

On the Genealogy Front: During the Thon, I took on a family of Underwood descendants that I had not touched…. ever. These are descendants of Betsy Underwood McKee who with her husband and children moved to Tennessee. It started off rough. One group of descendants moved a lot, ending up, mainly, in California. Records were rather sparce for those folks, but once I got back into Tennessee things moved much more productively. I still have more descendants to add to this family.

There is a story that has been handed down in my family that my ggg-grandfather, Reuben Underwood, walked to Tennessee three times as an elderly man to visit his daughter and son-in-law. The truth of this story is proven for at least one of those trips when Reuben appears in a census (geographically between him and Tennessee), apparently either on the way or on a return trip.

So, with this family, I made around 125 contributions to the Thon, but I was interrupted by the situation I mentioned above.

My beloved grandfather, Ralph Underwood, would have been 135 years old this week on the 23rd.

I sincerely hope that all of you, dear cousins, are doing well.

Enjoy the Chat!

Quote: We all need this!  A Thon will do that mixed in with life!  Pip Said:  I am mentally and emotionally exhausted, and I have got to find a way to pace things better.

Hope your mentee gets out of the jam! Good luck!

Grandpa would have been 135 according to Starfleet records, huh? Bet he doesn't look a day over 120. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCe6d6F-Hdo

125 contributions is still good, man. I was gonna try for 150 but I got so tired. I'll explain in my main post. Thanks for hosting!!
You have an amazing heart, Pip.
Chris, I about wore myself out on the first day and part of the next. But, at least I know where to pick up when I get around to personal genealogy again.
Thanks, Candyce. I am returning the favor others have generously offer to me and my family in the past.

Hi Pipster! You did outstanding Thon contributions given all your challenges. Plus, you are still recovering from surgery, which is not all that long ago. I managed around 75 (but they all have full bios and additional sources), given the severe back pain, a book chapter from hell, etc. (all in my Chat). Your 125 is a marvel under the circumstances.

What you are doing for and with this family is so much more important than ANY thon! I will include you and the family in crisis in our Healing Touch zoom tomorrow (a passel of nurses who do distance healing). 

My Grandma Louise Baldwin would have been 124 years old on Tax Day this year!

P.S. I added a Willie Nelson tune to M's post. Energy Follows Thought is relevant to you as well. Hugs from Tucson!

Hugs back at you, Carol. Thanks for your kind words!
Pip, I feel for you, form filling and finding all the required pieces of paper is a nightmare.

I just finished collecting and submitting all the medical information about my special needs granddaughter for programs she can attend after she finishes high school in 2 years time, yes it takes 2 years to process an application.
Kudos to you for mentoring, Pip!

If anyone can do it, you can do. I have great confidence in your ability. I remember that form. It was a pain in the butt to do especially since when I last did it I didn't qualify for anything since I had a BA. If you need scholarship money try some money with Daughters of the Confederacy or Son of the Confederacy or Northern Armies. It is only 500.00 but 500 is 500 it may allow you to but one or two books.

Talk soon

Pip, adding to Chris Wine's ideas, you might want to see if these groups/programs can help:

Habitat for Humanity; local food pantry/pantries; Goodwill; Big Brothers Big Sisters; United Way...that is all I can think of right now.

Another option is a Go Fund Me site.
Hey Pip What you're doing for you mentee means the world to him and his family and that is more important than a thon. You never know he may do the same for someone else in years to come and that will be a testiment to your caring and kindness.

Thank you for the weekend chat every week Pip.

I hope everything will be fine with you.

Someone should force you to take some rest untill you are oke. Perhaps your wife should bind you to the bed, turn on some calm music, and read out some bedtime stories smiley

Greetings Richard

April 20, weather today, bright sun and about 8 Celsius from 7.30am to 9am, then 6 C, clouds and wind, then at 10am, 4 C and very windy, then at 10.30 am rain, then freezing rain, then snow. I was at a litter pick up event at a local park when it started to snow, and we all went home! crying

WOW M! Four-ish seasons in one day!

Today is my brother's 76th birthday. Great guy! People would be thrilled to have as great a sibling relationship as we have. His granddaughter received official notice that she has been accepted to the U.S. Air Force Academy.

You and Robb take care and have a great week!
Oh Pip, I know that you and your wife are trying to help that family but try to remember to take care of yourselves too. (((Hugs)))

Great score for the Connect-A-Thon. I was so tired and not feeling great that I got an all-time low score for me.
Bless you, Cousin Pip, for your dedication in helping this young person out of an unfortunate situation. Not many are so lucky to have a caring mentor. Please take the time you need for rest and self-care...there's only so much of any of us to go around.

33 Answers

+21 votes

laughThis Week: A Brand-Spanking NEW Parody to make you smile!wink

WikiTree Bound

Sung to the tune of East Bound and Down by American Country Songwriter / Singer Jerry Reed (WikiTree Profile)

  • Songwriters: Jerry Hubbard Reed / Dick Feller
  • Released in August 1977 as a single on RCA Records.
  • Recorded for the film Smokey and the Bandit
  • The song spent 16 weeks on the country charts peeking at #2.
        • Parody By Dave Draper

Here is the music: YouTube East Bound & Down by Jerry Reed

  • Click on the link and the music should play, then come back here and try to sing along
    • Or, open the link in a new window
  • WikiTree Bound
  • WikiTree bound, logging in an lookin'
  • We're gonna do what some sites can't get done
  • That "Big Tree's" got to grow and we're all gonna be there
  • Come' on Wikipeeps, let's have some fun!
  • Keep your mind on the hard sources
  • Son, never mind those fakes
  • Let's all hang out 'cause we got a Tree to make
  • There's Peeps down in Atlanta
  • And more in Texarkana
  • And we'll grow that "Tree" no matter what it takes
  • WikiTree bound, logging in an lookin'
  • We're gonna do what some sites can't get done
  • That "Big Tree's" got to grow and we're all gonna be there
  • Come' on Wikipeeps, let's have some fun!
  • Music Notice in the video that Jerry only has socks on!surprise
  • WikiTree bound, logging in an lookin'
  • We're gonna do what some sites can't get done
  • That "Big Tree's" got to grow and we're all gonna be there
  • Come' on Wikipeeps, let's have some fun!
  • Ol' Sourcer's got them ears on
  • It's sourcing down the trail
  • And we ain't gonna' rest 'till we turn pale
  • So you got to source 'em and you got to merge 'em
  • You got to keep those profiles comin'
  • Just click those indicator fields as well!
  • WikiTree bound, logging in an lookin'
  • We're gonna do what Ancestry can't get done
  • That "Big Tree's" got to grow and we're all gonna be there
  • Come' on Wikipeeps, let's have some fun!
  • Watch us have some Fun!
  • Watch us all have fun!
  • Son!

More Weekend Chat Parodies HERE!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
edited by David Draper
Again, David, wonderful! You brought up some nice memories for me.
Have I ever mentioned that back in the 70s my band once fronted for Jerry Reed? Such an honor for me. Ah! Those were the days!

You had a band? You never told us!  Holly Molly!!!!!surprise You are my new Hero (and the hero list is getting longer!)wink

Ha ha, David. You give me too much credit. Yeah, I had a C&W band while we were living in Germany. My (late ex-) husband was stationed there in the early 70s. We did the NCO Club circuit and I had a wonderful time. My ex? Not so much. He didn't play or sing and was very jealous.
  • And we ain't gonna' rest 'till we turn pale
Yep, exactly how I've felt when I'm on a WikiTree roll, David. Another great parody!. Thanks for keeping us humming.
I.loved that movie. What ever happened to those good movies.

Thanks David for the chat parodies every week

Nice your connect a ton team did well smiley

Another great one! Thanks for sharing.
+19 votes

I am now to be referred to as Pythagoras Newton Hawking; as the holder of the WikiTree Golden Abacus. Hail to the chief !!!  devil

by William Maher G2G6 Pilot (675k points)

William, This is your sign :

Now, how about a tip on the Lottery numbers this week!  You are our best hope! devilsurprise

How did you get this honour, have you been running around saving damsels in distress? Or other feats of daring?

I suggest picking both even and odd numbers; that way you are guaranteed to lose wink

Now, this is a funny I needed today! Thanks, William!!!
Hey William! Congratulations! Hail to Pythagoras Newton Hawking! I pretty powerful moniker.
WTG on picking the number.
+20 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's been happening? As mentioned on the last weekend chat, we went to the Niagara area to see the eclipse, we stayed at my SIL’s house on the Sunday afternoon, stayed overnight and then drove to Robbie’s nieces house in a less urban area for eclipse viewing, in total there was 10 of us ranging in age from almost 70 to the youngest who is 6. The estimated 1 million visitors in Niagara Falls did not happen. We were in an early 1950’s subdivision and only about 3 families on the street were outside watching. There was light cloud and all went well until just about totality when a giant black cloud blotted out everything. 

The younger kids were fascinated when everything went dark, I did tell them they needed to remember the eclipse so they could tell their grandkids all about it. The youngest who will be 7 in the fall said ‘I don’t have any grandkids!

The drive home was an adventure, too many people leaving the area at the same time, we drove cross country but still ran into problems. 

WikiTree and family history: I participated in the Connectathon but as usual got bogged down in complicated families and I think added about 20 profiles. I can’t just add one source I have to go all out and make a complete profile. 

What else: Some additional information about the request from Heritage Caledon I mentioned 2 weeks ago asking for information about Dodswood, my DH’s ancestors’ home in Alton built in about 1850. 

I’m really trying to be non-political so please don’t pass judgement immediately. The reason they asked for help and information is because a multinational aggregates mining company has filed a request with the local town council to create and excavate an 800 acre quarry which would include the land where Dodswood is located plus about another 12 or more historical homestead properties. The town wants to have all the properties designated as heritage properties, which requires historical information and photos that I have and would mean the property could not be damaged or the buildings demolished. 

The land is currently all productive prime agricultural land and has been for 200 years. The company intends to blast far below the current ground level and below the water level, in the vicinity of one of the largest rivers in Ontario, which will probably cause very low water levels and destroy one of Canada’s best fishing rivers, including many trout species plus Atlantic salmon. 

And I’m heading into the busiest season of the year with the horticultural society, the yearly plant sale. So, over the next 6 weeks I am going to be very busy. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (772k points)
Why do they want to blast? I hope they don't get to do it. Too many of our collective histories have been ruined by corporations already.
Because as is usual with such businesses they can make money, it's connected to a dreadful plan from a government to put an unneeded 4 lane highway through the Niagara Escarpment Unesco World Biosphere Reserve.
That breaks my heart, as I'm sure it does yours.

M, I am just like you. I have to fully source a profile (including categorization) before moving on. What I will not do is something that I will have to go back and finish.

really hope your town is successful in the historical designations. What a loss that mining would cause.

Hi M, I am late to the table today. It's been a back-breaking week, literally and figuratively.

I am adding the situation with the homestead properties to our weekly positive intentions. We zoom on Saturday mornings. I may seem silly; however, energy follows thought! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nlf-HIibBfQ). Our Healing Touch training comprises some of this 'vibrational healing' and 'quantum healing'.

I love the 'I don't have any grandkids!' I took photos of the eclipse (partial) from my patio. I know I won't be around for the next one. You take care.
Candyce, it is a disaster on the horizon, I'm trying to decide if I should get involved with the local environmental groups who are opposed to the quarry.

One idea to insist on a environmental impact assessment which is/ can be a requirement for development of any undeveloped land.

I am so upset about this, yes because of the historical properties but more so because of the environmental damage which can never be repaired.
I research and prepare the profiles first in the weeks (or sometimes months) ahead of the CAT, then transfer them as a complete profile and sources unit using Sourcer during the CAT.
 I use the CAT to add distant branches of the family that are way down the to do list, often connecting on the way. The rest of the time it's mainly profile revision and orphaning were appropriate.
I usually have a list of people to add, such as siblings of several times great grandparents. This time many of the people had the same name as their many cousins and it got very complicated.
To me it is okay to vent. I don't blame you for being upset. Call the person who represent your area. If it is going to damage wild life get wildlife involved. I dont know much about Canadian Politics.

Good luck with the situation.
Oh M, I really hope that the mine will not happen. They really do need to conduct an environmental assessment which will hopefully prove very serious negative effects and squash the project. I agree that the environment needs to be protected. Development has already screwed up so much of this world, when will it ever stop?
+17 votes

Hail to the chief! Pythagoras Newton Hawking we salute him one and all. We pledge cooperation in his proud wisdom.frown

by Gary Nevius G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

laughlaughlaugh  All hail!!!!

+22 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

 I hope everyone is doing well and has recovered from the Connect a Thon. I did pretty well this time around with the connect a thon. I started off very auspiciously because I wanted to work on the tree for the Armenian couple who took care of my brother and I when we were little. I worked on it and I found that the guy's father's village is currently underwater. A dam broke and it was during the Armenian genocide. Put two and two together, people. I don't think it was an accident.

After working on that tree, I did some Gesualdo stuff and even built a tree up for one of my friends from the video producing days. He said I could put his tree up. He has Italian, Dutch and Southern roots. So that was cool. Dunno if he'll register on the site. But, his tree is online and that's what matters.

In other news, I wrote two blogs. One was about my dad's yearbook: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2024/04/52-ancestors-week-15-school-days.html

And the other was about the step/half relationships my great-grandfather Austin had: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2024/04/52-ancestors-week-16-step.html

And because these things come in threes, I redid part of the Haverhill One Place study page and included as many Space pages I could find on Wikitree: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Haverhill%2C_Massachusetts_One_Place_Study-1

There may be more out there. I have no idea. It'd be nice to gather them all in one spot.

Not much else to report. I hope you are all doing well. Have a great weekend!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (793k points)

You look just like your "dapper Dad," Chris. And, I love the phot of Wilfred Felker in the second blog. Great reads, both!

I was reading something recently, and mention was made of another Haverhill. I thought it was out west, but apparently Google maps only registers the ones in NH, Mass, Ohio, and Fla. Oh, and in the UK to boot.

Yup. The Haverhill in the UK is the original one. The ones in NH and Mass were settled by colonists. Dunno where the ones in Ohio and FL got their names. Probably in relation to the ones on the east coast. I wonder if they're all pronounced "Hay'vrill".

And yea I get that a lot. I do look like my dad. Got his nose and everything!

The pic of Wilfred is cool. I'll have to ask my great-aunt Elaine if she has more pics of her grandfather.
Ciao Cousin Chris! Great to see you at the 'breaks' during the Thon. I thought all of the hosts did a wonderful job during the Thon and enjoyed seeing you during the breaks.

Pip is right. You do look a lot like your dad!
Heh. I get that a lot, Carol! And I noticed you in the thon, too. =D Hope you had a good time watching our antics!
Hi Chris, you have Coppola connections?

Did you know Eleanor Coppola wife of Francis Ford Coppola died on April 12?
Hey Chris I love seeing you on the livecasts and the banter with Greg. The livecasts are a great, for want of a better word, "pick me up" during the thons even if all the teams don't always get a mention. With the number of teams increasing it must be hard to decide how to go thru them every 4 hours and I'm guessing it isn't discussed between the hosts prior but it's always interesting to see what will happen next. Sandy's "what would you pick" questions were certainly interesting at midnight
@M: Yeah. I read. I have no connections with that family, though. Coppola is a common last name.

@Amanda: Glad you liked it! Before we stream we usually ask who wants to do stats. We also ask who wants to do the prize winner and all that,

Sandy’s streams were great! I like the midnight madness streams!
+20 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7am and 66F (18.9C) with an expected high of 92F (33.3C) and sunny skies. My kind of weather and perfect for hanging laundry out!


Another very successful Thon! I did not complete as many as I would have liked given that I had conference calls and writing tasks. I managed ~75 connections. There would have been more; however, my OCD kicks in and I MUST add a biography and sources, albeit brief. I am now going back and completing FULL biographies and adding spouses. Nevertheless, the England Team came in at a respectable 2nd place with nearly 10% of the over 80k connections.


One of the conference calls dealt with the chapter on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. My colleague and I have until May 1st to revise the chapter. This is the work that we submitted last June. Neither editor provided us with feedback until February when I wrote and asked, ‘what up?’ We now have a new editor. The downside is that we must pare down the chapter to half of what it is now. This is a real challenge because they want so much information but are limiting the number of words.


The other challenge is my new Samsung TV (purchased out of the box). The Geek has been out roughly three times since the installation a month or so ago. One problem was the lips out of sync with speech. He set an analogue to digital setting (or whatever). I did a troubleshoot after the Thon. I watched several movies, including an old Pitch Perfect and Oppenheimer (for about the 10th time) on Samsung TV. The speech was out of sync AGAIN. I watched Oppenheimer on the Insignia TV (purchased at the same time as the Samsung TV). Speech on Insignia TV was in sync throughout this 3-hour movie along with several other shows; hence, the problem is the Samsung TV. I was at Best Buy Wednesday and the Geek will be coming today to remove the old Samsung and replace it with a new (not out of box) Samsung. If I have more trouble with the new TV, I will choke myself to death.


I got a steroid shot in the right SI joint on April 9th and it is already wearing off. I had a deep tissue massage yesterday and wanted to weep from the pain. I deal with it because I know endorphins are released and I get a couple of days of relief. I see the doctor on the 22nd and will need to come up with a new game plan. I think one option might be the testing and placement of an electrical stimulator in the spine. I have nearly used up the number of steroid injections I can have per year, and we are just one third of the way into the year. I have been trying two homeopathic remedies (Hypericum perforatum 200C and Kali carbonicum 30C), which seem to provide a bit of relief, but not enough to add to quality of life.


I took on the Baldwin Name Study a little less than a year ago and became a member of the Guild of One-Name Studies (ONS) in England in December. In February, I became Team Leader for Buckinghamshire (thanks to Steve Whitfield, that smooth talker). I have mentioned in the past that my Baldwin ancestors came from Bucks. One line arrived during the PGM and settled Connecticut, another line arrived during the PGM and was an early founder of Woburn, Massachusetts. I have been in touch with the Guild and will be applying to oversee the Baldwin ONS. Once that is approved, I will add the information to the WikiTree Baldwin ONS and the Buckinghamshire Team site.


I also received word that I am a life member of the Founders of Windsor, Connecticut. I listed my descent from Matthew Grant, ancestor to Ulysses S. Grant. One of the descendants of this Grant line is Tryphena Humphrey, one of four wives of Samuel Humphrey. Actor Humphrey Bogart and I share this ancestor and his first name came from his mother, Maude (Humphrey) Bogart! Lastly, it pays to play WikiTree Bingo! On the 5th, Sandy and David featured the ‘cast’ from Our American Cousin performed at Ford’s Theater when Lincoln was assassinated. The stage manager was Thomas Cameron Gourlay and two of his daughters were actors in the play. The name “Gourlay” was very familiar to me. It turns out that my daughter’s paternal line has Gourlay ancestry from Edinburgh, which is where this Gourlay family came from. In my spare time, I am trying to see if there is a connection to Jennifer’s Gourlays and this Gourlay family. Thomas Gourlay held a folded American flag under Lincoln’s head shortly after he was shot until Lincoln was moved to the boarding house across from the theater. What history!


Pip, as always, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. I miss you and hope to see you soon (well, now likely in the fall). Say ‘hello’ to Mike for me! I also wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great THIRD weekend of April 2024!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

Carol, we watched Oppenheimer and loved the movie. It was very well done.

You have so many historical connections. I am almost jealous. My old farm stock is just that... for generations. Happy for it nonetheless.

really hope you get that pain taken care of. You never showe3d it the two times I've been out your way. Therapy is still ongoing for me, and I will have to wait until it's done before I can travel again. Not sure I want to visit during the 349075290478°F you have out there in the summer! laugh


Don't think I didn't notice you watching the streams because I totally did! I hope you had a great time watching our antics. Hope people know that Greg and I are friends and teasing is more than okay when math is involved.  =D

I hope you feel better soon. Sucks to be in pain. When my foot hurts, I try to do exercises. Same with my shoulder. It's all you can do. I hope things heal fast! Good luck!
Cousin Chris, I did have a great time watching you all! I had not seen Mags in a while and it was wonderful to see her. I enjoyed a lemon blueberry scone in her honor! I have no doubt that all of your are friends.

I have no idea what to do about this pain. The control is getting much more difficult. I will chat with the specialist on Monday. You take care!
Hi Pip, 100F is NOT all that hot! It's hotter in Vegas and other parts of the southwest.
+21 votes

Checking in from a sunny Bloomington, Illinois, USA! 46F (7.2 C) Predicted high about 60F  Lawn Mowing Day!laugh

Solar Eclipse:  Traveled 3. 5 hours 1 way to see this captured on new mobile phone...the camera on this phone is mega outstanding!

The Connect-A-Thon: Our Newt Team did amazing! We had so many we had to divide up into two teams! But, only 40 out of the 55 Newts contributed, so we could have stayed as one team, and the combined scores of the Newts would have put us in 6th place.  Way to go Newts!  This was a WikiTree first!  23 Newts (so far) are my cousins!heart  I added 75,but spent a lot of time helping team members with questions and training.  What was amazing, they started helping each other!  

The Book:  Still Stalled:  Arghhhh!  I have to go through WikiTree Anonymous to break my addiction so I can get the book back on track! 

If I think of something else front:  I'll add it later!enlightened

Thanks Pip for hosting the Weekend Chat! Have fun WikiPeeps!laugh

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
edited by David Draper
What a great pic, David. My phone would have not been up to the task, old as it is.
Yea. The Yoots did a good job. ;)

Great pic! Just don't look directly AT it!

Thank you David for sharing this Great Photo!angry

Thank you David

Amazing picture!!!

David the photo really is superb. Thank you
Great picture Dave. I just loved seeing the solar eclipse in my back yard. If sure beat the 12 hour drive back home.
+18 votes


Is the Discord "Welcome to the Weekend Chat" up and running?  After 3 years, I finally got on Discord!surprise I should have joined 2.11 years ago!  

I'll keep checking  to see if it is up and running, otherwise I will be in the Newt Channel!  Thanks!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
David, it's listed as an announcement, so we only have the participant part here. Welcome to Discord!
+26 votes

Hello from Interlaken, Switzerland

The weather is normal for April. We have a temperaturerange from 0° (C) up to 27° (C) within a few days. Days of sun and yesterday snowfall which just disappeerd in the lower regions. We live at 565m, but my daughter at 1620m in Davos has snow. Today is just overcast, maybe some rain in the evening.

My small family is active and all are very OK. With pictures from southern France (my daughter) Barcelona (youngest son) and the Netherlands (eldest son) are we supplied, so we know where they are. The sons are working the daughter has holydays. Now we are preparing for my birthday, so I ordered a table for next thursday, but than my wife had to tell me to cancel the table because the children secretly organized a dinner party. So now it's no secret anymore, and I moved my table reservation to tomorrow - no problem.

After the Connect-A-Thon (250 profiles connected) I am working with the list of the new connected profiles. It seems to me that is even the bigger job. I am checking if there are possible more connections to find within WikiTree, although all new profiles I entered are connected to the main tree. So I am adding sometimes one or two more generations to complete families, connect brothers, sisters, cousins and descendents.  

3 weeks ago I travelled the Netherlands and made quite a few pictures. Some of them are typical

Hugo Grotius, my 6th cousin 11 times removedWilliam the Silent, my 5th cousin 13 times removed

In Delft I met some cousins:

William the Silent and Hugo Grotius both in Delft

The watermills from Kinderdijk

Binnenhof: the Houses of Parlaiment in the Hague

Very special for me as a Dutchman, I never was really in the Dutch parlaiment, but in several other like f.e. Canberra I was in a guided tour!

I wish all a nice weekend and success with genealogy.

by Klaas Jansen G2G6 Mach 5 (55.1k points)

Only William the Silent is a cousin of mine, Klaas. 6th, 14 time removed. If you get back to the Netherlands, say hello to William for me. cheeky

Happy not-so-secret birthday to you!

Pip: William was very silent
Hi Klaas! Thank you for the great photos. William the Silent is a 13th cousin. I am not silent at all, so he makes up for me. You have a great weekend!
Great photos Klaas!
Happy Birthday Klaas. I hope you have a wonderful day.
Thank you Amanda, you will enjoy Anzac Day and I will enjoy my surprise dinner.
Great pictures.
Wishing you a wonderful birthday, Klaas!
Thank you Michelle.
+21 votes
Pip, I'm totally with you. I cannot, physically, take my WikiTree activity to a higher level during a Thon. Oh, I tried on Friday. I wore myself out, took no food, and then--

A blood vessel erupted inside my husband's eye. I was with him at the ER for 3 hours on Friday night; an MRI was supposed to be done to rule out stroke or retinal issues. That MRI was not done until early Sunday morning. Only one MRI tech on staff, and he had been working since 6 am. I went home and was called to pick him up at 5:30 am on Sunday. Then, he went to see a specialist in Seattle.

All the while the dark cloud and tangled threads inside the eye were fading away. Bottom line, he's fine now. He's back at work at the Boeing tour.

I got 28 profiles added during the Thon. I must take each profile from birth to death whenever possible, or else I miss a connection, or I may find the profile isn't who I think. So I source continuously throughout.

This Sunday afternoon, we are driving down to Eugene, Oregon, with the dog, and will see how that goes. We will spend the first night in Brownsville, Oregon, of which I am One Place Study coordinator, and I plan to take pictures, even if not much is open Monday morning. I would like to get more photos from the Brownsville Pioneer Cemetery.

Therefore today and tomorrow are a mad scramble to get things done in preparation. Daughter wants new hiking shoes so we can go to the Oregon Dunes on the coast. Tomorrow I teach the Brick Walls class at the Sno-Isle Genealogical Society. I am told that someone will want to know about Australian convicts and I will do my best to steer him towards WikiTree.

Weather here has been sunny, a bit cool, a little wind, no rain. Hope we get nice weather in Oregon.

Yesterday I connected St. Louis Cardinals manager Whitey Herzog to the Tree. I am still working on the Super Bowl Challenge from February and am doing five lineages at once.

Oh, and I am sewing together some 4" patches to make a quilt top. I left the sewing machine on overnight!

So, here's to good organization. May we all find a path through brick walls.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (333k points)

Margaret, I am so very glad to hear your husband is ok! What a harrowing experience. 

I need some good organization,. My wife says, "Make a list." Has been telling me that for years, and I'm still not good at it. I keep thinking that I can do this in my mind, but it just doesn't work well that way.

Pip, written lists put on the fridge with magnets work well. Or written lists in a day planner. A while ago on Dragon's Den or Shark Tank a person got a million dollar plus investment in her day planner to write in business.

I do use an online planner but it doesn't have the same impact as the physical task of writing on paper.
Hi Margaret with everything you went thru over the thon weekend, it sounds like you did amazingly well to get 28 profiles done. Every little bit helps and to have fully done profiles is enormously helpful to a healthy tree. Glad your husband is doing ok now, it must have been frightening for you.
Margaret, I wish you and your family a lovely trip to Oregon! Good luck bringing your dog too.

How nice that you will be able to take photos for your one-place-study!
WHITEY IS A MUCH BEOVED Cardinal Icon.  His passing caused a great amount of tears and story swapping here in St, LOUIS.
Kansas City as well!
Yeah he coached there too!
+20 votes

Howdy folks!! Greetings from a chilly and windy central Oklahoma! The weather has been spring-like. From Sunday to Wed we were in the 80s and 90s. Yesterday a cold front came through and last night we dipped down to 43F and the temps for the weekend are going to be 50s and 60s. At least the weather gurus say we won't approach freezing temps. The good thing is that it's supposed to rain most of the day tomorrow, so we have that going for us, which is nice.

I was absent from last week's chat because I had a ton of stuff going on. Friday I helped a friend clean up his shop to make room for more stuff that he has to store. It was a long day and when it was over he gave me his roto tiller. He bought it brand new 2 years ago and only used it twice. When I pulled the rope, it fired right up, so I think I came out wayyy on top on this deal. 

Saturday was even crazier. We had to be in Stillwater, OK (an hour and a half away) by 0800 so I could walk in the Run/Walk for the Thin Blue Line 5K, that raises funds for the families of police officers killed in the line of duty. I walked it in 47 minutes flat, shaving 2 minutes off of my personal best. My splits were 15:08 per mile, and I was overall happy with the results. I look forward to walking in it next year. (I don't run. laugh) We then left Stillwater and drove to El Reno, OK (2 hrs) to hit the last day of Ross Seed Co plant sale. Then we ate at Sid's Diner which is famous for onion fried burgers, AKA smash burgers. (No true Okie calls them smash burgers) Sid's is credited with the creation of these burgers in the late 40s, and is considered the gold standard for onion fried burgers. It was delicious as always. A trip to the WalMart in Yukon, OK was next, and finally home where we had some beers and grilled steaks. 

Sunday we planned on working in the gardens and flower beds, and we did, but some friends of ours showed up and, seemingly, never left. They're the kind of friends that you love, but can only take in small doses. I was already way over my people-ing for the weekend, so I couldn't wait for them to go. Being the host that I am, I sat and waited for them to leave, which they did at 8 pm. Ugh

A week from Sunday I will be walking in the OKC Memorial Marathon, in which I'll be walking the half marathon. (13.1 miles, only half crazy) I've been training for this and I'm ready both physically and mentally. Lets gooooooooooo!!!!

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time.....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (229k points)
Fortunately, you didn't miss last week's Chat, John, as we don't hold them during thons. I forgot to announce that last week.

We've been in the 80s, too, but this weekend will be a drop in temps. Expecting 39° Sunday morning plus rain.

We also have friends we love, but can only take them in small doses.
Hi Pip

 I forgot to ask two weeks ago about why we don't have chats during the thon.
 A lot of people don't do thons, and I recall an informal chat during one thon I did, it was a nice break and it's always nice to read about what other people are up to.
Hey Pip!

I forgot that the chat is suspended for the Thons. I, obviously, had to sit this one out, but I'm looking forward to the next one!
Congratulations John on the walk, you did really well. Not sure I'd want to go anywhere else after it but home even when I could still do any distances lol

Thanks Amanda! Looking back, it wasn't a great idea. laugh

Yep, it is that time of year again f cleaning up those flower beds. I just wish there was a way to keep the weeds out of my beds. Any suggestions?
Do you what kind of weeds Chris? What types of flowers do you have in your garden?

There are various techniques that work well.
+19 votes
Hello, from a cloud and cool Kentucky.  They last few days have been sunny and warm, now the cold is back.  I want Spring!!!

Yesterday was a rough day. Went in to hang up my laundry and found water all over the floor.  It was the water heater not washer.  The water heater was installed in 2006.  I think it had a good, long life.  Luckily our handyman was able to come out quickly and got it replaced in less than 3 hours.

I was contacted by a new cousin--she is new to WikiTree and was given my name as a relative.  I was able to connect her (merged her father with profile I already had) and give her info on a great-aunt still alive.

I was also contacted by a second cousin of my sister-in-law.  Working on getting them in touch with each other.
by Judith Fry G2G6 Mach 9 (91.1k points)
Wow, that was quick, Judith, getting your water heater replaced. Good for you! And, good for you helping your cousin navigate WikiTree and connected. It's been a while since I have been contacted by a cousin via WikiTree.
+17 votes

     United States Revolutionary Patriot Paul Revere's Grave, Granary Burying Ground, Boston, Massachusetts

Graves of Nathan Hurd, Revolutionary Patriot John Hurd and Elizabeth Hurd, Granary Burying Yard, Boston, Massachusetts.  Love the carving on these stones!

These are the remains of people belonging to a Boston centered Hurd family, which seems to be completely separate from the Adam/John Hurd family that settled in Connecticut. Of course, I'm descended from each- if there's a point of confusion that could be introduced, my ancestors seemed to jump at the chance to give their genealogist descendants as many headaches as possible. In death as in life, they will brook no shoddy craftmanship!  I was on Tremont Street for a disability networking event. Being just across the street on a fine afternoon, I had to visit the famous Granary Burying Yard. Unfortunately but understandably, there are signs to stay on the paths and keep off the grass, so I could not even look for some of my people.

I do not sign up for connect a thons, but that is what I have been doing in the course of tracing as many of my 3rd great grandparents' descendants as possible. Also, my CC7 keeps growing- I'm confident I will get to 2000 without adding my mother and siblings. It seems as my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th great grandparents were the most fecund of their siblings. Even my Hurd gr grandparents had 9 children and 40 grandchildren, whose descendants all qualify for the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.

Thus far, I've been doing pretty well at not dwelling on the upcoming biopsy, which is now scheduled for May 8, with a follow-up visit on May 22nd. For something so urgent, the timeline to diagnosis seems very long and slow. Thanks for all the prayers and positive energy- I'll take all that's on offer at this time. 
Regards, and wishes for the best of luck in your search for information on your ancestors!

by Anonymous Reed G2G6 Pilot (190k points)
edited by Anonymous Reed
Do you know if any of your Hurd ancestors moved to Canada? My DH has a number of connections to Hurds in southern Ontario.
I'm not aware of any Hurds closely related to me who went to Canada.  Ontario was on the short list of destinations for Loyalists during the American Revolution. The Boston Hurds and those in Lempster, New Hampshire could get to Ontario, as could those in Connecticut.
There are lots of United Empire Loyalists in my husband's family history, almost all of them came from upstate NY, the Mohawk valley.

I'll see what I can find about the ancestors of my husband's Hurd connections.
Looks like my husbands connections originated in Somerset, England and came to Canada after 1851 and before 1861.
+19 votes

Last time from the Hildegardis monastery in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

I will be homeless very soon. Im going to a forest abroad. I already lived in nature (survival) for almost 2 years. It s too dangerous for me here, and also too expensive. My dog is going with me. Im autistic and got no healthcare and medication for years. I think I will be online twice a year.

My apologies for what some of my familymembers did to mankind.

I got 2 songs from youtube

First song of my cousin Johnny


Second Song of my cousin Michael


God bless you


by Richard Ameling G2G6 Mach 2 (27.6k points)
God bless you too Richard! May you find the peace you are seeking.
Richard we will miss you! Whenever you have the opportunity please come back to the Chat and let us know how you are.
Richard, you have been, and always will be my hero! The powers above will guide you. The friends you need are those you can see, touch and love.  There are still few good ones  in the world, and you will find them!

Where do you live Richard?  

God please protect Richard and his dog in in his of need. Please find him a safe home and health care soon.

Becare out there


Thanks Chris.

I live in the St Hildegard s Monastary in Rotterdam.

Next to the church.


God bless you and your family

Thank you Reed

God bless you and your family.
Thanks buddy David

God bless you and your family.
Thank you M.Ross

Last surviaval I couldn t get online often, but I noticed there is satalite connection nowadays. I will try to do weekend chat when I am in nature. Last time I went south. Germany (Black forest), Swiss and France. I got the feeling I got to go north this time.

God bless you and your family
Eastern France generally has good communication connections.  I am related to over 400 people in the Voges glass making region an communicate almost daily.  Amling may be a variation of Amelung which was a known glass making family.  I pray  for your protection and health.  If you decide to head into eastern France let me know I have multilingual cousins who are close to the border with Germany.
Merci beaucoup Madame,

I need to go where it is the best for my dog. he is 13 years old now, but he got the energy of a pup. Water is very important for drinking, Iegal fishing and hygiene. I need to study the region of Vosges if I can do long time "surviaval". Many nature is protected and the only lakes I found so far are around camping sites there. I only will go to campings about twice a year I think, the rest I will sleep in the woods. Im not used to get help and find it hard to accept it, but if I go to the beautiful Vosges region I will contact you (something in me says I must go there).

Here in Rotterdam Im disabled and ill. Not in nature. I will heal there because of the love of my Lord Jesus Christ.

My Amelung family lived in ancient Swabia (some are from Upper Burgundy). I was already unexpected connected to some ancient Amelungs with an other line in the wikitree. I am almost the only one left of my family (Amelung, Amelungi, Amling, Ameling, Amlinger, etc). Some of them were Gothic glassmakers, some of them were rulers in Saxony.

I hope you understand what Im writing, Im a little confused.

Thank you for your kind words madam. I will pray for you and your family. God bless you!

Greetings Richard
Hello Richard,   Yes Amelung and Stenger were making glass in several locations at same time.  Many Stenger came from Spessart in Germany.
+18 votes

Virtual Vacation!

When we went to England for my SIL’s wedding in June 2017 we spent several days in Canterbury in Kent. Canterbury is a very old place. Paleolithic axes, and Neolithic and Bronze Age pots have been found in the area. It has Roman walls, a marvelous cathedral and some wonderful gardens and plants. 

This is a garden built among some of the ruins outside Canterbury Cathedral.


Look at the size of this wisteria, you can't really see it in this pic, it was just coming into bloom, if you want to see the full size pic it's here https://www.wikitree.com/photo.php/7/76/Virtual_Vacation-989.jpg


Some bright red poppies, yes these are same ones that flower at Flanders fields, and were immortalized in the Remembrance Day poem by John McCrae. He was born in Guelph, Ontario and his childhood home was about a 5 minute walk from an off campus house I lived in while in my final year at the University of Guelph. These poppies grow wild in parts of South East England just as they do across the English Channel at Ypres. 


This marvelously knobby tree is in the Bishop's garden


Roses in the garden with Canterbury Cathedral in the background


This the Tower House at Westgate Gardens at the far west end of the old city walls of Canterbury. The gardens follow the River Stour that runs through the ancient old city.


Some enormous hollyhocks in a street side garden in Canterbury, they were about 10 feet tall, my head only came up to about where the lowest flowers are in this pic.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (772k points)

Hi M, I love Canterbury! It is one of my favorite places! I have ancestors in Kent and have several ancestors (Boys, Ringley, Alday, Phallop) in the Nonington, Kent area. A great uncle, Sir John Boys MP, Kt had a crypt in the church proper:

Sir John Boys, MP, Kt (1535-1612) Memorial, and his two wives.

And 1st cousin John Boys was the Dean of Canterbury Cathedral. The docent let me into the caged area adjacent to where Thomas Becket was assassinated to take the photo below:

Dean John Boys (1571-1625) Monument at Canterbury Cathedral

We had a great time and it was so productive. The downside (I just noticed as I copied these photos) is that the PM for numerous members in the 16th century has not added any bio...they are GEDCOM uploads. 

Your photos are gorgeous and make me want to return soon. Thank you for the splendid memories!

thank you for the virtual vacation every week. Beautiful picturures.
Thanks for sharing your vacation photos! I especially love the first one!

I haven't been to Canterbury yet, but if I go to England again I'd like to go there.
It is so nice to see your photos of places I know I will never  see and of places I only read in books.
Maria, If you do have a chance to visit Canterbury there are quite a lot of B & B's that are within easy walking distance of the old city and the Cathedral.
+17 votes
Happy Weekend to All! I missed a weekend and then there was the Thon weekend so now I am back. We went south of where we live down to the edge of the Texas hill country for the eclipse. My husband and two of the kids have campers there in their hunting camp. The clouds broke and we had a great view of the once in a lifetime eclipse. The bluebonnets and a variety of other plants were blooming and spreadking their pollen and we all came home sick and we are still not well - coughing and congestion lingering.

I was not able to participate in the Thon as I cannot stare at the computer for long periods of time. I was a self-appointed cheerleader for the Super Sweepers so I kept up with the progress of the teams while I just worked on some scattered profiles that needed completing.

Hopefully, some of the eye issue will be fixed - I have a  date of May 23rd for the next Retina surgery. It should have been sooner but with all the congestion going on, it had to be delayed.

As mentioned earlier on this chat, Texas and Oklahoma are having another blast of spring weather. Temps are in the 50's and 60's and tomorrow morning we might be high 40's. I wish it would last as we are nearing summer heat.

Have a great weekend!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
I think I'm the odd one out about weather and temps, I like hot weather, in the summer here, it's quite common to have temps of 90-100F with humidex readings of 100 to 110F.
So glad you could cheerlead.  i was off line most of the weekend.  I knew I would not be able to do the thon so didn't register.  When I could get on line i cleaned up about 50 suggestions.  At least i hope the fixes worked!
+19 votes

Hey Guys, missed you all last week, I guess you were all busy with the Connect-a-thon?

So where am I at with my things?  I'm nearly finished indexing all the This Is Your Life episodes in the United Kingdom, just 5 more series to go.  I have indexed all the US episodes but I've not done any linking or checking for connections, there's so many of them!  But there are definitely a few famous people in there with Wikitree profiles.  I'm looking forward to getting into finding and connecting more UK guests once I've finished the index, although I have dug into a few as I've been going along.

I've also been building up an index of UK Number 1 singles going back to when the charts started in 1952.  I decided to index not just the performers, but the writers too, they deserve a bit of love.  My target is 1980 and I've done performers up to 1976, writers lagging behind in 1958.

To avoid my index getting clogged up with names of all the different people in each band, I made a Music Groups and Bands page, and I'm quite excited about its potential.  Unless band-members' profiles each have the names of all the other band members on, they can be hard to find (trust me, as someone who has pretty much spent all week trawling Wikitree for band members).  My "bridge page" can be a useful space for jumping between band members, or at least seeing who doesn't have a profile yet.  Anyone can add any band to the page, I've obviously just been focusing on those with UK number 1s.

Today I connected a couple of gentlemen, Jack Hargreaves who was a TV presenter and came to my attention when I stumbled across a show he presented about sheep farming, and the recently deceased Sir Chips Keswick, pulling together a few other unconnected Keswick relatives while I was about it.  I'm keeping my hand in with other figures from the worlds of British football, politics, music and the BBC, staying in my lane I guess.

Fanny Craddock is a name older UK readers ought to remember, she was an eccentric television chef and also, as it turned out, a serial bigamist.  I've had great fun with her family, as a side project from the Foodie Challenge.  Her first husband died in a plane crash, her "third" was a stunt man, she married her "fourth" husband when she was mistakenly told her second husband had died.  Her father, related to a famous family of gin distillers, was a debt-laden mystery author and lyricist who wrote under a pseudonym, her mother was a flighty singer and actress whose lifestyle didn't really suit motherhood.  They don't make 'em like that any more!

by Stephen Corkey G2G6 Mach 3 (35.9k points)
How about people who attended or did not attend the Beatles concert in Birmingham in 1965?

I was quite upset because I couldn't go, not because my parents objected to my going, but because tickets were only available to buy, 1 ticket per person on a Sunday, my family were devout Roman Catholics and I had to go to mass.

All my schoolfriends went to the concert, they were all also Catholic but perhaps their parents were not quite so devoted to the RC church.
Hey Stephen I love the idea of the list of writers of the hits. I've been toying with the idea of some profiles for early TV  Australian personalities with a collegue too when time allows.
+17 votes

On this day:

1775: With the Battles of Lexington and Concord starts the Revolutionary War

1830: With the Treaty of London, the Belgian independence is recognized

2005: Pope Benedict XVI. is elected

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I remember the election of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI! This was a few days after Pope St. John Paul II's Funeral Mass.
Hi Jelena, I'll go with the Battles of Lexington and Concord because I have ancestors who were 'Minute Men'.
+18 votes

Greetings from Rochester, Minnesota USA! Where the April wind blows more than in Chicago. Current Temp is 39°F and current wind chill is 29°F.

Pip, like you, I am emotionally and mentally exhausted. I had a caffeine withdrawal headache during the day shift. At 0900 hours, I was shifted from CNA duty to med cart duty due to another aide leaving for an emergency. I took medicine after 1200 hours and felt better. 

Between my nephew prepping for Confirmation, husband healing from past trauma and a bike accident, preparing for nursing school starting in August, dealing with finances, laundry, family decisions and health, my life is a three ring circus again. 

Fun meter got full at 1430 hours then I ate my lunch. 

Genealogy Mysteries:

Most people wonder...how it is possible that an African American be related to a European? Ty Burrell discovered on Finding Your Roots that he is 1/16 African through his 2nd great grandmother. That really surprised me.

I'm going to guess that Harriett Bellamy had relations with a white guy. It is just a guess. Or maybe, Harriett Bellamy was white herself. I don't know. Harriett's daughter and only child, Edith was listed as mulatto according to the census takers in 1920. If I ever get nominated to get RAWKed, I would like someone to investigate this mystery. 

I have the weekend off. Thank God.

This weekend is my iron wedding jubilee. My husband and I will celebrate 6 years of marriage on Sunday. At least I remembered this time!

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (210k points)
+15 votes
Hello All.

Well I ended up with 1001 profiles created during connectathon so had a blowout in my watchlist. Did manage to connect quite a few Notables to the main tree and several other connections done.
by Darren Kellett G2G6 Pilot (470k points)
Congratulations on your connections!
Well done Darren

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