Have you registered for the January 14-17 Connect-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+109 votes

The first of the three 2022 Connect-a-Thons is coming up soon! The goal of our marathon event: increase the number of profiles that are connected to our big tree by adding relatives to existing profiles in every direction [more participation info].

The event will start on Friday, January 14, at 8 AM (EST) and run until Monday, January 17, at 8 AM (EST).

Will you join us?

To register, just click the "Answer this post" button and say "Sign me up!" or whatever and include a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team. If you already know what team you'd like to be on, say that. The current teams are listed here. (Comments at the top here will be hidden after they are read.)

You can ask questions or suggest tips at this post.

closed with the note: Registration is officially closed. See you there!
in The Tree House by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
closed by Mindy Silva
I don’t know if I actually registered and what to do this site is so confusing - i can’t post until I log in and when I do it takes me away from any posts and what I am doing :(
Yes, you signed up with the Canadian Team, and you should have your badge now.
Colleen, I suggest that while you are getting used to the site format and many capabilities that you open a different tab for searching for answers and looking g2g conversations. This way your work is open in a tab that won't change.
Sign me up for team Virginia.
This is not the sign up post for July2022

749 Answers

+22 votes
I am in.

Florida, Alabama, Georgia

Smith, Cartright (Cartwright), Killingsworth, McDaniel, Jarmen
by Melissa Jones G2G Crew (860 points)
Southern Super Sweepers covers those states Melissa. I've registered you with them. It's going to be a fun weekend!
+23 votes
I'll be joining the Flying Dutchmen team
by Peter van Munster G2G6 (9.8k points)

Hi Peter,

Great to see that you're joining our team. If you need any additional information, just click on the picture for our own Flying Dutchmen Connect-a-Thon page.

Hoi Margreet,

Tegen mij mag je gewoon je moers taal praten hoor smileycheeky

Chips, ik zit in mijn engelse mood vandaag. (aan het einde van mijn betaalde werkdag ga ik nog wel eens in een flow door. Maar ook in je eigen tijd, ben je welkom aan boord. Gewoon instappen en niet zeeziek worden. In deze Corona tijd is het een welkome afleiding even een weekendje met elkaar samen aan onze afstammelingen werken.

Hihi, da's het voordeel van een beroeps AOW'er zijn: geen stress.

En een voordeel van corona (?): ik vermoed dat-ie mij ook te pakken heeft. Anders had ik dit weekend wat (klein)kinderen gaan bezoeken. Nu moet ik mijn troost achter de computer gaan zoeken sadcheeky

Top Peter! Welcome aboard. laugh

Great Peter! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Please register me with the Western Red Cedars/Azure's team, if they are a team still.
by Denise Sproed G2G6 Mach 1 (16.2k points)
Great Denist! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+22 votes
I will join everyone in my first Connect-a-thon. Can I be part of the Tree Nuts team ?
by Yann Le Ny G2G6 (7.0k points)

Hi Yann!  Welcome to the Tree Nuts for the first 2022 Connect-a-Thon!

You can visit our Team Page and add what you'll be working on and any resources and hints that you think will be helpful.

We also have a Tree Nuts chat page so look for that.  

Please consider joining us on the #treenuts WikiTree Discord server. It’s a lot of fun to have live conversations going during the ‘thons’.  If you’re not already on the Discord server there are instructions on the help page

We're glad that you're going to join us.

Great Yann Le! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Sign me up! I am an Australian who resides in California. U.S.A.
I am interested to know as much as I can about my family and ancestors.
I guess like many people of my era, my family didn't talk or know about their ancestors.
I am delighted with the digital age and the ensuing opportunities for searching for family and ancestors.
The DNA tests have proven to be very valuable to me.
I am especially grateful to Les, for all his support and the valuable work he does for Wiki Tree.
by Janice Konstantinidis G2G1 (1.1k points)
What are the names of the trees please?

We all work on whatever we wish to, which doesn't necessarily mean specific "trees" - especially as this is one Tree with many branches.
Sounds like a Team '''Tree Nut''' to me.
Welcome Janet! You can either pick Wizards of Aus (our Australian team) or a non-regional one like the Tree Nuts. Both are awesome teams!
+21 votes
I want to participate.  Team Missouri  Thanks
by Mike Conley G2G3 (3.3k points)

Welcome aboard, Mike! I've gotcha added to the team. 

Team chat is here - ask questions, chat, etc.

Team page is here - team mate names and helpful info

Don't be afraid to ask questions ahead of time. It's easier for us to help get you prepared ahead of time than during the actual "thon". Most importantly, have fun!

Go Team MO!!!

It has been awhile since I uploaded any of my family tree members to Wiki Tree.  If I upload the ones that I have discovered and have on my Roots Magic software on my computer, do these count toward the goal of more connections?  Looking forward to the process.

I'm really not sure. I would suggest checking the main help page for the connect-a-thon or asking this in the G2G post asking if anyone had any questions.

I'm thinking you will need to add them individually to link them to an existing profile but again, I'm not sure.
Great Mike! It's going to be a fun weekend!
You want to expand families, Mike. As long as you are attaching new profiles to other profiles (adding children, parents, or spouses) it will count.
+19 votes
Please count me in!
by Sally Kent G2G Crew (770 points)
Hi Sally,

Which team would you like to join?
My family is mainly from around the south east so which one is best
Ah, the South East of which country? So many to choose from

Thanks for signing up and have fun which ever team you join

Welcome Sally! The Southern Super Sweepers covers your region. It's going to be a fun weekend!

+22 votes
Add me to the Nordic Noir team.
by Jan Nilsson G2G6 (8.3k points)

Hello Jan,

Thank you for joining the team! Please go to the Nordic Noir team page for more information.

Missy smiley

Great Jan! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+20 votes
Sounds interesting.  I'm in.
by D Norman G2G1 (1.6k points)
Hi Norman,

Any specific team you would like to participate with?
Thanks for asking.  Guessing Southwest Sunshiners
Great D! I've registered you with the Southwest Sunshiners. It's going to be a fun weekend!
+22 votes
Sign me up with Team Virginia
by Sydney McGurn G2G2 (2.0k points)

Sydney, Thanks for joining Team Virginia!  

Our Connect-A-Thon Links:

Our G2G Chat Page: General chat & Q & A 

Team VA Space Page: Tutorials, General Information & List of Team Members. 

Discord: Live Chat! Quick answers, share tips + great fun. 

Great Sydney! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Can I join the Canadian connectors ?

I would like to sign up
by Colleen Hannah G2G1 (1.2k points)
Great Colleen! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+19 votes
Count me in. Looking forward to gaining more insight into the program and process.
by John Griscom G2G6 Mach 2 (21.0k points)
Hi John! If you haven't picked a team, Team Missouri might be a good fit. I see you have ancestors in some of the states we cover.
Great John! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+19 votes
Hi There!

I am in Ottawa, Canada. I am new to the plan-a-thon but looking forward to being a part of it. My genealogy work has been focused on England, Ireland, Canada and Scotland.
by Tanya Tibbett G2G Crew (770 points)

Hi Tanya

There are teams for each of the countries you mention so which would you like to join England, Ireland, Canada and Scotland.

Just add  reply to state the country.
Couple of useful links for you
All the best have fun
Mighty Oaks England Team
Let's say Canada :)
ok, Now Nor'Easters which concentrates on Canadian Maritimes and New England, or the Canadian Connectors? Btw, are we related???

I noticed the links did not show in previous post so trying to post them again




Great Tanya! I've registered you with our Canadian team. It's going to be a fun weekend!
I don't know! I would think it's possible somewhere down the line that we are related. So neat!
+20 votes
Please sign me up. Thank you.
by Toni Boone G2G6 Mach 2 (27.1k points)
If you haven't picked a team, Team Missouri would love to have you!
I haven't picked one and Team Missouri works for me. Thank you

Super, Toni!! I've gotcha added to the team. 

Team chat is here - ask questions, chat, etc.

Team page is here - team mate names and helpful info

Don't be afraid to ask questions ahead of time. It's easier for us to help get you prepared ahead of time than during the actual "thon". Most importantly, have fun!

Go Team MO!!!

Thank you!!
Great Toni! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Sign me up!

I'm a newby from central Texas with a mix of heritage, mostly Germanic with a bit from the British Isles. I've been on Ancestry for years but just came across WikiTree last week. I just uploaded my rather large GEDCOM from Ancestry and have been amazed at all the edits. I'm excited to see what more I can learn from each of you.
by Christie Hughes G2G1 (1.2k points)

'''Thanks for joining the 2022 Connect-A-Thon!'''


Be sure to check out our team's page by clicking on the above link.

Great Christie! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+23 votes
Sign me up! I'm in Tattnall County, GA and Charlotte, NC (about half and half). Willing to do whatever/wherever the need is. I have a lot of ancestors in the Tattnall area, in Dewitt, TX area, Lawton/Oklahoma City, OK, and some out west.
by Tiffany Taylor G2G Crew (890 points)

Our team does OK and TX, you're welcome!

'''Thanks for joining the 2022 Connect-A-Thon!'''


Be sure to check out our team's page by clicking on the above link.

Great Tiffany! It's going to be a fun weekend!
Thank you! I will probably make some connections in that area, but I'm hoping to get on one of the South teams. I'm in Georgia this weekend visiting cemeteries!
I'm excited. Can't figure out how to join a team, but I'd love to join the Southern Super Sweepers.
+20 votes
Yes! Count me in! Julie Holland
by Julie Holland G2G6 Mach 2 (20.2k points)
Hi Julie,

If you haven't found a team yet, would you like to participate with the Flying Dutchman? With your last name you would have a nice connection with us ;-)
Absolutely! Thanks, Margreet!
Hi Margreet, how can I learn more about the Flying Dutchman team/project?

Hi Julie,

It's great to see that you're joining our team. If you need any additional information, just click on the picture for our own Flying Dutchmen Connect-a-Thon page.

And there's a lot to learn about us and about our Project. We're right in the middle of changing our project formerly called Dutch Roots Project to the Netherlands Project. I don't know what you're goal is for this upcomming Thon, but for information on our project you can start if you want reading this page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:Netherlands

Do you have ancestors in the Netherlands?

Aye Aye, Julie!!! Welcome aboard!

If you like some cooperation or some help or suggestions at finding sources feel very free to ask the team captains or other longtime Netherlands Project members. You know...........

So happy to have you!
Yes, I have very famous very extended full lines of ancestors from that region: two of my favorites, Alexander Baron de Wiltz 1550-1648, Luxembourg; Cornelius Barentse Van Wyck 1641-1713 New Amsterdam (New York) and all of their extended families. If you're on ancestry.com, look at my family tree, Julie Holland Looney, starting with David Wilsey. It's fascinating! Please take a look at an Image I just added on my WT profile; my Wiltze chart. It will give you a good idea of the splendid array of extended families I am a part of! Julie Holland
Great Julie! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Sign me up for Team Missouri please.
by K Burns G2G6 (9.0k points)

Welcome back! Glad to have you with us again for this "thon". I've gotcha added to the team. 

Team chat is here - ask questions, chat, etc.

Team page is here - team mate names and helpful info

Don't be afraid to ask questions ahead of time. It's easier for us to help get you prepared ahead of time than during the actual "thon". Most importantly, have fun!

Go Team MO!!!

Great K! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+20 votes
Sign me up for the Connect-a-thon, please!
by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Legacy Heirs with Lisa Murphy smiley

Great Maggie! It's going to be a fun weekend!
Woo Hoo!!!

Maggie made it!

Got you on the roster.
+22 votes
Sign me up with Southern Super Sweepers.

Cathie Stumpenhaus
by Cathie Stumpenhaus G2G6 Mach 1 (12.7k points)

So happy to have you on the Super Sweepers!

Links to check out.

Our Chat Page You can ask questions here!

Our Free Space Page We have lots of help and information here!
Instructions for Discord and Invitation One must wait for verification, if you are having problems, please bring it up on our Chat Page

Great Cathie! It's going to be a fun weekend!

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