Have you registered for our April 2024 Connect-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+110 votes

imageThe April Connect-a-Thon is coming up! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: bring the world closer together by adding missing relatives to existing profiles.

The event starts Friday, April 12, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC) and runs until Monday, April 15, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC).

Will you join us?

To register, find the answer for which team you'd like to play for.Then click COMMENT in their section to say you would like to participate on that team. If you aren't sure, comment here with a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team.

NewtThere are also two new teams!

Registration will close at midnight EDT on Wednesday, April 10.

Comments below this post will be hidden once they are read.

closed with the note: Registration closed! Have a great Connect-a-Thon!
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
closed by Azure Robinson
sorry I missed it
Need to update COnnect-a-thon help page
I was too late to register for my usual team as I've just moved house - but will try to do as many as I can anyway!

42 Answers

+32 votes

Smoking Snakes - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Hey ho, here we come again!
caught up to here (15 Mar)
Put me in coach

caught up to here (25 Mar)

+33 votes

South African Springboks - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Hi Hi

Please sign me up for the Springboks. I will also be the Captain for this one.
Greetings Susanna - Kindly sign me up for the challenge
Thanks Paul!

caught up to here (22 Mar)

Sign me up for this one. I might have a bit of time to do a few. smiley

Thank you Esme, seem everyone is busy this weekend, but we will try. Every contribution at the end of the weekend helps a lot to build our global tree.

caught up to here (8 Apr)

Please sign me up. Not sure how much time I'll have, but will give it my best shot.  Keith

caught up to here (10 Apr)

Please sign me up fir this one - I have some free time on some of the days. Thanks.

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:14 am mdt)

I'd like to sign up if it's not too late! I should have some time this weekend.

caught up to here (10 Apr 3:14 pm mdt)

Thanks Johan!
Thank you Azure!
+33 votes

Southern Cross Stars - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
I'm busy for much of the weekend, but will contribute evenings and Monday if that's enough.
I'll join in. Thanks.

caught up to here (8 Apr)

Hi Kerrie, Mike, Scott and Jason, excellent to have you on the team! Don't worry Scott if you don't have a lot of time. That's absolutely fine to just do what you can. I'm going to be busy with other stuff this weekend too! Mike, I'm a bit behind, but I'll do a chat post on the G2G, so if you have any questions, just ask :-)
Hi! I’d like to join :)
I'll give it a go this weekend, so I'd love to join your team.
I've never done one of these before, but always wanted to find the time to add to my tree here. This is just the push that I needed.
How does all this work? I've never done one of these before. How and when do I start please?

caught up to here (10 Apr)

Hi Bonnie, Mary-Ann and K, wonderful to have you all on the team. We're delighted about that! There is some information on our chat post - Southern Cross Stars Chat - about the times for starting for the various timezones in Australia, as well as information about the Discord chat server, if you would like to join us there on the Aussie Challenge Teams channel. Those are both great places to ask any questions now, or as you go along. There is some general information and links at Australia, Connect-a-Thon help as well as ideas to work on.

+36 votes

Southern Super Sweepers - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Welcome back, Jean!  Every profile counts!

caught up to here (10 Apr 15:15 pm mdt)


I'm through with funeral arrangements and the funeral.  I'm in. This will give me something else to think about.
I think I registered in the general section rather than here. Count me in SSS!


caught up to here (10 Apr 19:29 pm mdt)

Please sign me up for SSS.  This will be my first Connect-a-Thon.  It should be fun.

caught up to here (10 Apr 21:53 pm mdt)

I'll happily be working on my home state of Georgia.
Welcome, Linda!
Welcome, Lewis!
+32 votes

Southwest Sunshiners - comment here to join

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
Sign me up!  Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sunshiners!!!!



caught up to here (15 Mar)

Yep I'm in please!  Team Captain for SouthWest Sunshiners

caught up to here (22 Mar)

me too

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:16 am mdt)

+33 votes

Splendid Spruces - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

I'm a newby but would love to give it a try smiley

caught up to here (15 Mar)

I will try to get there so count me in.

caught up to here (17 Mar)

Count me in! I'd like to join in with you again.

caught up to here (25 Mar)


I'm interested in joining the team during this event.  I have entries from Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, and North Carolina to contribute.

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:17 am mdt)

New to connect-a-thon but would like to give it a try, and commit time some this weekend to adding my genealogy research to wikitree.

caught up to here (10 Apr 19:28 pm mdt)

+33 votes

Super Aussie Genies - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

caught up to here (9 Apr)

I'd like to join the Super Aussie Genie's team please.

caught up to here (10 Apr 15:49 pm mdt)

Hi. I'm late in registering. I've had trouble navigating the website as I'm a newby. Am I too late?

I am late as I just saw the email. If you're still accepting sign ups I will join.

caught up to here (10 Apr 19:27 pm mdt)

Hope I have registered in time for the Connect-a-Thon
Wow - How exciting, we have 20 team members this time round!  

I wish to join the Super Aussie Genies. I am new to this. Not sure what time the session starts?
Trying to join the team but getting lost. What time in Sydney does it start please
+30 votes

Team Austria - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
I participate and I will be the proud captain again!

Hugs, Beate Hauer-314

caught up to here (22 Mar)

I decided to participate. I will be otherwise occupied on Saturday, but there are 2 more days. Trtnik-2

caught up to here (10 Apr 15:16 pm mdt)

I understand I have been added to  your team. This is my first "thon", so bear with me. Also, I am not aware of any Austrian connections in my ancestry - is this a problem? Thanks!!
Hi Aleš,

I must work on Friday and Saturday,, but I will be connecting on Sunday, so don't worry.

Yours,. Beate
Hi Maurine,

Don't worry, every connection counts.

Take care,

+32 votes

Team Italy - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
edited by Eowyn Walker
You're good to go, Melanie!
thanks Chris
Hey Chris, count me in please!

caught up to here (28 Mar)

I want to join

caught up to here (30 Mar)

Please sign me up

caught up to here (4 Apr)

Whew! Almost missed it. Count me in please

caught up to here (10 Apr 11:01 am mdt)

+31 votes

Team L'Chaim - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
I'm up for it! Let's go!
Count me in!

Sign me up! Looking forward to April! smiley

Yay, of course I'm in! Captaining again :-)

caught up to here (15 Mar)

I'm also in again ~ L'Chaim! heart

caught up to here (25 Mar)

I'm in

Melanie - I've got you down for Team Italy, did you want to switch to Team L'Chaim? Azure Rae :)

My comment appears to be a duplicate the first time I try to submit it and never show up, so I'm typing a sentence that I can't possibly ever have typed before - I want to join.

caught up to here (10 Apr 19:26 pm mdt)

+30 votes

Team Massachusetts - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)

I currently expect to be out of pocket those days, so I'm not signing up. But I do hope the Massachusetts crew will be back as a team. yes

Hi! May I join team Massachusetts?

caught up to here (25 Mar)

I’m in, and I’ll Captain.

caught up to here (30 Mar)

Sign me up for MA please. It’s my new home so I think I should do some genealogical good here

caught up to here (10 Apr)

Sign me up please!

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:20 am mdt)

+32 votes

Team Missouri - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
Count me in for team, Missouri!

caught up to here (10 Apr)

Please sign me up for Team Missouri

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:20 am mdt)

Can I join in? Paternal roots are in the boot heel area & other nearby states. I'm looking for Needhams & not that New England candy!

caught up to here (10 Apr 15:17 pm mdt)

Azure, doesn’t he have to be more than a Family Member to participate?

Yes, you are right, Lori! Thanks for catching that!

Maurice, thanks for your interest in the Connect-a-Thon! If sign the Honor Code, we can finish getting you set up as a participant!

Thanks, didn't realize that was a requirement, honestly I'm just trying to learn how to do this & find more about my family along the way. Adding what I can find about my parents at present. Hope to learn more by participating!

Thanks for signing the honor code. Great to have you on the team! 

Our chat is here. Stop by and introduce yourself or ask any questions you might have. I’m around during the event but have more time beforehand if you need help.

+32 votes

Team Roses - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)

caught up to here (25 Mar)

Please sign me up! Thank you!

Welcome friends! Porter, Katie, Hilary, Suzanne, Michelle, and Jennifer--I have all of you added to the roster. 

Here's our team page if anyone needs a refresher on the Connect-A-Thon. If anyone isn't on the main WikiTree Discord, server so you can participate in our team chat, please see this page to get you started:  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Discord 

Once you join, the team channel should appear in the left sidebar.

caught up to here (2 Apr)

Just remembered about this! count me in

caught up to here (9 Apr)

Looks like I will be able to participate - sign me up!

I would like to join Team Roses for the Connect-a-thon. thank you 

caught up to here (10 Apr)

Kathryn, Christy, and Joelene, I've got you added to the roster. 

Here's our team page if anyone needs a refresher on the Connect-A-Thon. If anyone isn't on the main WikiTree Discord, server so you can participate in our team chat, please see this page to get you started:  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Discord 

Once you join, the team channel should appear in the left sidebar.

+30 votes

Team Virginia - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
Sign me up!

caught up to here (15 Mar)

Please sign me up with team Virginia.  

Thank you


caught up to here (25 Mar)

Sign me up (Tiedeman-60) on Team Virginia for the April, 2024 Connect-a-Thon.  Thanks!

caught up to here (2 Apr)

I’ll do whatever I can. Sign me up for Virginia.

caught up to here (5 Apr)

Count  me in!

caught up to here (8 Apr)

Go Team Virginia! Thank you all for joining. I miscounted earlier, thinking a better name would be The Musketeers - but we have FIVE people on the team! Too little sleep to come up with anything except the Pentagonians - the Pentagon IS in Virginia, after all :D

Cheers, Liz (Not a Team Captain, but thinking maybe I need to be the next thon... if y'all want to continue on Team Virginia aka... nah, not the Pentagonians LOL - hopefully we'll gain more members!)
Sign me up for July 2024 please.
I've got you on my list - I'll let you know the link when registration for the July Connect-a-Thon opens.

Cheers, Liz
Thank you Liz.
+36 votes

Toddlin' Tortoises - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)

caught up to here (10 Apr)

New to connect-a-thon and would love to join!
Count me in.

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:21 am mdt)

Stocked up on lettuce, carrots and lemon-aide .. Ready to Connect ! .. Add me to the team please .. 

caught up to here (10 Apr 11:02 am mdt)

Yes, of course you may, Clifford.  Welcome aboard the slow train!  You, also, Courtney!  If you have any questions, and are on discord, we can be found on the toddlin-tortoises channel, or there's our g2g chat thread.

Member list updated to here.  20240411  5.35am.

Please add me to the Toddlin' Tortoises.  Looking forward to another 'Thon!

caught up to here (10 Apr 21:28 pm mdt)

Choooo chew choo!  

As registrations are officially closed, the member list has been updated to include Linda as our final signup for this Thon.  

20240411 3.37pm

+32 votes

Tree Nuts - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
I'd like to sign up too, please.

caught up to here (4 Apr)

Glad you're back, A!!!

I know you know where to find our free-space page. 

Check out this comment if you want to join us on Discord or use the G2G post. :-)

I'm looking forward to helping as much as I can this weekend!


Just another tree nut!

caught up to here (10 Apr)

Ahhh Sign me up! Better late than never! :)

caught up to here (10 Apr 10:22 am mdt)

Sorry I'm late! Please add me tooooo :)

Woohoo!! So happy to see three returning Tree Nuts!!

I posted our G2G and free-space links as well as our Discord channel link here.

Really happy to have you all back, Saphyre, Mac and Vicky!!

caught up to here (10 Apr 15:18 pm mdt)

+32 votes

Twisted Thistles - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)

caught up to here (8 Apr)

Please sign me up!

caught up to here (9 Apr (AM))

I plan to participate

caught up to here (9 Apr (PM))

I'd like to participate!
Please add me to the list


caught up to here (10 Apr 10:23 am mdt)

looking forward to the Connect-a-thon.

caught up to here (10 Apr 15:50 pm mdt)

+32 votes

Western Red Cedars - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)

caught up to here (22 Mar)

we'll miss ya Denise! Safe travels 

:) Azure Rae

Please register me for Western Red Cedars.
I'd like to join your team, if you'll have me.

caught up to here (28 Mar)

Great to have you join the team, Nancy!

Sign me up for the Western Red Cedars again.
I'll join the Western Red Cedars again this time.

caught up to here (2 Apr)

great to have you back!

I will do what I can this time. Ialways enjoy it!

caught up to here (3 Apr)

great to have ya again, Cynthia!

I can’t wait, I’m ready for the weekend challenge, hope everyone is ready.
+30 votes

Wizards of Aus - comment here to join

by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)

caught up to here (31 Mar)

Please sign me up Kathleen, and thanks

caught up to here (3 Apr)

Hi Wizards of Aus, travelling this week-end, but love to join in again to make a contribution. Cheers, Matt

caught up to here (9 Apr (PM))

Count me in! Should be able to do a few.


caught up to here (10 Apr)

Is it too late to sign up??

caught up to here (10 Apr 21:30 pm mdt)

You should be ok Andrew. They haven't shut down sign ups as yet.

danny in canberra
+33 votes
Unsure of what team to join? Tell us a little about what you like to work on or which locations and we'll help you pick one!
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
Hi, my name is Donna Coffey. I live in Lenoir nc. My Coffey roots are strong in this area.
Hi, Donna!

Any team would be happy to have you and you can feel free to work wherever you'd like on whichever team you join. I'll tentatively place you on the Southern Super Sweepers as one of the States they cover is North Carolina.

Please let us know if there is another team that interests you more and we can switch you over as long as it is prior to midnight tonight (EDT)

Azure Rae
Raptorrunner here, I have plenty of problems tracing my Welsh roots. I have no idea what I'm getting into, but my Welsh people are some trouble, genealogically speaking!
Hi, my name is Pam Carlton, I live in Murray, Kentucky. The Carlton's and Williams in NC and TN
Hi, N!

I've put you with the Globetrotters team. Let me know prior to midnight tonight (EDT) if that doesn't work for you.

Azure Rae
Hi, Pam!

I've put you with the Team Virginia group, let me know prior to midnight tonight (EDT) if you would like a different team.

Azure Rae
Thank you!
Looking for a Mexico team. Ay un equipo para Mexico? I’m from California and have a lot of research to offer.

Hello, Omar!

We don't have a Mexico Team. Maybe you would like to start one for the next marathon?
I've put you with the Southwest Sunshiners for now, unless I hear back prior to midnight tonight (EDT).

Azure Rae

I am in Illinois, with most of my research being in Adams and Mason Counties. One of my brick walls is in New Jersey, and I also have ancestry back to England and Germany (and either Scotland or Ireland - depending on where my brick wall's family originated from). I've never participated in this before, but would like to give it a shot - put me wherever you think is best. Thanks!!
Hi, Maurine! If it works for you, I'm going to put you in Team Austria. They currently only have three members. If you decide you would like to go with a different team, just let me know prior to midnight tonight (EDT). Thanks! Azure Rae
I'd like to be in a Welsh or Welsh descendants group.
Hi, N!

Unfortunately the Welsh Dragons team isn't participating in this marathon.

Azure Rae
I'm curious about the connect a thons having never participated in one. For almost a year I've been adding my family and my husband's family to WikiTree. I am 90% Irish and he was mostly Irish, Scottish, and English, his family having come to New York State much earlier than mine. I still have plenty of relatives to add to WikiTree.
Hi, Joan!

I've put you with the Globetrotters team. If you decide you would like another team, please respond by midnight (EDT) tonight.

Azure Rae
Hi, my name is Debra, (Deb) Bice, my Maiden name is: McQuerry. I am new to all of this and I have no idea which team to join. My paternal grandmother’s parents were both from Denmark and I am having a hard time finding any information on my Danish relatives and would like more information on them.
Hi, Debra!

The Nordic Noir team covers Denmark. I've listed that as your team for the marathon. These events are great way to learn from different members!

Have a great weekend!

Azure Rae
I would like to learn more and join in
Hi, Nancy!

I've added you to Southern Super Sweepers! Have a great weekend!

Azure Rae
I am in Texas but my direct lines trace through the 1700’s and migration from all along the east coast. Once I get as complete as possible, I will move on to siblings. I’m fairly new but adding new profiles almost daily.
Would like to register and find team.  Thank you

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