Have you registered for the July 2022 Connect-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+97 votes

The Connect-a-Thon is approaching! The goal of our marathon event: increase the number of profiles that are connected to our big tree by adding relatives to existing profiles [more participation info].

The event will start on Friday, July 15, at 8 AM (EDT) and run until Monday, July 18, at 8 AM (EDT) [time zone calculator].

Will you join us?

To register, just click the ANSWER button and say "Sign me up!" or whatever and include a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team. If you already know what team you'd like to be on, say that. The current teams are listed here. Comments at the top will be hidden once they are read.

Now let's rock this!!!

closed with the note: Registration is now closed. Have fun!!!
in The Tree House by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
closed by Mindy Silva
Yes i want to be part

705 Answers

+19 votes
Sign me up please!

I'd like to join Team Mighty Oaks. (England represent!)
by Peter Hitchmough G2G1 (2.0k points)
Great Peter! It's going to be a fun weekend!

image Hi Peter, thanks for joining the Mighty Oaks for the July Connect a Thon, your support is appreciated and we hope you have fun. 

Mighty Oaks team page let us know what you will be working on - area or family line.

Our G2G chat page is here July 2022-connect-a-thon-chat

We'll be using the same Discord server as always. If you're not already on Discord, just send Joan a Private Message, and she will add you. 

The following are some links for you to explore 






The Mighty Oaks Team

+20 votes

Please sign me up for the Southern Super Sweepers Team!


by Robert Bentley G2G6 Mach 1 (15.2k points)

Thanks Robert for joining us for the July Connect-a-Thon.

Here is our Team page and G2G Chat page.

Great Robert! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+20 votes
Sign me up, I am doing research mainly in Missouri, Indiana, Massachusetts, Kentucky, and Michigan.
by anonymous G2G1 (1.3k points)
If you haven't picked a team, Team Missouri covers three of those states but you're not limited on where you can work.

Welcome LindaKay! You will need to be a full member to participate. Check out the help page to see how you can do this free upgrade so I can register you. 

+19 votes
Sign me up. North East to Pennsylvania is where most of my ancestors lived.

This will be my first official sign-up.
by June Butka G2G6 Mach 3 (30.9k points)

Great June! Would you like team Mid-Atlantic US? Just let us know.


Any team you need me on Mid-Atlantic or Nor'Easters is fine.

Thank you. June
Just saw this. Let us know which you prefer as we have plenty of bunks this thon. I think many of us are working through this one so far. Most teams including Nor'Easters will let you work outside our preferred areas but offer many resources inside those areas.
Nor'Easters, Please. I need to add the children to my greats, not just my direct line.

The best way to get points is to add them from the child to parents or parent to child?

Thank you June
+20 votes
I will see what I can do but put me with the nuts.
by Chris Wine G2G6 Mach 5 (57.9k points)
Great Chris! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Hello Chris! Welcome back to the Tree Nuts for the July 2022 Connect-a-Thon!

You can visit our Team Page and add what you'll be working on and any resources and hints that you think will be helpful.

We also have our Tree Nuts chat page on g2g so you can also check that out.

If you aren't already on Discord, please consider joining us on the #treenuts WikiTree Discord server. It’s a lot of fun to have live conversations going during the ‘thons’.  If you need to join the Discord server there are instructions on the help page

We're glad that you're going to join us again. And if I can help any further, please let me know.

+22 votes
I will do this again. Nordic Noir
by Donald Lindgren G2G6 Mach 2 (28.2k points)
Great Donald! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Great to have you on the team again Donald!  Here is our team page:


and our team chat on G2G:


or you can find us in the discord chat.

+18 votes
Sign me up!

Please and Thank you!
by Beth Stephenson G2G6 Mach 7 (71.7k points)
You haven't specified a team.  If you don't have a preference Team  Roses would welcome you.  We are a non regional team so you can work on any profiles of your choosing.  If you were with a team previously,  mention it and Mindy will join you to it,
Hi Beth. Are you back on the Nor'Easters again this thon?
Hi Steve. Nor'Easters is fine! Glad to be back.
Great Beth! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Welcome aboard Beth. Feel free to head below, get settled in, and get ready for another thon. We also have a helpful spreadsheet you may want to check.

Home Page

Chat post


Discord server - WT Server

+22 votes

Yay! Been waiting. I'll be on the German Genies Team again. smiley

by Carrie Portlance G2G3 (3.4k points)

Thanks for joining us Carrie! All the info you need can be found on our Team page.

Go Genies!

Great Carrie! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
I'd like to join with the Team Flying Dutchmen.
by Koen van Hoof G2G6 Mach 7 (74.3k points)
Welcome to the team
Great Koen! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Sign me up for Nordic Noir. Thanks.
by Juha Soini G2G6 Pilot (122k points)

Thanks for joining us Juha! It's great to have you on the team again!  Here is our team page:


and our team chat on G2G:


or you can find us in the discord chat.

Great Juha! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+20 votes
my father was from Punjab India and I help people research their roots from India and I am from California
by Raj Sidhu G2G6 (9.5k points)

Would you be interested in the new Team with a main focus being on India - Banyan Tree?

i would be willing to join your team

Not my team - Rob Wilson is the Team Captain, and I'm sure he'll be along at some stage to officially welcome you. 
(I'm just someone who sticks her nose in all over the place cheeky -- and I happen to have an interest in India on behalf of my children (their grandmother was born in Āgra, Uttar Pradesh) and grandchildren.)

Great Raj! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
I'm in for Twisted Thistles please.
by Denise Hunt G2G6 Mach 1 (16.2k points)
Great Denise! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Welcome back to the TTTwisted side, Denise!

+20 votes
Yes, I'd like to participate. Interests right now are Illinois, Iowa, and/or Kent, England.

by Avis Paskey G2G Crew (800 points)

Great Avis! It's going to be a fun weekend! Ther is the Northwest Terriers for Illinois, or the Mighty Oaks for England. Just let me know. 

Thanks Mindy. Let’s go with Northwest Terriers.

I know you've chosen the Terriers for this time, but it never hurts to mention that Team Missouri also covers Illinois (the blub does say "Missouri and surrounding states").   smiley

Disclaimer - I have nothing to do with Team Mo.  I just know Illinois is a neighbour state.

+20 votes
Please sign me up with the Western Red Cedars team.  Thanks!
by Erik Granstrom G2G6 Mach 4 (49.5k points)
Great Erik! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Great to have you back again, Erik! Got you added to the team roster
Here's our G2G Post, share what you'll be working on
Don't forget to join in on our channel #western-red-cedars on Discord

+19 votes
I'll give it a try,   say  Team Mid Atlantic again
by Stephen Tomaszewicz G2G6 Mach 2 (25.4k points)
Great Stephen! It's going to be a fun weekend!
Welcome back to the Mid-Atlantic Team!

Mickey Bazley Co-Captain
+20 votes
by Lindsay Allen G2G6 Mach 1 (11.7k points)

You haven't specified a team, If you have no preference then team Roses would welcome you.  We \are an open team so you can work on any profiles of your choosing,

Great Lindsay! It's going to be a fun weekend!

I have added you to the roster on our team page.  That gives links to useful information as well as a list of the team. If you have questions ask in our Discord thread 

Hi JG Weston,

I removed your email address as WikiTree and the G2G forum are open/public and did not want you to receive spam. You can send it by PM from the member's profile. Thanks!
OK, although email harvesters are not so common as they once were.  The bigger danger is from people who you correspond with clicking on bad links and getting infected with mail bots  that spam to their address book.. There is little defence against this other than  a spam bin.  So I post my email address in the open all over the web and get very little additional spam from it,.

It is not allowed at WikiTree and in the G2G Forum to post a personal email address. See Help:Email Adresses "Please never include an email address in a source citation, comment, biography, G2G post, etc"

+21 votes
Sign me up for Australia Team please.
by NG Hill G2G6 Mach 9 (91.7k points)
Great NG! It's going to be a fun weekend!
Thanks NG!
+19 votes
Sign me up.  Gulfport MS.  Mississippi Gulf Coast
by Dan Burgess G2G Crew (770 points)

Hi Dan.

I have added you to the Southern Super Sweepers Team.

Here is our Team page and G2G Chat page.

Great Dan! It's going to be a fun weekend!
+21 votes
Sign me up for Team Missouri, again.
by Jim Angelo G2G6 Mach 6 (64.8k points)
Great to have you back with us, Cousin Jim! I've got you added to the roster.

Go Team MO!!!
Great Jim! It's going to be a fun weekend!
Hey Cousin!
+21 votes
I will join the Germany Genies connect a thon. I'm on vacation but will see what I can do.
by Sherrye Woodworth G2G6 (6.4k points)
Great Sherrye! It's going to be a fun weekend!

Thanks for joining us Sherrye! All the info you need can be found on our Team page.

Go Genies!

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