Help us find and improve next week's Connection Finder profiles: Underground Railroad

+13 votes

The Underground Railroad, a network of people who helped enslaved people escape to the North, helped many obtain their freedom. We're looking those associated with the Railroad in the Connection Finder next week, such as conductors and leaders Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass.

Here are some others associated with the Railroad we're considering:

Who else should we feature? We have room for 12 individuals. We can't feature everyone who is nominated, but if we don't feature a profile you work on, we may use it sometime in the future. And, of course, all contributions help improve our shared tree.

Our choice of features will depend partly on the notable person's CC7, i.e. their connection count within seven degrees. The more connections they have, the more likely it is for all WikiTree members to find a close and interesting connection to them. So, if you nominate someone, please help grow their CC7.

Suggestions are more likely to be considered if you provide a link to the person on WikiTree, some information about who they were or why you're nominating them, and if their profile is in good condition with a connection, image, and well-written and well-sourced biography.

We'll make a final decision on which ones to feature early next week.

Please reply here with what you're working on so that we don't duplicate our efforts. Thank you!

Take note that this is not the place to discuss why you think we shouldn't feature someone if those reasons are due to politics, actions, or opinions of those being suggested. Mentioning things like their not being connected, their biography still needing work, erroneous information, etc. are all suitable for discussion here and an opportunity to correct those situations.

Help us choose themes for 2024 Connection Finder themes here. 

in The Tree House by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
reshown by Chris Whitten
Abby, just a note that the inadequate and skeletal profile of cousin Levi Coffin is being reworked by Quakers Project (note on the profile) but we aren't yet ready to upload the revision.
Update: doing some basic work on the Levi Coffin profile since you are including it.

If you're looking at Quakers, you might also take a look at Isaac Hopper. His profile may have been overlooked previously as it was not previously marked as Notable and it appears that there was some question as to whether it referenced the correct person.

Thanks, Scott, for pointing out this profile which surely does merit some attention. I'll add him to the list of profiles to be developed.
I gave him a quick brush up and connected him to his parents, but in the long run, he'll need some definite upgrades, as his Wikipedia bio has a lot of great details that should be captured at least in summary on his page.

I've given Hopper a decent profile and corrected the LNAB so the profile is useful should it be included. I have found there is significant information on him in John Cox's (FASG) "Quakerism In the City of New York 1657-1930" which I will endeavor to incorporate in the coming week. There is significant disagreement on the number of children, Hinshaw shows 11 shown in NY Monthly Meeting records while Wikipedia (absent a source) says at least 15.

Thanks, T & Scott.

13 Answers

+15 votes

Frederick Douglass's first wife may be worth considering in addition or as an alternative:

Anna (Murray) Douglass (1813–1882), abolitionist and Underground Railroad member in Rochester NY, CC7 982, profile has biography and images.

by Jim Richardson G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Thanks, Jim.
+12 votes

Since you have included Levi Coffin, you may want to include John H Bond. The Quaker Coffin and Bond families were both operators of and conductors on large segments of the UGRR with Levi and John being second cousins (several familial connections between the two families).

by T Stanton G2G6 Pilot (409k points)
Thanks, T.
+12 votes

The Iowa Historical Society gave me profiles on 6 individuals involved in the Iowa Underground Railroad. Here are the names they gave me, the profiles are all in PDF documents that I haven't sorted out yet:  (some may already have WikiTree profiles)

Blanchard, Ira Devestus

Brandt, Issac

Hitchcock, George B.

Jordan, James

Smith, Robert Lee

Todd, John

Then there is MY 2nd great grandfather and 2nd great grandmother: Ira Dillingham Draper (1814 - 1891) and his wife Celia (Means) Draper (1817 - 1886) now on file at the Iowa Historical Society.

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.1m points)
Thanks, Dave. Excellent profile.
+15 votes

I nominate Thomas Garrett. I think his CC7 count is 10814. He reportedly helped as many as 2900 slaves on their journey to freedom. I'm surprised he isn't listed as a Notable and recommend he be added as one.

by Mack Morrison G2G6 Mach 8 (82.8k points)
edited by Mack Morrison
I updated his profile with the Notables Sticker (he has a Wikipedia page, so he's more than qualified), but it will take awhile for his CC7 to show.
Thank you.
Thanks, Mack.
+14 votes

I know we've featured the abolitionist John Brown before, one of the true heroes of American history if you ask me. Not wanting to repeat people too often, I'll propose his father, Owen Brown, who is said to have been an early participant in the railroad, establishing one of the earliest stations along the route up to Canada.

by Thomas Koehnline G2G6 Pilot (105k points)
Thanks, Thomas.
+15 votes
I recommend [[Poindexter-1049|James Preston Poindexter (1819-1907)]], who in Columbus, Ohio was an abolitionist, baptist minister and member of the Underground Railroad societies.
by Denise Jarrett G2G6 Mach 6 (66.2k points)
edited by Denise Jarrett
Thanks, Denise.
+12 votes

Sylvia (Hector) Webber, CC7 958

She secretly married a white man and had 3 children while she was still enslaved. Her husband traded most of his land for his family and they moved to South Texas, where their ranch became a stop on the Southern Underground Railroad to Mexico. They used their ferry to take people across the river.

Matilda (Hicks) Jackson, CC7 9,245

She was another former slave who married (probably common-law) a white man, and they were the Webber's neighbors. She and her husband left Alabama in covered wagons with 11 freedmen. They were also conductors on the Southern Underground Railroad, though many former slaves chose to stay and work on the Jackson ranch.

by Melissa Arjona G2G6 Mach 6 (60.1k points)
Thanks, Melissa.
+12 votes has an article on the 8 Key Contributors to the Underground Railroad. They are (some have already been mentioned, but I'll repeat them as they were in the article):

Isaac Hopper - Basic profile - is connected - CC7 1312

John Brown - Very nice profile - is connected - CC7 23,514

Harriet Tubman - Very nice profile - is connected - CC7 216

Thomas Garrett - Very nice profile - is connected - CC7 10,868

William Still - Very nice profile - is connected - CC7 84

Levi Coffin - Very nice profile - is connected - CC7 38,375

Elijah Anderson (1808-1861) - Could not find a profile for him

Thaddeus Stevens - Good profile - is connected - CC7 5,245

by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
edited by Scott Fulkerson
The profile of Thaddeus Stevens has been updated.  His individual actions as part of the Underground Railroad and in Congress to abolish slavery establish his place in history.
Thanks, Scott and Russell.
+10 votes

Sojourner Truth (born Isabella Baumfree seems to me must be included.

by Allen McGrew G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)
Thanks, Allen. It's too bad she isn't connected yet!
+12 votes

Mary Ann (Shadd) Cary is another who should be considered.

See also:

by Allen McGrew G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)
Thanks, Allen.
+10 votes

Harriet Beecher Stowe? I think she may have been featured previously, and I'm not sure that she was directly involved in the Underground Railroad, but she certainly inspired many Underground Railroaders, and she has a huge connections count.

by Allen McGrew G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)
Thanks, Allen.
+9 votes

Valentine Hicks  Most prominent conductor of the Underground Railroad on Long Island.

Alternatively, Valentine's better known father-in-law, Elias Hicks  However, Elias--  although he died before the advent of the Underground Railroad, he played a crucial role in inspiring Quaker abolitionism that eventually led to their widespread participation in the Underground Railroad. Speaking of Elias Hicks, I was somewhat dumbstruck to see that he apparently is not included in the Notables project. He was certainly among the top 5 most influential people in U.S. Quaker history, aside from which he was a major spiritual influence on the American poet Walt Whitman.

Both are profiled here:

Elias has a Wikipedia page here:

It appears that Valentine would likely have the larger CC7, although I do not know how to determine that for anyone other than myself or folks on the Notables list.

by Allen McGrew G2G6 Mach 1 (18.0k points)
Thanks, Allen.
+9 votes
by Dave Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (134k points)
Thanks, Dave!

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