Weekend Chat - All Members Are Invited (June 30th-July 2nd 2017) [closed]

+53 votes
Scott Fulkerson - Crossword Puzzle

   Laura Bozzay - Word Find

   Statistics from Last Weekend

Let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!
closed with the note: This is 2017's chat, not to be confused with 2018's chat for similar dates.
in The Tree House by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (389k points)
closed by Dorothy Barry
This is great Steven, thank you for agreeing to host the Chat this week.  Can't wait to share today.... about my grandfather.  You'll see below :)


Hi Keith,

Thanks for giving me the chance to host this weekends Chat. Thanks for helping with the invites and technical side of things and the great graphics.

Also to scott and and laura for there hard work on the word find and crossword puzzle.

Steven, Great graphics.
Hi Bob,
I appreciate the compliment however I believe Keith is responsible for the graphics. They look sharp!

I am commencing to watch TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE


Perfect, Eddie ! I just forwarded that link to my sons !
I am so glad I opened up the weekend chat, so I could see the new look. Nice!!!
Hi Anne,

Thanks for coming by and checking this out

Have a great day!

You like oldies, Miss Maggie ? Try ATTACK OF THE GIANT LEECHES






I don't know about the Leeches. But I've think I've seen the Giant Gila Monster.

I used to watch all those old sci-fi movies, mainly because my older brothers had control of the TV. No, we didn't have a clicker in those days, we had a B&W, with the antenna wires hooked to the the window screen which were a good conductor of TV signals then. And we also had to put up heavy blankets over the windows to watch TV during the day because the sunlight was too bright to see the picture.

Its supposed to get up to about 107 or so here on the Hi-Desert of SoCal. A slight cold front did come thru since last weekend, dropped the temp from 113-116 to 101. The wind went from blast furnance hot to needing a light sweater, but it didn't cool off until after 9 pm.
I have a collection of the sci-fi/horror oldies from the 50s and 60s on DVD. About a hundred movies. I have GAMMERA !! The giant Japanese atomic turtle. And ATTACK OF THE KILLER SHREWS and THEM. That's got ginormous people eating ants. And the original NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and the cemetery where NIGHT was filmed is a mile from my crib.
sounds like a set of movies I should not watch. I'll be having nightmares for weeks.
But Steve ! What else do ya watch with BBQ catfish and dead pig. DON'T say baseball game ! !
Aw - Eddie!!

I got a complete Gamera collection some time back and have never watched it! Need to drag that out now...
Hi Eddie,

I watch my computer screen #WikitreeLove!
Hi Scott

Add Mothra to your viewing schedule.

Don't ya love the tiny girls singing?

Made in 1961
My favorite is Rodan


For those of you who missed these great movies MST3K online ! ! !





One of the cutest posts I've seen on G2G... nice graphics!
No horror for me My brother got on a recording binge and used his sisters to watch  and record his horror collection on VHS  so I have seen my  fill of slashers, creatures Etc  Now Wikitree is his passion This I actually like to do . There is nothing better than a Good puzzle  and this can be one at times.
I don't mind the sci-fi monster movies, but I don't do the slashers.
Hi all, this is for me the first time participating in this chat, I have been a year and a half now working on wiiktree, and I think it's great!! It is for me some getting used to because everything in English. but now I'm hooked!
Especially the folks at wikki Tree I find super, very helpful
Greetings from Netherlands
Hi all,

First time to take a look at the weekend chat, had a rare afternoon to myself, and planned on doing some work on my own tree.

However I became a little pre-occupied 'Data Doctoring' and now my afternoon has passed. Soon time to cook for the family, and then maybe listen to some music and put my feet up for the evening.

Hope you're all enjoying your weekends.


Today I found and added one of my fourth grandfathers who I didn't know about before. After following him in the records from 1819-1841 I found out that he was gored to death by an ox. Not nice.

I enjoy reading all of the stories everyone has shared.  

My apologies that I don't remember the names, but I wish to congratulate the person who earned their pre-1500 badge; and thank the contributors of the crossword and word search puzzles.  I look forward working both puzzles.
Hi all, I only joined WikiTree on 9 June so am still a newbie to this site.  However I've had heaps of fun uploading information on my family trees. I've also joined the Popes project and the India project because I'm interested in quality data and my husband's family had several generations from India/Burma and this is where a lot of my brick walls are.

My background is data cleansing for a multinational company with complex datasets so am putting that experience to good use here. I'm passionate about quality data. My favourite part of WikiTree is that we have to source all data and that we are collaborating towards one tree.

I try to put in one hour per day on project work for the community and the rest of my time is spent on my own part of the tree.  However sometimes the project work is so fascinating I spend longer on that.

There are a number of family stories I need to prove or disprove including:

1. A link to Cardinal Newman through my grandmother's family

2. A link of the Talbots from India to the Earl of Shrewsbury via Sherrington Talbot

3. A link of the Cranes to Sir Walter Crane the painter a member of the arts and crafts movement

4. A link of my grandmother's line to WD & HO Wills who my grandmother once told me were great uncles through a disinherited brother
It looks like I'm not new because I joined in 2011, but I only started this seriously in May. I wasn't quite grasping the concept of WikiTree, thinking it was another pointless attempt at a single tree like the disaster that exists on that well known genealogy site we're all familiar with. so I quickly abandoned WikiTree. I returned in 2014 but still didn't quite get it so I didn't last long. On May 24th of this year Legacy Family Tree hosted a webinar about the WikiTree. Finally I got it!! I had become extremely frustrated with my lack of progress and the mess my tree had become. WikiTree has been great at getting me back on track. Upon my return I immediately received help on erroneous information I had, missing ancestors, etc.

One of the best things so far is the free form biography. On other web sites and in most genealogy programs, every event is a separate thing. It's nearly impossible to get the big picture. I had a confusing 1841 Scotland census that was driving me nuts. This census doesn't show relationships to households and everybody has a common name that is repeated over and over across multiple families and generations. By adding a Research Notes section to the head of household, one by one I was able to identify all but one person in the household and link them to the correct individuals in my tree.

My maternal side is Acadian, which is not a group you want to attempt as a novice. When I was a total noob to genealogy I was excited when I saw on Ancestry.com a whole tree that would link me back through my Acadians so I connected to it. Immediately I spotted a problem. My 2nd great grandfather had a son born two years after his father's death. The more I looked, the worse it got. Sources? Hardly a one. Wrong parents, unproven children, birth places that don't even exist. When I found my 2nd great grandfather on WikiTree I wasn't about to let that happen again, so I walked up the tree carefully reading the notes and checking the sources. I was amazed at how well documented it was. Even where it wasn't, there was nothing crazy or impossible like I found on Ancestry. I was happy to link my great grandfather into this tree.

I've saved the best for last. It's all about the people. Everyone who has tried to help me, and those I've tried to help, has been nothing short of phenomenal. They are courteous, polite, and generous. I feel privileged to be a member of this family.
Hi Barbara,

Thanks for sticking through with wikitree. Yes it can be confusing but when you grab the concept it simple. Also you have so many people willing to help you here in the g2g forum. Thanks for choosing to be a part of this family and part of this weekends g2g chat.

Have a great week!
Great comments Barbara.
Because of the webinar, (I saw it too) Geoff the creator of Legacy joined. Probably just to try it out. But I have a small nagging that he might try to make Legacy more in tune with Wikitree, like Legacy synchs up with  FST.

I had computer issues last year and even tho I thought I had backed up my files and various gedcoms I had downloaded, I have misplaced the flash drive I had all my work on.

I'm now using the deluxe version of Legacy 9 and synch it to FST and have restored a partial of the data I had. I tried to download in stuff from WT, but it came in the form of a text file and don't have how to convert text to ged.

OH BTW, Legacy is free and has enough bells and whistles for even an experienced user, and most I don't even use, while the Delux has has a few things I really really like and pay for those. My brother uses Legacy and Brothers Keeper in his social networking (academic not facebook) stuff.

I just discovered that 

Keith and Loretta are 10th cousins 

Keith Hathaway 7th Degree and Loretta Black are both descendants of William Hunt.  So nice....

Loretta, did you check the other lines on the left to see who you might share? 

Keith and I share: 

John Lee-2115 and Jane Hancock 11th ggp

John Larkin-116 and Mehitable  his11th, my 10th 

I posted on a review site about wikitree where people were griping about "MY" family line and other things they didn't understand about wikitree, like duplicates and sourcing. How dare WT ask them to prove their work? 

So, blunt, direct me posted a rebuttal to their complaints. One was When does "MY" line become "OUR" line? The only way it can be exclusively any one person's line is if there was only 1 child per generation. And how often does that happen? 

And does this mean I'm finally connected to the ONE TREE!!







Yes Lynette it's truely sad people can be so superficial. I can't expect them to understand wikitree. Every site has people who are pejorative because they feel there way is right. Hopefully one day they will find that wikitreelove.

I posted on a review site about wikitree where people were griping about "MY" family 

Boy did that hit a nerve! For a couple of years I've been coordinating with a person I share a set of 3rd great grandparents with. It's been a nightmare of emailing back and forth. Now that I've finally grasped how to unleash the power of WikiTree, I've tried to get her on board to no avail. Her tree is her tree and it is not to be shared. She seems to think that even though we share this couple, their history is somehow different for her than it is for me.

I am not quite sure where superficial and Wiki- Love or Love has anything to do with my postings.  No I have not checked on anything else as to whom I am related to as I had major surgery just three days ago and felt quit pleased that what I did do was spectacular considering.  Thank God I am still here to be able to check...someday soon.  When people totally ignore what you say although it obvious just because...they can...it is hard.   I have spent 35 years researching the old methods as well as the new methods.  I have earned a BS from the University of Houston and I am so proud to see my relatives who have their Masters and PHD's.  I have noticed very few of my relatives have issues with merges or realizing who is related to who and owning it.  We are truly one family and like most not everyone plays nicely in the sandbox.

Geoff the creator of Legacy joined. Probably just to try it out. But I have a small nagging that he might try to make Legacy more in tune with Wikitree, like Legacy synchs up with  FST. 

He isn't just checking it out. When I saw this I looked him up and he is seriously building his tree. He made edits just yesterday. I've used Legacy Deluxe for years and it would be so great to see WikiTree integration added. 

I am not quite sure where superficial and Wiki- Love or Love has anything to do with my postings.  No I have not checked on anything else as to whom I am related to as I had major surgery just three days ago and felt quit pleased that what I did do was spectacular considering.  Thank God I am still here to be able to check...someday soon.  When people totally ignore what you say although it obvious just because...they can...it is hard.   I have spent 35 years researching the old methods as well as the new methods.  I have earned a BS from the University of Houston and I am so proud to see my relatives who have their Masters and PHD's.  I have noticed very few of my relatives have issues with merges or realizing who is related to who and owning it.  We are truly one family and like most not everyone plays nicely in the sandbox.

Loretta, You and I also share John Rogers-317 your 10th my 8th.

Barbara, yours and my keystrokes straight to his. At 7 I went delux. I've used the free version since the late 90s, when PAF drove me INSANE. And I searched for a free to low cost gen db. Which putting my stuff in the computer has really ruined my memory. 

First, he has to use it to see HOW it works, then the brain starts working on "Can I improve on this process? and HOW?" And then the app will just automagically appear. 




Loretta, I do wish you a speedy recovery.

It is the ones who don't want to play in the sandbox and complaining on a review site that they have to source their work and have duplicates because its "their line". So my question is when does it stop being "MY" line and become "OUR" line?

Because of your post, where you and Keith share a line. I looked at Keith to me. and You to me.
We have lines and like a ball of yarn it makes just one ball.  We really are one family.  You and I are as related as Keith and I.  It is all one line.  The good with the bad.  I love to see who I am related to and the history or people they are involved with.  Everyone at my work always says, "Loretta is related to everyone!"  I just laugh.  They know me so well. I spent twenty years being dodged by one individual who believed we were not related.  This was before everything went online.  DNA came along and I could see the hits all the way up to Boiling.  I  research and began finding records one piece at a time.  DNA really made a large difference and brought me to the McKeen's-MacDonalds, Paige's , Boyd's, Dodge's, Woodbury's and on.  I am just a little impatient now when it comes to waiting although I should not be.  I retyped all the information by hand.  There are other easier and smarter methods  than that but it works.  It is a joy to see all the names that I am related too.  And the faces behind the names.  God bless America and the men and women of the armed services who put their lives on the line each and every day for our freedom.
Loretta, I can add you to "my" tree. We're 11th cousins, once removed. The names you mentioned that prompted me to check our relationship aren't the the ones that connect us. We can add one more root to "THE" Tree. Ain't WikiTree Grand. BTW, it's our tree, just pulling your leg.
Welcome D Talbot to the chat and to WikiTree site also.

Glad to see you on the chat. That a very true about WikiTree.
No matter how many lines (degrees) far or near they are we all have lines like yarn that makes just one ball.   That ball can really roll.  Lol.
I just figure we are all cousins since DNA studies have now identified a DNA Eve and a DNA Adam so to speak.  Well at least the first person's DNA we all share.  (not to be confused with Biblical Adam and Eve)


So Hi Cousins!

Get well soon Loretta!

I added you to my list cousin Laura (Pennie) Bozzay by way of Adam and Eve!

I was able to find an ancestor in my grandson's family this week that has been on my unsourced list for many months. Where was she?  In the 1850 census living right next to her parents. DUH!
Always in the last place you look.
how did we get 2 weekend chats?

This one is 2017 enlightened

WRONG CHAT. This is 2017

69 Answers

+37 votes

Yipee!  I'm the first one to start this weekend.

I need to get back to working on my immediate family profiles.  There are profiles to create, sources to add, bios to write, pictures to upload. . . 

But I can't resist a challenge!  So, I'm currently working on this week's Data Doctors Challenge,


by Star Kline G2G6 Pilot (732k points)
Hi Star,

Thanks for visiting us on this weekend chat. Glad to have you here at wikitree

Have a great day!
You always make me smile Star :)
Oh, Star, I know what you mean.  I've done nothing (or nearly nothing) on my family since I started sourcing and data-doctoring (ha! that doesn't sound very good, does it?)

You Data Doctors are pretty awesome




Glad I'm not the only one who has been distracted by the new Data Doctor challenges.  They are VERY hard to resist!
I try to do them each week too.  Sometimes there are competing time needs and I always feel like rats, I really wanted to do more fixes!  Feels ike you are actually getting something done sometimes.   I work on a combination of Unique Names, 901s, and pre-1500s depending on how much time I have.  Sometimes I do others just depends on the challenge and what I have going on.  

I do know that the challenges really do help clean up the tree and is a great way to learn and to meet other people.  So many nice people here!
+42 votes



My grandfather Robert Meigs Hathaway was born 111 years ago.  Among other things he enjoyed fishing very much and claimed 35 years experience as a fishing guide.  As a child I used to act as first-mate on his little wooden cabin-cruiser and we would fish for hours at a time.  It never mattered what we caught...It mattered that I was with him.

There is a reef nearby that he "discovered" and reported.  It is named for his college nickname and is recorded on maps as "Hack's Reef".

He also shared his favorite perch fishing spot; a natural seat for two carved in the rocks on the bluff at the south end of our family land.




His fishing-license from 1930 shows that the fee was only $1.00




Thinking of you today Grampa...happy fishing!!!


by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (643k points)
What a wonderful looking spot to just sit and relax. Thanks for sharing with us.
Good luck and good sailing --the America's cup is a hyperbole of a challenge! (I once was on a sabot that was becalmed in a famous little cove in the middle of a high class area (Balboa Island, CA); and later in a different life, I had six summers of gillnet fishing in Cook Inlet (south of Anchorage) Alaska. (I'll never get into another boat of any kind. Some things are hard. Others cause nightmares and even occasionally deaths.)
Lovely  Photos of beautiful spaces, Keith! Oh MY!!!  Much nicer than my computer screen.
I have a hummingbird who comes back over and over again. Her nest is still there, and she's the tiniest thing! So delicate. She's been joined by a larger, presumably male, one ever once in a while. She had babies in her tiny nest, which was well hidden, but here in Central Arizona, we had two bouts of a severe wind and rain storm. After the second one, the babies were gone. I thought she'd never return but I see her every day now. My typing room opens onto the mock orange trees where her nest is. Sometimes I see the larger bird, but I assume the wind got the babies and the neighbor cats plus mine might have gotten them. Several times she flew horizontally  in front of that window, as if she wanted to come in.

I went to the window to watch her and she kept on flying one side to the other (directly sideways, people, Really!). I don't know how long their lives are, but I treasure watching her, even if she's just sitting on a branch, enjoying the 95 degree air in the shade instead of sweltering in the 115s and higher. We are also heading into our monsoon season a little early.
I used to go fishing with my Grandparents.  It was a great way to spend time and just enjoy nature together.   I was about 8 and had learned how to bait the hook and did mine and my Grandmother's because she could just not touch a worm.  I laugh about that to this day.  Grandpa and his soninlaw my Dad were avid fishermen.  They bonded through fishing in a way that soninlaws and fatherinlaws can't with normal family interactions.   And we would often listen to Cardinal Baseball (go Cards!) when we were fishing.  I day I was the big winner reeling in an 8 pound channel catfish.  I was about 10 at the time and it was a big deal for me at that time in my life.  My Grandparents are long gone now but they are with me in so many ways every day of my life.  My son and I were just talking about them a few minutes ago.  They thankfully lived long enough to see their 2 grandsons.  WikiTree is s much more than dates and names.  A great  place to help bring these people and their lives back to be shared.
Laura, What a lovely reminiscence!
Thank you for sharing your memories and images of your grandfather.
I've been watching them again: Two small ones, with the plainer one, The Mom.

The other bird has distinctive black, slim triangle going backward from his beak. He sat on a lower part of a curving branch, and here comes the mom:  hovering and then sitting on the upward curve. She bent down without losing her grip, and he opened his mouth. She, by god, poked her bill way down into his open mouth so I thought she'd push her whole small head in, and she stayed there for a while. Then she pulled out, mission accomplished. She shook her head while pulling away and the other bird, her baby took a couple of great big gulps to swallow what she'd delivered to him.

I never ever guessed that I'd ever see anything so intimate between birds. And when it's hummingbirds, and a mom and her son--It's a breathtaking gift. And it was roughly 2 feet away through a closed window and screen. What a beautiful thing to see. I feel blessed.

And all this new experience because I moved my computer table into a different room with a large window. I found her nest early  in this time because her flight is fast and interrupting at the top part of my glasses. She zooms! And her sideways repeats motions are very attention catching.
Lynda Barnett and Susan Laursen: Yes, that family's memories are sweet to the touch. You also have some that can be savored that way, but they might not be family stories. Not all of us are lucky enough to have that kind of family. I try to stay busy and treasure the few friends left at the end of my really intriguing life. My sons live on both coasts of the USA. I rarely see them, but one of t hem is now trying to use the phone more. A great boon it is, not to be forgotten.

With me its so easy to go down into deeper and deeper genealogy, but though it creates something that wasn't there before, I find that my literary writing was more fulfilling. We know when something's turning out well when we read and write.

What we don't know is if anyone will ever see it or read it. We also don't know where readers are who will appreciate it. I think Writers go into it because they want to be appreciated but first comes THE CRAFT of writing and its catalytic moments. The Art of Writing comes much much later. What do you do when you're not doing Genealogy?
Lynda Barnett and Susan Laursen: Yes, But: While that family's memories are sweet to the touch, You Two have some that can be savored that way, but they might not be family stories. Not all of us are lucky enough to have that kind of family. I try to stay busy and treasure the few friends left at the end of my really intriguing life. My sons live on both coasts of the USA. I rarely see them, but one of t hem is now trying to use the phone more. A great boon it is, not to be forgotten.

With me its so easy to go down into deeper and deeper genealogy, but though it creates something that wasn't there before, I find that my literary writing was more fulfilling. We know when something's turning out well when we read and write.

What we don't know is if anyone will ever see it or read it. We also don't know where readers are who will appreciate it. I think Writers go into it because they want to be appreciated but first comes THE CRAFT of writing and its catalytic moments. The Art of Writing comes much much later. What do you do when you're not doing Genealogy?
+33 votes


We are going to test out our first Crossword Puzzle for the chat today!

PLEASE give me feedback - all comments are welcome. I've created a Free Space Page for this that can be used to access, but I'm also going to try to put a JPG in the chat that can be accessed directly. In the Free Space, you'll find both PDF and JPG formats. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing.



Genealogy 101 Crossword


by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
I can't wait. When I was working on my newsletters back in the late 80s early 90s, I would study the FGS that people sent me, and I always saw a corner of a jigsaw in my mind, where there would be one group and it could be joined with another group, and right in the center there is a missing piece.  Thats how genealogy was to me.
OMG... I <3 puzzles. This is not good...as if I'm not already addicted to genealogy LOL!
So very, very, very awesome!  Thank you.  I think you might have found the perfect group -- genealogists.  I've never ever met one that didn't like puzzles or mysteries.
I love puzzles and mysteries. People with Prader Willi Syndrome does to. That syndrome I do have.
Love the puzzle Scott ! Before WikiTree I always played puzzle games and when I'm on vacation (no internet where we go) I also like to puzzle so I can print this one and take it with me.. still sort of WT :)
Great cross word puzzle will have to give it a try.
Scott is is possible for me to post my puzzles to your site here?

That way we can have one space.  

Thanks!  Laura

PS: If you scroll down to the Word Search you will see a post I made not knowing that you had not done a private free space page.   On my phone I do not see everything the same way!
Eh. . .What?? Is the intent for us to copy it and fill in the blanks off line?
Roberta,  some people are asking for a way to print the puzzles and work on them.  I do not see a good way to do that unless you do a screen print.  

For those who find that not a workable solution I created a dropbox file and posted that link below my Word Search Puzzle which is several postings below.  That way someone who wants to access them and print them for their own use can.  I do not see how you can enter data into the puzzles from a free space page or for the jpg I posted of word search.  

The puzzles are for your enjoyment and for helping to teach something about WikiTree.
The only way you can do them is by printing them out you can right click the screen on the crossword and save the picture it's a .jpg file and you can print it out.

Best regards
+33 votes
I had a very busy week last week. Not so much on WikiTree but I did manage to get over 1000 contributions this month and since I am "resting" today I will probably keep updating profiles for the rest of the day. It looks to be a very wet weekend here in Northeast Ohio so I might get a little more done on the computer than normal, but you never know what will happen by me anymore. I have been taking more time away from WikiTree recently to study for the highest Amateur Radio license here in the United States and hope to pass that test on July 9th. By the scores I have been getting on the practice tests recently it looks like that may happen.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Good luck with your test, Dale (though it looks like you don't need any luck)!
Hi Dale,

Thanks for contributing in this week end chat. And for your great work through-out wikitree.

Have a great weekend!

Dale, that's cool about the Radio license ! Good luck on your test. It's drenching wet here too in Niagara Falls region.

I forgot to mention the results from last weekend's Field Day. We managed to reach 49 States, 3 Provinces in Canada as well as Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The state we did not get was Wyoming but we averaged 2 contacts a minute for the 24 hours of operation. That is not bad for only 3 stations at a club where we are more social and do not do much contesting.
Good luck, I hope you pass. thanks for sharing.
I would like to add my positive energy to your test taking Dale, good luck from me as well.
Good luck, Dale!  We're totally wet in Georgia (which is bizarre actually).
Thank you to all for the well wishes. I need a score of 74% to pass and I got 82% on a practice test yesterday and a score of 88% on today's practice test. We ordered new furniture, a new lawn mower and some stuff I need to fix 3 computers so it looks like boredom is not in my future for a while.
Good luck on the test Dale and it's funny the weather at your place ..again is the same as here in the Netherlands..rainy weekends are a good thing for WikiTree eeh ;)
Life does seem to get in the way of WikiTree way to often!
You can do it Dale!
Ditto David I agree with you that life does seem to get in the way of WikiTree way to often especially in spring, summer and fall.
+33 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

This week was another busy week here in Pennsylvania with some beautiful weather most days where low 80s to High 80s but it's summer time so this is what we should expect. I hope all have a great weekend.

This week comes up on Independence day here in the United States and I want to thank all are Service men and woman who have served and who are currently serving to keep this great country safe.

Life Tips:

This week is Independence day here in the United States so my life tip is Drink responsibly and don't drink and drive!

Mentor Tips:

Please use Research Notes to describe Estimated Dates and when describing Uncertain Information this way others can follow what's happening with the profile.

"Lets strive to keep this genealogical masterpiece safe."


Thanks for all everyone does on wikitree. We couldn't do it without you!


by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (389k points)
So true about our servicemen, Steven. God bless America.
And, thanks so much for hosting.  You are doing such a wonderful job.  

Thanks to all our service men and women then and now.

So true about our servicemen and women in the past and the future.


Linda, I'll drink to that.

Steven, It's OK! I'm at home and not planning on going any farther than my garden.
+35 votes


  Views                                       1,363

  Answers                                        73

  Comments                                   323

  Up-Votes                                   1,001


                  Positive Score:  2,760


Link to previous Weekend Chat

by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (643k points)

Let's see If we can out do last weekend's statistics. I know we can do it. Let's get the positive score to "3000".

I know we can if we try our best because it seems this weekend is more wet in more of America. So that should help plus it being July 4th weekend also.
I know I feel positive!

We blew away the 3,000 goal... great fun everybody!

Totals for this chat (plus any added since calculating):


  Views                                        1725

  Answers                                        68

  Comments                                   473

  Up-Votes                                   1432


                Positive Score:   3,698

+37 votes

Real hot & humid in my neck of the woods. The flowers are in their glory & the birds are going crazy  ...........I love this time of year! I'm glad I have A/C though.


Image may contain: bird

by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
That might be the most beautiful picture I've ever seen Doug!
Hi Doug,

Great Picture and thanks for participating in this weekends g2g chat.

Keep up the great work!

I was in Michigan earlier in the week & saw some great old barns.





Great pictures Doug sounds like an en-joyful day
Really like the hummingbird photo.....
I didn't need to see who had posted the hummingbird; I knew it was you Doug ! wow such talent.  I love it when you share your photos.  I also love barns, whenever we see barns that are no longer self supporting it is so sad.
Gorgeous photos!  As always.  Thank you so much for sharing!
I love old barns - reminds me of home in Pennsylvania.
I love seeing these old barns, they have so much history. I can't wait to get back home to Texas and see the old barns and farms. Growing up in the Midwest I was able to see these old barns, really liked the ones with the advertisements on them.
I totally get the humidity - it feels like we're being steamed!

I love your photos! We don't have a hummingbird feeder out yet, but we've got a family of cardinals and house finches that have been visiting the feeder we've got out now.

Thank you for sharing!
Wow what a wonderful photo I really love it, the photo of the magnificent bird.

I really are impressed our bird in Denmark certainly look like this.

The barns are amazing you really must Live in a wonderful area

Thank you for sharing enjoy

Awesome Doug, still remember the first one(s)..with the tripod and not always as sharp as you wanted them to be :)..that new camera really helped improve things I assume eeh, you're a real Pro now Doug !


Free as a bird... well captured!
Great photo's of the humming bird and old barns. Thank you for sharing this with the Wiki community, Doug!
I love all the pictures here even the hummingbird. I use to have two hummingbird feeders place on two hummingbird stands in the front window so my parents could see them. But the squirrels and I show them one day tear up the feeders so they can have the hummingbird food that I fix. So we discover we can't have hardly anything like that because of the squirrels even if we had their on food on their on stands.
+33 votes
Hey, y'all. Just wanted to stop in. I'm getting ready to host the July Connectors Challenge. We could use a few new bodies to join the fun and frustration of tracking down that one profile that makes the Tree one root larger. Also, it looks like I'm going to be the Integrator for Massachusetts, so look for some Bay State posts on G2G.
by Bob Keniston G2G6 Pilot (270k points)
Hi Bob,

Thanks for participating again in this weekend g2g discussion. Good luck and just maybe I will be able to participate I know this month of July gonna be full of outside activities for me. Gonna be cold soon again so I gonna soak in this heat

Keep up the great work!
How do you all do so much?  You are amazing, Bob Keniston.  Thank you for connecting, integrating, and everything else.
If this had been 1776 specific I would have jumped on it, but I am spending this weekend working on my patriot ancestors.
Again, I cannot resist a challenge.  I have not participated in a few months, so I think I'll join you this month.  You may want to consider adding a link in your post to this month's challenge so people can easily check it out.
I didn't know about July Connectors challenge but I have been working on connecting. So that might help me.
+30 votes
It's been pretty hot and humid (with lots of rain - most unusual for summer) up here in Ontario. We dont have A/C so we usually have fans going. But of the 3 fans we usually have going 24/7, 2 of them broke down this week, so now we have to go out and purchase 2 new fans to replace them.

As for genealogy, It's been quiet. I managed to get my husbands maternal line connected up to the tree, I found a connection that connected my 3rd cousin to Princess Diana (They are 6th cousins) and just today I added a new Burrow family to the tree, and will eventually add them to my one name study.

Otherwise this will be a quiet weekend. I have my weekly family chat online coming up in a few hours time.

I'm still waiting for my sister to send me her ex-husbands family tree. It's been 2 weeks since she first promised.

New Zealand finally won the Americas Cup this week, and finally it is going home!!  I think its been something like 8 or 10 years since NZ was last holding that cup.

I think that's everything I can think of for this week....
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Hi Robynne,

I'm glad you was able to get another fan to replace the one that broke down, Drink plenty of fluids and stay hydrated.

Thank's for participating in this weekends g2g chat

Keep up the great work here on wikitree!

Robynne, that's neat about the connection to Princess Diana. I read a great biography written about her mother, Frances Shand Kydd. I highly recommend it. 

I'm in Ontario as well, we do have a small area A/C and it is greatly appreciated, though we try to run it "off peak" hours.
Sorry for the heat and humidity.  I can't imagine living without A/C anymore -- of course, I'm in Georgia.  If we've sent our weather your way, I do hope you won't have to keep it very long.  That is so cool about Princess Diana.
+29 votes

imageWord Find by Laura Bozzay



by Keith Hathaway G2G6 Pilot (643k points)
Look at that!  My grandmother loved "word-finds".  I'd forgotten that until you posted.  Must go edit her biography.

Laura -- that is just fabulous!
The creativity of my WikiTree cousins never ceases to amaze me!
Can you put that on free space page like Scott Fulkerson did his? How do you work this puzzle here on the chat?
Aah nice another one to print for my holiday collection, thank you Keith !
WOW! This one may take some time to work. Thank you, Keith.

All the thanks goes to Laura Bozzay for this.  i just helped post due to logistics.  Thanks Laura!


You need to make this as a free space page like Scott Fulkerson did with his crossword puzzle. Can you do that with this one. And how do you make copy of this from here and how do you work it on this chat also?
Hi Everyone,  I am not sure if I should create a free space page or a free space project so everyone can access the puzzles.   If someone is more knowledgeable about that please create the page or project and link it here to the chat.  Then I can add the puzzles each week to the page and that way if you miss a week they will still be there for you.  I can also post the answers if there is a way to add an answer folder.

Anyone who can help set up this page is welcome to do so!  

I plan to do several a week for a while so we will have something for the chats on an ongoing basis.  There will be a variety of types of puzzles and codes.  

Also if any leaders want your projects to be promo'd with a puzzle please contact me at  rlb at sign att dot net.  (I think you can figure that out)  I have created one for the Acadian Project (this time a crossword) and will do something for Scotand.  I have also created a Secret Message using images and clues.  Not sure when we will post which ones.but there are more on the way so you will have something new each week.  I am happy to add a brief write up about your project to the lead in for the puzzle.  

You can also contact me at the email I listed with ideas or questions or if you want a copy of the puzzle in a more standard computer format. Enjoy!
Update I just posted a comment on Scott's crossword thread to see if I can piggy back on his page.  Just waiting on an answer.

I would like a copy of the puzzle in a more standard computer format also Scotts too. but there should be a project for puzzles and maybe a tag and g2g tag also.
Just sent you a word doc and pdf t your direct email.   Enjoy!

The only other thing I can think of is to create a dropbox file that I post a lnk to and have the other more computer friendly formats for the puzzles and answers to those where an answer is needed posted in there.   

I think with the link you do not need to be a member of dropbox to access it.  Am willing to test this out if someone wants to try it... unless we can figure out how to do this using a free page.   My understanding of the free page is incomplete but I think they use wiki markup language.  Which is not standard computer language as far as I can tell...  so not sure about printing.   I am going to test something off a projects free space page...
i created a dropbox file and have placed my Word Search Puzzle there.

Anyone can access it by going to  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqo8mt2eobujwgd/AAAzB3IGNHqNKXBfdE985NBZa?dl=0

It is there in Word Doc, PDF, jpg,  and mthl formats.  

+34 votes

 Hiiiii Everyone!!! Well its the beginning of a long 4th of July weekend in the United States. I imagine a lot of our members from the United States will be out celebrating with their families and friends. Please be safe out there around the fireworks and boating activities etc!! 




Just a cautionary note: Remember not everyone enjoys fireworks, please be mindful of our veterans suffering from PTSD and our pets who may be left outside during this time especially setting off fireworks in apartment complexes and other closed in neighborhoods. With that being said, enjoy your weekend, WikiTree will be here when you get back!!!!

Lots of new activities with our "Integrator Project" as you can see with our new weekend chat display, complete with puzzles etc. A big "shout out" and "thank-you" to Keith Hathaway and his team!!!!  

Also a  "Shout out" to Greeters, Volunteer Coordinators, Messengers, Data Doctors, Mentors, Rangers etc (just a few of the projects I belong to lol) These people you will see working hard on a 24/7 schedule. (Without the greeters there would be no new members, right?) . Thank you all for your hard work!!!

Our Genealogist to Genealogist Questions and Answers (G2G Q&A) forum members have been busy too especially with their Wonderful Wikitreer posts and those sharing their ancestor's photos and family heirlooms etc. along with our normal traffic of asking and answering questions on all types of subjects concerning searches, projects, watchlists etc. Thank you everyone for participating and clicking on up votes, picking best answers etc, etc.

And lastly, thank you Steven Schmidt for this chat, and for stepping up to the plate for our various tasks on the "Integrator" and "Moderator" projects. I am totally impressed!!! So glad that you joined us recently!! 


Anyway, Happy 4th of July to our "United States" members and  Happy Weekend around the world!!!!

by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.8m points)
Dorothy, I think you just covered all the thank you's.  So

THANK YOU!  for being so wonderful!

Image result for canada dayHappy 150th birthday, Canada!

It's a beautiful sunny morning here in the western parts of Canada. Let's celebrate.

Thanks, Dorothy...I agree with with several of the posts you are doing a great job. I also am not a big fan of all of the fireworks in the neighborhoods late at night, I like my sleep and usually have to work during the holiday.
lucky you Judith, in Montréal it is raining today.  :(
Thank YOU Dorothy for this wonderful post and for being wonderful yourself !

Thank you Dorothy for the great post and all you do here at WikiTree. Our (Dog) Sarah is afraid of loud noises like loud thunder and loud even cars, but the fireworks are really bad for her, she will be hiding for days.

Thank you Bea!!! Appreciate that very much!
Thank you David! What breed of dog is Sarah? Mine is border collie/lab and already barks too much at people walking by, fireworks hurt her ears.

PS: Congratulations for becoming our WikiTree Integrators Project Coordinator.
Her name is actually Sariah but that was hard to pronounce for some so we call her Sarah, she is a terrier breed that we adopted from the SPCA after our other one died of age and cancer. Thanks for asking and thank you for the congratulations.
I really enjoy reading your posts, Dorothy. Thank you for sharing and informing.
+33 votes

Wee Doggie! I don't think I have had a harder homecoming from a conference than the one I just attended littereally right in my backyard!

I JUST finished awarding badges requested while I was at the conference. Just posted a blog by Michael Stills, Just finished a Bid Proposal (yesterday) just caught up on some client research, just submitted my presentation proposals for RootsTech2018. Pant Pant Pant.

Now to work up some fun stuff for tomorrows Canadian themed LiveCastBonne Fête du Canada! Happy 150th Canada!

See you there!


by Mags Gaulden G2G6 Pilot (654k points)
Hi Mags,

It's great to see you here in this weekends g2g chat. Thanks for your participation and your hard work on wikitree.

Have a great day!

It's always fun to hangout in the Friday Chat!

Yes I been having a party of a time. Reading emails every few minutes going to the g2g page replying and its grand.
Are you connected to Jed?  You talk like him.
thanks Mags, looking forward to better weather for the celebration and parades hopefully.  150 for Canada, and we've been celebrating 375 for Montréal this year.
Happy Canada Day Mags!!!!!
Who is Jed? ;-) The questions is, is he connected to me, cause if he is I want some of that black gold they found!


Wow Mags, hard to believe all you accomplish...



Glad you're back Mags :-)
+39 votes
Hi y'all.  My first ten crazy days on WT.  Love the one-tree-to-rule-them-all ethos and demands for documentation!  Definitely making me up my genealogical game.  Got all excited today because I discovered an 1825 Tennessee divorce document with a juicy story involving 'almost always drinking at the grogshops.'  The names matched a couple I'm interested in.  Further research burst that bubble, though, as the wife turned out to be an entirely different Sally, and the dates don't fit with what I know of the husband.  Now I have this interesting couple that I can't connect to anything.  Yet.
by Living Tardy G2G6 Pilot (774k points)
Hi Herb,

You have been an inspiration to me with your enthusiasm and passion here on wikitree.

Thanks for the hard work you do and for being a participant in this weekends g2g chat.

Keep up the great work!
Thanks Steven!
I absolutely LOVE THAT!


Use it with my compliments, Scott!  :D
OGawd, Grogshops!!!  probably related to me! The Jesters never seemed to get along too well with demon rum... we prefer ol' rot gut sourmash!

Welcome to Wikitree. I, for one am VERY glad you like the One Tree concept. And want to source your work.
LOL Lynette, it's actually a very sad tale.  Within five months of marriage, he spent all her money and ran off to another state (that was her testimony, anyway).  Three years later she petitioned for divorce.  But because of the grogshop thing, I will just have to track him down.
Herb, I hope you do track him down.

I recently found out that a 4th ggf who was a Methodist preacher left his wife and kids in MS and went to Texas and started a new family. No record of divorce was ever found. He even named a couple of new kids after his grandchildren. Evidently the wife in MS knew all about his 2nd family.
Welcome to WikiTree, Herb!  I am delighted you want to source your profiles.  Being a sourcerer myself and also a data doctor, I really like that you're sourcing.  My husband's great grandfather had 3 wives (that I know about).  He named too sets of kids by the same first names and the last name is Hall.
Thanks Kathy!  That sounds insanely confusing.
Welcome to WikiTree and to the G2G Forum, Herb!  So glad you joined us.  Thanks for the reminder to look for divorce records.  Those records, along with court records and newspaper articles, provide the stories that add interest to our ancestors' profiles.
Welcome to Wikitree and to the weekend chat!

The one tree concept is what drew me here, I think - sharing research, finding sources... I love it!

I certainly hope you find that couple - stories like that give character to our history!
You must be a very bizzie Wikitree-er to get over 4000 contributions in just 10 days!
Whoa, Jennifer, I can't take credit for that!  Lots of easy G2G points, not so many contributions.  :)
Herb welcome to WikiTree! When you find the husband let's tar and feather him.
I like your thinking, David!

I looked for him some today.  In the 1820 Census, his family name occurred three times in the county.  The disastrous marriage lasted from 1822 to 1825.  His family name was absent from the county in the 1830 Census.  Coincidence?
+33 votes
Hi, I am in Washington state but going home to California to visit family and friends in a couple days, I should be packing. But I can't seem to stay off my family tree. Last couple of weeks I decided to start adding on my profile page how I am related to my ancestors and who else is related by DNA. I have been making a break though on ancestry.com on my Weber line, most trees have my 3rd great grandmother Mary Elizabeth Weber as two of Maria Elizabeth Weber's that have died young. All I had for proof is a passenger list that a cousin typed up with  my 3rd great grandparents coming over from Russia on the same ship her brother Jacob Weber came over on. I was stuck because I used the birth year for the brother as 1820, come to find out he was born 1818 where the DNA showed me the correct brother's line. I made notes from the surname search, and found a few cousins down different branches that look like my dad and younger brother. The genes came through down our line and their lines. I have been lucky to have three people share their ancestry.com DNA with me in DNA settings so I can look at their cousins. One Weber cousin shared with me and I realized why they seemed familiar, I had already looked at their Prater lines so after all that success with the Weber line. Now I am wondering if we share any Prater Prather cousins. So now these Weber cousins I found I can share my Okeene, Oklahoma pictures with them and see if any of their relatives are in them. Tomorrow is the opening of immigration trunks exhibit in  a Kansas museum where my Weber's came to before they moved to Oklahoma. I hope to see it soon. I need to get on the Family Tree DNA site and start looking at the projects I have been accepted to so they know I appreciate their project's and thank them for letting me join. I enjoy wikitree because I thought one tree, how lucky we are to connect to it. The thing that throws me off the most is different estimates for births since we usually estimate from when our line was born, not really knowing if our line was the oldest or the youngest.
by April Rarick G2G6 (9.5k points)
Hi April,

Thanks for being a part of this weekends g2g chat. I look forward to having a look at your profile here in the next week to check on your progress if you need help with anything genealogy related feel free to ask here in the g2g section of wikitree.

Have a great day!
Congratulations on your DNA connections!  That is fabulous.  Thanks for sharing your story.

Hi April, Yhank you for joining us on Wiki Chat and have a safe trip home to California.

Wow April, what a great post!  Thank you so much for sharing.  I was born in Seattle :)
Wow! Welcome to another state of Washington member.  I live north of Seattle :-)
+28 votes

One of the other events I had an honor to participate in this week was in Bethlehem Pennsylvania with Artsquest.

Yes this is not far from the Sands Casino

If you look way up on the hill you can see a cemetery.

Sometime soon I hope to get up there and take a few snapshots and look into some more profiles and stuff for the cemeteries project.

Here is my view from my position Sorry for the low quality picture

by Anthony McCabe G2G6 Pilot (389k points)

We drive past this memorial frequently as it's only a couple miles from my house.

General George Stannard was a remarkable man.  One interesting fact is that he was the very first man to volunteer to serve in the United States Civil War.  He played a major part in it and was credited with turning the tides in the North's favor at a critical point in the war.


WikiTree Profile for General George Stannard

Wikipedia Profile


What an absolutely great find there Keith. I enjoy walking through cemeteries there a strange kind of quietness.



This is my 4th great grandfather Silas Hathaway's stone, and one for each of his two wives.  Very peaceful.

When I was a child the stone used to say "Baron" in the middle with his name on top and death date on the bottom.  About ten years ago I sadly watched it finally decline into illegibility.  Before it's final demise I managed to capture some images at dusk using a strong light at a sharp angle and creating shadows.  There were hints remaining at that time that are long gone now.

The people who manage the cemetery said that it is a 6 person plot with 3 people buried there.  Up to 3 more of us descendant Hathaways may choose to rest there when we're done here.

One of the wife's stones was broken before I was born and the one remaining piece was in a stack with others from around the cemetery.  I found it and place it where it seemed best... broken but leaning on her husband for support.

Here is Tryphosa's stone...



That is a great photo I think it is still wonderful that we can share where we have beenit make it so real to se what people are talking about, can you imagine how wonderful it would be if there was lots to of photo from our anchors time.

I love photo thank you for sharing
My mother's Leonard family cemetery was kept up to go till 1984 and then it is looking really good. We had headstones that you couldn't read but  they had a expert in cleaning the headstones to clean them where you could read them now and some were broken or not there so we research who was there and got the birthdates and deathdates and got new headstones to replace the broken ones and had one put in that didn't have them.

Thank you Keith for sharing the photo and story of your 4th great grandfather Silas Hathaway. I am in the process of documenting a cemetery here that most of my paternal and maternal family and ancestors are buried at. If any one is interested you can see it here: Long Prairie Cemetery, also known as Alligator Cemetery

Alligator Cemetery... that's awesome!  Page looks great David.
I love your story, Kieth, so human and caring.
+30 votes


I think I found my great grandfather's father. I need to go through people's DNA and I'm about to add him as such on Ancestry to see if AncestryDNA makes any links between me and other people as a result.

I think my great great grandfather was John Independence Crandall. Here's why:

  1. Jacob William Carrier was in jail when my great grandfather was conceived
  2. That same time, my great great grandmother was living with John and gave two of her children from Jacob his name
  3. My great grandfather's middle name is "John."
Why, then, do records say Jacob William Carrier?...
... four months after my great grandfather was born, John Crandall's... ignorance?... possible the wrong word there... led to the death of one of my great uncles, Ransom Carrier/Crandall. Not long after, we see no contact between my great great grandmother and John Crandall ever again.
I think this is right, but boy, what a mess to have stumbled upon.
by G. Borrero G2G6 Pilot (126k points)
Hi G,

Thanks for participating in this weekends g2g chat. This problem seems like a pickle. Hope you figure it out at-least you got some breadcrumbs to follow.

Have a great day!
Congratulations on finding a very possible link.  That is terrific!
What a sad story about little Ransom!  The newspaper article states that John Crandall is Ransom's father.  It's possible that your great great grandmother was never able to forgive her husband for his tragic death.  Have you tried looking for a divorce record for John Crandall and Isadora?
Soooooo close to solving it.  Fingers crossed for you G.  Thank you for sharing, I love watching a good mystery unfold.  Hopefully someone here has ideas to help, like Star might be on to something.

Make sure to give us future updates :)
When in doubt I always check DNA.  It really helps to see who you are matching up with.
Seems that the formality of Jacob William carried the day, and John might have been easier among friends and family. We, well some of us, have a little trouble with the names we were given. We handle it how we can.
+30 votes
Well - it has been a stress-filled week, and at least one more report to go out for work before I can call it a day. Regardless, the weekend is looming on the horizon, and I'm looking forward to it.

I started work on one of my branches - the Igleheart's - whew, they were a pretty prolific bunch. Lots of children, lots of marriages, with lots more children... fascinating line too - drawn back to a Baron, I think, who fled the country for one reason or another. Regardless, I'm sure there will be many interesting stories out of the smaller branches and leaves that are built from this line of research.

My DNA test was received at Family Tree DNA, so at least I can mark that off as week #0 - guess it will take another 2-3 months or so before I see actual results. So hopefully this fall I'll be able to add those to my profile and see who I line up with or if there are any interesting surprises.

Of course, others have probably seen the first attempt at a WikiTree crossword, and I also saw the first WikiTree word search (THANKS TO LAURA - HOORAY), so I'm sure after a bit of feedback, we'll see where this goes.

And in the realm of Notables, Sir Roger Moore was connected to the Global Tree, although at about 50 steps, he's way way out there on the end of a narrow branch. I'd love to see someone find a closer or even more solid connection, but at the moment I'm out of time to dig much further into his tree.

OK - well, that's all for now. TTYL.
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hi Scott,

Thanks for being a part of this weekends g2g chat. And for your great work making up the crossword puzzle.

Business closing hours are coming soon depending on vocation.

Have a safe weekend!
Congratulations on connecting Sir Roger Moore to our family tree!
ftdna is a lot faster than they were at first. It did take months then, but only a couple of weeks for the last person I sent them.
+31 votes
Hi. Greetings from Ballarat Australia where it is 5:30 Saturday morning, still dark and cold.

I am plugging away very slowly on adding my family to Wikitree. This week, I looked at the surname widget https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Champion%20de%20Crespigny-8/10 It is my favourite widget for quickly reviewing my progress on adding forebears. I noticed my 3rd great grandmother, Mary Cudmore née Nihill was not yet entered so added her https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Nihill-21 ... Slow and steady pace but every little helps.


by Anne Young G2G6 Mach 9 (98.1k points)
Hi Anne,

Thanks for being a part of this weekends g2g chat. Enjoy the cooler days.

Keep up the great work!
I could use a a little (I stress the word LITTLE) bit more cold here - the heat of summer is good, but I prefer 68 - 80 degrees Farenheit - it's been just a bit above that here back in Indiana.
We have just been on holiday in the Northern Territory. It is winter there too but that actually translates to the dry season. The weather was beautiful, balmy, Around 30 degrees C which converts to about 85 F but little humidity, gentle breeze .

I would add a photo but not quite sure how :( Skill I need to acquire
It's the slow and steady progress by all of us that is growing our one family tree.  Keep up the great work!
Hi Anne,

You are certainly have COLD weather there.  I'm in Perth, Western Australia and it's not much warmer here.
Yes, Bravo, Ann.  Dark and rainy looks good from a desert (and you have a huge one in Australia).
+32 votes
Hi All,

Greetings from the Netherlands (Local time 22:12), this is my first Weekend Chat and if I want to follow all the conversations I think it will take me all weekend :-).

I consider myself as a 'Fresh' member, but I've been addicted since the minute I was on Wikitree. Although it's a complex site with a lot to read and find out I think I slowly find my way around. It helped a lot that there's been a hugh effort to get everything translated in Dutch. I know my English is not bad, however understanding everything if it gets complicated is not easy. Sometimes I guess it's an emotional blockage because I worked a lot in the UK (and that was not always a joy (understatement of the century ;-) ).

I wish everybody a very happy Weekend and I will drop by

Groetjes (=Dutch)

by Anoniem Beers G2G6 Pilot (160k points)
Hi Margreet,

Thanks for being a part of this weekends g2g chat. To what I can see you have been doing very well here on wikitree. Yes Wikitree is addicting, It's that WikitreeLove!

Have a great weekend.
Thanks Steven, you managed to make me blush with your compliment.
Welcome to WikiTree and the G2G Forum, Margreet!  Thanks for stopping by to join the chat.  I love reading notes from people in various countries and hearing what they are up to.

I too consider myself a "fresh" member even though I have been on here for a couple of months.  It's been fun and learning something all the time.  Like I can bold a name in the notes field using ''' '''  (3 ') on each side of the name.  When entering the census information it helps the person stand out.  When time permits I'll do that do some of the first profiles I put up.  Wanted you to know that you aren't the boat alone, I'm slowly finding my way around too.
Thanks for the reply Star and Cathy I know how exited it can be to find out those 'funny' things. I've just created my first table. So I could add the outcome of a Census record to a profile. It's just one step at a time, but I'm proud of every step I take.
WikiTree is difficult even for those who are native English speakers.  Don't worry!  It sounds as if you are doing great.  And welcome! :-)
+28 votes
My new trick is to look at the error list, and even if I don't get to fix it, I can usually do something, add a source, tidy up the profile, add a relative.  It is kind of a random walk.

Doing some yard work, so a little less time on Wikitree.
by Sue Hall G2G6 Pilot (171k points)
HI Sue,

Thanks for taking some time out of your busy schedule to visit us here at Wikitree.

Keep up the great work keeping them profiles error free.
Great idea, Sue!  Do a little and it suits me very well that it's random. Thanks for sharing your tid-bit.
Love your idea of a "random walk" through WikiTree.
I try to connect some of my family tree and try to do data doctor, the vote on photos, and then try to do G2G Integrators Special Sub Project 7 that I am an manager of.

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