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Canadian Prime Ministers

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Profile manager: Doug McCallum private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 241 times.

The following table lists the Prime Ministers of Canada. The names have been linked to the final profile ID. If you have additional information about any of them, please add to the profiles and update the table below. We do require all information to be backed up by a suitable inline source citation.

Name Term(s) Ancestors Added Descendants Added State of Biography
John A. Macdonald 1 July 1867 - 5 November 1873,
17 Oct 1878 - 6 June 1891
Some Most Acceptable
Alexander Mackenzie 7 November 1873 - 8 Oct 1878 Some Most Acceptable
John Abbott 16 June 1891 - 24 November 1892 Some Most Minimal
Sir John Thompson 5 December 1892 - 12 December 1894 Some Some Good
Mackenzie Bowell 21 December 1894 - 27 April 1896 Some Some Good
Sir Charles Tupper 1 May 1896 - 8 July 1896 Some Most Good
Wilfrid Laurier 11 July 1896 - 6 October 1911 Most No Children Minimal
Sir Robert Laird Borden 10 October 1911 - 10 July 1920 Some No Children Good (needs more translation)
Arthur Meighen 10 Jul 1920 - 29 December 1921,
29 June 1926 - 25 September 1926
Some Most Good (needs more translation)
William Lyon Mackenzie King 29 December 1921 - 28 June 1926,
25 September 1926 - 7 August 1930,
23 October 1935 - 15 November 1948
Some Never married Acceptable (needs more translation)
R.B. Bennett 7 August 1930 - 23 October 1935 Some Never married Good (needs more translation)
Louis St. Laurent 15 November 1948 -21 June 1957 Some Most Minimal
John Diefenbaker 21 June 1957 - 22 April 1963 Some None Acceptable (needs more translation)
Lester B. Pearson 22 April 1963 - 20 April 1968 Some Most Acceptable (needs translation)
Pierre Trudeau 20 April 1968 - 3/4 June 1979,
3 March 1980 - 29/30 June 1984
Some Most Good (needs translation)
Joe Clark 4 June 1979 - 29/30 June 1984 Some Most
John Turner 30 June 1984 - 16/17 September 1984 Some Most
Brian Mulroney 17 September 1984 - 24/25 June 1993 Some Most
Kim Campbell 25 June 1993 - 3/4 November 1993 Some No children
Jean Chrétien 4 November 1993 - 11/12 December 2003 None Most
Paul Martin 12 December 2003 - 5/6 February 2006
Stephen Harper 6 February 2006 - 3/4 November 2015 Yes
Justin Trudeau 4 November 2015 - Incumbent Yes Yes

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