Have you registered for the July 2023 Connect-a-Thon yet? [closed]

+128 votes

The Connect-a-Thon is coming up soon! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: bring the world closer together by adding missing relatives to existing profiles [more participation info].

The event starts Friday, July 14, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC) and runs until Monday, July 17, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC).

Will you join us?

To register, just click the ANSWER button and either say which team you'd like to play for or a few words about your location and/or genealogical interests. This will help us assign you to a team.

Registration will close at midnight EST on Wednesday, July 12.

Be sure to post an answer instead of a comment. Comments below this post will be hidden once read.

closed with the note: Registration is officially closed. See you there!
in The Tree House by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
closed by Mindy Silva

I would like to join the Northwest Terriers

I will in the cornbread catcher's group again.
Registrations closed a day ago.
Registration closed yesterday at midnight EST.

875 Answers

+27 votes
Hello,  i would like to join the Mighty Oaks team,

if i have to pick a county it will be Cheshire.

As a newcomer to wikitree and first time to connect-a-thon can someone point me to the page where all this is explained.

I have found a page where it gives unconnected profiles for Cheshire - so is the idea to find a connection to the single family tree - for these unconnected profiles ?

thanks, Allan
by Allan Entwistle G2G6 Mach 4 (40.4k points)
Thank you, Allan, for registering for your first Thon - yes you understand the idea of the Thon perfectly. Someone from the Mighty Oaks will contact you and also give you ideas where you might find other profiles to work on. It is going to be a great weekend.

image Hi Allan and welcome to the team, thanks for joining the Mighty Oaks for July 2023 Connect a Thon event, your support is appreciated and we hope you have fun. 

Mighty Oaks team page let us know what you will be working on - area or family line.Lots of inks are here

Our G2G chat page is here July 2023 Mighty Oaks G2G Chat  We'll be using the same Discord server as always. If you're not already on Discord, just send Joan  a Private Message, and she will add you. 

Joan, Maddy and Fran Co-Team Captains for the Mighty Oaks Teams.

+27 votes
Please sign me up for the Welsh Dragons team
by Byron Davies G2G6 (9.7k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!

Byron Thanks for joining us for the Thon 

I will add you to the team page

Make sure you let us know what you will be working on by commenting on the team page or in our Discord chat. 

Hilary Co-Captain Welsh Dragons 

+27 votes
Sign me up for Missouri Cousins (aka Team Missouri). Appreciate it and can't wait!
by Laurie Wentz G2G5 (5.6k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a lot of fun!
Welcome back, cousin Laurie! I've got you added to the cousins list.

Go MO Cousins!!!
+26 votes
I will help the Prairie group
by Mary Buchholz G2G6 Mach 1 (13.2k points)

Welcome back Mary!

'''Thanks for joining the July 2023 Connect-A-Thon!'''


Be sure to check out our team's page by clicking on the above link.

Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!

+26 votes
I'll work with team roses again. Thanks!
by Michelle Ketcham G2G6 Mach 2 (25.2k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a lot of fun!

Thanks Michelle! Glad to have you back on Team Roses!

Team roses icon - Dragon on a bed of roses

Yay, Michelle! Go Roseslaugh

+25 votes

Can you sign me up for Banyan Tree? Thank you.

by K White G2G1 (1.5k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!
+23 votes
I live in Kamloops BC but have relatives in Nova Scotia, PEI, Ontario and lots in England and Scotland.

I think I would like to add to my husbands relatives in Scotland if possible.

by Barb Higgs G2G2 (3.0k points)
Hi Barb - What team would you like to be on? Please choose one and reply back.

Hi Barb, thanks for registering for the Thon. Judi is correct,we do need a team that you would like to be on.

Please click on the List of Teams for their description.

Thank you!

+25 votes
Mid-Atlantic, please
by Stephanie Dodd G2G6 Mach 1 (13.3k points)
I put you on the roster!
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a lot of fun!
+27 votes
I don't remember if I've signed up for the July 2023 Connect-a-thon or not.  I'd like to be on Team Virginia.  Thanks.
by Ellen Steger G2G6 Mach 1 (14.0k points)
Ellen, I didn't see that you had registered before. Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!

WooHoo Ellen, Thanks for joining Team Virginia!  

Our Connect-A-Thon Links:

Team VA Space Page: Tutorials, General Information & List of Team Members. 

Discord: Live Chat! Quick answers, share tips + great fun. 

+26 votes
I would love to be on the Twisted Thistles


by Barb Higgs G2G2 (3.0k points)
Barb - thanks for getting back to me on the name of the team you want to be on - we are going to have a great time!

Hi Barb

Thanks for volunteering for the Twisted Thistles.

Check out our G2G Chat Post at Twisted Thistles July 2023 Connect a Thon - WikiTree G2G and of course the Twisted Thistles Team Page Twisted Thistles (wikitree.com).

If you have any questions please just ask.


Team Captain

+25 votes
Add me to the Southern Super Sweepers please.
by Rebecca Haskins G2G6 Mach 2 (22.5k points)

Thanks Rebecca for joining us for the team's eighth Connect-a-Thon.

I have added you to the Team roster.

Here is our Team page and G2G Chat page.

Also, we have a Discord channel. Details here.

Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!
+26 votes
Sign me up with the TreeNuts, as usual!
by Bernard Vatant G2G6 Pilot (177k points)

Hi Bernard! We're happy that you are joining us again for this Thon! You're signed up. :-)

Here's our team page: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:Tree_Nuts

Here's our G2G post: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1595596

And as always, we're back on Discord.

Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a lot of fun!
+26 votes
Me too. Mighty Oaks, please!
by Christol James G2G6 (9.2k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!

image Hi Christol and welcome to the team, thanks for joining the Mighty Oaks for the July 2023 Connect a Thon, your support is appreciated and we hope you have fun. 

Mighty Oaks team page let us know what you will be working on - area or family line. All the usual links are here

Our G2G chat page is here July 2023 Mighty Oaks G2G Chat  We'll be using the same Discord server as always. If you're not already on Discord, just send Joan  a Private Message, and she will add you. 

Joan, Maddy and Fran Co-Team Captains for the Mighty Oaks Teams.

+25 votes
Southwest sunshiners please
by Catherine Ryan G2G6 Mach 3 (34.3k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!
+27 votes
Yes please, sign me up for the Irish Seanchaithe team please.
by L Greer G2G6 Mach 8 (81.2k points)

Irish Seanchaithe ButtonWelcome back to the Irish Seanchaithe!

Be sure to have a look at our team page and keep an eye on our new G2G thread. And you know where to find us on Discord!

Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!
+25 votes
Please sign me up for the Roses team!!

by Denise Petersen G2G6 Mach 1 (11.3k points)

Thanks Denise! I've added you to the roster for Team Roses.

Icon for Team Roses - dragon on a bed of roses

Roses it is - thanks for registering - it is going to be an awesome weekend.

It's great to see you, Denise! Go Roseslaugh

+25 votes
Please add me to the Springbok team - thks

by Kobus Trichardt G2G4 (4.7k points)

 Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend!

+26 votes
Yes! I'd like to participate on Team Missouri Thanks!
by Karen Schmitz G2G2 (2.1k points)
Welcome to the team, cousin Karen! I've got you added.

Go MO Cousins!!!
Yay! SHOW ME the connections!!!  Looking forward to it!
Thanks for registering for the Thon - it is going to be a great weekend! Love your enthusiasm.
+25 votes
Southern Super Sweepers sign up please.
by Karen Hattier G2G1 (1.5k points)

Thanks Karen for joining us for the team's eighth Connect-a-Thon.

I have added you to the Team roster.

Here is our Team page and G2G Chat page.

Also, we have a Discord channel. Details here.

Thanks for registering for the Thon - we are going to have a lot of fun!
+26 votes
Sign me up please
by Philip McFadyen G2G1 (2.0k points)
Thanks for registering for the Thon - Philip, would you please let me know what team you are interested in joining? Thanks - we are going to have a lot of fun!

We would love to have you in the Wizards of Aus!

Kathleen, I put him down for the Wizards. If there is a change, please let me know- thanks.
Great to see you getting involved in the thon Phillip!
Thanks so what do I do now am I assigned a person or can I choose one?

You can work on anyone you like - the idea is to add as many new profiles for people as we can, each with at least one good source listed, and hopefully it will create new connections between families. We get a point for each new profile created, as long as they are attached to at least one other person at the time they're created. There are some general tips and the start and finish times for Australian time zones here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Space:The_Wizards_of_Aus Some people work on their own near relatives to increase their CC7 number, a personal project, or from the Australia, Needs Profiles Created categories.

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