Dates for some of these names go as far back as the 15th century with a variety of sourcing and confidence levels.
First-hand information.
Only the Trusted List can access the following:
Tim's formal name
full middle name (M.)
e-mail address
exact birthdate
birth location
images (4)
private siblings' names
private children's names (2)
spouse's name and marriage information
For access to Tim Bittner's full information you must be on Tim's Trusted List. Please login.
DNA Connections
It may be possible to confirm family relationships.
It is likely that these
autosomal DNA
test-takers will share some percentage of DNA with Tim:
100.00% 100.00%
Tim Bittner:
AncestryDNA, GEDmatch DR7177323[compare][compare x]
Thank you for your participation in October 2020’s Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better.
Thanks so very much for your participation in the spring Clean-a-thon! Every suggestion you cleared (over 200!) made our Tree that much better. The WikiTree community appreciates YOU!
I replied to the Scan-A-Thon thread yesterday and would like to be on the Great Lakes team since most of my stuff is Wisconsin related. Is there anything else I need to do? Thanks!
Wish you a Happy New Year. May 2018 bring you all you need to be happy.
Congratulation for adding your contributions in December. Whatever the quantity of your contributions, they all count. As we always say "Quality is better than quantity" to make a great family tree.
Thank you for giving attention to our orphans in this week's DD challenge. It's nice to see them get a little bit of love. We cleared a total of 8536 suggestions!
Thank you for leaving a note on Eri Richardson. I found more info by researching his son. Had to tweak birth/death data in the search to find anything. Sometimes using just the state and/or covering more years gives better results.
Australian Connections:
Tim is
20 degrees from Cate Blanchett, 26 degrees from Russell Crowe, 23 degrees from Howard Florey, 29 degrees from Dawn Fraser, 33 degrees from Cathy Freeman, 27 degrees from Barry Humphries, 25 degrees from Bert Jacka, 29 degrees from Hugh Jackman, 26 degrees from Bertram Mackennal, 23 degrees from Rupert Murdoch, 22 degrees from Banjo Paterson and 21 degrees from Henry Ross
on our single family tree.
Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.
Thank you for your participation in October 2020’s Source-a-thon. Your contributions helped us to clear over 57,000 profiles that needed sourcing. This makes our Shared Tree all that much better.
Keep up the great work!
Pippin Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
Thanks so very much for your participation in the spring Clean-a-thon! Every suggestion you cleared (over 200!) made our Tree that much better. The WikiTree community appreciates YOU!
Pip Sheppard WikiTree’s Appreciation Team
Wish you a Happy New Year. May 2018 bring you all you need to be happy.
Congratulation for adding your contributions in December. Whatever the quantity of your contributions, they all count. As we always say "Quality is better than quantity" to make a great family tree.
Thank you for being a Wikitreer,
Guy Constantineau - Wikitree leader
just a word (late) to congratulate you on the contributions you made during the month of November. Whatever the quantity, they are all important.
Your work is appreciated.
Guy Constantineau
Emma :-)
I am getting in touch because you were a team leader in either the Source-a-Thon or the Clean-a-Thon. Thanks for taking the lead for those. We started a discussion in G2G about keeping those teams active year round:
I'd love to hear what you think! Come join the discussion :-)
I'd like to invite you to join in the "Weekend Chat" on G2G Today!
Share personal successes, stories about ancestors, tips, projects you are working on, or anything else you wish.
New members stop in and say Hello, introduce yourself, share your story, or ask for help.
Pilots, Mentors, and Leaders of all kinds please add something... your advice is always greatly appreciated.
Current Weekend Chat link is:
The current Weekend Chat is active until Monday July 10, 2017 (Eastern Standard Time (EST)
Catch up on what everyone is up to and say hi. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE!
See you there! Dorothy