"Welcome to the Valentine Weekend Chat" All Members are Invited!! 9-11 February 2018 [closed]

+20 votes


New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

Puzzles by Laura Bozzay

"Today Is" by Dorothy Barry

Eddie's Picks - Movies & Music

Where in the World is Steve Today?

Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"

Have fun and let others know you liked their posts... click the stars and mark answers you like as "best".  Those posts will be temporarily highlighted by being placed as the first answer in the chat for a while.  Members will also receive email notification (unless they opted out) that let them know you liked what they did.

At the end of the weekend "best answer" will be removed as all answers are equal in the eyes of the Chat.  Click to learn more.

It's ok.... go for it!


The Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to, and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot, and many will enjoy their multitude of reading options.

Weekend Chat 30 June - 2 July 2017

Enjoy yourself and spread good will :)

WikiTree profile: Laura Bozzay
closed with the note: Event is over
in The Tree House by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (836k points)
closed by Laura Bozzay
Well it is a little after midnight in the Central time zone so the chat closed about an hour ago officially, hope everyone has sweet dreams and a great week!  Hope to see you next week!
Wait,  It's just Sunday morning.....
I think my cold medicine is making me loopy!  Of course, Dorothy is right and she is not lost in OZ  I am!   Welcome back to Sunday on the Chat!

Duh....   where's my tissues?.....
Rolling off the floor, I had to check my computer clock, my TV guide clock and my kitchen microwave clock.....  I am so happy I did not miss my greeter duties... phew!!! It is still Sunday morning, not Monday morning!!!!

Laura, get some rest!!!! You deserve the morning off!!!!
Hi all and Happy Valentine's and Mardi Gras From Louisiana!! Just thoughtbi would stop in. We are having very hormonal weather here. One day the heater the next day the air condioner. Today it is cold and rainy. Ugh! And apparently Entergy has decided to triple our electric bills, oh joy!!

I just got back my DNA results about a 2 weeks ago!!!!! This is so exciting. I have transferred my raw DNA everywhere I could and have joined multiple DNA projects for family lines. I have recently found 1 researcher for my Surname. It seems we are the only ones period and we are both on WikiTree!! I also connected with several family through DNA who may help me break my Ennis Brick wall!!! Now that is so exciting to me. I have been at a stand still for years and despite of posting on. G2G and other research groups. I have found very little.

Hope all my fellow wiki researchers are well.

Happy Hunting!!

Misty that is great!  Good luck with your DNA matches.  Hope you find the answers you are looking for.  Thanks for sharing it with us on the Chat!

Glad you dropped in!
Laura, you do absolutely wonderful work on the Weekend Chat. Thank you so much for hosting this weekend.
I agree Gillian, Laura is so talented, being able to do those puzzles, charts and other stuff she does behind the scenes. Makes the chat so enjoyable.
Thank you I am a bit under the weather this weekend.  Sipping my hot tea with honey...  snuggled in my recliner with heavy cover and falling asleep on and off between coughing.  Needless to say I am staying in until this passes.  My youngest granddaughter gave it to me...  but she is doing much better now.  I am just a few days behind her...  She felt so bad one day I just held her and snuggled her and got her cold.  I have allergies that are worse at night and that coupled with the cold is playing havoc with my nights.  My husband is snuggled in bed away from me so he stays well!  He has been making me food all week and taking care of chores like doing the dishes so I can rest.  I am better than I was a few days ago.  This too shall pass...  Thanks again for the nice words!
Ok, I double checked! It is now Monday morning here in the Central Time Zone.  So our chat officially came to an end about an hour ago.  Hope you had fun and hope to see you again next week.  Happy Monday!

28 Answers

+18 votes

Adoption Angels

WikiTree Adoption Angels are volunteers who have taken on the mission of helping adoptees look for and connect with their biological families.


Leader: Eowyn Langholf and a co-leader is needed here! If you're interested, contact Eowyn

Project Coordinator: Emma McBeath

Interested in joining the project or asking for help?  Follow this link for lots of great information about the project.  


It is so rewarding to hear back from someone you are helping and have them say,  "I found my family!"

Word Search

Find 19 Words or Phrases Associated With Adoption

Word docx and pdf located at:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/rqo8mt2eobujwgd/AAAzB3IGNHqNKXBfdE985NBZa?dl=0 



by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (836k points)
Thank you for the puzzle Laura! Awesome, as always...

Yes thank you very much for the puzzle Laura. It is awesome that you made it as a shape of a heart to represent Valentines Day Wednesday. Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Answer to the puzzle is in the Answer folder located at 


+18 votes


1.  Free Space Pages are great places to store family memorabilia like scans of births recorded in a family Bible, or funeral cards, or images you want to use on multiple profiles.  Often we see a note that says something like:  Information from family Bible, or Aunt Jane’s memories.  If you can scan the important parts then you can insert the URL to your Free Space Page as a source.

Remember to bookmark the Free Space Page so you can find it quickly.

2.   Bookmark pages in WkiTree that you want to find quickly.  I have created a folder in my browser.  I named it WikiTree.  The within that folder I created folders for each of the projects I work under, for things like hints on how to use WikiTree, and for anything else I want to find quickly.. it might be a discussion in G2G.   By doing this I don’t have to hunt around for something I need or want… Once I find it I bookmark it to my way of thinking and then it is there when I need it.

3.  A quick way to follow a discussion in G2G is to press the + sign that is to the right of the heading.  This will then make sure that question appears in My Feeds.

4.  How to add an image into a G2G thread.  This seems to boggle a lot of folks.   So this is how you do it.  Save your photo as a jpg.  Create a Free Space page as noted in number one above.  Call it your name photos.  Now upload the image to the free space page.  Fill out the required fields.  Once it is saved into your new Free Space Photo page (don’t forget to bookmark where it is) click on the image and it will open and display a URL at the top.  Copy that URL.  Now in G2G in the box where you type answers, there are some icons above the text space.  One looks like a picture.  Click that and drop the URL into the URL field.  Click in the width box.  You should see some numbers populate in the field.  I would make sure the size is not wider than 400.  You can play with this a little bit but would have to redo the step where you add it.   Once it is there you press OK and it should show up in the thread.  This is how I get the Word Search Puzzles to show up.

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (836k points)
Thank you for the tip Laura! I use a Free Space my brick walls and stats (now also on my profile). I kept the link on my Scratchpad on my Nav Home Page before moving it to my profile.

Yes thank you for all the wonderful tips Laura. Also what you said Mindy. Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

+15 votes

Do You Love WikiTree?   Tell us why!  What is your favorite feature, project, or tool?    What, too many to choose among?

Come on, tell us what you love here!  (Besides the people we all love the people!)

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (836k points)

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Yes I do love WikiTree. Yes you are right there are too many to choose among. The challenges, source-a-thon, clean-a-thon and also the 52 Ancestors for 52 weeks for 2018 blog we can do. Also the Integrator g2g Project 7 that I am doing.

My favorite projects: Moderators, Tree Huggers, Integrators,  Greeters, and Rangers, because together these projects and others,  would agree with me that ......


Lol the question should be what don't we love. Currently I can't think of anything!! Of course, the people. I love the fact that this is a one world tree with people helping people to collaborate family lines and that we don't not have to comb through multiple same family trees I love that we have all kinds of projectS where like minded people can get together to research one subject. I love that we have capabilities to use our DNA to further our research. OMG!!! I COULD GO ON AND ON!!!!
How can we neglect mentioning the people. The amazing people on WikiTree make it!.. But that aside, I love the collaboration, that we all work together to build the tree. What a vision that Chris has! I love the support of one another and the encouragement and appreciation. I also love the attention to accuracy and sources. We are all about quality.
+18 votes

Another Weekend Chat, and another Today is....


National Toothache Day????????

Anyone got a toothache? well today is your day.. you have our  sympathy!!!


Also known as odontalgia, a toothache is pain generating from a tooth or multiple teeth. National Toothache Day is observed annually on February 9.

A toothache can make us miserable, making it difficult to eat, sleep or sometimes even talk. It’s safe to say, toothaches are never pleasant and not really something to celebrate.

We can, however, be aware of how to prevent toothaches.

Routine dental care is an important first step. Avoiding sugary foods and acidic drinks and daily brushing and flossing are important, too. Even so, we can still develop cavities, have accidents that break or chip at tooth or find ourselves with an infection. Teeth can also become sensitive to heat or cold.



Note: To see more on the other three February 9th special days mentioned above go here: 


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Laura, pesto is olive oil, garlic, basil and pine nuts. To say "Olive Oil with pesto" is a little redundant. =)

My mom makes homemade pesto sauce and my brother can't get enough of the basil leaves.

Side note: Never take me to Olive Garden. If you do, we're done professionally. Place is gross microwaved *censor beep*.

I like both pesto and marinara sauces. Homemade varieties of both are SO GOOD!

Edit: And so it begins. Everyone's getting hungry! EXCELLENT!
Pizza Party Yea, give us an address, lets go... Hungry Jack  (or rather Hungry Dorothy) here, looking for my car keys to go.  Then I'll have some potato salad with chips and dip. I'll worry about Toothaches on Thursday!!!
Don't worry. My dad is a dentist. He'll take care of you. =)
Yes I did word that rather clumsily!  Good clarification Chris!

I love Pizza.  Yummmm.....   Pepperoni, Mushroom, Bacon, Hot Pepper Rings or flakes....  Caesar salad...   ok I know what I want for dinner!
No problem. =)

Now if you had some of that stuff and some authentic Italian bread, you'd have some great stuff for dipping. =D

LOL. My goal this week seems to be to make sure everyone forgets their diets. >=)

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Should be the day AFTER Valentines Day!
Very Funny!  Hi, Saro,  Welcome to the Chat!
Talking about olives reminds me about biting on an olive pip. Ouch!... that's broken tooth and toothache.
Olives and cherries have bitten back more than one person I think.  Do be careful when eating!
+19 votes

Happy Weekend & Valentine's Day to All!

I had not thought about until you mentioned Valentine's Day....this will be my 47th Valentine's Day with my wife (some of those years were before we were married).


This pic was taken 44 years ago:


by Doug Lockwood G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
My husband and I are 5 years behind you!   Fun!  Of course he is a romantic purist.   He sees Valentine's Day as a commercial obligation and refuses to participate.  He may shower me with what you would get on Valentine's Day the week before, a month before, a month later.  Just a day of his choosing so that in his words,  "you know it is a real sentient and not coming because of an ad campaign."  Of course one year he did actually do something on the day and the card read.  "See, I can still surprise you!"
Happy anniversary! 1974? Good year. My parents got married a couple years before you did. Nice. =D
I got married Labor Day Weekend 1976 because it was a long weekend and out of town family and friends could attend.  Also when we went off for our honeymoon the little ones were all back in school so travel was a bit easier as all the families were done with their vacations.
Congrats Doug!
That is awesome Doug, I bet 47 years filled with tons of memories. Congratulations!!!  And Laura, congratulations are in order for you as well, but we will just have to wait til Labor Day to celebrate to make it official.

Ditto to what everyone said. My parents married March 15, 1957 and then in December 14, 1957 they had my brother in the same year.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Hi everyone and happy Valentines day ! 

Here's my valentine, also a few years ago and this will be our 36th Valentines day we started dating in about 1981 and married in 1988, our youngest son (we have five kids and one granddaughter now) was born in 2008 and is sitting in the back of the car ;) The photo is from 2012 

Looking good!   Snuggles and smooches to all in honor of Valentine's Day.

(I did that today with my youngest granddaughter and she would giggle and bend her head closer to me so I could do more smooches on her head!)
Thanks and all the same for you, and aaah that sounds great grandma, they are the sweetest valentines eeh :)
Best Valentines ever!   I can't remember having this much fun before I had grandchildren.  The oldest one is into art and I know she will be making cards.  Can't wait to see what she does!
Wow - 47 years. That's cool!! For me its just over 40 years since I met my husband.
+14 votes
Not much has changed in the past week. It is still cold, we still have snow and neither of those things is going to change in the next week. I am continuing to reduce my watchlist but at the request of one of the leaders I took over as manager for a few family members that would have had to be deleted if no one took over as manager. Upcoming in the next week I am going to have my eyes checked on Monday and at the very least I will be getting new glasses. I do have an interesting story for those who would check geography if you wish, I ordered a book from a store in Columbus Ohio. They shipped it by way of the United States Postal Service. The first stop was Cleveland Ohio, Then it went south east to Akron Ohio. The next leg of the journey was back to Cleveland and from there it came east to Chardon Ohio and finally delivered to my house about 4 miles South east of the post office. This journey took 6 days and I could have driven to the store and back in about 5 hours, and used less gas than the Post Office used. I did try to buy it at a local store but they do not stock it and it would have taken them 6 weeks to get it, go figure.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Dale I had something similar happen this week.  I got a note that a box was going to be delivered yesterday, that it was on time...  but I looked to see where it was and it was 4 or 5 hours away at the other side of the state!  

I am waiting for it still today....
Is that why our stamps went up lol!! To pay for all the detours these drivers take???
My daughter said that all of the shipping providers have the same problem. She had a package shipped from Atlanta Georgia that went to Charlotte North Carolina then to Colorado, two cities in Pennsylvania, Cleveland Ohio, Asheville North Carolina before i was delivered to her place in Kannapolis North Carolina and for those who do not know Kannapolis is just about a half hour north of Charlotte.
Interesting story. They closed the local post office in Norfolk, Virginia, so now to mail something to our neighbors is travels 100 miles to Richmond and back.

Chardon? I think a neighbor camper has a sign that says they from there...

My mom has the same problems with her drugs and other things and it gets frustrating for her.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

I guess this is one of those concepts of everything goes to a hub and then gets routed out of the hub.   I get that for long distance shipping but it doesn't seem very efficient if the location is so close....
Hi Dale, hope your courses are going well.
+15 votes

I am just going to put this here:


Mike Maranda not only made me a co-coordinator on Italian Roots, he gave me the Wonderful Wikitreer nod. That is pretty awesome. We're working on ways to figure out what criteria we need to PPP profiles for that project. My vote is to have people born at a certain date PPP'd. Like maybe 1750 or so? OH! And if you have an immigrant ancestor THAT should be PPP'd. No question there. That just dawned on me. Sent a quick e-mail to Mike. 
Ideas just come randomly to me. It helps when you work on a comic, video or have something you want to share with the rest of the class. 
I also spruced up my profile this morning by adding in all the people I found so far. I got some random numbers tossed in. It goes lower and then higher again. This can be attributed to pyramid collapse. I suspect every tree has them. Once I got to 1600s Quebec and NH/Mass, it got smaller.

So, here's a tip. Don't freak out if you have a pyramid collapse where some cousin married another cousin. It isn't exactly Game of Thrones inbreeding. I admit it did freak me out a little at first. I say just take it in stride because 1. Populations were small and only x amount of people were available. and 2. You're here aren't ya? All those pieces made you. So in the end we're the sum of our parts. If some had pyramid collapse that's fine. It doesn't affect who you are.
Oh and by cousins I mean like 2nd or 3rd.  It happens in every tree and it's common. Especially in Quebec and the original colonies at the time.
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (771k points)
Chris, I do a lot of work with Larry Greiner who researches everyone Greiner (various spellings).   I have Greiner's in my collateral branches of the glass and crystal makers line.  Who knows we might be distantly related!

I will need to check out your Greiner lady with Larry!  I have been working on him to join us here.  He has Greiner records that go back into the 1400s all with sources from local history bookks... the Family books in Germany, the acts in France, and we have a host of professors and European Genealogists who pitch in with the research.
I also have a bunch of Bouchers who intrerconnect with me at various points in the tree from different branches.  It's weird. It certainly makes adding them in a lot easier, though.

I have a few Greniers. Check to see if I have a connection and let me know what it is. If there is one. Feel free to dig around her tree, too. That's what it's there for! I'd be interested to see what he finds.

I'm also connected to Guy Constantineau, Greg Lavoie and Danielle Laird here. Dani, though keeps popping up. Every time I go to add some people I see her. We have this thing going "How many common ancestors do we have?" I think I lost count.
Already sent him and email with link to her and her ancestry you have online with another saying...  Wish you would join us here on WikiTree.

He is a great guy!
Hope you told him we had free cookies. =)
Yes they were Fries and the Fries all were using the Naming Tradition, so all siblings if they married and had children, would name the children after the grandparents and other family members if there were many children, their children would do the same and we were lucky they already adopted a last name, because before 1811 it was even more confusing with just the patronymics :P
That's funny. Kinda like how the Ferraiolo naming convention went:


Vincenzo (3X Great grandfather)

Marco (2X Great Grandfather)

Vincenzo (Great Grandfather)

Marco (my grandfather)

James (Vincenzo in Italian)

Jim (My brother) Me.

Throughout the 19th century and a little into the 20th it alternated between names. For some reason that's funny. I explained that to my dad and he got a good laugh.

The Dutch, and I think many many others around the world, all used the same or a similar naming tradition, and they used it to sort of make sure their ancestors would live forever..

I wasn't aware of this when I started genealogy, and I often wondered why people that lost so many children, were naming one child after the other the same as the one(s) that passed away so young. 

Now I know they were not naming the children after the child that passed away, but they were making sure the name of their Ancestor(s)  (grandfather and the grandfather he was named after and the one before that and so on and on) was preserved and because of this would hopefully be passed on to the next generations again and the ancestor would live forever. 

So no matter what, these ancestors (and perhaps later it was also the memory of them) sort of lived on forever..  and that's why the naming tradition is so helpful for all of us now, we now can trace them all back (if we are lucky) for many many generations ;) 

I suppose that's true. Though, I have seen some cases where a child was named after a child who died.

I have a Mary Hunt in my tree who died when she was three or so. A few years later they had another Mary who went on to be an ancestor of mine. Both cases work. There was also a Vincenzo in my family who died young and the parents named the next kid Vincenzo.
Yes you are right I think both cases work. And if these people were naming them all the same and after the same grandfather or mother,maybe if they believed the ancestors would live on or be remembered forever because of this, these children would as well ? But whatever the reason was, it sure is handy if they named children after the grandparents or other family members if there were many children.
That would make sense. I have three generations or so of "Jabez" in my tree,. One right after the other. Made the Massachusetts records very interesting.
+18 votes

Greetings from Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Seems i have missed a couple of weeks contribution to Weekly Chat, but have always read others contributions. But my the time I have got around to adding my contribution it is Sunday.

Always seem to have Plenty going on in my life. Plenty of interests. Wikitree is one of course and continuing with my researches into the Jefferies family in Brightlingsea. The "Wringe" connection needs following up with Capt Bob Wringe ( Wringe-1) sailing in the America's Cup for Sir Thomas Lipton. on Shamrock. 

One of my interests currently revolves around the Outdoor swimming pool in Brightlingsea. This will transfer from local authority control to be managed by a charity of which I have been prevailed upon to be a Trustee. Brightlingsea Lido will be the name the charity operates under. It is a very challenging time for the Trustees and supporters as it is a tight timescale to open for May 2018 for what we hope is a warm and sunny summer,  Have been roped into helping out a "Wellness" event locally tomorrow.

Other wise busy helping my Dad. Managed to go Ballroom dancing on Monday and my Boxing fitness class last night.

Hope everyone has a good weekend..... 



by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (221k points)
We missed you Chris!  Glad you are back!  So are you asking for some help researching Jeffries or Wringe families?  If so give us a little more info and maybe someone will be able to find you a fantastic source!

Welcome back!  It sounds like you have a full and busy life!  We are glad you share it with us here on the chat!
Agrees with Laura, welcome back Chris!

Ditto with everyone Chris.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Hi Chris, so great to see you and love how active you are and all your interests, especially all the wonderful photo's you make ;)

Have a wonderful weekend !
Hi Chris, lovely to meet you!
+14 votes
This is supposed to be a link to an article about the oldest baby in the Netherlands that is supposedly found in its mother's arms.  6,000 ago this little one had a short life.  I could not get a decent translation.  Maybe someone who has the language skills can tell us if this is a good article and what it says.

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (836k points)

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Google Translate and some links added to it ;)

Typical of the graves of the Swifterbant culture is that the dead were laid down with stretched limbs. "But the young woman we found a year ago kept one arm bent," says project leader Helle Molthof. It now appears that it is because she 'holds' a baby. "It was a moving discovery."

The Swifterbanters - so named after the first location in the Flevopolder - always lived near rivers. The rivers provided drinking water and animals to hunt, but also transport routes. The result is that the finds are hidden deep in the heavy clay.

In a wooden box, the clay went to Leiden with the skeleton of the young woman. In a grave a hundred meters away were an adult, a teenager and bones of a child of about six years. They went into an even bigger box. Physical anthropologist Steffen Baetsen has 'disassembled' the bodies for a year. Either, laid out layer by layer. Molthof is overjoyed with the unique find of the baby. Cartilage decays quickly and children's bodies are lost earlier. "That's why those little bones are the best that I've ever dug up."

The first farmers in the Netherlands

Research on isotopes in teeth and bones should reveal whether migrants are involved in the coming year. "The big question is whether the Swifterbanters came from elsewhere or have developed into farmers on the spot from hunters and gatherers." During the excavation, Molthof also found a part of a grinding stone, which proves that grains have already been cultivated. "The Swifterbanters are the first farmers in the Netherlands."

This year, various specialists will work with DNA and carbon research, for example. Then it will also become clear whether it concerns mother and child. Molthof will then combine all outcomes. Perhaps Nieuwegein will then be able to exhibit the finds for public next year.

You Tube  You Tube they say it wasn't so romantic in the muddy clay that day

Opgraving Swifterbanters Nieuwegein 

Bea thank you so much for this!  I love it when DNA can shed some light on our earliest people in a given area.  Can you imagine what we will know about our histories 10 years from now as more and more advancements get made!
Yes DNA and how it can shed some light in so many things and families is really awesome. Still is all a bit abracadabra to me, but I know some members actually with the help of or thanks to the DNA test and matches found their Biological parents and family members. So it's really awesome.
I am one of the Adoption Angels and we use it a lot.  It is learnable but it is not simple.  And new understandings are coming out as more and more people test and add to the pools for data mining.  

Ethnic reporting is more pop culture than science.   It is dependent upon the pool of people who have tested.  This is why if you test with multiple companies you can get widely different ethnic portraits.  

The DNA project here on WikiTree has a lot of really good information.  

Check it out!  https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Project:DNA
+14 votes
Happy almost Valentine's Day everyone. Thank you Laura for hosting - you are a fabulous host :D

Things are pretty quiet here in Kentucky. Mom's new car went into 'Deep Sleep Mode' and had to be towed to the dealership. She bought the same model I had, so now I know that the key hidden in the fob has no 'emergency slot' hidden inside in case it has problems. Dad's truck has the slot. Who knew?! At any rate, she got it back today, so all is well.

I did a little of 'this and that' this week. Some PGM research, some Data Doctors work. I didn't get to my other projects. I did, however, make great strides with the quilt for the granddaughter due in April. I have a lot of hand stitching ahead of me, but it's coming along nicely. It's been so long since I quilted, I was pleased with the results so far.

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day and week!
by Mindy Silva G2G Astronaut (1.1m points)
Thanks, Mindy!   One of my friends is an avid quilter.  I give her all the well used ones that have come down through the ages.  She is a wizard, sometimes she can save them but often she cuts out the pieces that can stll be used and works them into a new quilt.  

I had inherited a lot of quilts and wanted to give some to my daughtersinlaws and granddaughters.  She was able to fix borders that had begun to ravel and was some how able to match the color!  

Like you I try to do some double duty.  Last week I could do the data doctor challenge and the sourcerers' challenge at the same time, they dove tailed.  This week I have to jump back and forth do a little here then do a little there... I like the fact that the sourcerers' challenge goes for an entire month because some weeks I am hard pressed to do any challenge.

Thank you Mindy, same to you!!! 

Hey, everyone is authorized to take Valentines Day off as long as you come back later and tell us you had a great day!!! And for some in nine months who knows... a new candidate for a profile in the distant future, son or daughter, grandson or daughter, Great grandson, or daughter, did I cover everyone lol!! 

Just don't anyone eat out alone... (one of today's National Holidays).

Ditto to what everyone said even Dorothy especially her.  Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

How wonderful that you have a friend that can recycle those quilts Laura. They are such family treasures...
Hi Mindy - you'll have to post a photo of the quilt once you finish it.... and the baby, of course.
+11 votes

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Sometime this year when ever my mom contacts the contractor up near my sister in Greeneville and see if they can build or finish the ones they started to what my mom wants we will be moving up there and I will be moving to my sisters old house on her 10 acre lot where they had my brothers construction people build a house for them 2 years ago. Last week my dad whispered to my sister that he is happy that they are pushing my mom to contact the contractors because he wants to move up there to be near my sister and her husband and their dog my nephew Ollie and also his son and daughter in law also and a friend from the Army and his late brothers wife and her kids she has Alziemers  also.

by Living Barnett G2G6 Pilot (503k points)
Hi Linda, looking forward to hearing more about your move. 10 acre lot sounds perfect. Just enough space to have some animals and a veggie patch. What are your plans?
My sister has the 10 acres they have a dog that doesn't care for other dogs or animals he ignores them. They are going to share him with me. I do what they say because it is their land while I am alive and living there I will really be paying rent on the house since it is their 10 acre lot not mine. I am not buying the land and the house I am renting it.
+16 votes
Happy weekend and almost Valentine’s Day.

I guess the weather at home is pleasant in the upper 60s. Tampa, Florida set a record high today and our golden retriever had a great time swimming for about 30 minutes.

I’ve been quietly working on the tree. I did add a great grandfather for the 52 week contribution. Other than that, I’ve continued on single letter LNAB open profiles and have found sources for quite a few that are now no longer hidden unknowns with no sources but not tagged unsourced. (Um, is that a double negative? Profiles not marked unsourced because they cite the GEDCOM import. Profiles with a single letter LNAB instead of unknown)
by Kay Knight G2G6 Pilot (604k points)

Congralautions on your progress Kay.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Wow Kay those are all very valuable contributions to our shared tree!  Thanks for being such a great Wikitreer!
Hi Kay, thanks for your wonderful work on WikiTree. Lovely to talk to you.
+13 votes

PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games, the first Olympic Games on snow and ice in the Republic of Korea!! 

Who's watching??? Do you have a favorite athlete ??? 


by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Yes!   I was surprised at how the song that the 77 year old singer sang sounded so much like some of the Native American chants I have heard at various ceremonies and powwows.  

I know it has been said that opening ceremony did not have the money for the show that others have had, but I think it has been nice.  

I don't really have a favorite athlete I admire anyone who dedicates that much time to achieve a goal against all kinds of odds.

If anyone missed the opening check out pictures in this sports gallery: 


Favorite athlete ... yikes, that's hard ... I'll go with Mikaela Shiffrin, alpine skier ... should smoke the slalom and compete well in the giant slalom and down hill (I think she's doing that??) ... we'll see.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Well, then there's Red Gerard with a gold medal in men's slope style ... just crazy stuff with multiple flips and turns ... and he's seventeen!! ... what?  Ah but he's 70 miles closer to me than Mikaela ... lol ... I'm still going with Mikaela as my favorite ...
I don't have a favourite athlete, but I do love the figure skating.
To keep up with the medal count results during the Winter Olympics go here: (thanks Laura for sharing that with me yesterday!)

It also has the schedule so you can figure out what you want to watch!

So many choices!
+13 votes

Just got an email from RootsWeb.  As many of you might know, they had a real computer breakdown.  They have been rebuilding the entire site.  Their world tree (some of the people have sources listed) is back up.   The are getting ready to bring up all the email lists with their history soon.  

From their email:  

We are on track to bring the mailing lists back online by the end of this month. The mailing list archives will be up and running with current emails in them. We are in the process of importing the old archives into the new system which will take some time.

We appreciate your patience as we continue upgrading the systems that run the RootsWeb mailing lists. We know how much value this service provides to our members.

Updates on our progress will continue to be posted on the RootsWeb homepage: http://www.rootsweb.com

Thank you for sticking with us as we work to make these systems more secure and reliable for the future.

The RootsWeb Team

I have several message boards I admin there.  Used to admin a couple of lists but now the only list I admin is done with 2 others and is the Moselle list under Yahoo Groups.  Rootsweb had a lot of private pages that I have not seen come back up yet.  Some were very well researched.  I hope they can bring those back too!

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (836k points)

I hope so too because I use the RootsWeb in Family Tree a lot.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

+14 votes
Hi, folks!

It's real nice weather here  but I pity your poor people in the middle of the continent still having cold weather.  It's especially difficult  when trying to take a sweetheart on a walk.

I'm getting back into shape.  It's amazing  how much you can forget about WikiTree in just a few days.  But it's all coming back. I'm trying to get back into the what I need to do to get back to what I need to do to to make contributions.  I can easily make 100 contributions, but I'd like to get back to 1000 contributions a month.
by Dave Dardinger G2G6 Pilot (443k points)
Welcome back Dave!   Yes I think everyone who has been dealing with bad weather that just seems to keep coming back is getting spring fever!  

Some months I struggle to hit 100 so if you can do 1000 I applaud you!

Ditto to what Dave and Laura said.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Hi Dave, I'm getting in to shape too! Good luck with the 1000 a month!
+13 votes
Well, another weekend. I am suppose to work on taxes but have developed  a cough. Not much of a cold, other than I can't stop coughing.

Took some medicine, but woke up, it was over 4 hours so I took more. Not sure what it is doing.

Trying some hot tea to clean out the pipes. Vitamin C, multi-vitamin. I don't get sick often. Usually try to sleep it off.

I have some DNA matches that I can't match on the tree. One of her short branches is the Collins, which I have in my tree. Is it there? There is a strong match, so it shouldn't be many generations,

There are matches that seem to be on my mother's side but the tree doesn't go back far enough to see them.

There should be a way to indicate DNA matches where the tree isn't complete enough to find.
by Sue Hall G2G6 Pilot (168k points)
Welcome Sue!  Keep an eye on that cough!  We are going through a lot of that were I live.  I have been doing tea with honey,  and frozen fruit bars.

I don't cough a lot during the day.  Mine is worse between midnight and 6 am so my days and nights are getting mixed up.  It is about 3:45 am here.
Feel better soon Sue! And good luck on your mother's side. My difficult side is my fathers...
Gee maybe Sue, you and I are just allergic to doing taxes!   Could be all the old paper we have to shuffle through!

Ditto to what everyone said especially Mindy.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

+12 votes
I gave my valentine her flowers the other day. I bought her a miniature Rose plant because we can keep it alive until spring when we can put it outside. She likes this because not only will it last for a very long time but she knows I am allergic to it so I am making myself uncomfortable giving her something she likes. On the genealogy front, I have made over 100 contributions so far this month and that is good because I am about to enter my very busy period soon and will probably not hit 1000 this month. My next genealogy class is on February 22 and it is learning about the Geauga County Public Library's genealogy database and my ham radio classes start on the 23rd. I have another genealogy class on the 28th and then next month one on March 10th. From there I will decide about future offerings they have.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)

Ditto to Dale and Laura.

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

+13 votes

0700 am Feb 10, 2018 Nashville, Tennessee "Weather forecast":  Heavy rains this weekend may cause flooding; there could be rain totals as high as four inches in some areas of Middle Tennessee.

Well this is timely: Today is....



On this day, we honor one of the world’s most useful inventions, the umbrella!  Not only does the umbrella help keep us dry from the rain, but it also protects us from the heat of the sun.  Umbrellas can also be used as a fashion accessory.

Umbrellas have been featured in many motion pictures, most notably:

* Singing in the Rain – 1952           * Mary Poppins – 1964

Interesting Umbrella TidBits:

The word umbrella comes from the Latin word umbra, meaning shade or shadow.  Brolly is a slang word for umbrella, often used in Britain, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa.  Bumbershoot is a fanciful Americanism for an umbrella from the late 19th century.

The basic umbrella was invented over four thousand years ago.  There is evidence of umbrellas in the ancient art and artifacts of Egypt  Assyria, Greece and China.

It was the Chinese that first waterproofed umbrellas for use in the rain. They waxed and lacquered their paper parasols to protect them from the elements.

One of the first umbrella shops in existence opened in 1830 at 53 New Oxford Street in London, England.  James Smith and Sons operates regular hours at the same location still today. 

In 1928, Hans Haupt’s pocket umbrellas appeared.  In 1969, Bradford E. Phillips, the owner of Totes Incorporated of Loveland, Ohio, obtained a patent for the first “working folding umbrella.”

Umbrellas have also been fashioned into hats as early as 1880 and as recently as 1987.

In photography, umbrellas with a reflective inside are used by photographers as a diffusion device when employing artificial lighting and as a glare shield and shade, most often in portrait situations.



by Dorothy Barry G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

No umbrella's needed here today..ice it is, my 'little' valentine, he bought his mum a bush of our (his and mine) favourite roses, so cute..

Now that looks cold, brrrrrrr!!! Cute little fellow!! Thanks for sharing Bea!!
+12 votes

My sister-in-law was born on Valentine's Day ... her mother's choice as she was caesarean.  My wife is planning a b-day party for her on Wednesday.  Small party, just one other sister and a cousin that live nearby.  Chocolate covered strawberries and .Prosecco ... I might have to sneak a bite and a glass!!

Saw the previous note about the Olympics ... I'm psyched, it's always fun to watch.  Did you catch the opening ceremony?  And, in particular, the light drones ... that was just cool.  If you missed it, check out: .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQQnBAtu5PA ... well, heck, the US Olympic committee just blocked that video ... grrr .. do a google search on 'Olympic drones' and see if you can find other pictures ... the video was really neat..  Okay, so here's a still shot of the rings ... this was morphed out of a snowboarder 'image':

I was in Korea back in 1971 ... North of Seoul, DMZ and environs ... wow, has Korea ever progressed by leaps and bounds.

by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Bob we can always count on you to make us hungry!  If they had a Foodie event at the Olympics you would be in Gold Medal contention!
+10 votes

Now of to join the hangout for the 2018 WikiTreeer awards starting about now if it's correct ..uuhm ... not correct ... lol.. 

Update.. thanks to David who noticed and informed us the 2018 awards are postponed  until further notice ;) 

by Bea Wijma G2G6 Pilot (311k points)
edited by Bea Wijma
I there but can't get my channel to work so I tend to lurk....  sometime someone can explain to me how this thing works....   lol!
Wow I went back and was able to post a note!   Yeah.

aaha and I was wondering who L B would be hahaha thanks Laura you're a


I tried to type in my name and for some reason only LB came through.... utube is not my forte!

 Welcome everyone to the WikiTree Love Month Valentine Weekend WikiTree Chat and also Happy Valentine Day to everyone!!!

Thank you David. I book marked them.  I don't use utube very often.  Once in a while but when WikiTree is doing something I do like to try and participate.  My security folks have my computer locked down in some ways that means I don't interact like a normal computer on some sites...  I don't even pretend to understand what they have done...

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