anybody looking for John Penberthy born in England before 1883, who could have migrated to South America?

+3 votes

Hi, everybody. Hi, I'm researching for my family in Bolivia through non indexed books at (yeah, image by image, literally thousands of images) (I love it!).
 Time after time I found foreigners that settled in there, and as they are not indexed, their family could being looking for them with no success, so I create the Person, and add the font, in order of that info doesn't get lost. Then today I found in 1903 in Bolivia, a mention of "Juan Penverthy", married, born in England. I realized the right name should be John Penberthy. I didn't create the person yet, because I found some persons with same name, so I sent a message to the one who created the profile (I'm always talking abotu familysearch). But meanwhile I wanted to ask here know, I don't want the data gets missed in the dark again.
This is a baptism act, page 44, look at newborn Pablo Sanchez: Juan Penverthy is named as his godfather.
just let me know what you think.
Bolivia during XIX and first part of XX was a goal for foreigners for all the world, meanwhile the mining was a great resource. I found in this way palestinian, yugoslavian, germans, americans and so. I try to look for them usually, because is a wonder for me to find these people so far from their land, but not so much, as my research is a different one and takes all my time.

in The Tree House by L. Chavarria G2G6 (6.5k points)
One thing to look for would be immigration/passenger list data for John Penberthy from England/US to South America.
yes, but have in mind I'm not looking for him. This is just in case someone else is looking for him and doesn't have idea where he settled. I don't want that this valuable document gets missed again, that's why I posted
Virtually all the Penberthys in England are from Cornwall, around Redruth and Truro. This is the only place in Britain where tin was mined (along with lead and copper) so he was probably a tin miner.
Very interesting!! because at the exact place and time when this Penberthy was settled in Bolivia, it was a tin mine, in fact biggest tin mine on the world (PatiƱo's, King of the Tin).  

Hope some relative find this thread some day  :)

1 Answer

0 votes
I've been writing Captain John Penberthy's biography for years. There's next to nothing known about his incredible life, and I hope to change that when I publish my book on him!
by Sharron Schwartz G2G Rookie (200 points)

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