Here are some more early Boswells. I have a great deal of information on the Boswells in VA and TN. I'll be more than happy to answer any questions. There were a great many in early VA and MD too. I believe there were also Boswells in New England. Those in VA have many different spellings of the name.
Doro. (Dorothy?) Boswell on trans. list of Lt. John Needles. 20 Dec 1667 Cavaliers and Pioneers II: 28. Abstracted by N.M. Nugent, Indexed by C.B. Grandman, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants (Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA, USA. 1977), Vol. II. p. 28.
Ja. (James?) Boswell trans. list of John and George Mott. 17 Oct. 1670. N. side freshes of Rappa. (Rappahannock) River. Cavaliers and Pioneers II:85 Abstracted by N.M. Nugent, Indexed by C.B. Grandman, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants (Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA, USA. 1977), Vol. II p. 85.
Jane Boswell: 10 Oct 1688 Transport List of Michael Fentris: Cavaliers and Pioneers II:327.Abstracted by N.M. Nugent, Indexed by C.B. Grandman, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants (Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA, USA. 1977), Vol. II p. 327.
Amy Boswell Listed on trans. list of Robert Beverly, 20 Oct 1689 with Vere Boswell. Husband/wife? Mother/son? Father/daughter? Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracted by N.M. Nugent, Indexed by C.B. Grandman, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants (Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA, USA. 1977), Vol. II p. 335.