Please help with village names for my Blecha family from Bohemia

+7 votes

Fortunately, the research for my family has been done and there is a website full of sources. I attempted to start trying to transfer some of it to wikitree, but total fail. I can't figure out what the names of the villages actually should be, I don't know if the naming conventions were used properly. I am totally lost here. I want it all to be correct. Can someone PLEASE help me do this? Everything is here, going back multiple generations.  Any help at all with this would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to create a mess. 

WikiTree profile: Jacob Blecha
in Genealogy Help by Amanda Blaker G2G1 (1.9k points)

2 Answers

+7 votes
There is a website for Austrian genealogical research, GenTeam, at , that has a gazetteer of most places in the former Austria-Hungarian Empire that gives the name of place in both German and the local language, eg Czech. There is also other information, such as the name of the parish and which archive holds the records. The gazetteer is searchable in both languages; the search function is very convenient because you do not need to use the diacritics.

You must be a member to use the site, but both registration and membership is free. The website is in both German and English.

There are numerous other very useful resources.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (739k points)
Thanks for the link to GenTeam, George! My husband's side is all German-Czech and this will be infinitely useful.
+7 votes

The town is Hlince, the house is the hořejši rybarna = the Upper Fishing House. In 1817 the country was the České království = the Kingdom of Bohemia, in the Rakouské císařství = the Austrian Empire.

The web site you are referencing is not using the Czech diacritical marks, but the correct spelling can usually be found by doing a Google search without the diacritical marks. The same goes for the names of the people (Frantisek is František).

Czech orthography underwent a major change in the mid 19th century, meaning that before about 1850 names were spelled differently than in modern Czech. The Czech naming guidelines on WikiTree are at odds with what is generally done here causing some problems: the most important is leaving people without knowledge of modern and older Czech guessing what the names should be. My strong suggestion is to disregard the naming guidelines and instead use the names as found in the original records. In my opinion, those guidelines should be replaced.

by Helmut Jungschaffer G2G6 Pilot (632k points)

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