106th New York Infantry Regiment Company F (All veterans added)

+19 votes

We have finally finished adding all the veterans of the Glorious 106th New York Regiment Company F!

Any collaboration in improving upon our U.S. Civil War Veterans of Company F is appreciated as many still need connecting. This free space of veterans took almost a year and half to complete! 

Maybe your related to one of our veterans of the glorious 106th New York Regiment?

If there is a veteran that was missed or not added but sourced please post message on page. 

Thank you laugh  

Note: Last 3 Companies G, I and K to be added as all other companies are complete however a free space for Field and Staff being considered 

Thank you for all the collaboration everyone has contributed in the 106th vets! laugh

in The Tree House by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (817k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier

Congratulations Andrew, thank you for all you do for the Civil War Project smiley

Great Job Andrew!
Thanks it’s been fun and very interesting
Congratulations Andrew.

6 Answers

+7 votes
Best answer
The page looks great.  I am currently working on a similar project for the Spanish American War. You’ve done a lot of work setting up Company’s A thru F.  One thing you may want to check is the “Connected” column.  Some of them that say yes don’t appear to actually be connected.  I saw a similar column on the State Governors project where the person connecting the profile would write the date connected in that column.
by Steve Gates G2G6 Mach 1 (19.6k points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

I’m updating the connected column per the civil war project guidelines it was a bit confusing but apparently any connection wife kids parents siblings is a connection then in that case profiles need to be created  I’ve just started the process.

  • [Category: US Civil War Needs Connection] Note: This category is for a soldier who is not connected to ANY family member.
  • [Category: US Civil War Needs Profiles Created] Note: This category is for a soldier who has SOME family connected, but not all their family members.
Ok, that makes sense.  I’ll look at those guidelines later.  I was thinking connected meant the profile was connected to the global tree, which you can tell by looking for the “your connections” like at the bottom of a profile.
That’s how I interpreted when I first started too but the project clarified after the fact so playing catch up lol
Got it. So it looks like you’d also add those category names within the profile as well as on your list. Others doing the Connect-a-thon this month get credit for each profile created. Some people will look for profiles with that category to add any profiles needed.

For the monthly connector events you only get credit by connecting to the global tree, even if you add 50 profiles to make one connection.

Thanks for explaining this. I’ll read the Civil War guidelines later this weekend. I have a few civil war ancestors but have not explored much of the Civil War resources on wikitree yet
Hi Andrew, sorry that I didn't have that explanation sooner on those categories.  It took me a couple of US Civil War challenge connect-a-thon's to realize I needed to do an explanation.  You could change the heading to Needs add'l profiles, and make an add'l column for the Connected to World Tree.
Your right good idea ! I’ll try to figure out how to add an extra column as I forget sometimes it’s been a while but I’d like to try that. I’ll be removing the needs connected on them profiles that do have a connection as many did get a connect to someone in their family during the project connect a thons and sprints etc
If you need help with the table let me know, I'm always changing the Challenge Table.
Ok will do
+7 votes
Congratulations on the completion of Company F, Andrew.  I'm sure North Country genealogy has taken a great leap forward as a result of your work on the 106th.  Thank you.
by Mark Weinheimer G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)

Thanks a work in progress but almost there laugh

+9 votes
That is amazing! I wish I could just pick a task and follow it through like that. I've been working on the 55th Massachusetts for a good number of years. Maybe I should just add the soldiers and worry about the connections later.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (968k points)

The 55th is very historic yes would be fun a great idea

You have a link to the 55th Massachusetts free space?

+8 votes
Andrew — Bravo!  This is an excellent achievement.
by Cathryn Hondros G2G6 Mach 6 (61.9k points)
It takes me a long time. I don’t just add names and call it a day.  I source it all and try to connect each one along the way finding memorials obits et. finding their stories and always working on the Regt.
+7 votes

This is awesome Andrew.  I will be referencing your company pages to help me create company pages for the 103rd OVI. I am sure I will have lots of questions for you.  

by David Ressler G2G6 Mach 1 (17.4k points)

Well it’s fun to do and it takes time but you learn about the company more in detail this way. laugh 

+6 votes

   Congratulations.  It's amazing how you keep rolling along on this project.

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.8m points)

Yea it’s been a few years of slowly picking away at it. Now just 3 companies remaining laugh

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