Dragon Connection Combat: Bruce Lee vs Chuck Norris

+26 votes

Following this week's "Year of the Dragon" theme, our Connection Combat game is a battle between Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. Both were born under the Chinese zodiac sign of the dragon, and they famously battled each other in the 1972 martial arts classic, "The Way of the Dragon."

Here's how the game is played:

  1. Check your connection to Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris (click "Connection to Me" in each profile pull-down menu).
  2. Click "Answer this post" below. Choose Team Lee or Team Norris and say how many degrees are in your chosen connection path.
  3. Verify each relationship along your connection path with a reliable source [more explanation].
  4. Post a Comment below your answer here as soon as you're done.

Connection Combat

The players with the closest verified connection wins!

There are seven additional ways to win and enter the Connection Combat Hall of Fame. These require clearing your path of all "WikiTree Weevils."

This game runs from February 6 - February 13. Winners will be announced on February 14.

Do you want to help others? We call this "combat" just for fun. It's really more about collaboration than competition. We help each other in this community. Please participate in your team's Aid Station and stop by when you have questions or problems.

You can also chat live on Discord. See the Connection Combat help page for more information.

Are you in?

in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
edited by Eowyn Walker

39 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

Winner: C Collins (11) for Team Norris!

by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
+18 votes

Team Norris! 20 degrees. All profiles checked and verified. 

0. Chuck Norris →
1. Ray Norris (his father) →
2. James Norris (his father) →
3. William Norris (his father) →
4. Samuel Norris (his father) →
5. William Norris (his father) →
6. Hannah Case (his wife) →
7. Hannah Pierce (her mother) →
8. Caleb Pierce (her father) →
9. Benjamin Pierce (his father) →
10. John Pierce (his brother) →
11. Samuel Pierce (his son) →
12. William Pierce (his son) →
13. William Pierce (his son) →
14. Narcissa Pierce (his daughter) →
15. Narcissa Hopson (her daughter) →
16. Commadore Worthington (her son) →
17. Philip Worthington (his son) →
18. Arthur Worthington (his son) →
19. Joan Worthington (his daughter) →
20. Shonda Sayers-Howell (her daughter)

Bruce Lee, 22 degrees. All profiles checked and verified. 

0. Bruce Lee →
1. Linda Emery (his wife) →
2. Everett Emery (her father) →
3. Orace Emery (his father) →
4. Orace Emery (his father) →
5. Jonathan Emery (his father) →
6. Asa Emery (his father) →
7. Daniel Emery (his father) →
8. Sarah Burge (his mother) →
9. Hannah Burge (her sister) →
10. Josiah Dutton (her son) →
11. Sarah Dutton (his daughter) →
12. Sarah Stiles (her daughter) →
13. Betsy Searl (her daughter) →
14. John Babcock (her husband) →
15. Jacob Babcock (his brother) →
16. Lydia Maxson (his wife) →
17. Charity Maxson (her sister) →
18. Barbara Weaver (her daughter) →
19. George Roth (her son) →
20. Lillian Roth (his daughter) →
21. Larry Sayers-Howell (her son) →
22. Shonda Sayers-Howell (his daughter)

by Shonda Feather G2G6 Pilot (441k points)
edited by Shonda Feather
Dang girl! That was fast.

I did it yesterday and was waiting to post. laugh I tried to be a double agent, but found an erroneous connection, so I am still working on it.

+16 votes
17 from Chuck, 23 from Bruce. Team Norris it is!
by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.6m points)
+18 votes
Team Lee. 20 degrees. Completed.
by Kevin Smith G2G6 Mach 1 (14.4k points)
+17 votes
Team Norris - 22 degrees away
by Melanie McComb G2G6 Mach 5 (58.8k points)

22 degrees verified! Went through two countries (United States and Canada) 

0 Chuck Norris

1 Private Profile

2 Private Profile

Origene Routhier 

4 Jeremie Routhier

5 Maria Rondeau

6 Jules Rondeau

7 Joseph Rondeau

8 Marie Anne Doiron

9 Alexandre Doiron

10 Alexandre Doiron

11 Louis Pierre Doiron

12 Alexis Doiron

13 Francois Xavier Doiron

14 Bernard Doiron

15 Veronique Doiron

16 Stanislaus Bourgeois

17 Mary Ann Brennick

18 Catherine Dougherty

19 Joseph Dougherty

20 Michael Doherty

21 Private Father

22 Me

Nice battling, Melanie!
+17 votes
I'm 19 from Chuck and 22 from Bruce. Going to try for both this week! Bruce is going to be a challenge, just a poke through on a few different paths shows that I don't know much about Hong Kong or South Africa.
by Erin Breen G2G6 Pilot (352k points)

Got my verified, weevil-free connection to Bruce Lee! It's a different trail than the one I started with in the connection finder, but the same number of degrees.

  1. Bruce Lee →
  2. Linda Emery (his wife)→
  3. Everett Emery (her father)→
  4. Cora Bentley (his mother)→
  5. Mary Bailey (her mother)→
  6. Edna Bailey (her sister)→
  7. Erastus Crocker (her husband)→
  8. Eliza Crocker (his sister)→
  9. Orimel Barney (her husband)→
  10. Edson Barney (his brother)→
  11. Ellen Barney (his daughter)→
  12. Thomas Henry Wilson (her husband)→
  13. Amanda Caldwell (his wife)→
  14. Nancy Caldwell (her sister)→
  15. Walter Pyper (her son)→
  16. Annie Irving (his wife)→
  17. Robert Irving (her father)→
  18. Agnes Irving (his sister)→
  19. Cassie Dunn (her daughter)→
  20. Illa Lloyd (her daughter)→
  21. Private→
  22. Private→
  23. Erin Breen

19 degrees from Chuck Norris, all verified and weevil-free: 

  1. Chuck Norris
  2. [private person] →
  3. [private person] →
  4. Origene Routhier (their father)→
  5. Jeremie Routhier (his father)→
  6. Marie Louise Routhier (his sister)→
  7. Joseph Normand (her husband)→
  8. Clémence Nault (his mother)→
  9. Romain Nault (her father)→
  10. Charles Nault (his brother)→
  11. Marie Comtois dit Morin (his wife)→
  12. Etienne Morin (her brother)→
  13. Anne Pruden (his wife)→
  14. Charles Pruden (her brother)→
  15. Louis Pruden (his son)→
  16. Bernice Pruden (his daughter)→
  17. Private →
  18. Private →
  19. Private →
  20. Erin Breen
Great battling, Erin!
+14 votes
Team Norris! 20 degrees!!
by Erica Flake G2G6 (6.6k points)
+13 votes

Team Norris for me! 

  1. Chuck Norris
  2. Ray Norris(his father)
  3. Ella Tinker(his mother)
  4. James Tinker(her father)
  5. Amanda Tinker(his sister)
  6. Edith Melvina Arbuckle(her daughter)
  7. Charles Friel(her husband)
  8. Randolph Friel(his father)
  9. Minerva Kirkpatrick(his mother)
  10. Mary Kirkpatrick(her sister)
  11. William Hughes(her husband)
  12. Mary Hughes(his sister)
  13. William Wallen(her son)
  14. Lucy Wallen(his daughter)
  15. Lucy Boushon(her daughter)
  16. Firman Robinson(her son)
  17. Carl Robinson(his son)
  18. Azure Robinson(his daughter)
by Azure Robinson G2G6 Pilot (610k points)
Nice, Azure! Thanks for battling!
+14 votes
Team Norris!!

*edit to note I have since sourced the line of connection and had to change some parentage on one link and the chain has completely changed....

NOW 19 degrees of separation to Chuck Norris... unverified...

Chuck Norris and I HAD 20 degrees of separation by marriage and we are also 16th cousins once removed. STILL

Bruce Lee is 24 Degrees of separation by marriage.
by Jude Valencia G2G2 (2.3k points)
reshown by Jude Valencia

0.Chuck Norris

1. His father> Ray Dee Norris

2. His mother> Ella May (Tinker) Norris

3. Her mother> Clarissa Ann (Coffer) Tinker

4. Her father> Mordecai Coffer

5. His father> George B Coffer

6. His brother> Jesse Copher

7. His wife> Elizabeth (Boone) Copher

8. Her father> George Boone

9. His father> Squire Boone Sr

10. His brother> Joseph Boone Sr

11. His son> Joseph Boone Jr.

12. His son> Abner Boone

13. His son> James Ellis Boone

14. His daughter> Angeline (Boone) Humphrey

15. Her daughter> Willina (Humphrey) Kralicek

16. Her daughter> Maudie Agnes (Kralicek) Cone

17. Her son> Marion Thomas Hastings Sr

18. His son> Delbert Hastings

19. His daughter> Jude (Hastings) Valencia

Nice work, Jude! Thanks for battling!
+16 votes
Team Lee for me!
by Feargal Hennigan G2G6 Mach 6 (64.1k points)
0. Bruce Lee ✔

1.Linda Emery (his wife) ✔

2. Everett Emery (her father) ✔

3. Cora Bentley (his mother) ✔

4. Mary Bailey (her mother) ✔

5. Edna Bailey (her sister) ✔

6. Erastus Crocker (her husband) ✔

7. Eliza Crocker (his sister) ✔

8. Orimel Barney (her husband) ✔

9. Edson Barney (his brother) ✔

10. Ellen Barney (his daughter) ✔

11. Thomas Henry Wilson (her husband) ✔

12. Caroline Merchant (his mother) ✔

13. Elizabeth Barnes (her mother) ✔

14. James Barnes (her brother) ✔

15. Andrew Barnes (his son) ✔

16. Elizabeth Barnes (his daughter) ✔

17. Anthony Tull (her husband) ✔

18. William Tull (his brother) ✔

19. Zita Tull (his daughter) ✔

20. Alfred Dunstan (her husband) ✔

21. Phoebe Bull (his mother) ✔

22. Edmund Bull (her brother) ✔

23. Yvonne Bull (his daughter) ✔

24. William Colelough (her husband) ✔

25. James Colclough (his father) ✔

26. William Colclough (his father) ✔

27. John Colclough (his brother) ✔

28. John Colclough (his son) ✔

29. Patricia Colclough (his daughter) ✔

30. Living Coogan (her daughter) ✔

31. Living Kennedy (her daughter) ✔

32. Feargal Hennigan (her son) ✔
Done @ 32 degrees.
+14 votes

It will be Team Norris for me this week. Chuck Norris
18° - 13th C1xR. I am 23° from Bruce Lee & I really don't want to go through my Brunson/Parsons/Sewell/Fairchild line again this week. Although I have had to change the line from the original line for Chuck Norris; it went through a private person that I couldn't even get a profile on. We'll see how this goes. This line to Chuck Norris runs through my Wilson/Lawson/Palmer/Noland line.

0. Pat Brunson →
1. Betty Wilson-106973 (her mother) →
2. Lila Lawson-13910 (her mother) →
3. Harriet Palmer (her mother) →
4. Sarah Palmer (her mother) →
5. Sarah Noland (her mother) →
6. Mary Field (her mother) →
7. Jeremiah Field (her brother) →
8. Eleanor Sherwood (his wife) →
9. Sherwood-2137 (her brother) →
10. Eleanor Sherwood (his daughter) →
11. Sarah Hopkins (her daughter) →
12. Joseph Norris (her husband) →
13. John Norris (his father) →
14. Samuel Norris (his brother) →
15. William Norris (his son) →
16. James Norris (his son) →
17. Ray Norris (his son) →
18. Chuck Norris-2853 (his son)

How do you count de-weevling a Noteables Profile & have it counted in the Connection Combat Challenge? I have just been making a comment with the source on the Noteable's Profile. Chuck Norris is 18° from me, but I wrangled weevils on all 19 profiles to be able to say that in this regard, this line is weevil free.

by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (105k points)
edited by Living Brunson
+14 votes

Team Lee 17 degrees

0. Bruce Lee,

1. his wife, Linda (Emery) Lee, 10c, mrca Barre-356, Parratt-13

2. her father, Everett William Emery

3. his mother, Cora Mae (Bentley) Emery

4. her mother, Mary (Bailey) Bentley

5. her father, Marshall Bailey

6. his father, Aaron Bailey

7. his father, Jethro Bailey

8. his brother, William Bailey

9. his wife, Rebecca (Hildreth) Bailey

10. her father, Josiah Hildreth

11. his sister, Mercy (Hildreth) Coburn

12. her daughter, Abigail (Coburn) Wheeler

13. her son. Mr. Leonard Wheeler

14. his son, Mr. Edward Franklin Wheeler

15. his son, Mr. Leonard Otto Wheeler

16. his son, Mr. William Keith Wheeler

17. his daughter, Mildred Wheeler


Chuck Norris 19 degrees

0. Chuck Norris, 16c, mrca Tailboys-26, Grosvenor-17

1. his father, Ray (Dee) Norris

2. his mother, Ella May (Tinker) Norris

3. her father, James Asbury Tinker

4. his sister. Amanda Melvina (Tinker) Arbuckle

5. her husband. Tacitus Ryland Arbuckle Sr.

6. his father, Rev. Cyrus Pharoh Arbuckle

7. his father, Thomas Arbuckle

8. his sister, Agnes Nancy (Welch) Stringer

9. her son, Reverend William Lowe Stringer

10. his wife, Mary Elizabeth (Cranford) Stringer

11. her mother, Elizabeth (Wilkes) Cranford

12. her mother, Martha (Crowder) Wilkes

13. her brother, William Crowder

14. his son, Daniel Crowder

15. his daughter, Elizabeth Francis (Crowder) Morrison

16. her daughter, Martha Elizabeth (Morrison) West

17. her daughter, Elva Mildred (West) Wheeler

18. her son, Mr. William Keith Wheeler

19. his daughter, Mildred Wheeler

by Mildred Wheeler G2G6 Mach 9 (93.2k points)
edited by Mildred Wheeler
Great battling Mildred, thank you!
+12 votes

Team Norris, using a similar beginning path as my Paul Revere combat connection did.

Ack! Someone's research changed the connection (not a bad thing). Starting over! Still closer to Chuck, but a longer connection at 20 degrees.

  1. Chuck Norris
  2. Ray Norris
  3. James Norris
  4. William Norris
  5. Samuel Norris
  6. William Norris
  7. Thomas Norris
  8. Kesiah Hayes
  9. John Hayes
  10. Hartwell Hayes
  11. Nancy Hayes
  12. James Woody
  13. John Woody
  14. James Woody
  15. Franklin Woody
  16. Minerva Woody
  17. Frank Fraaken
  18. Bernice Fraaken
  19. Emory Van Sickle
  20. Brenda Van Sickle
  21. Me

by Abby Glann G2G6 Pilot (762k points)
edited by Abby Glann
+12 votes

Team Norris! 19 degrees - I also discovered in this challenge that Chuck Norris is my 16th cousin!

0: Nanette Michele (Campbell) Rohrbaugh

1: ↑ her mother, Nancy

2: ↑ her father, Walter Everett Drummond

3: ↑ his mother, Catherine E. (Harwell) Drummond

4: ↑ her father, Warren Harwell

5: ↑ his mother, Martha Patsy (Mitchell) Harwell

6: ↑ her mother, Elizabeth (Warren) Mitchell

7: ↔ her sister, Sarah Ann (Holmes) McGowan

8: = her husband, John James McGowan

9: ↔ his sister, Lucy Batte (MacGowan) Stockard

10: ↓ her son, Thomas Alonzo Stockard

11: ↔ his sister, Rosalind Deborah (Stockard) Gresham

12: = her husband, William I Gresham

13: ↔ his sister, Alice Nimmie (Jenkins) Rucker

14: ↓ her son, Andrew Caldwell Norris Sr.

15: ↑ his father, Isaac L. Norris

16: ↔ his brother, William Simon Norris

17: ↓ his son, James Henry Norris

18: ↓ his son, Ray Dee Norris

19: ↓ his son, Chuck R. Norris

For Bruce Lee:

0: Nanette Michele (Campbell) Rohrbaugh

1: her mother, Nancy May (Drummond) Campbell

2: her mother, Evelyn Willow (Lichtenberger) Drummond

3: her father, Samuel Ringgold Lichtenberger

4: his mother, Mary Jane (Colby) Lichtenberger

5: her mother, Josephine (Churchill) Colby

6: her father, Asa Churchill

7: his father, Daniel Churchill

8: his brother, John Churchill

9: = his wife, Mary (Hutchins) Churchill

10: her mother, Mary Munroe (Emery) Hutchins

11: her father, John Emery

12: his brother, Deacon Daniel Emery

13: his son, Asa Emery

14: his son, Jonathan W. Emery

15: his son, Orace Whitcomb Emery

16: his son, Orace Vernon Emery

17: his son, Everett William Emery

18: his daughter, Linda C. (Emery) Lee

19: = her husband, Jun-fan Lee


by Nanette Rohrbaugh G2G6 Mach 4 (40.4k points)
edited by Nanette Rohrbaugh
+12 votes
I admire the Chinese people!  I was born in the year of the dragon too! Yay!!!!
by Nancy McIntyre G2G Crew (560 points)
+13 votes
Team Lee for me. Norris initially looked shorter, but a removal of a dodgy link bumped him from 17 to 20. Looks like I can get to Lee in 19 through his wife. Just need to improve a couple of profiles.
by Jean Paradis G2G6 Mach 2 (25.9k points)
All done. Connected to Brice Lee in 19 steps, all connections verified and documented.
+12 votes
I choose Team Lee, at 19. Just need to add to a couple of profiles.
by Jean Paradis G2G6 Mach 2 (25.9k points)
+11 votes
Team Norris 14 degrees.
by Mike Wells G2G6 Pilot (145k points)
+12 votes
team Bruce Lee
by Fiona Lee G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)
+12 votes
Team Norris 17 degrees vs Lee at 23 degrees
by Tammy Joyce G2G1 (1.4k points)

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