Monthly Challenge Updates:
In January we had the great Double Dare Challenge for the Connect-a-Thon, the 28 members who participated connected over 300 soldiers to the one-world tree and made 6,480 profiles.
The February KIA during the Battle of Shiloh Challenge had 14 members creating 510 new profiles for those soldiers who died during that battle.
Our March Challenge begins March 1st. We will need A LOT OF HELP, because the challenge will be to create profiles for the Union Soldiers who died in Andersonville Prison. Find-A-Grave has memorials for 12,681 soldiers, but WikiTree only has 137 created. If your interested in joining the challenge, you can sign-up on The Monthly Challenge Page, where you’ll find the Instructions and sign-up chart: US Civil War Project Monthly Challenges Page (wikitree.com)
The next Connect-a-Thon is in April, so we won’t have a Monthly Challenge.
1) Civil War Stickers: when it says “side=” use USA or CSA, never spell out Union or Confederate.
2) Those who are new to the US Civil War Project. We have a section on the Project page called “Hints for Stickers and Categories” US Civil War: War Between the States Project (wikitree.com). The number one mistake on Stickers is not getting the “Unit=” correct, this must match the category. If you don’t know the Unit, use this sticker: {{US Civil War|side= }} side= would be USA or CSA.
3) On the Project page you’ll find the “Roll of Honor” Sticker. The Roll of Honor sticker is used for: Killed in Action, Wounded in Action, Missing in Action, Prisoner of War, Died of Wounds, Died of Disease, Died in Military Service, Died While Prisoner of War. US Civil War: War Between the States Project (wikitree.com)
Helpful Links for Research:
1) National Park Service: Search For Soldiers - The Civil War (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov)
2) Family Search: United States Civil War Soldiers Index, 1861-1865 • FamilySearch
3) A great place to find sources for your research is the Project’s Main Research Page: US Civil War: War Between the States Resource Page (wikitree.com)
Wiki News for Wiki’ 15th Anniversary:
There are some fun projects going on that members can get involved in:
1) I t’s not too late to sign-up for this: 15 for 15 Mission: Are you participating in the 2023 15 For 15 Mission? - WikiTree G2G
2) WikiTree is putting together a Cookbook, hoping to get a family recipe and a story from members. If your interested in sharing a recipe that's been passed down through your family, here’s the link: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1527871/wikitree-anniversary-cookbook-family-recipe-story-would-
3) Love this Video for WikiGames, it’s for the weekend of August 25-27th https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UTsM4nLB6k
Go to the US Civil War 2023 March Challenge, so you can sign up NOW!!!