Jane hollang FitzGerald as opposed to Jane Leonard FitzGerald, Cork City, Co. Cork, Ireland

+5 votes
I need some help or maybe better said an explanation. Some trees have my Maternal Gg'mother, Jane LEONARD Fitzgerald,wife of John FitzGerald from Cork City, Co. Cork, Ireland as instead Jane HOLLAND FitzGerald!? Where does this notion come from? What are the sources for this is what I'm asking. Thanks & Be well, Jack MacDonald-Hilton
WikiTree profile: Jane FitzGerald
in Genealogy Help by Jack Hilton G2G6 Mach 5 (50.2k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes

Hi Jack (and thank you for the Fitzgerald thank you!)

It looks like the surname of Holland has come from the profile of Helena Fitzgerald. The 7th source on that profile is a death record at FamilySearch here. It records her parents as John Fitzgerald and Jane Leonard, and states that she was born in August 1863.

John Fitzgerald and Jane Leonard did have a daughter born and baptized on August 23 1863 named Ellen. You can view it here, left page, fourth entry from the bottom of the page. It appears that she was born with the name Ellen but used Helena. I can't find any other children that they had named Helena.

The confusion with the surname Holland comes from a birth registration for Helena Fitzgerald here. It would be my guess that people have been searching for Helena Fitzgerald and that is the closest birth registration that could be found.

by Simone Cody G2G6 Mach 1 (14.7k points)

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