Anyone have any information on a Levi Jackson Lewis of Indiana

+5 votes
I have been searching for anything I can find on my Lewis line for a few years. If anyone can assist I would really appreciate it. Family believes he was from Virginia. I found a census that stated Ohio.
WikiTree profile: Levi Lewis
in Genealogy Help by Ronda Lewis G2G1 (1.6k points)

3 Answers

+9 votes
Best answer
I've added a possible 1860 census and a possible marriage record to his profile, under sources.  The marriage record has the correct date, but not the correct name of Mary Jane Williams.  It's possible she was married before although if the 1860 census is correct, she was really young.  Both of these records are for Putnam County, that you have as the marriage place.  Who knew there were so many people named Levi Jackson Lewis?  The 1860 census no longer has a link on family search, so I've included the image link.

Do be careful about the FamilySearch profile attached to the marriage record as it has Levi born in 1840, which would make him too young to be married in Indiana in 1856 without guardians/parents giving permission.
by Kathy Zipperer G2G6 Pilot (514k points)
selected by Susan Laursen
Thank you Kathy! Yes that's him. Thank you for the tip on the age to marry in Indiana. Yes Mary Jane was married to a man named Henry Roth. There is a story about Henry on a Putnam County website about Murder Mysteries.
+6 votes
Mary J Williams Davis findagrave ID 155329353
by Chris Mckinnon G2G6 Pilot (710k points)
+5 votes
I'd take a look at the other Lewis's living near him in Indiana and research them. Also, take a look at his land records in Indiana. His first purchase of land there might have been before he actually moved there; the deed will list his residence. FamilySearch has many of the land records online; look for them by going through the catalog, not the main search.
by Amy Johnson G2G6 Mach 8 (82.3k points)
Thank you Amy! I haven't tried searching just land records. I did not know that about family search but it makes sense. I've found something about his wives family that way.

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