I am a direct female decendant of Rangella Ingevaldsdotter b. 1620 and have a MTDNA

+12 votes
Her mother was Anna Bryngelsson Born Svensdotter, married to Ingevald Bryngelsson...my daughter, mother and I are all direct female bloodline to these woman and have the MtDna...
WikiTree profile: Rangella Ingewaldsdotter
in Genealogy Help by
retagged by Ellen Smith
What is the haplogroup? Crossing my fingers that it is mine...you can see it on my profile. Mags

Click my name below.
Hi Mags!

I am of the H Haplogroup, also, but of a rare H2 subclade...it is an enigma!
Well I am sure you saw mine. I have a lot of people with "dotter" in the surname...
I am also mtdna haplogroup H2
Thank you Claire!...I am trying to figure out how it got to Sweden, lol...from France...I read a "new" report that has now reclassified my mtDNA...but the report isn't really "new" as it came out in 2012...so it is still an enigma!...have a great weekend!
This is from my history, glass and crystal makers from France went all over the world.  I created a free space page to house a chronicle written in the 1700s by my 4x Great Grandfather.  He lists a lot of locations he worked before becoming a master glass maker and settling in Eastern France.  

An international organization made up of descendants of glass and crystal makers called GenVerrE has been trying to trace the routes of the glassmakers.  We have seen many come from Altaire and Murano into Austria, what is now called Germany, and into Easter France.  Then we see the French glass and crystal makers going into Germany, Sweden, Belgium, England, Scandinavia, Russia, Czechoslovakia, and later Canada and even as early as Colonial America in the US.  So if one industry did this I could see where others might do the same.  

What did your ancestors do?  If any made glass you have your answer.  If something else I would look into the trade and migration patterns of that industry.  

Another thing to look at is military service.  

Hope this helps!
Wow, Laura!  Thank you for this information!

On an unrelated to mtDNA note, I have an ancestor who came to SW Germany (Birkenfeld) from Italy (exact location unknown) who was a glazier and/or galssmaker.
Jana the two glass centers in Italy that had a number of glass makers go to Europe were Altaire and Murano.   There was also glass making in Florence and Genoa but not to the extent as the first two.

If you know the surname I can see if I have anything on it in one of our databases.

Thank you, Laura!

The surname was Calcin/Calsing... (later variants also had it as Calsino). 


Just a note that mtDNA haplogroup H2 is not rare--in fact, it's pretty common--and, with about 90 subclades identified under the top-level "H," it really is insufficient to provide evidence to link anyone genealogically. H2 split from H seemingly sometime around 15,000 years ago, give or take a millennium or three. The earliest samples of H2 found in Europe so far date from the middle to late Neolithic.

In fact, the former reference standard for mtDNA, the Cambridge Reference Sequence, is a subclade of H2...H2a2a. Now, if two suspected matrilineal descendants are of different haplogroups, that is solid evidence that they do not share a maternal ancestor within thousands of years. But to be meaningful in a genealogical timeframe, an mtDNA full sequence test is really needed. The HVR1 and HVR2 panels that can sort you into upper-level clades, like H2, really can't tell you much because there are just too many people sharing the same haplogroups.

Jana I see one name, Anna Calin no s in it.  She is married to Francois Derupt and they have a daughter. Marguerite Catherine 1756-1833.

Anna died before May 15 1776  location is not listed.  Given when her daughter was born Anna's birth was likely before 1736.

Francois 1697-1790  death was February 8, 1780 Vannes le Chatel 54548

Source: Acts on Line for Vannes Le Chatel (Birth Marriage Death)1763-1792  129/467.

Not sure if the missing S makes it a different surname or a variant.

Thanks for looking for my ancestor, Laura!

Unfortunately, I do not think Calin is a surname variant.  A quick Google search brought me to this compiled family tree which gives Anna's family back one more generation. 

Thanks again!

1 Answer

+4 votes
I hope you will join WikiTree and connect your direct maternal line to that of Rangella.  Then add your MitoSearch ID to your DNA Tests page in WikiTree.

Thanks and sincerely, Peter

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (747k points)

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