Is there any definitive research on the parentage of Lewis Green b. 1724 Dinwiddie VA, father of Lewis green jr. b 1751?

+3 votes
Lewis Green b 1724 Dinwiddie VA. Believed to be the man from the now famous bear attack story, told by Daniel Boone. Some research points to Robert Green and Eleanor Duff as his parents, but  Robert’s will does not list Lewis. There is a long line of Lewis Greens, with a Lewis Green being born in 1710 in roughly the same area. Mainly, I’m looking for the Lewis Green that is the father of Lewis Green jr. b 1751 Dinwiddie. I have even seen a theory that lists Lewis Green’s father as a Native American named John running wolf Green. Help please!
in Genealogy Help by
Hi, I am having the same problem you are having.  I have someone for his father but after further research I am rethinking this. Having also seen John running fox has his father.   This sure is a confusing mess.  Have you been able to find anymore information?
Here is another confusion.The photograph on Lewis Sr. Green-15176 can not be him as photography was not developed at that time.(on FAG that photo is for his son (WT Green-5663).

In my research (see 15176) one of the sources refers to him as being dark- skinned, That lends credence to him being Running Fox.

I have been working on this on and off for years but I am not sure of it yet.
I have an article that states that states that Lewis Green Sr. is the father of James Green Sr. who was scalped by an indian.   Lewis Green Sr. was mauled by a bear.  So this follows my line.  But I also had Robert Green and Eleanor Duff as his parents.  I don't think that this is correct after seeing Lewis's description and reading about John Running Fox being his father.  I also have not seen Lewis listed with Robert Green and Eleanor Duff except on and rootsweb connect.   My information came from a Lucy White and a Dale Nelson.   But their research was done years ago before you could use the internet for research.  

I ordered a book on Robert Green and hopefully it will clear some things up.

Also can I add a picture to this so I can show you guys the article I am talking about?

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