Want to join the US Southern Colonies Project? [closed]

+20 votes

Hi WikiTreers! smiley Do you have early ancestors from Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina (Carolinas), or Georgia, or are you interested in working on pre-1776 profiles from these colonies?

The US Southern Colonies Project has teams and plenty of ways to get involved. 


- Have an interest in Southern Colonial history

- Have been on WikiTree at least 30 days

- Have made at least 100 contributions

- Have successfully taken the Pre-1700 quiz  

If you fit all those requirements, then we would love to have you as part of this project!

To Join the Project:

- Please answer (as opposed to commenting on) the question below and say that you would like to join

- Review the Team list, and let me know which Team(s) you'd like to join, and I will be in touch. Please do not comment on this post. 

Answering the question is a way for me to keep up with who wants to join. Please make sure that you're signed in when you post on here so I know who you are and can be in touch.

Many Thanks,

Greta Moody, US Southern Colonies Membership Project Coordinator

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Greta Moody G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
closed by Darlene Athey-Hill
I'm interested. I have some family I can trace back to 1720 in Maryland, but I also have some dead ends where I suspect they were in Virginia or maybe Pennsylvania. Working with the team might help me unlock those dead ends. Thanks!
Yes I"m very interested, some of my descendants arrived in Virginia 1620 & 1655,  in Penna.1683.  They all migrated south to South Carolina by 1760, served in the American Revolution.
Hi Loralee! :) Please reply with an answer not a comment. Thanks!
Hi Barry! :) Please reply with an answer and not a comment. Thanks!

I have interest in Southern Colonial history, I do have family in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, I would like to follow, the US Southern Colonies Project 

Hi Donnie, I've sent you a PM with regard to joining the project.
Ok Thanks

56 Answers

+18 votes
Yes, I would like (as circumstances permit) to participate in the US Southern Colonies Project.
by William Greer G2G1 (1.1k points)
Hi William! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+14 votes
Yes, I would like to join the US Southern Colonies Project.
by Beth Streu G2G Crew (620 points)
Hi Beth! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+13 votes
Yes, I would like to join the US Southern Colonies Project. I have ancestors in VA, NC, SC & GA and I'm interested in working on pre-1776 profiles from these colonies.
by Noma Eddings G2G6 (6.5k points)
Hi Noma! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+12 votes
Yes, I would like to join the US Southern Colonies Project. I have ancestors in VA, NC, SC, and GA, many arrived before the Revolutionary War.
by Joe Baker G2G2 (2.5k points)
Hi Joe! :) Look for an email from me for the next steps.
+12 votes
Yes, I would like to participate in the US Southern Colonies Project.
by Rick Corcoran G2G2 (2.0k points)
Hi Rick! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+11 votes
Yes, I would like to participate in this Southern Colonies Project!
by Susan Pence G2G4 (4.6k points)
Hi Susan! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+12 votes
Yes, I would love to join the Southern Colonies Project too.  Still learning, but I want to do my profiles correct the first time.
by Teresa Bruton G2G1 (1.0k points)
Hi Teresa! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+11 votes

Yes, I would like to join the US Southern Colonies Project.

by Mike Glaze G2G Crew (910 points)
Hi Mike! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+11 votes
I am very interested in the Southern Colonies Project.  I would like to participate, but I do have limited time that I can use.
by Weldon Ritchie G2G Crew (570 points)
Hi Weldon! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+11 votes
Yes! I’d love to join your project!
by Beth Ely G2G1 (1.7k points)
Hi Beth! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+11 votes
Yes, I would like to join the project. Especially NC and SC.
by Rob Overman G2G Crew (530 points)
Hi Rob! :) Look for an email from me with the next steps.
+11 votes
Almost all of my ancestors in theUS are southern colonists.  And most of the families were here pre revolution.
by Dianne Farquharson G2G3 (3.8k points)
Hi Dianne! :) Look for an email from me with next steps.
+11 votes
Yes, I believe all of my father's family pre-date 1776 and were in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
by Frances Olsen G2G2 (2.0k points)
Hi Frances! :) Look for an email from me with next steps.
+11 votes
I would like to join the Us Southern Colonies Project. My ancestor George Callahan was born Dec 27, 1765 in Maryland area. His wife Mary Wells Callahan was born around 1772.
by Katherine Wilson G2G Crew (660 points)
Hi Katherine! :) Look for an email from me with next steps.
+11 votes
Yes and I would like to participate as much as is possible with my time limitations.
by Linda Kitchens G2G2 (2.3k points)
Hi Linda! :) Look for an email from me with next steps.
+11 votes
I would like to participate in the US Southern Colonies Project. Thank you!
by J. Zerger G2G Crew (900 points)
Hi J.! :) Look for an email from me with next steps
+11 votes
My 4x great-grandfather, Joseph Morgan, was born in South Carolina in 1773.
by John Griscom G2G6 Mach 2 (21.4k points)
Hi John! :) Look for an email from me with next steps
+11 votes

Yes, I would like to join the US Southern Colonies Project, because my surname exists in the Southern Colonies, even though the documentation of a connection doesn't [yet?].

by Glenn Tuley G2G6 Mach 1 (11.9k points)
Hi Glenn! :) Look for an email from me with next steps
+11 votes
Hi Greta,

I'd like to join the US Southern Colonies Project as several of my ancestral families arrived very early in Virginia in the Colonial period. Thank you!

Deb Cavel - [Cavel-3]
by Deb Cavel G2G6 Mach 2 (26.9k points)
Hi Deb! :) Look for an email from me with next steps.
+11 votes

Yes, I would like to join the US Southern Colonies Project.

by Linda Burgess G2G Crew (530 points)
Hi Linda! :) Look for an email from me

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